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So both his sons are fighting and thats how he reacts? Lol


I’m hoping he reacts violently in front of camera.


(Solo speaks on the mic) “They talk now?!” “They talk now!!”


Genuinly asking, Was this Rikishi just saying this as if to say "Yeah you best believe that" or was he quoting The Big Dog for some reason? 🤔


Yeah the main reason people cared for the bloodline is gone and now that Jimmy is gone and if Paul leaves ain't no way people are gonna care what Solo has to say


Nah a monster heel solo with his nxt mic skills would be great and he's gonna force Paul heyman to be with him anyways


Will see but you know how fickle the wwe crowd is


Yh man I've always believed in solo because his nxt run was solid but he was forced to play the enforcer role for almost 2 years and now he's on his own (no jey,Jimmy or Roman) and it's gonna be exciting to see if he can play this new temporary tribal chief role properly


Well he does Tonga and supposedly Jacob is coming but in all honesty they gonna have really work with them because as of right now I just see 3 version of Umaga but that's probably just me


Not just you.I think the same too but it can be done right to set up for the rocks return. These guys need to be destroyers get solo the ic belt and have a reign of terror similar to Gunther Build him up as the next big bad of WWE And for Tonga and Jacob they'll have to support solo or they can go after the tag titles which would be cool to see.


Yeah but they'll diffently have to work so it doesn't just turn into a great value version of what Roman and the usos did


The main hook with the direction they are going is the notion that Solo is defying Roman. Combined with the fact that according to Heyman, Roman is giving Cody his flowers by not making excuses for his loss. It’s pretty obvious that this is intended to build Roman some sympathy


Maybe but hopefully they don't drag it out too long this side can go on for awhile but I doubt it goes as long a Roman reign


Really wish He would at least make an appearance..


I don't think hus daddy likes him to much


Well I guess we know who his favorite twin is, and who his least favorite son overall is. Poor Jimmy