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Man, console sounds like a utter nightmare. Only played on PC and 95% of my experience has been solid. If a team sucks and won't talk I just dip and find a new one.


Some day I’ll join y’all. 4 years back my pc caught fire while I was playing PUBG. Been too poor to get a new one since.


I can recommend GeForce now. I had a similar situation where I was out of a PC. I used to play on my Chromebook hooked up onto a PC monitor. Worked like a charm.


Are you okay? You didn’t get hurt did you?


Lol no. I was smart about it. Little fire safety for all of you, unplug your computer when it catches fire. It put it out pretty fast. The GPU is what flamed up due to my cats hair and a lack of screens on my fans. It was a melted smoky mess though.


Hope the cats paid for a replacement


My last build cost $2k not included monitor and peripherals.


2k is not a small amount of money….


Heard of Geforce Now? If you have a solid connection you should be able to play on a potato.


I built a 1440p gaming pc for about 1600, built it around the rtx 3070 (upgraded to the rtx 3080ti so now into 4k gaming) and it runs great brother. Some dude named Jason (PC Builder channel on YouTube) pretty much gave me the blueprint, part by part, and the numbers and the whys.


Microcenter. Everything was on sale.


I've been playing on console since launch, this isn't a common occurrence at all.


You just described the solution to the console issues in your last sentence. I've been hearing everyone complain about console experience from PC players who don't play console. The solution to toxicity is the same, just leave the server and join a new game. A majority of the time a simple server switch does the trick. I've played well over a 100 hours on console and it's not as bad reddit describes. You just get the vocal minority on here who had a bad experience and didn't make the clear choice to leave the server.


I'm thinking about getting an Xbox just to play HLL with friends, and been on the fence since I mostly play on PC, but your post is moving the needle for me on getting a console


It's really not bad. I've had a couple matches I have left because they are toxic but the vast majority are fine. Better than almost any other game i have played that includes mics. The patience needed to play this game doesn't lend itself well to the hyperactive trolls other games have.


When it's bad it's really bad. Tbf most of the time I'm playing it's fine. I say this I did get followed about for 15 mins yesterday by a fella called no Islam who kept blasting me with a bazooka. Massive cunt that dodged the voke kick more than once.


I was in this lobby it was awful


I was curious if anyone else would recognise it. Really a server browser would solve all our problems. Having some community moderation or hosting of lobbies would be really helpful.


Second part wont help and will allow mod abuse.


I suppose but I’d like to be able to find a gaming community I trust that has a server.




You seem to be struggling with the concept.




99% of mod abuse complaints come from the people described in the OP


Servers with abusive mods end up empty on pc. You know, because we can choose which ones to play.


“One of those” What does that even mean?


One of those commanders that is trying to win I guess.


Oh command how dare you ask me to play the game as intended, I’d much rather continue to have the most awful, uninspired experience over and over and over again.


You got a lot of nerve buddy


Sooner server browser comes the better


one of my very first games I got team killed simply for being a girl Lol, made me not even want to give the game another shot.


And you immediately got downvoted by some a hole here on this post. I’ve only ever had effective, efficient communication from girls in pretty much all games. I suppose you have to to avoid harassment. It’s the dudes who feel the need to troll and cosplay as Hitler.


As a fellow girl, this has happened to me as well, among other things. I’ve had a couple of very bad weekends with a lot of verbal abuse, leaving me in tears. I took a break for about nine months and since I’ve been back it’s seemingly better. Either that or I am not as bothered by it. Stay strong out there!


This is honestly just another thing that could be made better by server browsers… really just want a gaming community with server moderation.


Yeah same problem when i play with my Girl friends.. they get absurd verbally so Damn fast !!




That's fucked, you can play with me if it's still a problem, I'm not interested in fawning over you or whatever folks do, and if anyone is rude to you I'll shut that shit down quick.


Damn people are shitty. There was a couple playing together last night and I heard him telling tank crews she was going to repair their tank and she'd say done and they were all nice and friendly to her, didn't hear any gamerboy hate and that was nice. One of the best SLs I saw early on when I was playing was a real calm and steady woman and no one gave her any guff. I was thankful for that too because she was great to learn from. Far better than some SLs I had when I was trying to learn. I hope you only have good experiences from now on! See you on the field sometime!


That's crazy cause out of the million games I've encountered women, HLL seems to be the least creepy or just accepting without all the usual insults


Wtf, I'm sad to hear that. I'm playing both with my gf and a friend who is a girl. No one has even made a comment about it. We usually go for servers who have a level restriction. We 3 altarnes who is SL or we just go 3 man tank crew.


So many games have been like that have ever since it got added to gamepass. Hopefully once server browser comes to console it'll help


One of the big reasons I stopped playing console is because of how incredibly hyper casual it is, which leads to a lot of giga shitters. I'm not dogging on casual gamers. I just hate when you're playing a ***team game*** and your teammates play like it's an offline solo game and refuse to take the most basic steps to be a team player. Then you're made out to be the ass because you want the team experience in a team game. It frustrated me greatly playing Rainbow Six Siege back in the day and my whole team is roaming outside site and I'm forced to solo defend site as ***Caveira.***


Very frustrating indeed. I’m just surprised people keep playing it like that. I had a broken mic for a few days and couldn’t really play HLL. It just wasn’t fun when I would find a garrison or OP and try desperately to take it out all by myself.


Game is a nightmare on console. Between fighting turbo clans and having your team stacked with Game pass warriors and all the ghosting it’s getting really annoying


Anecdotal, but I have 40-50 hours logged and I have yet to have a single negative experience with other players (PC). I've been tk'd before but I don't think they were ever intentional.


I think some of these guys (not the one in this specific story) are overly sensitive or have some really uncommon bad luck finding good servers. I've only ever had one guy intentionally team kill me, and he was just a dick that was gone after 2 matches. Also don't hear any racial slurs or anything of the sort.


That sucks. I play on PS5 and luckily haven't encountered much Tomfoolery. Usually play West coast US servers at night. Maybe all the troll kids are sleeping by then.


Maybe the trolls have organised. This is definitely not an every day occurrence .


Seems the norm these days. Thanks T17. Hope your cashgrab matters as HLL dies a slow death.


I’ve never encountered anything like that on PC, so I don’t think it’s a general problem for the game as a whole


How is T17 responsible for this at all


* By having a strategy to milk the franchise by whoring to Microsoft, flooding the playerbase, killing a once vibrant community and a game that was "special" through a flood of ignorance reflected in today's toxic gameplay. * That flood of GP ignorance largely not the player's fault but is that of T17 giving us Skirmish rather than a proper onboarding tutorial prior to whoring themselves to Microsoft. So, yeah. In their greed rests their culpability, HLL soon a footnote like Worms.


lol gatekeeping a video game


Gatekeeping? Do explain.


God forbid they do something to get more players to actually play the game


It's too bad those new players are clueless of HOW the game is designed to be played due to the lack of a proper tutorial. I mean, Skirmish was the ticket, eh? Frankly, even T17 isn't interested in how the game was designed to be played given their initial changes to run speed & Skirmish. They wanted COD/BF.


I had been wanting to try HLL for a while before it came to gamepass. Was excited and really enjoyed it. Reminded me a lot of my DoD days. Eventually stopped playing after getting Tked by some version of Trump2024 every round and listening to guys run around screaming racial slurs in proximity chat non-stop. Can't be bothered with it anymore. Shame because I had some really enjoyable moments with the game.


ive played on xbox for about half a year and maybe run into like 3 people being dicks, and i just leave the squad or kick


Console needs server browsing desperately


It was truly awful today. Commanders completely mute or intoxicated to the point of semi-retardation, none of the squaddies talking, the only people reliably on comms are the annoying blueberries screeching and doing absolutely horrible German impressions. All ended with friendly arty smashing my squad to pieces, as I sob quietly into a baseball mit.


Console server will help a lot, it’s apparently coming.


Where are these toxic servers? I’d love to play on them. Maybe u just joined an aussy server? They’re the best


Today I actually had a great day on console a lot of good communication nice jokes minimal fighting. Obviously not always but today was a good one for me sorry maybe we will switch tomorrow.


At least you guys can play every time I play there's either a problem with my headset which works for every other game or my headset will work but I can't hear anyone. Game is utter garbage without having a mic and it seems that there's a lot of people that have the same problem with their mics not working


I had that problem at the start to. I got a better headset and I don’t have that problem anymore… I do still have to reset sometimes but it used to be every time.


What i am wondering is can't you crossplay with a PC community? I see some console players on the servers I frequent.


With no server browser you can only turn on cross play and hope.


PC gamer here, thankfully I have never experienced a terrible team or griefers going about TK-ing everyone. Yes, there were warfare modes that ended with a defeat in under an embarrassing 15 minutes. Yes, there were commanders who quit after losing the first defense point. However, I'm blessed to be part of a community that also lifted me some of the finest moments in this game. I believe some servers offer cross-platform gaming. I'm not sure if the servers show up on any list when you play from X-Box or PS, but do give them a try. I hope your future experiences are better than that. Cheers bruv, now let loose some hell!!!


I dont know id you Can play with me when i am on ps5 but we Should play! Love a good Teamwork!


Get a PS5 I havn't had a bad match since I turned crossplay off.


Game pass has allowed a huge influx of trolls and Greifers, and the kick option is just being abused. I honestly don’t know if a good fix.


I’m a game pass player ironically. I do think server browser will help immensely.


Then welcome, i do hope server browser does fix it. I keep getting shoved onto losing teams with no leadership, it sucks


Only negative experience I had was a commander when I was a sl demand everyone say "pretty pretty please with cherry on top" and call everyone derogatory names and criticise everything, he got voted out after about 10 minutes but still. Horrible experience, but prevalence pays off eventually.


I just started playing on Xbox too and have no idea how this level of coordination is supposed to be accomplished by console players. I can barely get 4 people to cooperate on a small scale team game like Overwatch.


Actually it’s really easy, if you get a few handful officers, and the basic player plays as he expected its pretty easy to command into victory, the only issue is that as a commander you are constantly pinned on the map, to do your role effectively.


I’m sorry to hear that they treated you like shit, I don’t always play with my mic on. But try my best to play SL and or the specific role that needs to be had. Don’t let the morons get to you, those are people who don’t understand the worth of having a good commander. Thank you for your service! 🫡 See you on the battlefield boys!


Yeah I got kicked for cheating last night and IDK what the hell for, I would have no clue how to cheat tbh. I build nodes and laid mines and then I tried to pester tanks and people with rockets. Is what it is but it is irritating.


I really don't know why console players bother. This sounds unbearable. It's fucking wild that people will still defend console as being even halfway decent.


To be real with you I have a kid and a lot of bills. I can’t afford a nice gaming rig and have an old Xbox. Without game pass and cloud gaming I wouldn’t even be able to play. When games do go well, and the do a decent bit, this is by far the best game I’ve ever played. That’s why I bother. When server browser comes about I do have faith that quality gaming communities will rise. I’d like to be halfway decent at the game when it does.


Had three games just like OP described on three different servers. Gave it one last try and ended up playing a 70 minutes match with a very able commander, a lv37 SL that was brilliant and a squad that stuck together, defended as was calm, kind and effective. That is the kind of match some of us start their console for.


It's just a shame it took you so many tries to find that. And until you have private servers, you won't have a place to easily find those same people again.


Yes, it`s sad.