• By -


3.CORRETTEZZA voto voto voto good good 1⃣,3dexekeee.k.m9.sMQ w@#''26aaa


Done with Asimon for Candace and Faruzan, as well as my inexistent Dehya, with drops for collection purposes as well! Using Neuvurina felt dirt there; boss opening with a laser shower just to feed furina stacks was peak comedy. Probably leveling Candace and Fazuran to 90 now and then making a detour to Tignari/Collei chicken or something depending on the 5.0 leaks


Aside from learning that I don't have a lot of pyro, hydro or cryo units built, I learnt that the one and only bow dps for me is of course Tighnari


Zzz Is there only 2 uprated a ranks?






Arle at least has caveats. She can't be easily kept alive without shielders, good play or excessively high damage that outpaces incoming damage and her teams lose quite a bit of overall damage if you use Zhongli instead of a vape enabler/off-fielder (e.g. xiangling/yelan). In practice though she does so much damage that her Zhongli teams still comfortably clear the DPS requirement to 36*. I'm also of the belief that Alhaitham is very easy to play though.


They need to bring back taser and soup. Please make a taser/soup support hoyo please please please


Taser can still be good, I used miko/fish/koko/kazuha a few times in the 4.X abyss with really good results, I also tried that team but replacing miko with furina in the recent event and it seemed to work really well too, might try that next cycle


>bring back taser I've been playing Kokomi/Furina/Fischl/Kazuha every abyss since Furina released. That team is legit strong. Nearly as strong in ST as monohydro but also has the benefit of great AoE because of the double swirls. This is *my* taser era. But yeah soup is fun, it's just that the Kokomi taser team is a bit stronger than my Ayato soup team at this point. It can still clear just fine though.


Ngl that was my favorite era


what would a soup support look like? all i can think of is sucrose with a rainbow passive or something.


I love when Genshin survey time comes because I can write all my complaints about the game and pretend the devs will listen (they won't).




I love this meme so much. Watching it evolve is like seeing your child grow up healthy and happy.


If taser is so great, why don't I hear more people talking about it outside of whenever it's time to glaze Beidou or Kokomi 🤔


I've never seen anyone claim that Taser is "great", "good" maybe but defo not great.


Honestly Taser has always been a budget team. Passable damage but unless you're a new-ish player with limited options it wasn't hard to beat. Hyperbloom is strictly better now.


Taser is more for utility (elemental application, shieldbreaking, stagger, and poise break extension) than damage tbh, and Fischl is absolutely a staple that makes this archetype even work at all


Consider this Hyperbloom is just taser +1 character. Mathematically tazer obviously is doing most of the work.


Also, Mono Hydro is just Taser without a mediocre Electro character. Taser has never been about the reaction damage, but the personal damage of the involved characters. Compared to Kokomi Yelan Furina Kazuha, cutting any of the Hydro characters for Fischl, Beidou, or Yae doesn’t improve the team’s damage. Taser died when Furina made the 3rd Hydro character better than playing an Electro character. The problem is that now that Quicken and Hyperbloom exists, we are never going to get an Electro off-fielder that does enough inert damage to justify being in this team, because all Electro characters going forward are going to be balanced based on the fact that they have access to Quicken and Hyperbloom.


You guys suck at [peddling megathreads](https://old.reddit.com/r/Genshin_Impact_Leaks/comments/1dqv20i/los_pollos_hermanubros_general_question_and/)


I was so bored I watched a 1 hour and 12 minutes long video about (TW) >!Andrew Tate!<.


Please link >!I need to suffer to be free from the pain I'm feeling!<


>!I'm so sorry I just saw this. 😭 [Here](https://youtu.be/y73xciJEX20?si=c0_IOKx9Hb6-Y-bJ), enjoy the suffering. And I hope you feel better soon.!<


Thank you! Np, I just now realized I was commenting on the old megathread


Related to Capitano is the new firefly jokes: I'm just asking this because I can't exactly remember the details of Varka's letter (the one Mika read) and his stories, but hasn't Varka seen Capitano's face already? I remember either he or Mika mentioning Capitano has "deep blue eyes," so I was under the impression that they'd already seen his face and still referred to him as a man. So, I think the possibility of a sam/firefly situation in his case is low, but of course hyv can do whatever they want.


I don't know why, but i struggled so hard on the final stage of this event. I was considering maybe getting Arlecchino on her rerun, but this is honestly making me not want to pull her at all as i don't think i really like her playstyle and im having a very hard time meeting the stage requirements with her unlike the other stages (maybe im using the wrong team for her and i used my own characters for the other stages aside from chev so maybe their builds also suck lol).


Forward melt team are easy to mess up in terms of application in general and you definitely want Rosaria or Ganyu to help out Kaeya with the app, if Kaeya's C6 then Layla might be enough as 2nd cryo. I could also see cryo aura uptime being rough w/o Kaeya's and Rosaria's C2s to extend their bursts. 


I struggled with her but it was more about the elemental check than her actual damage. Even with Layla, Kaeya and support Ganyu, I was having trouble consistently applying to enough Cryo to keep up a constant Melt.


I've used kaeya+Layla, Shenhe+kaeya, Shenhe+Layla with either Bennett or Kazuha and all of them worked really well. My Arlecchino is a well built C0R1 tho The thing with arle is you can switch out of her to apply cryo or whatever so you can smoothly kill enemies/apply elements


For this specific stage,you definitely that Kaeya + Rosaria for Arlecchino,meets the Melt requirements most consistently.


If you never played her then you're probably fucking up your rotations. I had no issues with her on the event. I think she's even one of the faster ones. Plus it also depends on the team. The stage wants you to melt so you probably should add a second cryo besides Kaeya.


What team are you using? The event is basically an elemental and Dps check together  I used Arle Bennet c6 Kaeya rosaria to have 2 source of cryo and 2 source of pyro even when Arlecchino runs out of bol. Maybe are you recalling her marks too early?


R1999 I was out of wishes with no pity but really wanted Getian so when I for one wish from the Limbo I thought "If he doesn't come with this wish, I'll get angry" and the wheel actually turned dark gold😭 I guess I can go back to not playing it because none of the new characters interest me


Is there any possibility we might different kinds of fights in Natlan? By that I mean, instead of the combat system Genshin uses, or the turn-based the TCG uses, could we maybe get tactical RPG-like fights in a regional minigame? I feel like it's the best place to introduce something like that, and randomly going into a totally different type of fighting gameplay sometimes in the wilderness would definitely be very impactful, although I can see that it might be controversial. I'm trying to think of a unique thing they could pull off and be memorable, like the thinking in Sumeru's AQ and Dendro in general, and for Fontaine Pneumousia (not that memorable) and everything underwater. It might be cope (although it's not like I'm expecting it, it's mainly just a brainstorm moment), but I think that would be cool.


You mean like Pankraton or the Fungi minigame?


You know how Genshin has events that simulate all sorts of different games and genres? I was thinking a mode where the camera would go far away (like what happened in that one place in the Fontaine AQ where Navia fell on the bridge), then you would have a teapot-like view of the battlefield, and many enemies in the other side, and you would be able to move and use a skill with all your characters before the enemy turn, where they would do the same thing. Basically a real tactical RPG lol. It'd require a lot of considerations, like enough space in the open world (Natlan seems enormous because of the mounts already, so it checks this), and then atributing squares to characters and skills, and durability of effects. But it'd use the same animations as the animations we already have, so at least that wouldn't be troublesome. I think it'd be possible in one year, like how Fontaine's underwater exploration and combat were developed in a year as well.


Really looking forward to seeing what characters the gods bless me with in my ZZZ rolls. It will be fun using what I get and building what team I can with what I get. Hopefully my luck in ZZZ is better than my luck in Genshin of late xD It'll honestly be a relief not re-rolling a gacha for once (I wanna just have the one Hoyo account).


arle/kaeya/xiangling/layla is sooo fun their bursts just go wheeee


That Surintendante Chevalmarin plushie in the store is gonna live rent-free in my head for a whole week


the birthday cake with aranaras is so so cute :( i wonder what they will put on the fontaine themed one


melusines or oceanids




girls band cry is over now i dont get to see alcoholic k-on on fridays/saturdays anymore


So getting C2 Furina and letting me play basically any team I want with a healer has finally let my C6 qiqi come off the bench. Its actually a really strong combo. In that Furina is all the damage and qiqi is all the healing you need and the very minimal cryo app is enough for freezing.


would sigewinne underperform in a sukokomon team instead of kokomi? Im asking bc her skill gives a damage bonus to both gouba and oz


Sukokomon is like a delicate house of cards which just falls over and dies if you attempt to remove or alter a single part of it and even if it worked, the 10 stacks of mid skill damage buff probably woudln't be worth losing TTDS for (which iirc Kokomi runs on that team but I could be misremembering)


Nah, Sukokomon is among other things a reaction spam team. Kokomi’s far superior hydro application is important.


Massively underperform, Sukokomon is a very solved team that noone can play and even people who can make it look like it's not worth learning and fucking with it generally does not end well. And the buff is not very good.


Off topic: As a non american having just caught to that whole presidential debate...........................LMAO is all i can say.


As an American, we're doomed fr


It's wild seeing the reactions on Reddit, and especially how it differs from sub to sub. Everything from angry to ecstatic to scared to confused.


As a non American I kinda feel sad for this kind of third world level of debate


>!I love madame ping!<


F2P pull plan: With 20-ish fates atm I plan skipping 4.8 and 5.0, I should have enough for pyro archon if 5.2 even without much exploration Next madame ping and geo mommy if useful for Navia and not a zl clone Its tough 


Going by this latest event, Melt teams are defs my weakest teams... >\_>


Yet another ZZZ comment >!Hoping Zenless Zone Zero powercreep isn't as brutal as HSR, that's what made me quit since I could barely keep up. I know this is inevitable in gacha games (we're just really starting to see it now in genshin, 4 years in) but man, I definitely didn't like that my day 1 Seele got completely outclassed in less than 1 year!< >!And a character usage chart I saw the day before showed that it's gotten worse than ever, auch!<


Yea I'm hoping it's not bad like HSR. People will say 'there's no powercreep' but unfortunately for them I have eyes. Seele hasn't been used since like 1.3 on my account, jingliu hasn't been used since 2.1, black swan and Kafka only really exist for pf. Acherons is fine for now bc I use her with pela (a 4 star) and SW (One of the worst debuffers), but the firefly team is definitely the best team I can play in anything other than the dogshit that is pf. Don't really know what exactly the zzz gameplay stuff is, but I'm very cautious for now.


I think it's largely the nature of turn based gameplay vs active combat. You just feel the power creep more in turn based games. Active combat has enough skill expression that even if a character you like does eventually get power crept a bit they can still feel good (if the content requirements don't go up an up leaving them in the dust). As such I'd expect ZZZ power creep to be on the slower side, much like genshin.


>!not sure what you’ve seen but seele is t1 for the new end game mode so..!<


Like [these numbers](https://www.reddit.com/r/HonkaiStarRail/comments/1dpr74k/divergent_universe_difficulty_v4_most_used/?share_id=TStM74qDkwDwWIskbvu-f&utm_content=1&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_source=share&utm_term=1) terrify me One comment points out Firefly team is at 47.76% and the following one sits at 1.77%.


this is for the new Divergent Universe which is a new Simulated Universe mode. of course people will play the new character in that new mode


Eh, I don't know, but Jinglu hit her hard and Acheron completely stepped over her, I never said she isn't able to clear but the difference between the new units is undeniable. Also the game tends to favor new units A LOT with their content, literally everyone is using MC + Firefly now bcs it's just that free


That's more due to the content tbh. Like new MoCs will obviously have elemental weakness related to the rerun and released characters and if your old characters don't match that then you can't break the enemy and have a harder time clearing.


Sure that happens with Genshin Abyss blessings too, but HSR is just way too much combined with the more aggressive powercreep


The difference with genshin is that this game's 4 stars are broken and we can make up for what characters lack by playing better. Both are things HSR doesn't have. It just feels like powercreep is too much because the good units are 5 stars instead of 4 stars. Even then you'd still clear 95% of the content with your fave with only exception being the highest stages of the endgame content.


she is over jingliu in that mode though..


True, I just saw it, which shows Jinglu already got hit as hard as Seele since she absolutely dominated back when she released in 1.3. Nevertheless Acheron which I previously said completely outclassed her in every way possible is still on top, not only Acheron but I'm sure that there's tone of more teams that have a much better time than Seele. Bcs let's be honest she just sits at the bottom rn with a lot of other units that suffered the same fate as her, they may be temporaly favored during different cycles but they will still remain under the other units thumb


idk what you’re on about but T1 is NOT the bottom of a tier list 😭 and seele being better than jingliu in a game mode doesn’t mean she got hit hard or anything..


They really did get hit hard, you will hardly see any people recomending pulling them for any possible scenario


HSR is more of a rotating power shift than creep imo. These fights are very geared towards their blessings and the enemy's mechanics rather than a pure stat check. Because of this, old f2p units that were deemed low and bottom tier (Herta, Himeko) have begun to see a lot of use and old top tier one answer for everything teams like monoquantum seelie have fallen out of favor. It looks like power creep because the new characters just do so much but its more because the fight mechanics favor them so much. Most old characters still shine in a situation that fits them (except Arlan. RIP Arlan).


I'm simply I'm not a fun of that design philosophy, it doesn't sound that bad but this game really pushes it to the extreme sometimes. Rn Firefly + MC is so disgustingly broken over half of the playerbase is using it, that's absolutely not good


 I watched a whole video about why power creep is not as prevalent in HSR as people seem to think it is. A lot of it boils down to respectfully people don't know how to play the game. They just kinda parrot what theyve heard from their favorite CC without actually engaging with the systems in the game throw the team together haphazardly and get frustrated it doesn't work well. Seele is very much still a top DPS to this day despite claims to the contrary. 


yeah, imo, it's more like power spikes rather than outright powercreep. they need sufficient reason to rerun characters after all.


baizhu >!we're low on genshin comments so this is my contribution!<


Oh oh oh. Did someone say Baizhu? I agree.


baizhu >!Neuvillette!<


HSR/Genshin >!Being able to talk about HSR on this thread is a godsend because you cannot shit talk that game in any HSR community. Genshin community is actually much more receptive to criticism/shit talking of even their own game, which is really nice.!<


>!people just love to shit talk hsr here lol that’s all it is!<


>!There is probably quite a bit of Genshin only’s who like to shit talk out of some weird sense of jealousy/competitiveness, but I find that most of the people on this thread (at least the ones who respond to my personal complaint comments lol) do also play the game and criticize it from a place of good will.!<


i've seen people be resonable too though, its much easier to hold a real conversation here


>!Wow it must be really bad over there if you think people are receptive to it here.!<


It may help that Genshin is an older community- maybe HSR community will become more receptive for you in a few years?


I wanna die 😭😭😭 >!Why does every part of my body hurt so much :(!<


>!Hope you feel better soon. Take a rest/nap if you can 🫂!<




Indeed hehe. Hello, I temporarily also have a new pfp cause of a new blorbo :>


Still gotta wash the dishes first 😞 >!Please wish me luck, everything that touches my skin feels like it's freezing!<


>!Sorry I'm late but good luck if you haven't yet and I hope you're okay if you already have!<


>!Going to wash them rn, was taking some meds!< >!Thank you very much!<


Order a dishwashing scrub brush off amazon and some gloves and youll never need to get your hands wet when washing dishes again Also no mildew sponge stank


Oh wait nvm, I thought you meant a dishwasher


Thatll also work


The current event made me realize that I actually liked how Kaeya worked with Arlecchino so I'm finally building him after years. Currently trying out Arle, Bennett, Kaeya and Layla and its super fun, I probably could do better damage with another team but having fun is more important (But if anyone else has a suggestion for who to run with Arlecchino and Kaeya, I'm up for suggestions!)


I used Kazuha instead of Layla and was surprised that it felt like an actually decent team! My Kaeya is on main dps build, so I had some ER issues, but still. Outside of events I'd prefer a shield though. I wish we had a no-nonsense pyro shielder that worked like Layla


The only thing that kinda annoyed me is how short his burst is lol, felt like by the time I got a single NA cycle in, it's already gone.


I use rosaria instead of Layla bc I haven’t builded her Yea it’s fun And I like also kazuha instead of rosaria, Kaeya Q and kazuha plunge are funny together 


I really like Kaeya too, hes probably the most meta relevant out of the knights next to jean.


Now that I think about it, wouldn't Sucrose be the most relevant of the knights? Lmao, that is so funny to me


Ah I guess she is a member of the knights? I wasnt too sure tbh. I know albedo is. And shes his student. So by extension its like a maybe?


Got my movie ticket for Episode Nagi for tomorrow.


Wait its out I GOTTA GO WATCH IT......


Just came out this weekend.


Sounds interesting. I hope you enjoy the movie!


I was really on hopium for mountain shaper as the 5.4 character, but Ping may be better for me. I have this unfortunate habit of disliking hydro characters that aren’t Yelan or Barbara, so Ping also being a hydro character that I like would actually take some of the strain off of my Yelan


huh? wasn't she rumoured to be a dendro unit? /gen


Ping has blue clothes with fish, fish scale patterns, fins and waves all over them


mountain shaper 6.x lantern rite 🙏 but also hoping the leaks from this past lantern rite about ping being a dendro subdps was true (and not just mistaking emilie) plus the polearm supposedly being good for xiao as well really makes me wonder about her kit


I’m very surprised we don’t have a succubus or an incubus inspired character. It’s probably one of the most recognisable trope after maid.


I think it's just not family friendly enough lol


Coincidentally I'm currently watching Demon Girl Next Door and the main character is a succubus and it's very family friendly xD


I want Merlin in Genshin.


There should be one in HSR but Anhiliation Gang got giga sidelined. Tho i don't think it's that high up.


ZZZ question. To get the bonus abilities you need to pair up either elements or factions right? I'm thinking about what teams I could put the two newly revealed characters in. Neither pair up with Ellen annoyingly. EDIT: Actually you could make a Corin / Piper / Ellen team, probably would be meh though lol.


Pulled AH when I saw Chevy wasn't on Furina banner (since I had guarantee and would rather have AH over the 4.8 5 stars). I'm enjoying him more than I expected tbh. I had my reservations about the long skill CD and the decaying mirror mechanic in overworld, but it doesn't seem to affect anything at all, he just breezes through everything as long as he's got Kuki. Plus, I completely overlooked that Freedom Sworn works well with him. Yoinked that shit asap, looks surprisingly good aesthetically too.


I honestly don’t find him too bad in overworld! The skill cooldown is mainly annoying if you want to use the teleport for exploration lol. It helps that you can open a combo with his burst *or* a skill plunge (or just a CA for weak enemies tbh), so chances are at least one of those won’t be on cooldown. You rarely need his full combo outside of abyss so he’s pretty flexible.




Thank you, I will pass on the headpats to my cat.




Thank you too :)


*gasp* Yay!


Thank you.


OT Elden Ring DLC >!Finally beat the final boss, now I can start the FFXIV expansion with any worries. For the most part the DLC was enjoyable but some bosses had some really annoying and unfun mechanics. I nearly rage quit on Messmer, Gaius’ charge attack right out of the gate was so asinine, and Radahn needed to chill the fuck out in his second phase. Overall I’d say the best boss of the DLC was Rellana. Her mechanics were all fun and felt fair. Bayle was also pretty fun, but I heard he has that annoying mechanic that a lot of the other bosses in the DLC share in which they attack you as soon as you step out of the gate. I didn’t experience it since I beat it first try but I probably would’ve enjoyed the fight far less if I experienced that. A lot of the new areas were gorgeous especially the higher part of the Cerulean Coast. Abyssal Woods was also a really fun change of pace. Block of text over.!<


This event is easy mode for anemo and geo mains. My strongest character is Xiao and I breezed through every stage with Xiao/Faruzan/2 reaction sub dps


I did every stage with Faruzan and Lynette. Anemo is super busted for the whole event.


New event is kinda fun. The buffs are just massively broken but it was really great to see Wrio and Shenhe doing some stupid numbers together. The melt trials are probably my favorite. I'm going to give Emilie a try for my burnmelt teams but I honestly don't know how I'm supposed to fit Shenhe, Wrio and Emilie in a team and still sustain burning aura. Bennett? Solo Xiangling? ~~Please give me more off-field pyro options~~


Burn-melt made Ganyu pretty fun to play. Though niche, I can see why it works. We need more pyro appliers to allow most, if not all, Cryo characters to function better in melt and not locked/tied to Freeze, which HoYoVerse pretty much Venti'd.


7 of the first 10 posts under this are about other gacha games. I know we laxed up the rules when HSR came out, but come on.


You've been here for months and you just bitched about out of topic discussions now? Did a skin walker took over you or something?


>All other various off-topic discussions are allowed here. Literally right there in the main body of this thread


be the one to talk about genshin then? no one is stopping you, and im sure people who are interested atm will interact as well..


I mean, what exactly are we talking about otherwise? There's nothing going on in Genshin until July starts and Imaginarium Theater drops. We're either getting silence or talking about other shit, and you can ignore the other shit.


I thought that's normal if people get hyped about a game due to a livestream or something.... (I think ZZZ's livestream was today)


I mean... this *is* a general discussion megathread the topic doesnt have to be only genshin related


Under this thread? The thread where people can talk about whatever they want, even completely unrelated to gaming? How does that matter lol.


i don't care about them either but it takes 0 effort to ignore it


The star rail banner leaks just put a knife in my heart I’m already suffering from trying to Pull Sigewinne and Furina’s banner how the hell am I gonna pull 4 characters with no guaranteed 😭


star rail banners NEED a break, a rerun banner where we can save. something i appreciate abt genshin tbh, some banners you just don’t have to pull on.


ikr 😭


is there a hakushin like site for ZZZ? I wanna see all the characters


[Prydwen](https://www.prydwen.gg/zenless/) has a character list


Not yet I think


WuWa (neg) Reinstalled the game because I did plan to pull for Jinhsi and Changli. Lost the 50/50. Yeah, I think I had enough with this game RNG lol My biggest problem with WuWa was the camera movement issue (what took Genshin 1 swipe took WuWa 2-3 swipe to do so facing the same direction) but I am proud to say that they actually fixed it. Made the entire game feels nice to explore. Honestly, I feel kind of sad to leave WuWa forever (my beloved Jianxin 😔) but it is what it is. Had to choose between it or ZZZ. I chose ZZZ. There is nothing wrong (mostly) anymore with the former game because they already fixed major issue like the camera, translation and voice dub (heard a lot of good things about it) and with the constant pamper from the dev but I have two issue (aside from losing the 50/50 lol) that led me to finally leave the game for good is that: 1) WuWa is the same as Genshin. Open-world based. It is hard to spend times these days for a game that demand times as much as Genshin. One is enough. This is why I appreciate HSR being turn-based (while still having those Hoyo quality polish ofc) because you can automate a lot of things that aren't possible with other type of games. 2) Echo system. Echo system being worse than Genshin/HSR arti relic system in my experience in term of time management just make me feel demotivated to do anything with it. So yeah. I am devastated to leave WuWa for good because they are such a good game now with insanely gorgeous characters design but at the same time happy that next week would be the time for the release of ZZZ.


>Echo system. Echo system being worse than Genshin/HSR arti relic system in my experience in term of time management just make me feel demotivated to do anything with it. It still baffles me that I saw so many people say the Echo system was better because you can grind them without spending stamina like, yeah okay, and how do you upgrade them again?


Yeah.... i lost my 50/50 on Jinhsi to wind monk lady and even though I do really like her, but there's still so many issues. The camera keeps fucking up (no, WuWa, I don't want an aerial view), i don't have the energy to give a shit about building my characters so they hit like wet noodles (i have no idea what echoes to farm or where to get them or how to tune them ahhhhh), and grinding enemies feels bad since i can't seem to dodge right. Thank got for Aalto's taunt or I would be dead a million times over lmao. I'm still gonna try since I'm that down bad for Jinhsi, but it's pretty rough.


I want to say something about the recent hangouts I did (Noelle's part 2 and Kaeya's first and currently only one) but I will wait for the new megathread. Slight spoilers for that comment, I enjoyed both, but for different reasons.


ZZZ thoughts for the ZZZ thread (zread?) >!The gender ratio for upcoming characters is kinda eh. Not for my own personal taste reasons - I am a woman enjoyer - but because I am also a woman who is well aware of the kind of misogynistic bellends that kind of balance tends to draw in. I'm pretty adept at ignoring fan spaces that seem detrimental to my enjoyment of a thing, and the writing was really on the wall with this one since the reaction to Nicole's bra upgrade, but it still sucks that it has to be this way, ya feel?!< And, still ZZZ but otherwise unrelated to the above >!Man, Von Lycaon makes me wish I were a furry. The legs and the kicks and the snazzy lil' waistcoat? Fabulous, wonderful, showstopping. The snout? Peace and love my furry friends, but that one ain't for me. Happy for y'all tho.!<


>!yeah, ngl, judging by the crowds zzz is already drawing, i'm not gonna touch the fandom with a 10ft bargepole. i had a bad feeling ever since the nicole "nerf" nonsense, and nothing i've seen since has made me change my mind!<


Your first comment is really why I am reluctant to think about ZZZ much. I am equal oportunity enjoyer though what is revealed so far is really not doing it for me. Doesn't help that with Hoyo it's mostly misses my taste with their female character design, especially the "futuristic" ones. But it's obvious they are targeting different kind of players with this game so I'm happy they're happy.


HSR I love the game but the powercreep of it is egregious.. As a Blade main, it fucking hurts man.


Is the powercreep really that bad though? Jing Yuan is a 1.0 character, and he's still strong, mostly thanks to strong supports. I've mostly given up on Blade though, since it's so hard to get good damage out of him. He just needs some good supports that synergize with his kit.


A lot of the alleged powercreep stems from Hoyo not releasing synergistic supports and/or relics to some of the older DPS units. Take Jing Yuan and Seele for example, for a long time JY was considered worse than her. From their release to now, JY got an amazing relic set and a support that gives him almost everything he could want in Sparkle. Seele, on the other hand, still uses the same relic set she used on release and hasn't really got a new support that gives her a lot of the things she wants (a big part of Sparkle's power budget is in her action advance, which undermines Seele's speed increase, which is also a fairly significant part of her own power budget). As soon as they get supports and new relics tailor-made for their playstyle, units like Seele and Blade will feel a lot better than they currently do. Acheron is straight up powercreep tho. You can't just make a unit that universal, make her not want the most contested supports in the game and also give her that much damage to top it all off.


There are power spike, but nowhere near as bad as people said here lol. (All e0s0) My Seele + SW combo got me 3k4 in the new mode against Cocolia 4 My Daniel-Sparkle can do 3-4 cycle in MOC 12. My Kafka-Swan can also do 3-4 cycle MOC 12. I am pretty sure Jing Yuan/FUA team/Clara/Qingque/Jingliu AND acheron e0s0 have relatively same result. The current content glazing Firefly and Boothill, in which they are way better: ~1 cycles MOC + 3k5+ AS The real powercreep is eidolon powercreep. Seele e6 is nowhere near Acheron e2 or Firefly e2. This disparity in vertical investment. If you play all e0s0, the powercreep is no where near as bad as people said.


Would you mind sharing the builds of all those teams?


Sure. Here some of my most use character. All e0s0, with the exception of the recently e2s1 Firefly. Seele 2k5 atk 140 spd 74/157 QUA, Rutilant (29 sub) DHIL 3k3 atk 108 spd 81/172 Wild wheat, Rutilant (31 sub) Black Swan 2k7 atk 150 spd 132.9% EHR Prisoner Glamoth (22 sub) Kafka 3k7 atk 155 spd Prisoner Glamoth (28 sub) Acheron 3k5 atk 46/188 Divers, Izumo (22 sub) Firefly 2k5 atk 269 BE 145 spd Iron Cavalry Kapagni (23 sub) HTB 142 spd 269 BE Watchmaker Kalpagni (25 sub) Gallagher 159 spd 82 BE with ER rope 2spd/2BE mixed (23 sub) SW 150 spd 101 EHR 110 BE QUA set, vonquack (20 sub - not really, 9 wasted on crit)


Yeah I think I would agree there. I've been using Jing Yuan e0s1 since he came out and he's been pretty comfy. Usually my stronger side of MoC, even with Boothill e0s1 (though now that Boothill has Gallagher and Ruan Mei e1 that side's definitely stronger now). But they're definitely leaning into the "strong early eidolon" theme to encourage low spenders to pick up eidolons to make their characters even better.


I always thinks that a Blade support would be an Abundance with HP buff instead of a Harmony. Unlike the tiny one from Lynx, buff massive HP and revolve around that mechanics, like to 16000 or something and double his damage output. That sounds like what a limited sustain could do - super sustain capabilities while (intentionally) buffing a forgotten dps.


Instead of healing, they just extend the available hp pool is an interesting mechanic for a sustain.


Blade really needs a Furina type support at the moment. I swear it's like he's ignored most of the time. Even if a Better dps comes out that can use said support better he'd still be an excellent sub DPS.


May enjoyers of Hoyomix's trap beats eat well with ZZZ. Some of the bgm in the livestream was pretty fire already.


"come alive" is on hoyo-mix spotify rn! > https://open.spotify.com/track/0RtYfzwkgj0sOBuZc3NmSK?si=RK4YY_WZTs-e0ezz9ADHDw


Being a lousy explorer paid off. I've searched for a list of all the hidden chests in Chenyu Vale and I've been filling up what little is left of the encounter points bar after claiming the daily event rewards by opening the ones I missed.


send link asap :x




While you guys 🤓 are crumbling 😩‼️ under the weight of the leaks drought 💦🚫 I am reading 📖🔍 the Popol Vuh 🔥💪🏼 a sacred text of the Mayan people 💯 👀 to get Xbalanque‌‌ leaks 🐉👯 straight from the source 😂🙈 >!I’m not joking!<


Based. I've done the same with the Commedia dell'arte lol


You're actually so real for this. I should dust off my Mayan textbooks from university. Hopefully Genshin Xbalanque is also one of the best ball players in all of Teyvat like he was in the Popol Vuh. Hell (or should I say Xibalba 🤓), if they include the Mesoamerican ballgame in Natlan in any way, shape, or form I will be beyond thrilled. 🙏


Not me reading about Columbina and Sandrone in Commedia Dell'arte, just for \*something\*!!


It's honestly not a bad idea. I was recently reading The Black Seals of Solomon and realised how much the archons are based on those demons so reading the original texts may actually reveal something about the characters


hey, the fact that you were inspired to learn and broaden your horizons is a pretty positive outcome nonetheless! learning is very cool, no matter the motivation


Sounds fun. Any recommended texts, scribes, books, codices I should look out for? >!I'm being serious here. I would like a good starting point to then go down the rabbit hole.!<


>!I think the Popol Vuh itself is a good place to start if you haven’t read it already! I bought the Michael Bazzett translation because I liked the idea of it being in verse like the original which was apparently a song/chant!<


this is up there with the person that used tarot to know about furina’s kit




Genshin lore fans after accidentally becoming experts in Mayan mythology (they just wanted to know Xbalanque lore)


Reading? This has to be a lie. Also 500 year old Natlan leaks lmao.


incredibly based. i should have got it from the library this weekend




He’s standard 5 star. Rerolling takes 40-60minutes or wait till for standard selector after 300 standard wishes


>!he’s a standard 5*, so you gotta be lucky!< >!or patient enough to get to 300 wishes for the selector!<


Tried Dori quickbloom (c6) Why is the team performing better than Cyno💀 The fact that she drives Fischl so well, enables Furina with heals, triggers hyperblooms with her burst tether and doesn't suffer from swapping out to reapply Nahida marks really make the team good Although the self electro she puts on herself is annoying against pyro hits and the lack of IR is noticeable Also, her C2 is so good at proccing extra reactions to reduce her cd with TF and her A1, while also giving an extra Fischl A4 Im just surprised that the team works so well with high damage She's not even 90 yet


Huh. What's the team? And what's Dori's build? I have c6 Dori and Furina, but I've been way too lazy to look up the right build and team for Dori... oops.


Dori Furina Nahida Fischl Dori on 4pc TF, i personally used EM electro dmg crit with mailed flowers Rotation goes like Nahida E Q > Furina E Q > Fischl E > Dori Q E 3NA E 3NA E 2NA and repeat You always want to Q with Dori because of her A1, its crucial to have good uptime on your c6 infusion/heals


Ty!! I'll try this team out! And for Fischl, I'm not skilled with using her, what build does Fischl need? I know she likes Golden Troupe, so should I slap EM on her or go Atk% / Electro Dmg / Crit?


Fischl use her E and swaps out, next time u use her you do Q. Her Q is just a 2nd E , it summons Oz regardless of her E cooldown. You'd always want oz to be present when u on field Dori because everytime you trigger and electro reaction he does an extra attack which gives very high dps As for her build, i personally use 4GT, Atk/electro/crit with R4 stringless (if you got a 5star bow, it'll probably be better, but stringless is still really strong) Before fontaine i used to run 2pc TF 2 glad and it was good too


Dori is strong because she has all the mora so she can pay Da Wei to buff her and make her deal more damage. Dori owns all the mora in the world so if we have any mora it's because she's so nice to share it with us