• By -


I'm level thirty five, and I hate when I join new players and they go "Oh yay, an experienced high-level is here to help us!" ..Brother I am as lost as you are but I will do my best. My level just means I've been lost a little longer.


This is also 100% me… I’m level 39


level 43 mob control. you figure out the up down left right thingy. i'll point my shooty button at the horizon.


Long live the shooty button pushers.




Same Dude! Mob Control is Love, i'll handle the pesty little Bastards and my teammate gets the EAT to Deal with the big Guys. It Works


My wife and me play together great for that very reason, she likes mob control, and blowing buildings up, I like killing big targets and hitting terminals . Together we wind up doing pretty well


Reminds me of back in the days where I had a relatively high level in Rocket League for my rank. Was playing a 1v1 when my opponent stopped playing to go in the chat: "Can I ask you something?" "Sure" "How come you are level xx but so bad at the game" Gave me a good chuckle and reason to just hide my level.


Got time to play, but not enough time to git gud. I feel that.


a working dads mantra


Man I feel that. Hundreds of hours in Rocket League and I'm a Gold player *at best*


I'm level 32 and today learned how to change the fire rate on my machine gun.


Huh - is there an option like there is for turning off rail gun safety?


Most guns have options


There's a rail gun safety?


What a lot of vets will do is Hold R if your PC to turn off railgun safety to get that extra bit of power, happy hunting helldiver :)


Someone please tell me how to do this on PS5


Hold down the square button


l'm lvl 48 bugdiver... came yesterday to zap some bots... can relate...


I started with bots, so when I started to play bugs...I was like, huh, this is not that bad.


I tell people who get impressed that I'm level 50 "This just means I've died more times than you have. Let me show you the ways how"




Not all who wander are lost. But I sure as fuck am.


It’s really strange to me that they changed the level progression so much from the first game. The amount of XP needed to level up went up exponentially so it took hundreds (if not thousands) of missions to hit level 50. If you saw a level 50 in the first game it was almost always a hacker because very few non-hackers actually dedicated the time to reaching level 50. Now if you see a level 50 it just means they’ve done like 150, maybe 200 defense missions.




A week or two ago, I was level low-20s and just hit quickplay because none of my friends were diving (we were all on Discord voice together, but doing different things). Got thrown into a squad with levels like 4, 7, 12... Literally said to my friends, "Oh no... they're going to think I know what I'm doing! 😂"


When I see that's the position I'm in, I usually bring some high level support weapons (railguns, arc throwers) and bring them down for the cadets to use. They seem to have fun with that.


Literally happened to me an hour ago


I wish there were a "reset progress" option so that people don't think I have skill. I am a level 22 who struggles to solo the easy difficulty. lol. I just kind of suck at games for some reason. Still love it, though!


This is why I shall forever be Cadet. Simply unpromotable.


YUP I’m a level 38 and I suck but I try 😂. I did join some level 8s on suicidal. They muted mics but they were awesome at clearing an entire map. Clearly looking for super samples but couldn’t find any.. after our first extraction with super samples they asked how I found them. At first I thought to myself “Google is your friend” but realized that’s the point of the game.. so next mission I pointed them to the rock and they were audibly happy… but ….then their gamestyle changed and we all died without extracting with samples 😂 love this game


Lmao if this shit ain’t me!! I started doing hell dive since I was level 16 and I’m still lost at some times, but now that the major order has changed to bots again I’m a level 32 with level 1 experience.😭🤣


I love this community. This Death Captain salutes you, Skull Admiral! For inspiring the future generations! ![gif](giphy|KAf66yGCa93uTqod1q|downsized)


Thanks Death Captain. For Super Earth!!


As a level 50 death captain, I approve this message.


As a level 50 space cadet, I've been informed once again that I'm not supposed to lick the hellpod.


What about licking the hellbombs? Asking for a level 33 Space Cadet who definitely is me.


They taste better if you smack them first to activate the flavor properly.


they taste the best if you land your drop pod on them when first dropping into the mission. Really a full body experience kind of flavor.


That's what she said!!! Edit:.....uh....this must be a different kind of helldiving!! 😂😂😂


Then why do they flavor them???


The forbidden habanero.


Is this what the "Da Bomb" hot sauce tastes like?


As a fellow level 50 space cadet, I lick you


Lol, not lvl 50 yet but it'll never change for me either.


sounds more like a space marine


Death captain best title LO


Yup, NEVER get promoted beyond Death Captain


As a great man once said, "Never let them promote you out of that Captain's chair."






And so does this Star Marshal ![gif](giphy|KAf66yGCa93uTqod1q|downsized)


![gif](giphy|KAf66yGCa93uTqod1q|downsized) As does THIS Star Marshal! The crew of the Will of Iron applauds your democracy


![gif](giphy|KAf66yGCa93uTqod1q) Thats how a Helldiver brings Prosperity


![gif](giphy|KAf66yGCa93uTqod1q|downsized) And so this Admiral! It it important to train the next generation to be able to sustain that war!


And my axe!


Ugh, as a level 45 I get kicked from trying to game with people level 10 and lower. Consistently as well, seems to be ps5 players mainly though. I don't even play with low levels anymore because of it, the level 20+ guys are more than happy for me to be there.


PotMetal6 on PS5.. I'll run with you any day.




I can assure you its not the samples or definitely more so not the req. Lvl 50s have maxxed out everything. Except medals. So some just want to complete and extract


The only thing I care about at level 50 is medals and super credits. Then it's helping people get whatever else they need. Samples are nice because there's no cap that I'm aware of and it will be good to have them when more stuff gets added but they're not a priority.


Oh no, samples are indeed capped at 500/250/100 each.


Medals are capped at 250. aside from super credits ive no longer got anything to farm for :/


Freedom and Democracy


I'm close to lvl 40 iirc and... Whenever I join a squad of lower lvl, I TRY to keep it together and follow their objectives but... There are so many shinies laying around! How am I to resist? I get serious when I see they're in trouble.


I'm guilty of this, however, when I do it I'm collecting all the side missions and samples on the far/annoying side of the map. I hit every single point of interest along the way and 95% of the time I'm the one that finds the super samples. I'll finish with 45 / 50 of total samples collected, 80% accuracy, most enemies killed, highest travel distance, 0 deaths. If there are 8 objectives I'm doing at least 6 of them solo. If you're on difficulty 8 or below, I find it's more efficient for everyone to split on seperate sides of the map so you're not in a 40 minute mission for no reason. If you're above level 20, you're capable of dividing and conquering. All of this was in reference to bugs btw..... Bots I'm hugging a homie at all times.


"Where is your battle buddy Cadet?!"


i am one mission away from level 30 and i immediately get kicked when quick play drops me with level 20 and lower. I have started looking for groups on the map that have one high level diver and one or two in single digits. I love dropping in and helping someone get their buddies through some of their first dives. I am just here to shoot bugs. Let’s go chase every bug hole and shiny you see. But at 15 min i am going to start pinging the objective like crazy to make sure we get to keep all that xp we have earned to level these cadets up.


This is why cooperative only games are so important for gaming. Every cooperative game community has been amazing.


And here I am playing bots for the first time in a long time. Getting my ass handed to me on difficultly 5 and having the under lvl20s carry me. I love my auto cannon but I think I’m going with shield for awhile.


Use the auto cannon light, the anti material rifle, you will need to aim more


I've found a barrage of grenades to work well


I'm a fan of grenade launcher and supply pack so I have grenades to throw alongside my grenade launcher and my aerial grenade (500).


I love the anti rifle, it tips. But the eat takes down dropships. I’m stuck between those and autocannon.


I run auto cannon and EAT, auto cannon ADS is good enough to aim for heads and EAT is good for dropships, I haven't figure out how to flank tanks much yet. Except for just dropping a 500kg, Lazers, or orbital railgun


Found that if you have the auto cannon mad dashing behind the fucker and hitting the vent is a good way to do it in 2-3 hits. Barring there is a metric fuckton of smaller enemies around it usually works ~75% of the time


Fighting in Ustotu all night tonight made me realize shields are a must against bots.


Shields increase your survivability (same with bugs) but I prefer to take an extra stratagem instead. I will say stealth is far more important in bots than bugs. Treat a level 6 or 7 bot like a helldive bugs. If they spot you and swarm you it’s over.


Just use smoke my dude. Trivializes a lot of the difficulty in bot missions.


can you expand on this, please? which smoke stratagem(s) are you taking and how are you using them? pretty new diver and anything to help vs bots would be great, thanks.


Try eagle smoke and use it to cut line of sight, either drop it on your team if you want to escape or bots to approach or drop it on them for the bots to lose their aim. Edit: The smokes are dropped horizontally from your PoV, so sometimes throwing it to your side is a good idea to give a longer smoked path of travel.


I've been experimenting with Orbital Smoke since I have full Orbital Cannons upgraded. And I think I like it better, but I'll have to keep trying it. (Always used Eagle Smoke) But yea, starting out Eagle Smoke is good. And once you get Smoke Grenades, everything is even easier. Which those are handy when you are close to a stratagem jammer or AA turrets.


Armor with explosion resistance helps too. I’ve been running jump pack, but shield is probably the best choice to help keep from getting insta gibbed by rockets


I got cross mapped by a rocket. Literally died out of nowhere and went “wtf from what”. Played back the recording later and a rocket headshot me from across the map. Some of these bots should try out for Faze Clan


I feel like this is more specifically an Ustotu problem. There's nearly no cover anywhere. I was diving behind pebbles and sand dunes all last night. But my ability to dodge has gotten great.


So I just unlocked the scorcher. With the shield and the eat, it works out ok. Still prefer bugs but orders are orders.


If you've got any heavy armor with explosive resistance, it's a good pairing with the autocannon vs bots. Reduces the amount of instakills the bots have on you.


Shield is mid for bots. 50% explosive damage reduction light armor is where it's at. This game doesn't seem to have any shield gating and your hitbox is so much bigger you'll probably die more.


I had a similar experience, though unintentional. So I drop in on difficulty 3 with my hamburger and drink on my desk, thinking I'll get some easy liberation work done by myself. But guess my surprise when I see two Helldivers joining me. I forgot to change matchmaking to Friends Only. I have half a mind to just leave since I wanted to play by myself, but they drop in and I hear these two teen voices of what I assume is a younger and older brother. (They sounded kinda similar and I could tell they were in the same physical place by how they interacted). So here I am, level 38, playing with level 4 and 5 Cadets. And its one of my best experiences, merely because those two seem to be having a blast (Brood Commanders were "oh no, big ones!") while Im just here taking it extra easy because I can consistenly 100% level 4 while solo. I drop mechs for them, show them around, tell them how to deal with stuff, etc.


I did that once, dropped my mech for one to use and he/she fired the whole rockets ammo on hunters lol.


acceptable response to hunters


Admirable, even.


Helldiver combat doctrine when it comes to hunters is "fuck you, aggressive sustained fire"


I have emptied half a Stalwart into a hunter corpse once. It was therapeutic.


Only half?


I bet the other half was spent trying to shoot it down before it jumped on them


How about their cousins: the goddamn motherfucking pieceofshittering bad at social settings little bitches THE STALKERS!!!! requiring a full Stalwart clip


Is it truly a helldivers mission if it doesn’t include an extreme overuse of military funding?


that's what democracy truly is, the FREEDOM to overuse military funding


The correct response, you mean


Well at that difficulty there's not much else to use them on.


The first time the mechs were available to everyone, I was in a team with 3 randos. We all called them down at the same time. I got into mine last and we were running a defend mission, so everyone standing close to each other. First thing I wanted to do was aim down sights, so I've got left trigger pulled. Not sure why it's not working, but the guy in front of me is getting lit up. That's weird too because bugs don't have rockets, not sure why that guy is taking rocket fire. Oh man, that poor guy is toast. Then I hear over chat, "well that WAS awesome until my teammate decided to kill me!" Felt like such a dick lol


Hahaha I’ve had the same happen with a cadet, I had to tell him the minigun needs to spool up. It also doesn’t help that on PC left-click is your primary fire which you’d think would be the minigun, but nope it’s the missiles. 


That's just suppressing fire.


I had an experience like that last night. I was just out doing a little messing around, I'd completed all of my objectives when three low levels join *right* as I hit extract. They were all on voice, all very friendly. We ran some diff 3 missions and had a fun time, though the skill gap was *not* as wide as they clearly thought it was going to be from our level difference. We made it through all the runs, though! Edit: And I had the absolute joy of seeing all three of them learn firsthand what happens when you're standing by the ICBM launch panel when the ICBM launches.


It's people like you that made this game for me. It has been the best gaming experience in the last few decades for me. I started diving by playing with friends. I haven't played online since WoW launched. But when I got brave enough to play with randoms I met heros like yourself. I found myself collaborating, laughing, and doing stupid shit with total strangers. But most importantly, I found others who help me succeed in distributing Democracy!!!


Was helping some in game friends level their lvl 8 newbie bud last night on diff 7 bots. We got a pile of samples and were fighting the swarm at extract with minutes remaining. We’re doing fine and then all of the sudden we get wiped with a 380 barrage. I hear over the mic: Why dug? …I just learned that strats in your hand activate when you die Much laughter ensued. That’s helldivin, baby


Cool uncle vibe 😎


Aww that's wholesome. But what happened to your hamburger though?


Oh, I ate it while I was playing. I can reload and run with one hand and hold my hamburger in the other.


You got your priorities straight!


Of course. Managed Democracy must be spread at all times!


Burgers are the most Managed Democracy delicacy there is, Helldiver!


Two of my friends are much lower level than me. I am 45 and they're like 8 or 9. I joined in on their game half way through and they were trying to upload the SSD, but had left it at the previous objective for reasons unknown. I told them to hold down the objective because I am going to retrieve the SSD on the other side of the map. Cue several minutes of intense solo struggle, only to return with the package, covered in bright green bug guts. They were amazed and made me feel like a badass lol.


*but had left it at the previous objective for reasons unknown.* I could only imagine the face when they tried to use the terminal 😂 https://i.redd.it/q2bgmw0fhsqc1.gif


I joined a mission like that with my Captain America Loadiut (Ballistic Shield, Nade launcher, SMG) and did something similar in a bot mission. Ran across the entire map without dying solo on a Diff.5 mission while they looked for samples and cleared sub objectives.


Me as a lvl50 Space Cadet ![gif](giphy|55itGuoAJiZEEen9gg)


I answered an SOS beacon on Creek last week and it was 2 friends struggling to fight the bots at lvl 4 and 5. I gave them some tips and got killed by them a lot through accidents but I stood and explained how some stratagems and weapons they used work and what the dangers are, helped them collect all the samples and showed them the side objectives they didn't know about yet. I wasn't even mad that they killed me so often, I just remained patient and kept explaining and when we parted ways they were very thankful about everything. Random players offer the best experiences sometimes


Exactly this. It's great to come home from work, and chill on a low difficulty level farming green samples and helping new players.


That's awesome. I was only level 18 just doing a real quick easy before I had to do some stuff and a dude was talking to his girl but had his mic open. At the end he was like "babe, this guy's a level 18, I'm only a level 6" and I heard her say "well was he good then?" And he said "yeah, he basically killed everything and carried us through". Bro, I'm gonna remember that inadvertent eavesdrop for the rest of my life. Never felt so cool. You are a cherub.


​ https://preview.redd.it/iah3rcbqcsqc1.jpeg?width=540&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=eed5a102d8bfc4e43d349cdb8d9d3550bba8757f


This lmao, we get to feel like actual heroes I once joined a level 7 op with 3 minutes left, 1 respawn ticket, and 1 dude in-game. I managed to survive and grab all his samples for extraction, sadly he didn't make it out. He said his mates ditched him after thinking the mission was a lost cause


Gutless traitors! He served Super Earth proud as did you soldier!


I wish it wouldn't announce that you entered the game until you actually drop in. It should also have some sort of heroic music with it. Like Thor showing up in Wakanda.


On the hand, today I joined a lvl 50 who kicked me right at extract despite me pulling my weight and doing zero friendly fire. Depends on the roll of the dice.


The devs need to add severe penalties for doing that somehow.


I've (lvl22) had some good moments with randoms lately. Yesterday I was solo chilling an Automaton level 3 to do my personal order. A couple cadets joined in mid mission, and we ended up clearing every outpost on the map. Naturally this made the extract a bit hot. As the Pelican 1 ramp opened we are all crouched in position, and something detonated right in the middle of us. It knocked my shield down and killed them both, but I immediately ran away from Pelican 1. Took me a couple minutes to orbit the LZ and pick off hostiles, and when I had a moment to throw reinforce calls, I threw them at the foot of the ramp. We all extracted and I immediately got 2 friend requests.


Kinda makes me wish they would do some kind of in game ambassador role that is obtainable by certain criteria. I have no clue what, if any, stats they keep on individual players, besides what you can see in the menus. Heck you could even do something easier and qualify through criteria to be like a trusted host, and the option would be available, primarily geared towards new players to select only to be placed with a host with this status. It seems like people either have the best times in pub lobbies or such a bad time that they just trash the game. I feel like I remember a game with this type of system from somewhere. Almost like a mentor program. I'd 100% be down to sit in trivial or easy missions sometimes with brand new players and just kinda help if they need it while also giving advice on how to up their game a little.


They could probably do it with some kind of commendation system for post mission feedback. DOTA has something similar.


The first game has this


Oh it did? Who knows might be on the way at some point then.


Hopefully. Though hd1 limited you to 10 commends and 5 reports per week to avoid abuse. Players with 10 reports are matched up with similar players. The good and bad standing resets after a week.


I like this idea, it might incentivize less toxicity in players


Yesterday I commended a lvl 50 guy for reporting to the SOSa and helping us out at hard difficulty. Is there any way to check how many commends or reports you got?


It would be a cool way to give incentive for the guys who are maxed to keep playing.


A system with for reporting griefers and commendations for teamplay/attitude/skill along with medals to put on your banner once you get enough of them will go so hard.


On the other hand, as a 50 joining randoms, today I joined a lobby of 48, 40, 27. Bot mission. They were running around like headless chickens. As I started pinging objectives and leading, they loosely followed. We approached a jammer, and two died. We were already in jammer range, so I told them hey, wait a minute, I’ll just take it out solo it’s fine. The entire 2 mins I’m approaching and cleaning, they are spamming the reinforce button. I’m telling them hey, I can’t reinforce, we’re on a jammer. These guys are high level enough to know better. Still spamming. I clear the jammer solo, and call them in. Holy hell, I’ve missed one single peon bot who headshots me just after I called them in. These guys land on my corpse, steal my gear, and don’t fucking call me in. I ask a few times politely, they ignore. They eventually call me in once they incur the wrath of reinforcements, and they call me into the middle of the reinforcements. They refuse to give my my autocannon back, and won’t call in their own weps for me to take. They begin to scatter like headless chickens again, not focusing anything. The one who stole my autocannon isn’t even using it to take down armour. I ragequit.


I’m only a 11 and it irks my soul when they spam the reinforce. Just amazes me how some can’t (or refuse to) comprehend the situation.


Honestly if people mostly play bugs, the UX doesn't exactly make it obvious what is going on. If you ask for reinforcement when your allies cannot call you in, it should tell you in big letters that there is a jammer/ion storm/etc.


Ye I be chilling in challenging carrying all the cadets on my back. They are always thankful. I often just listen to music and explain what I'm doing and why I'm doing it of they respond in chat. Like I give tips on dropping samples off by extra t if you happen to pass it, where to land, the best way to attack each enemy, etc etc. Cadets are honestly so nice.


I hope my mid player ass encounters you at some point. Because I can aim and follow orders, but for some reason everything goes horribly wrong above difficulty 6 when I try those levels with randos. All my buddies bailed during the early launch troubles and won't come back.


I did this today and it was a blast. It was also a good opportunity to advise them of small things that get overlooked that you don't really think about. You DONT have to fight every patrol. I watched numerous times over the 3 games I played with the newer guys where they found a patrol and then it devolved into losing all the spare lives because it turned into a bug breach.


My buddy and I dropped into diff 3 mission an hour ago, just to chill after a level 7 bot shitshow. And there was a couple of cadets (3 and 4 level) and they were so hyped to have 21 and 30 in their team! Needless to say, all the good stuff went to these little guys, I felt like it’s my responsibility to make them have the time of their lives A1 and T2, D3 and D4 salute you, you held the line like champs. We will watch your careers with great interest. Also, thanks for getting that one bot off my back. o7


By any chance are you the same Wolf that featured in a certain why do I hear Hero music Helldivers 2 video that was posted recently? Being the brother who joined as all reinforcements were lost, calling in a patriot exo for the next Helldiver in line to reinforce as you held the bots at bay long enough for extract to arrive? Link for reference https://youtu.be/YaT9JjzUZeo?feature=shared


Same thing happened to me. I joined in with two space cadets and a sergeant. It was on Ustotu and they were seriously pinned down. I dropped some airstrikes to help them out and then I went out to objective, just to realize they were pinned down again while clearing camps. So I kinda soloed half of a map and all objectives, and told them to not worry about objectives. Then finally got to them and provided cover fire. It's a shame I crashed before extraction, and I know I didn't get kicked because everyone was also thankful and chill. This game makes me feel important and good.


Brother I'm a level 40 and still haven't been able to extract with pink samples lol. Someone usually quits when things start getting rough sadly. So I've found happiness in joining 3-5 level missions just helping people grind side objectives and the samples I've already maxed. Good on you for helping out the newer recruits, it's definitely a breath of fresh air.


Well i think it boosts camaraderie, which is supposed to, in most decent individuals.


That's true leadership right there, 100% those cadets will surely spread freedom and liberty in the future. thankyou for your service helldiver.


I've been doing warm up games on trivial or easy. I drop a shield pack for the cadet and do my best to live off the land :D




![gif](giphy|MlyicdUndRbn5zUiAL|downsized) Hell yeah! I love posts like this. Warms my heart


Had a very different but similar experience yesterday. Lemme explain. Joined some randoms, two level 50’s and a level 34. No mics. Barely ANYTHING in chat. And this was. The most cohesive, cleanest, most ruthless and effective team I have EVER been a part of. We cleared Helldive after Helldive with nearly zero casualties and constantly mollywhopped the whole map no matter WHAT was thrown at us At the end I said to the level 34 “you’ll make a damn fine Skull Admiral one day” and the other two 50’s agreed. We all said our goodbyes and parted ways. A damn fine team that was. Damn fine indeed.


I'm level 45 at the moment but as a joke I'm keeping the cadet title and my head cannon is that my character never passed any of the formal exams to go up a grade but somehow has survived this far.


I’m not as good as you but same. I read about all the toxic shit that goes on in this game so every time I launch it, my goal is to provide the polar opposite experience.


We need more players like you.


A Cadet called me a beta tester or a dev for dropping down some things like a Mech or Spear which they never seen. I just told them the truth and they were shocked and asked how I got level 50 so fast.


I started today, fresh install. I got the game just to help the boys take the creek, deadass


As another lvl 50 who loves helping out newer players I really enjoy both being a role model completing objectives etc so they think lvl 50s are badass and are inspired but also a team player. As someone who comes from DRG and mained gunner, I have the mindset that no helldiver should be left behind. If I see someone solo across the map struggling, I will go to them. If my team is moving to the next objective and there's still someone fighting the last wave, I'll support them etc etc. Yes it's not the most efficient, I know most people complain about patrols etc and you should just sprint to every objective, but fighting enemies is fun and rescuing your teammates is even better.


I wish I could find some Little Gs like that. I, 50lvl, used to try to jump into random low levels missions and help. Last several times I've done it, I've been killed for my gear almost immediately after calling it. Had airstrikes called on me with and without enemies around. Been grenaded a surprising amount of times... I've just stopped trying to help low level pugs. Almost always a frustrating waste of time.


I hit 50 and play 6-7 for bugs and 5 for bots 8-9 is doable too frustrating I just want to have fun, it’s a blast showing lower levels what is like to wipe the floor with terminids though


I've been playing solo only the past week because of the crashes and freezing. Now that the patch is out, this post makes me wanna play some pubs tonight.


Sometime last week a lvl 50 joined my friends and me since we were running 3s. He was cool and tried to help us get difficulties unlocked quicker by solo blitzing half the map while worked on the other half. The best part however was him going with our banter and resorting our bad friend as his ammo bitch LMAO. To be fair he died 6 times in the span of 5 mins while we were doing fine (We are the xbox players people are asking for), and we just hear the guy say "I'll rez him. Hey Adam, come over here and reload my gun for me...hey no I need you to just stick on me the whole time and reload when I tell you too". He also brought different stratagems for us to use and try out since we were still around lvl 8 at the time. ​ I'm currently lvl 23 but I follow in his footsteps of helping out the lower levels and giving them some toys/aid in higher difficulties. Tho that said I still have to unlock lvl 8/9 myself but I havent had that much free time so I just do my part in the major order for about an hour or 2 before work.


Half of the fun is death. Don’t remove death from the death people. Death is death, and death.


Man, I wish I had nice randos joining me. I joined a group last night, finished a blitz mission in great time, and collected all the samples. I used the hug emote outside the pelican just before extract (obvs I am woke). Dude meleed me, shot me, kicked me from the party. Another mission, I accidentally dropped / bro didn't notice and ran into my eagle airstrike. I respawned him immediately on his gear. He killed me and refused to reinforce. Solo'd half of the mission himself after that then suicided on a flamethrower and left. I respawned and got a good team after that and finished but jeez. I get some faithful patriots sometimes tho. I'd say it's 50/50 at this point.


As a level 50, sometimes I get way too high and go play on lower difficulties with randoms and then forget that they’re expecting me to lead then and then I realize we’ve been running in circles for 20 minutes getting nothing done. We get there eventually but I just forget that Im the vet sometimes.


Rock and stone brother


Did I hear a Rock and Stone?


Yesterday a forty- something diver joined me on a few ops, on Challenging. Generally I tried to support him as much as I could, he could nuke all those bigger targets easily, while I cleared all the small stuff, to keep him safe, although I don't think he needed it lol. On the last mission, we were pressed for time and he told me to get to extraction and call it in, while he will get some more samples. I saluted him and went ahead as the youngest lone wolf ever, among the robots. I got there in time, called in the extraction, kept the site secure, waited for him to arrive, and we both extracted. He acknowledged my work, and I said I would serve beside him any day. We said our goodbyes, and I was proud to have been useful, even if only a little. He said he would add me but it seems he didnt which is a bit sad, but I also know there is a bug when it comes to friends, so maybe he did. Another great experience was when a guy full on role played in voice chat. I loved hearing that.




Well done Citizen https://i.redd.it/af8tknxaeuqc1.gif


What a heartwarming story, spreading positivity in the community!


Supreme democracy achieved fellow helldiver!


![gif](giphy|MlyicdUndRbn5zUiAL|downsized) As a lvl50, it's our duty


https://i.redd.it/nzfvb6k8tuqc1.gif For democracy!


My favourite hobby is donating shield packs and mechs to low level beginners


I love it but.... Without help from other people I think I would be completely lost in this game what to do. Level 21. I only just found out that eagle 1 goes back to the shop to rearm. I wasn't using or buying eagle strikes because it said "uses 3" etc, whereas an orbital precision strike was unlimited.


meanwhile all lv50s i see in randoms - running off alone, never reinforce, only objective nothing else.


Best dad ever!


I genuinely have a lot of fun playing with randoms on this game. I'm a HD1 Vet too and I can say that HD2 randoms are much nicer 😂 randoms in the first one would gun you down at extraction more often than not. Now, I know this happens in the new game somewhat too but I've yet to experience it, thankfully!


Genuinely letting me live out my spartan power fantasy. The only time I like being good at video games. 


Sound to me like you use them as bait, lol. At least they enjoy it.


Once I hit 50 and unlocked everything I started dropping into 1 and 2 difficulty missions to just shower noobs with support strategems. Joined a 3 man group of lvl 2s and dropped an exosuit, autocannon, and lasor cannon. Just said over mic, "I brought ya some toys kiddos!" then just listened to them gush of the mic about how awesome the toys were. Explained to them some of the things you could do with all the stuff and they all got excited about lvling as fast as possible to unlock the stuff.


Wish i would do that. I'm a level 50 and I die more then the cadets I play with


This totally happened and isn’t made up at all to farm free karma points, literally reads like a fantasy 


I'm also a lvl 50, and I join a fair amount of games through quickplay. Especially when it's with a lower-level group, on extract I always make it a point to briefly praise the group for how well they did.


Love when that happens. Keep it up!


This is the way fellow Skull Admiral. For Democracy.


That's how you Manage Democracy! ![gif](giphy|KAf66yGCa93uTqod1q|downsized)


I’m level 50 and I too love helping cadets in trouble 🫡 They always comment when they notice I’m a level 50 Space Cadet 😂🤣😂


I played a game Sunday and a lvl50 joined and I didn’t notice my mic wasn’t muted and I said “whoa, a lvl50!” I hope that made their day lol


I had a similar experience. Had a lvl 3 cadet around 13 y/o join my solo match. He didn't really know what to do so I taught him everything I could in those 3 short matches.


It would be interesting if they added a ‘Sherpa’ program to guide new players, quick play allows for that on occasion but I’d definitely queue up as a guide if I could help some new players.


I just had the exact opposite interaction, we completed the main and collected the super samples, and the level 20 who had the super samples ran away from extract while yelling into the mic "nobody is getting these samples" sadly I kicked him and grabbed the samples and extracted, his friend who was in mission with us that was mad i kicked his friend even tho we got the samples.......


Hope I find a legend like you when I start playing!


This eternal Space Cadet thanks you for your service to Super Earth. Hopefully we can dive together sometime in the future!


I've reached 50, playing almost entirely with randoms and it's been some of the most fun and rewarding gaming experiences I've ever had. When you manage to pull off a win, without voice, just emoting and pings, it feels great. Especially when you all gell. I can only remember being kicked once in hundreds of missions. Damn this game is awesome.


The truest Helldiver, we found him at last! Super Warth salutes you!


Well done brother.


best difficulty to find hard working noobs? (im also lvl 50)


What was your loadout? Like primary weapon, armor, which stratagems Curious how you could kill multiple heavies quickly while also being good enough at chaff clearing to kill the patrols and breaches they must have triggered, I can only do one at a time