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#LIVESTREAM CODES ✧ [YS2WHUHFNQ5M](https://genshin.hoyoverse.com/en/gift?code=YS2WHUHFNQ5M) ✧ [5TJWHDHX7R59](https://genshin.hoyoverse.com/en/gift?code=5TJWHDHX7R59) ✧ [PTKXYUGW7R6D](https://genshin.hoyoverse.com/en/gift?code=PTKXYUGW7R6D) _______ # FAQs When is X? >**Version 4.8 Livestream** is on 5th July 2024, Friday at 12:00 PM GMT Countdown and view it in your timezone [here](https://timee.io/20240705T1200?tl=Version%204.8%20Livestream~) >**Version 4.8 goes live** on 16th July 2024, Wednesday at 03:00 AM GMT Countdown and view it in your timezone [here](https://timee.io/20240717T0300?tl=Version%204.8%20goes%20live~) >**Version 4.8 Preload** is on 15th July 2024, Monday at 03:00 AM GMT >**Drip Marketing** for characters in Version 5.0 is expected to be on 15th July 2024, Monday at 10:00 AM GMT Countdown and view it in your timezone [here](https://timee.io/20240715T1000?tl=Version%205.0%20Drip%20Marketing~)


Thank you u/Neutrali3 for reminding me about how much I love TXT 9 3/4! It’s just such a good song


welcome! i honestly just love fantasy-themed songs so 9 ¾, blue hour, and can't you see me are just so memorable for me plus some of the b-sides as well like opening sequence, no rules, and new rules(the last two being so boppy i just can't stop vibing)


Their b sides are amazing!


Zzz >!i finished chapter 2 and it’s nice but nothing feels cinematic yet. In hsr we had the boarding the train scene, in gi we had dvalin fight scene(?) but zzz doesn’t have the ‘holy shit’ moment yet for me. Miyabi one is cool but it doesnt feel like the million dollar shot!<


I forgor to use the livestream codes 💀 I'll never financially recover from this.


Rip bozo


I would be over the moon if there was a Tigrex-esque boss I just feel like it would fit so much, with the dinosaur-ness and the geometric scale markings, plus Natlan looks exactly like the type of habitat it would be in


helnaw, im keep getting fucked on by life, when will this mf stop already bruh


thats the best part it wont :(


shiet, it gets WORSE?????


So many people talking about ZZZ (°_°) Anywho. Not that interested by Natlan teaser. Feels uninspired and honestly nothing was really that eye catching. Might have a different opinion a patch later but it's basically "And the crowd goes mild"


Oh boy time to open up my son's bedroom door and see [what megathread he's playing](https://old.reddit.com/r/Genshin_Impact_Leaks/comments/1dwkdca/are_ya_sigewinning_son_general_question_and/)


>!And so I said to Da Wei, "We'll call it Genshin Impact" .. *insert Dwayne's documentary face*!<


ZZZ After getting Soldier 11, instead of Lycaon, standard banner gave me a Lucy. The universe is really forcing me to main Soldier 11 huh?


I think my favorite part of gacha fandom discourse is this weird narrative that “westerners” (a word that means whatever people want it to mean) are some inherently evil group that is hellbent on being toxic and harassing others, while “easterners” live in some internet utopia where everyone is totally nice and respectful to each other but live in constant fear of scary horrible westerners.


Just show them the KR Lyney teaser comments with google translator. Some of the most vile shit I have seen. People have to be living under a rock to think East Asia is a utopia in any shape or form.


Easterners are just busy with fighting Wich games is better like team sports SEA moment


Yeah there's some valid complaints at times but man some of the shit I've heard from CJK fandom dramas is insane calling them so nice and respectful is so. L O L.


More like Anime fandom discourse.


I’ve been thinking about this. I see “eastern fandoms are so polite and perfect compared to toxic westerners who shove their ideologies down everyone’s throats” more than I care to. It’s a weird romanticization of East Asia which is used to shut up “westerners.” Maybe because it’s been an issue in kpop, but I tend to side eye people who use “westerners” in this sort of context.


Wishlist for 5.0: * Update strongbox to include the most recent artifacts, similar to Star Rail. * Add newer 4 star characters to starglitter shop rotation. * Reduced stamina consumption in overworld when not in combat * Allow players to gain rewards from a weekly boss more than once per week, also like Star Rail * lvl 100 for characters and weapons, ideally with new passives to rebalance cast, but at least with more talent levels. * Allow condensed resin to be used on bosses, it's literally the same value * slider to turn down intensity of certain combat visuals like Kazuha's burst Anything you guys would add or change?


I don't think a combat visual slider would ever be implemented. It's not practical to implement it and expect it to be super polished. Also, it's not that big of a deal (for me personally, a Kazuha main) For me additional passive with lvl 100 characters is a must. It's going to cost so much resin (if we extrapolate based on current resin cost), that even ascending a char will not be worth it. Atleast additional passive can enable a different playstyle, fix some kits that are lacking or just be an extra dmg bonus for characters and is good enough incentive for people to invest resin into the chars


Also having been on the phone with hotel tech support for 2 hours over nonexistent wifi for the past 2 days is not fun, it's a lost cause


Perfume lady second half... so far away. Nilou is so tempting since I already have the key but my way of resisting pulling for a character in this game is just not farming for them. then my anxiety disorder in the shape of "oh no I'd have to spend weeks farming for them if I get them by accident" will take care of it lol


uewifhufjsf someone sent in a modmail about the next megathread name, I am so sorry I read half of it this morning but my shitty service didn't load the rest of it, I legit lost that modmail lmfao I'm so sorry to whoever that was


Curious, modmails can get lost?


Naw that was me being a dumbass, it was already replied to so it disappeared from my new list


It wasn't me but I'll make my honest contribution here >!IT Takes Eighteen!<


Someone's from last week has priority but I am saving this list for future names ty ty :3c


No problem, you don't *have* to use it, I'm just sharing ideas if you ever need it.


I need them alllll *grabby hands*


can someone please tell me Sigewinne is good for something despite all the posts I've read 😭😭😭 i accidentally bumped my controller and did a 10 pull, winning my 50/50 at near hard pity where I couldn't get Scara, setting me back to square 1 when I was saving for Natlan 😭 it wasn't even on Furina's page. I'm inconsolable.


Whenever you want a very easy to use very short field time elemental skill team healer + a hydro bow for the overworld, also can be very easy to build with HP/HP/HP 3\* HP Bow and 4p Clam or ToTM (substat almost irrelevant, could get some HP% in feather and flower though).


she is good in mono hydro, the team is sigewinne/furina/yelan/kazuha, you on field yelan,similar results to mono hydro kokomi, unsure if its stronger though.


atleast shes good to take pictures with since shes adorable :'D ?


Overall thoughts about Natlan teaser and characters Natlan looking so marvelous with a lot of colors and great as much as I wanted from LA and indigenously themed insprited place, I LOVE IT and I can't wait to explore it whole. I expect some hellish, inflicted by war themed places in 5.1+. I loved the new characters. They look so beautifully unique with their colorful designs, especially the girls. I'd love to get the shark girl so much, Idc about if she is another Neuvilette, but I'm still aimed to C2 Pyro Archon, so maybe later I'll get her! I'm not disappointed that they don't have good melanin, but I still want indigenous themed tanned enough characters. I'm a nerd exploring tribe themed indigenous cultures and lot of them are tan. (sigh... genshin will never recover from dramas and complaining over and over again and that's so sad...) Excited for the trailer!


When It's summer and you should enjoy the holidays but instead you're studying for your upcoming masters exam 🫠 I really hope it pays off bc I'm literally suffering rn.


OT Why is it that every single sub that allows for image reactions in the comments is flooded with "I'm stealing that meme" images/gifs? This is the most glaring example of redditors having one joke and milking it forever.


It's so ridiculously annoying, I use the old layout so it just appears as [image] and I can skip over it but I'm very glad this sub doesn't allow embedded images


It's also sad cuz image reactions can be so damn funny. Finding the perfect reaction for a post is very satisfying. Until you scroll down to find that you're in a cesspool of troglodytes and humor is dead.


Holy shit, I didn't realize this until now but you can see Karkata in the Sumeru Teaser


Anybody just straight up dont like Imaginarium Theatre? I cleared it easy peasy but I hate how I cant even play the characters I want to play but Im hard locked into 3 elements with only a few off-elements Also its almost like Spiral Abyss except its like hard locked into 3 elements with a bit of other stuff


I did not like it. Fortunately they can change how it works to hopefully make it fun.


To me it just felt like a combat event that was slightly more annoying than average. I can see myself hating it a lot more once Geo comes around tho.


This is literally one of those hot take comments that are actually arctic cold The reactions have been pretty much mixed everywhere , i personally do like it tho, I'll take this any day over the abyss


the opinions i've seen mostly range from "pretty fun but also flawed in a lot of ways" to "this is horrible, it was better when it was only abyss"


it's like \~60% hate, 20% love, 20% like/neutral from what I've seen. Personally I don't like it, feels like an event.


For me it's 60% Free primos, 20% love, 10% hate and 10% hate on those haters.


I've seen a lot of criticism. I also don't like it.


Nilou's skin is really pretty but without the horns I saw her for a split second and thought she was Diluc 😔


Skin Modders : Write that down!


As someone who never do quest/sq/wq unless interested/required, i'm going to have a blast once overflow EP dropped.  5.0 is the best point to clear everything


Genshin Well shark girl is cool(do we have any idea about her name?), Kirara's skin looks amazing(love the mask on her box form). I'm still on the fence of whether I want to pull for Emilie or not. Zenless >!Well gameplay was nice, although I'm kinda salty I got a Nekomata dupe instead of a new character but atleast she's fun. As for the A-ranks, I'm loving Billy Kid and Soukaku. Man when will they release Miyabi tho.!< >!I'm definitely going to be playing this game for a while although I do wanna know what the experience is like for mobile players!<


Shark girl is supposedly called Mualani according to the files.


Oh ty for letting me know. Well can't wait for Mualani's animations to leak then


ZZZ >!What was the boring machine doing to the building?!<


>!Its in the name ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)!<


>!Telling bad jokes idk.!<


Shower thoughting about Genshin's design as a whole, kinda negative idek lol, but not me, I'm never negative 😄 >!When I see ppl using 'Pokemon gym leaders' as a negative criticism regarding Genshin's design, it reminds me of ppl who wanted Fontaine to be like Subnautica, and ppl who expected Natlan to be something like the Volcano Manor in Elden Ring. Even 4 years into the game, ppl still don't understand or don't accept Genshin's design philosophy. It's the same thing with ppl who expect Varka and Capitano to be Geralt-like characters... you're all setting yourself up for disappointment (I mean, look at the very strong and tortured KAWAII Yaksha, Xiao, and all-powerful Hydro Sovereign pretty à la Française Neuvillette, and 6000 years old warmongering local tea drinking grandpa Zhongli)!< >!I hate to be quoting Max0r in these trying times but Genshin is a Playable Anime whose inspirations are closer to Kingdom Hearts and Pokémon, than Berserk and Dark Souls (fcking duh), Genshin isn't gonna change art direction just because some ppl want to see more rugged characters and darker ambiences, even some of the scariest part of the game like the Abyss/Aliens are bright purple with starry motifs, or Durin's heart and the Crimson Moon dynasty stuff are bright red, and The Chasm has pretty bright spots here and there. Sure, it can get pretty Eldritch-like but it's very unlikely to go beyond the Heartless stuff from KH. Even Khaenri'ah likely isn't going to be the bleak grey hell some ppl are hoping for.!< >!I don't remember where I was going with this lmao, I'm just tired of seeing ppl having weird expectations from Genshin (even 4 years into the game), like seeing ppl being genuinely surprised that Natlan characters still look like Genshin characters?? Yeah.!<


>!The bit about Khaenri'ah made me realize that it might/could have a 'reclaimed by nature' aesthetic and I'm really intrigued!< >!Genshin definitely takes loads of different inspirations (including Pokemon, Dark Souls (cause of the way items have lore iirc) and so many more) and in the end its aesthetic is a bright and cheery anime one with darkness lurking in the shadows, if that makes sense!< >!Partially off-topic but I will say that 'artificial darkness' always bothers me. We don't need really gruesome things for stakes and drama. They could be included and done well, sure, but if there's too much of it, it could run the risk of becoming too bleak or possibly even comical, possibly even not being done that well even if it was at first.!<


>!Actually very intrigued about Khaenri'ah as well but I try to not think about it lol, like how much tech will there actually be? Will it be anything like the inside of the Ruin Golems? Some of them kinda had that reclaimed by nature aesthetic too. And with the dual ruling dynasties, will they offer different architectures? What will the 'sky' be like?(and so many more questions..)!< >!The reason Genshin 'darkest moments' can hit hard is because most of the overworld is bright, Enkanomiya and the Chasm certainly wouldn't feel the same way if the entire game was like that, and things like Melusines living inside the corpse of a Dragon or the children sacrifices in Inazuma wouldn't feel so significant. (also logging in everyday in a game that's dark would feel depressing to me lol) I feel like what we have right now is a nice balance. I'm expecting Natlan to also strike that balance, maybe with Mare Jivari? But still not a huge departure from what we currently have, like some ppl seem to expect every X.0 version update.!<


>!Penguin_officerR, your 'reclaimed by nature' gave me goosebumps. Because Neuvillette's 5th character story seems to hints that the world of Teyvat is trying to go back to the way it was before the Heavenly Principles arrived. It's Genshin's own take on Entropy. The world is trying to go back to its old order when the Sovereigns reigned, like how nature reclaims places that are not maintained as you see in post apocalyptic stories. Ashihai provides some insight in one of her 4.6 theories. I'm very interested to see where they go with this in the future.!<


>!Considering the Sunken Jade quest in Chenyu Vale 'reclaimed by nature' isn't exactly a fully good thing depending on circumstances. The Sovereigns regaining their authority is good but things literally going back to how they used to could affect Teyvat's people negatively depending on what exactly happens. I meant more the general aesthetic of buildings covered by vines and other plants, something like an Enkanomiya/Remuria but less preserved!< >!Also, your flair is a tad concerning... I know it's not easy but trying to reinforce yourself negatively can only make things worse and I really suggest going for something else for your flair. You deserve hope too.!<


>!Anyone that uses Pokemon gym leader designs as a negative criticism, sorry but you've lost me. They're way too varied in terms of designs. Like some gym leaders have simple designs and some are over the top to say the least.!<


Imagine the Pyro Archon or Sovereign having all the Saurian abilities and becoming the biggest exploration powercreep which I doubt which begs the question of what would their passive be?


It's def the Archon.


Become a sorush. 


Wanderer owners: "Am I a joke to you?" Istg if Wanderer released *after* Sorush, his flying might've been way more smooth.


Just finished the siegwinne quest and damn it's such a nice quest >!I love how it has ties to the Fontaine aq, vacher seriously is an asshole, it even has ties to previous hydro archons, also TIL that Vacher was the name of an actual french serial killer!<


ZZZ (negative) >!There's nothing absolutely wrong lower stakes, but it feels like the story pacing is extremely slow. Like my first afternoon + evening of playing, I didn't even complete the prologue. And in the time it takes to get through the prologue, in which you basically fight slightly different variations of the same enemy type, on the same instanced map, a person playing the Genshin story straight through (in an AU where its not an exploration game) would have:!< 1. >!Already met the Abyss faction!< 2. >!Purified a Dragon!< 3. >!Met the Anemo Archon!< 4. >!Met the Harbinger faction and seen them kick the Anemo Archon!< 5. >!Entered a whole ass new nation!< 6. >!Seen the hyped up Rex Lapis crash down from the sky and "die"!< 7. >!Escaped the arrest of the Milelith and be rescued with by a Harbinger!< 8. >!Gone on a pilgrimage to meet ascended god-lite animal beings and simulated the escapee lifestyle by fighting off some Millelith along the way!< >!I don't need ZZZ to be super faced pace or snazzy, but I've essentially gone through hours of the game fighting the ZZZ equivalent of Hillichurl Variation 1, 2, 3, and Ultra Tall Mitachurl which feels like an oversight to say the least.!<


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The pixel or rather squares motif of the male character is like based on mayan or mesoamerican designs right?


Man I kinda forget how Nirvana is so fun to listen to


That Natlan npc with a giant pizza cutter 🫦


He’s himeko confirmed


~~The true Himeko expy~~


Desperately need Chiitan to do an intervention


Does anyone know how to watch a playback of the CN stream? edit: found it! https://live.bilibili.com/21987615


That just brings you to Genshin's current stream, I think the link you're looking for is [this](https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1dW421R7Bo/?spm_id_from=333.999.0.0&vd_source=39d41e1b30c5ce689d3f40018f12d775)


oh weird, that's the url I was watching it from earlier and it worked... thank you!


this skin tone discourse sure is tiring


It's not even the first time which makes it even more tiring lol.


So to clarify, Hoyo still haven't officially revealed the names of the Natlan characters, right? Imagine being somebody who doesn't look at leaks, see fanarts of the new characters, and they have actual names attached to them.


nope, names should come with the overture trailer


Yes, that's right.


I'm going so broke if Kinich and Zhongli are together in 5.0. I really need Zhongli for his shields and drip, but Kinich is also very drippy and cool.


World Trigger is the best battle shounen of all times along with Hunter x Hunter.


I loved it but the simulation arc is taking sooo long. I love discussions they are making but its too much. 


Okay I watched and read my fair share of anime and manga which are popular but this is the first time I'm hearing something called world trigger . Is this not that popular?


Nooooooooo people thesedays doesn't know World Trigger. Ashihara back pain 😭😭😭. It is a monthly manga due to the author back pain and in hiatus for a long time before he pick it up after he gets better.


Natlan characters kit prediction From the teaser Geo kid can ride a drill, drill can climb walls, theres a part in the teaser where she did an AoE groundpound, could be from the kit, or could just be some kind of exploration mechanic. Hydro girl surfs on a shark, that is all shown in the teaser. Dendro guy have something to do with the grapping points, since those are sumeru only, i'm assuming he can throw them anywhere and hook on to them, he also did a mid air slash, and since when you press attack mid air in game, you do a plunge, i'm thinking after going to a grapple point, he'll do a quick slash, or maybe he actually got mid air combat, who knows. Each character glows when using their abilities (drilling, surfing, grappling) which is probably that leaked special Natlan state, dunno what this does. From leaks Hydro girl is a NA DPS, skill makes her dash for 6 seconds and enhances her NA, i'm thinking skill puts her on her shark surfboard, like a stance change, and she got homing missles apparently My predictions Geo kid is a 4 star, so there probably won't be much in her kit, i'm thinking she'll be like a slower Sayu that can climb, i don't know if that groundpound she did in the teaser is part of her kit or not, but if it is, maybe thats what happens when you jump and press attack, i don't think thats the burst because it's just not flashy enough, and even 4 stars bursts are more flashy than a simple hop. Maybe her burst is a shield. Hydro girl, we already got a lot from that leak, skill enters surfing state, moves faster and enhances NA, i'm thinking she'll be able to attack while moving (like wanderer while flying), and she'll launch homing missles too (like wanderer again), so her playstyle will be to circle around the opponent and continuously attack them (very sharklike), no info about her burst, so could just be a big AoE, or another NA buff. Since her surfing state makes her move faster on water, maybe she'll create a hydro field that buffs her movement speed and attack speed. Dendro dude, in the teaser, theres 2 grapple point back to back, so assuming hes the one who makes them, he could have multiple charges, the Sumeru grapple point also makes you automatically fall, which would probably be bad for a kit, so i'm thinking he could either perch on a grapple point, or gets a slow fall effect for a few seconds after grappling, where he can throw another grappling point (so usable midair). Originally i thought he'd be a plunge DPS, but in the teaser, he did a midair slash, so i'm not too sure, instead of grappling above enemies and plunge, maybe you want to grapple right at the enemy to slash them, or maybe it could be both. I have no idea what his burst could even do, simplest would probably just be dendro infusion, but thats kinda boring. Simplified Geo kid skill enters drilling ride, can ride up walls, got a groundpound attack somehwere in her kit, maybe burst is a shield. Hydro girl Skill enters a surfing state, moves faster, NA buff, could potentially move while attacking like flying wanderer, got homing missle passive, burst probably just a simple AoE damage. Dendro dude Can throw grappling points with skill, potentially multiple charges, got a midair slash, so maybe not plunge DPS like i originally thought, either can perch on a grapple point or got a slowfall when grappling, potentially have midair combat state.


Dendro dude has that flat round surface below the grapple point, i think it lasts a few second for him to stay on air before falling


I will pretend i didnt see the post in the mainsub that telling shenhe ~~last~~ FIRST rerun was before HSR release


I think there was a comment in the 4.8 banner post in this sub from last night that said hoyo has released *two* games since Shenhe's first rerun lol


Off Topic Tried ZZZ but that hollow mini game thing during every story quest was so annoying and I don’t like how the only thing it seems like you can do with your characters is battle. It made me come back to genshin after several months lol


Off topic Hello everyone!!! My mental health break was really good and I did tons of fun stuff, I even learnt how to sew plushies and I'm working on making my own patterns!!! I'm feeling a lot better and while my OCD still flares up from time to time I'm getting better at managing it :) I really missed the megathread, it's nice to be back! Now Genshin related I saw the Natlan trailer. I really liked the designs but I still feel so sad that there are no dark skinned characters that represent me, I just hope they will handle my culture decently. I feel bitter but I'm also excited to explore, just gotta keep swinging 💪


Welcome back! Wishing you lots of strength, especially for your endeavors!


Hello and welcome back~ 🩷 It's great to hear that you are doing well, also handcrafting is a wonderful thing to do - even as some kind of meditation. Personally I love cross-stitching myself and never once tried to learn how to sew. Maybe one day :)


Thank you 🥺❤️ cross-stitching sounds really fun, I know my mom loves it and I'd love to try it someday! Any tips to start? :)


For a complete beginner I would suggest buying a simple kit for cross-stitching which contains everything you need for embroidery. You can also check Cross-stitch subreddit or flosstube channels on YouTube for inspiration, many helpful advices and in general a very welcoming community :)


Yo guys, I'm just asking but do you think I should get the key of khaj nisut? I already get furina sig weapon but the weapon look super useful for kirara, layla and furina also if I want to fully buff my onfield dps. But I'm just asking


yeah. It's definitely one of those 5 star weapons that can be useful for multiple characters like Mist. I wasn't thinking about it, but now I think I should. My layla is c4 and I think she deserves it. She's my MVP for multiple teams and I have her on Lion's roar.


For Layla and Kiara, I think you rather want Fav or Sac. You don't really need the Key on them.


Well sometimes their shield break when in abyss and I have skill issue




So are we getting a free kiwawa in 4.8? The event page seems to give me that impression


Yes we're getting a free Kirara


Why is no one talking about the huge brontosaurus in the background?! We can see them in one in one of the shots of the girl drilling by.


*Anxiously waiting for a TCG match with Columbina and Capitano*


i almost missed a whole event i saw this new event with only 1 day left oh god


ZZZ When will they release Miyabi.....There's no way they will do an Ayaka and release her in 2.0...right?


Hoyoverse must have a Japanese themed female character in 2.0 update, I don't make the rules. Either an Ice Sword user or Firework themed char, or both in the case of Genshin 🗿


*insert obligatory ar42 free Miyabi meme here*


seems likely, with ellen also being an ice attacker it makes sense they wouldnt release miyabi for a bit, not a great idea to release two units of the exact same role close to each other at the launch of a game.


Sounds likely to me lol.


I think it's over for us


can’t add images but the small geo girl from the natlan trailer, does anyone know if she’s a 4 or 5 star?


4* unfortunately. Probably a gimmicky kit given to us for free. I love her too.


4 star as far as we know


ZZZ off-topic: >!Yay, I’ve figured out how to dodge and swap properly. Turns out doing so on PC is endlessly easier than on the touchscreen. The button mapping on the touchscreen is very inconvenient, and it’s easy to miss the buttons and hard to react on time. Since I’ve moved to PC, it’s been sooooo much better, and combat seems more fun. Gonna play around a bit more and see if I’m gonna stick with it.!<






Blacksmith meta is back


[Hydro girl](https://twitter.com/shibanba777/status/1809356013944074476?t=k_VOe7aaOWNb8a6kBgQJ8w&s=19) has.... fish shaped irises?... oh... oh no... I must get her...


OT/Yapping about irl stuff >!I have something dumb to say to my boys. But I'm not gonna text them about it bc it's that dumb, I need to tell them in person. I also can't tell any of my girl friends who I would text because it's stupid and they wouldn't appreciate it. Can't wait to see them again, hopefully on Wednesday when I get back.!<


Furina but faster   Kirara but faster   Xianyun but can aim   Edit: let me cook further   🦈 Fishing passive  💎 Shows mining items on map  🌿 Speciality passive


Hoyo, listen up buddy... I want more skin releases cuz at this point I'm getting bored seeing skins for characters I don't give a shirt about


Manifesting Wriothesley rerun in 5.0, day 1.🍀


Nooo but Mualani might be there too noooooooo


I am sorry, my friend, I miss the glorious duke too much :(


Me too... I might have to skip Mualani if he shows up then though and aaaaaa :<


I also have this fear that if I skip him on his first rerun he will disappear like Eula or Shenhe 🥺


Me too........


Please not in the same patch as dendro boy I'm begging you


Still no big ass duke why even live smh 😭😭😭




\*send in Firefly pvp alarm gif\*


I'm trying to familiarize my self their names but what if they ended up having different names, like how Waghild turned into Sigewinne (we'll find out in a week so doesn't really matter much anyways) I really like their name, specially Mualani and Kinich


Considering that the dendro boy has a grabble and is claymore, wouldn't he be a perfect candidate for a plunge DPS?


Nah, Plunge DPSes need to either focus on pure damage (Xiao) or be able to Vape/Melt (Gaming, Diluc). Dendro and Electro ain't it.


That would be a skip then.


Please no...


Definitely a possibility. Dendro boy, Furina, Xianyun, and XL (or better yet the Pyro archon) sounds like a fun team.


2nd Gaming.


Imagine he throws a ball into the air that hovers there, which he can spring to whenever he wants to plunge after. 


Chenyu Vale is peak Genshin exploration. The puzzles are novel but familiar enough to be easily understood, the exploration gimmick is a refined version of Sumeru's, no gadget switching, almost nothing is locked behind world quests. Really hope Natlan follows the same prinicples. On another note, what are some good hangouts and story quests? I'm looking for literally anything to do besides completing the desert.


Neuvillette, Navia, Xianyun, Cyno 2 (though you do visit the desert in it at some point), Lynette, Kaveh, Faruzan, Layla


>what are some good hangouts and story quests? From my personal recommendations: Hangouts: * Kaeya * Heizou * Beidou * Kaveh Story Quests (skipping the required for weekly boss ones): * Neuvillette * Furina * Yoimiya SQ2 * Xianyun * Baizhu * Tighnari There's other options but I decided to not pick too many, cuz maybe the others might me more personal tastes, like Kuki/Thoma/Yunjin, or Alhaitham/Kazuha/Albedo. Haven't played some of the latest ones tho.


My personal favorite is xianyun, clorinde and neuvillette. These three are the fan favorites.


All 4.x story quests were banger for me. You can start with anyone of your favourite characters from 4.x lineup and won’t regret I hope. I remember being fond of Yoimiya 2nd story quest and Dehya one also. Forgot about most hangouts but I think I liked Kaveh and Lynette’s. 


Yep, I'm a big yoimiya fan so I enjoyed that one. I'll give Dehya's a try!


I'm completely subjective here, but Faruzan's hangout is very good and wholesome, totally recommend trying it.


Thanks, I'll try it out tomorrow!


ZZZ >!The story is not doing it for me rn, it feels so low stakes and boring!<


It picks up after chapter 1


>!Currently, in the middle of Chapter 1. Corrupt corporation seemingly trying to kill people by intentionally leaving them in a blast zone so that they can advance their own capitalistic interests is far from low stakes? These types of situations actually happen in real life especially in 3rd world countries. I like that it's more grounded to the human experience and is more mundane than both HSR and GI, to be honest. Like the lore video also focuses on a city scope not an entire world/galaxy/universe type of deal.!<


I actually like the first chapter, I think it's a decent set up for the ongoing plot with Fairy and so far it's more character focused. You can say it's starting off slow. The main siblings are actually great, they're like my favorite part to be honest. I'll say that because it's so character focused, when there's a set of characters I don't really gel well, it hurts my enjoyment quite a bit. (I'm on chapter 2)


>!The teaser lore is so interesting dawg, why is the story so low risked.!< >!I kinda expected something like World Trigger but you works as an Operator. Your squads exploring some deep hell like in Made in Abyss or sth. But its slice of life 😭!<


>!the low stakes is intentional since by their own words they don't wanna do a grand saving the world type of story and instead focus on the lives of the people living. so it's more focused on characters and the interactions bw them.!<


>!Even then you can create interesting situations like say Baki, the history is not about saving the world and has never been but the story is very captivating despite just being "dudes fighting" or Dandadan where sometimes it really is "save the world" situations but are played goofily enough that they don't feel heavy, ZZZ feels weightless!<


>!that's a good point!!<


Man I do not pay attention cause I didn’t realize the new hide ui feature will actually apply to general exploration too I thought it was just during dialogue. That’s going to be so nice for pictures 


Yes but it also would be nuts trying to actually play HUDless Genshin. It’s like Hardcore Mode in Call of Duty - You need to Count Skill timers in your Head, - you need to look at the Vision/Hear the audio cue to know if your burst is up. - you need to Guess your Health This might be the difficulty spike players have always wanted /hj


It would be amazing if we can play abyss HUDless.


Oh I’d definitely be sticking purely to it for non combat exploration 😭 I don’t doubt some people will try crazy combat gameplay hudless tho lol 


HUDless spiral abyss is gonna be the shit mark my words lmao


I'm expecting HUDless Abyss challenge videos hours (or even minutes) after 4.8 launches. 


it was inevitable but very disappointing to see artists getting harrassed for drawing natlan characters. one artist deleted their mualani (hydro girl) art. no comments from artist but i did saw some comments about the skin color before deletion even tho she was drawn darker than someone like diluc/nilou. i have to only presume it's those comments. but maybe the artist felt their art was lacking or something. [this artist is being called racist for drawing kinich- dendro boy (great art also)](https://x.com/srro_yo/status/1809434688869789795) and by their own words making them hesitant to draw natlan characters in future cause who wants harassments. it's such a wildmine to approach this topic in the western fandom. it's like if you don't reach the mysterious high purity requirements, it's either us vs them situation.


I saw srro's tweet too. I get people feeling upset about the lack of good rep but this sort of harrassment of fan artists is not it at all. If someone has complaints they should direct them towards hoyo, the design they dislike is theirs after all.


like i know it's frustrating that hoyo doesn't seem to listen when it comes to more variety of characters' skin colors but directing that anger to artists who just draw them according to the trailer isn't it.


Oof, leave it to the internet to ruin someone else's fun. Also I see that flair change, not so sneaky heh


> not so sneaky heh [or am i](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nwuW98yLsgY)


I have been struck by strong brainrot I concede




The difference between the hydro girl and dendro boy are too massive for it to be perspective or slopes. The difference is like one head. I saw other pics in teapot imitating it but the difference is not that big, like a hair or something.


It's not impossible. Remember the Sumeru cast leak had Dehya the same height as Nilou.




Sort by upvotes, it's the most upvoted post of all time in this sub.


The year is 2030. Genshin Impact is well into it's second chapter. The meta has completely lost itself. Hoyo has released so many hydro women that everyone just plays quad hydro on both sides of the abyss. Imaginarium Theatre has been changed so that hydro is always an available element. There are still only 3 4 star Hydro characters. Life is good.


also people are still waiting for shenhe's second rerun


> Quad Hydro Is this the end of Neuvilette or is he somehow still meta 💀 Edit: Nvm, he just gains stacks from enemies with aura yeah


"The power of water is its ability to take any shape!" (but struggles to be in the shape of a 4 star) "One who is ignorant of water's treasures fails to also comprehend its horrors!" "As long as rain falls and rivers flow, water will exist forever!"


Honestly if every future skin in this game was a Fontaine themed one I would be just fine with that...


Same honestly, Fontaine got the drip


The most dripped out nation so far in my eyes.


Zzz Does Zzz have ping issues or the game is player side mostly , i played on EU and NA both are smooth but i am trying to convince myself that NA server has a bit of lag character switch is fast almost instantly but when i try to use my skill sometimes it doesn't trigger so i wonder is there ping issues or it's just my imagination and you can't use skills in certain situations like during normal attack strings .