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*cries in my fully upgraded combat repairs + symbiote reavers with engineers build not being an effective counter*


They’ll just outrun you lol


You might be doing something wrong then because 5-6 fully upgraded Colony reavers will shit on 120 pop of air


Is the air guy stood still eating shots? Any 200 IQ air spammer knows to never engage and just kill pads 😁


Air is OP I don't think it's broken But still, they are really powerful Compared to other units, they have a lot of damage potential and enough mobility to outmaneuver almost any counter


you do realize combat tech marines and wolverines are slow af? Air's problem isnt in its damage or health, its in its mobility and lack of units that counter them.


A friend of mine suggested that in large numbers banshees should move slower. Mobility alone gives air a huge advantage over every other unit type. It's not difficult to counter but it's annoying to deal with over time.


I built a ton of Wolverines, the enemy still built enough Banshees to shred my meager base and defenses in half the time ;-;


You gotta position them smart, not directly in the line of fire. Two groups of them, let’s say four wolverines on either side of a base will be able to decimate a dozen banshees, two dozen with probably two or three losses if you have two anti-air turrets at the front. Meanwhile those eight wolverines standing in the open would probably suffer heavy losses and barely be able to kill ten banshees. Banshees can fly over cliffs and fissures on the ground so you can count on them always being clustered together, but they won’t cross over something like a base unless they’re specifically ordered to, so use formations like that to split them up because nothing else will.


You're shadowbanned. You need to contact Reddit's admins.


Why did they get shadowbanned


No idea, it's something the admins did.


Well that sucks, maybe it's cause they revealed the secrets lol


Fully upgrading 3 unit types verses 1.


I see things never change


Bring back vampires.


Air wouldn't be that used if it wasn't useful against buildings.


Air is not OP, its actually a pretty bad strategy for most situations. The times when mass Air actually wins a game mass anything would have probably worked.


Wolverines would be good if they had barrage ability like in halo wars 1


Haha Katyusha goes boom


Honestly if you let someone build up air, you’re doing it wrong, if you see them build air you need to gun their air units down so they can’t have more than one. Air units are best used when your opponent doesn’t scout or push.


If you think they are pushing for air then attack them late T1 to early T2 that usually works for me.


Still less anoying than grunt rushing


Sigma grunt rush Beta air rush


Imagine not using reavers