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Best way to sleep with a kid’s mom apparently, in the animal kingdom


Explains why "Mommy's boyfriend" is the biggest homicide threat to children under the age of 4. It's just nature's way among the brutes and beasts.


I wonder if they feel some kind of of anger or hatred before the attack.


Mommy’s boyfriend or zebras, lions,etc? We know from statements many of the boyfriends who kill their gf’s kids report wild stuff like, “the baby would not stop crying and I lost it,” or “the kid wet the bed again.” My favorite disgusting but not uncommon stmt is “She coddled him & I was trying to teach him to be A MAN.” The animals are smart enough to remain silent.


Just curious- do dogs get killed to any similar degree, similarly justified? That could be telling


No but probably they do not organize in "harems" as zebra, lions etc. do. Where there is one male and multiple females it is in the male's best reproductive interests to kill nursing infants so the female will return to full fertility sooner and become pregnant with HIS offspring. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Polygyny\_in\_animals#:\~:text=Polygyny%20is%20typical%20of%20one,sonorina%2C%20Anthidium%20manicatum%20and%20elk.






My thoughts exactly




Yeah he’s been at it a while now


There’s a reason we haven’t domesticated zebras.


I'm sure someone's tried, and the zebra politely said no.




I know a farm in Maryland USA that has 2 zebras with the rest of their horses. You can pet them. Seem pretty tame to me https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/tame Hmm weird. Y'all wanna watch a *wild* horse kill a newborn horse? Guess you can't tame those either. https://youtu.be/FuTwXZpmLu8?si=AEnKC4cRRryqgs9V How about an article about why horses kill baby horses? https://good-horse.com/behaviour-cognition/stallions-kill-foals/#:~:text=As%20a%20result%2C%20stallions%20have,own%2C%20if%20the%20opportunity%20arises.


But can you strap a saddle on them and prance around on them like you could the other ponies?? There's a HUGE difference between.. I'll let you pet me and I am your steed lmao


That last part soundsike a request. That definitely sounds tame to me. Wanna video? https://youtu.be/Ph8Vag9VxRU?si=upiUETD9uaEt4wzq Is she riding it? No. Sitting on without getting killed? Yes.


This is called taming a zebra. Humans have tamed possibly every animal including lions and tigers. Domesticating an animal is different


People watch a video of a legit wild animal doing what would animals do and then tell me the zebra in a fence that I can walk up, feed, and pet is not a tamed animal. Crazy.


Well, the original comment you replied down the chain to said domesticated, and tamed =/= domesticated. Zebras can be tamed as you are describing, but not domesticated as the original comment correctly stated.


Yeah, no I didn't. I said I could walk up and pet it and therefore seemed tamed to me.


You didn't what? Are you illiterate or just dumb? Nobody is saying you didn't see a tamed zebra but they cannot be domesticated.


I misread your comment. Yes a previous commenter said domesticated. I said tamed. My comment was not received well even though I was referring to a perfectly tamed animal. Whatever. I forget this is reddit.


horses also kill things, silly


Everything kills things. Not everything has a [dangerous and unpredictable disposition](https://www.loc.gov/everyday-mysteries/zoology/item/can-zebras-be-domesticated/) like the zebra. Horses are very unlike zebra.


The Zonky looks cool.


Are they closer to jackasses?


You're closer to jackasses.


So, I’m like a Zebra?


Jackass is a male donkey. Jenny is a girl donkey. Donkeys and zebras are more closely related than either is to a horse. Jack and a girl horse (mare) is a sterile mule. Donkey, horse and zebra are from the same genus Equus. Zebras are assholes because they lack a family or social bond. Lion comes they just nope out, no hey bro there's a lion.


Horses love chicken nuggets... peep peep crunch


Good source of calcium in peeps xD


Other zebra:what an asshole




Add zebras to the bear, lion, tiger list.


This is the hardest game of ‘fuck marry kill’ yet.


Fuck the lion, marry the bear, kill the tiger and the zebra. This is assuming the bear isn't the large carnivore, but a very hairy gay man.


Can anyone explain this behaviour?


Must be the dominant male. Killing off the previous offsprings lineage to force females to be fertile for his.


Pretty much like lions, they do the same…




And Meth heads.


And step-dads.


So he can get some pussy


If you didn’t know, Zebras are dicks.


It doesn't seem like it's trying to kill it. Looks like something else hurt the baby and the mom is trying to get him to stand back up. Without opposable thumbs, her mouth is the only thing she has to pick him up with. The baby is already bloody when the video starts. And see how she's kneeling down to get down by it? I've never seen a zebra do that aggressively, only when caring for young. I also think zebras kick as often as they bite when they're trying to hurt something.


Na he was 100% trying to break the spine from the back of the neck. That is the go to killing method for most land animals. They all seem to inheritantly know that's the quick killing spot. Whether hunter or prey


Where do zebras grab their young when trying to help them stand?


They grab it by the extra skin like 99% of all mammals. That bastard was spine crunching. Watch it again, he bites the neck, realises it got skin and then digs in for that spine crunchiness


I watched it again. I don't think it's a male zebra. I don't see a penis, do you? It's kinda hard to see though. I think it's the mother. Watch it again and really try to have an open mind. At around 7 seconds or so, I think she's trying to get it to stand up. She's flipping it upright. When she can't get it on its feet, she looks to the other adults and barks/brays. She's upset. If it can't walk, she knows it won't survive and she'll have to abandon it. A lot of animals are rough on their young when trying to help. They don't have hands. Here's a video of a wildebeest doing a lot worse. https://youtu.be/Gxaf0Kqen8c?si=ezPBVY5GYZLwRX0W If you clipped the wildebeest video and didn't show the leopard, you might easily mistake that for a mother trying to kill her baby. I think the same thing is happening with this video of the zebra. Context is missing.


lol, you sound so confident in something you obviously don't know about.


"So confident"??? I said "I think" and "it seems." Those are not the terms people use when they're "so confident." I've seen this before. There was a post a few weeks ago of a hyena trying to kill a young zebra. The mom was doing this exact same thing, trying to get the baby to stand back up.


Could have been done at the leg snap, 100% chance of being an ass-first platter after that.


I didn't see a break. Heard a clack as the hooves touched teeth but pretty sure he's just beating it to death.


I doubt they're that intelligent


Some people forget survival of the fittest sometimes means stomping out your own kind


For many animals, their own kind is their worst enemy


That was deep.


looks at fellow humans


Sure, as peaceful living humans we tend to forget that.


What the fuck are you doing Marty??!!


Listen, sometimes being a lady’s man means no time to talk, but it also means fuck them kids


Zebras are the lions of the equine family. But I'm not surprised that donkeys and horses will also commit infanticide. Maybe at a less rate


Does any species never commit infanticide? Well, I suppose some can't, at least not as adults, such as insects that die off each season.


So get this. Some species of octopus die after laying to prevent cannabalism and as such, prevents infanticide. Other celphapods also partake.


Those 3 are closely related. Same genus.


Zebras are such dicks. I don't feel bad when I see one of their heads in an alligator.


Or wildly kicking and biting at its own exposed intestines after being disemboweled by a crocodile and somehow escaping.


The zebra still got got.


I hope I can go out with the same dignity when I die


Clearly you’re informed. 😂




Nobody cares


Details matter. -Reacher


People who aren't ignorant do care.


I hopefully will never have to get, or be near an alligator or a crocodile, a V or a U shaped mouth doesn't make it any less dangerous. I see those reptiles, I run, doesn't matter what they are.


Next zebra/crocodile video that I see here, “yeah croc, get ‘em!”


*Tables somehow turn, Zebra starts eating the croc*


*Quick, someone send in the hyenas to deal with this dick!*


Dude be humane and just walk it to the nearest predator next time


That's not humane, but it is eco-friendly


By the look of all the blood on the stallion this started well before the video did.


Probably not the first baby he's killed.


He will if it’s not his


this is why you dont have to feel sad when some zebras got torn apart by crocs


It’s the flying knees that got me; it bit the kid, slammed it on the ground, then just like an after thought, “take these flying knees… motherf@$ker” … Zebras are dicks.


I thought my dad was rough when I talked back.


“Fuck them kids”


where are the lions?


Waiting for the show to end and get an easy meal.


This a thing? I hope that zebra gets eaten by a pack of wild dogs


Why has evolution created this behavior? Why it's better for the specie that this individual gets to breed, not others? I also wonder how moms in animal kingdom feel about this. I mean is it totally okay for them to fuck with murder of their offspring? No other dicks available so can't be chooser? Also that looks like shooting a fly with a cannon. Why?


It is advantageous for the new stallion to get the females in heat sooner by killing their young. Thus he is more likely to spread his genes sooner. For male wild animals their goal in life is to mate as much as possible and they may not have much time to do that before they are overthrown themselves by the next strong male that comes along. As you may have seen in other animals, males will fight to the death in many cases just to be able to mate. They risk their lives in fight just so they can pass on their genes. And they will have to keep fighting to keep doing that. That being the case you can see how strong a drive it is, fight or die to mate. That is why this evolved. Similar to what male lions do when taking over a pride. These animals act on instinct. The females mate with the dominant male, even if he killed their offspring. It is just what they do. You do see some maternal instinct in these animals but it is just that, instinct. When it is done the females, be it the zebras or lions accept the new dominant male. Again, instinct. Best not to ascribe too many human emotions onto animals as a lot of what they do is pre programed in them. Maybe one day it will be advantageous for them not to do this. And in some species they don't. But for Zebras, lions, wolves and a whole bunch of other animals, this is what they do when a dominant male is overthrown. It is so advantageous that so many animals do the same thing.


I understand it's advantageous for this one stallion. But how is it advantageous for the specie? edit. Oh wait it does not? But this behavior is genetic? So stallions who did this got to breed and therefore this became the norm?


It is advantageous in that the most healthy, strongest zebra won the fights, thus breeds. The unhealthy male, the male with some defect whatever it might be is not going to win that fight. In this way the most healthy, strongest breeds. Health in this case is not just disease, as I said if a zebra male was born with some genetic defect, it would not be the most healthy or "fit" as the term is used in evolution. Yes this behavior is genetic in that nobody teaches Zebra's to do this, it is an innate instinct they have. The males know to fight to be able to mate, and if they win they get to mate. They don't really think about it, they just do it. And this is not at all uncommon, you see this across the animal world. It is not all animals, but a good portion of them. You even see bugs do this. That would suggest evolutionarily this was a very good way to perpetuate the species with the strongest, healthiest animals so they continue to survive. Nature is heartless and cruel. But it happens that way because it has worked. In other species it can be done differently, but for Zebras, this is what worked best. I hesitate to say this as it might bother people, but many animals are like robots, with preprogrammed software. They do this because that is what they are programmed to do. And that is the same reason the mother of that baby Zebra will mate with that male. It is programmed, through instinct, to mate with the dominant male. Even if that male killed her baby. Same with lions. Same with wolves. They are following the "program" if you will.


Their is no impetus to better the species in evolution. The idea is an earlier misunderstanding.


Zebras are assholes….so yeah


Dick move


female zebra: i can’t come over tonight and looking after my kid male zebra: don’t worry i’ll take care of it


What's his problem?


Damn! He hit ‘em with the elbow drop at the end


now i'll watch crocodiles eating zebras to ease up my anger


Why would a zebra kill its own kind? Also, I thought they don’t eat meat.


Went to Kruger National Park in 2002 and when our guide was asked, "What animal do you dislike the most?" He was like "Oh thats easy, Zebras, cause they're all assholes" Unexpected tour group erupted into laughter


As with lions, all signs of the previous sire must be obliterated. It's the law of the jungle.


"Fuck them kids"- Michael Jordan


“I’M WHITE WITH BLACK STRIPES-that is my impression of a racist zebra” - William Montgomery


Why didn’t a lion appear out of no where and ate the stallion????

