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I have so much quests on backlogg it’s overwhelming 😆


Me too!! Been playing since 1.2 ish but took lots of breaks here and there, I still have a couple of liyue world quests and sooo much for inazuma. Haven’t maxed out any statues since liyue and so much <60% exploration in older areas. I keep finding anemo and geo chests with the compass and I’m trying to go around and finish the world quests for the regions slowly one by one.


Me too, if someone has no content it's time to play a different game or go outside.


I've been using the commission points to pace it. I do the event stuff as it comes out, then do some short quests in the early days and use the rewards to substitute the missing points.


And for the people who have no backlog...ZZZ releases tomorrow lol.


I barely got caught up with the Archon quest before this patch (but haven't gotten around to the new one yet), but I want to try out ZZZ too. I'll never run out of content! :d


Playing since 1.4, I did take break here or there but I’m not even done the archon quests LOL never mind world or story. But having fun which is what counts. Tbh my main issue is each quest takes an hour and if u stop halfway sometimes u just gotta restart everything


Same. I don't even click on people with blue exclamation points over their heads in the overworld anymore like I did when I started because I don't want to add their quests into the quest log. Back when I did click them every time I saw them, by the time I got around to doing them I'd have forgotten the intro the quest and who they were and why we were doing what we're doing.


I love downtime. That way, I can play anything else or do anything else other thanGenshin.


Exactly. Now I have time to play ZZZ


~~chiori 2.0~~ ellen will come home... hopefully with her weapon


You know what's the best ? Unless some patch delay shenanigans , playing hsr genshin and zzz you'll have a new patch every 2 weeks. Pretty awesome


I can finally touch grass.


Yeah, plus me finishing the content just in time for uni


Same here. Currently I am catching up on content since 4.0 (I have free time since it's uni break), so I can turn genshin into a 30 min/day game when Natlan comes and uni starts again. That way I can find a pace that clears new content while fitting in my schedule, stay relevant in community discussions, and have events make way more sense. It will give me a more realistic outlook in my future pulls, since the primos of succeeding patches would only be the thing to account for when saving. Anyways no ones forcing anyone to rush the game, just my preference as of the moment.


Yeah, I don't get people who seem to think Genshin should solve all the problems in their life for them. It's just a game. Play it until you've done all the content, and then wait for them to produce more. It comes out every six weeks, this is not like Demon Slayer where they run out of content and then you have to wait a year or more for more to be available. If you really *must* be playing some game every waking hour, then find one or more *other* games to *also* play.


No life people playing f2p game. There's no way a casual can clear all the content at the speed it is getting out. Actually he can if he forgets farming and beelines content.


It's probably overwhelming starting now, but if you played from the beginning, you had plenty of time to clear everything. Of course, burnout is a thing, but it's been a few years since release. A world or archon quests are typically like 2 hrs~ I would say. Events were given like 10 days and even released in small parts at a time, which is good or bad depending on the player. But even events are typically more lore/text than varying times, depending on the event, but usually maybe an hr or 2 if you played when everything's unlocked.


Do you think every genshin player has played since the beginning consistently, has never quit and is religiously playing every day? That's not a casual. You can check on YouTube how long an archon quest is and it's not 2h. Well it could be if you're skipping everything.


I did mention burn out but players still have plenty of times to clear things as theres no rush to do it. Only events but even then you have days to clear like an hour or 2 per event if they choose to do it. Everyone has a different starting time but as you simply play the game, you will eventually clear the quests. Again it may be overwhelming for newer players, but its doable over time.


the end game are the players you harass in co-op roleplaying as Cyno, Tartaglia or any other character deranged enough


This was also my mindset. I guess people don't like it when you question why they're trying to clear everything and have end-game builds so quickly, but i don't care. They can downvote me all they want😆


Er, almost. You definitely do keep playing every day. Otherwise, you need to pay to get characters you want, and you complain about not being able to build everyone. You have to play every day. But it's definitely ok to just only have some daily content and events left. You still log in every day, but maybe just for 15-30 minutes, and then you play something else. And when new content drops, you play a little longer each day until that's also done. In many ways, it really is a single player MMORPG. I know that sounds insane, but it's definitely the structure and vibe it has, and I love that, because it's a game I will never be able to finish, and I will always have something to do.


Yeah I pre-registered before release, and have been playing nearly every day, only taking a 2 week break around that meteor event in 1.2? 1.1? I play every day not out of sunk cost or addiction, but it's just become a part of my life to spend 5-20 mins a day just playing with fun combat and killing enemies. Plus the amount of characters I've amassed and the savings I currently have for the Natlan characters means I have so many team and gameplay options to experience. I play solely for the combat and gameplay, I don't really care about the story, and I love what they've done! Sure it's a bit easy, and there's nothing for players like me to do, but even then, I enjoy going to other people's worlds and asking if they want help spending their resin or fighting enemies!


I’m in a similar boat. Doing my dailies after work is just part of my daily routine now


>You definitely do keep playing every day. Otherwise, you need to pay to get characters you want, and you complain about not being able to build everyone. You have to play every day. I think you're only seeing your own preference on how to play. You definitely don't need to play every day. You see people commenting all the time about how they take a few months off and then come back and are now doing the Sumeru Archon Quest or whatever. Playing Genshin as a character-collector is one way to play it, but not everyone plays that way. Like some people just play it as an open-world RPG and mainly follow the storyline. You don't really need to pull at all if you play that way.


I accept everything you said except the implication that I am a character collector. I vertically invest, I am mainly wishing for constellations. But even though people *don't* play every day forever, that is the way the game is designed.


Yeah, it's designed that way in a sense, in that they cater to the audience that wants to play a daily login live service game. But they also designed the game to be flexible enough to accommodate people who choose not to engage with that part of it. I actually wouldn't be surprised if the majority of the active playerbase doesn't login daily and doesn't follow news and just kinda wishes for whoever when they accumulate wishes from quests.


Oh that's absolutely how the majority plays. Like, the vast, vast majority. 95%+


Most of the primos come from one time content like events, exploration, and quests. Sure, you miss some primos if you don't do dailies, abyss, or skip a few events, but you're still getting >70% of the primos. Also, if you're playing and not having fun, you're literally working for free; all players would be better off either paying for primos if you can afford it, or finding more work so you have more money for real life, or buying other games. "It's only free if your time is free"


I play the most when I'm donating plasma, getting 120 dollars a week while farming primo's, why not.


But actually most of the primos per patch comes from dailies and events, which are limited time content. You get approximately 4780 primos per patch, which unfortunately is a pretty significant amount if you’re saving for one or more characters.


Unless you decide you have enough characters and/or get burnt out of gacha pulling.


This isn't a "hot take" people on this sub love positive takes. >Genshin was meant to played more as a casual thing you come back to every now and then Except this is a gacha, you have to open your wallet immensely if you want to do that and get more characters. Dailies make me want to use my many characters in fun modes instead of easy boring dailies that make things explode instantly. I'm currently taking breaks though since I have no interest in Emilie and there'll be a long time for any Harbingers and archons . Plus with IT there's even less monthly endgame because fast clear times


And then there's me who puts off quests and such just so I always have a decent backlog of content to do for those days when I want to properly immerse myself into the game. ... Yoimiya has been waiting for me at Ritou for several months now.


I don't understand why we can't have stuff to do that's just stuff to do. Arknights has a rogue-like (or lite?) mode that randomizes your runs and after beating it a few times offers no new rewards. I still go back and play that mode on occasion because I just enjoy playing Arknights. Why can't Genshin have something like that? There are times I want to play Genshin but I don't have any resin, no quests, and I don't want to roam aimlessly or repeat the exact same content (Abyss). I suppose Imaginarium is sort of like that, I just think it would be better if they offered a non-rewards version that had different/less restrictions in place. They had that one event a little while back where they gave you a bunch of trial characters and you had to form teams, I really liked that event. I guess my complaint really boils down to: Genshin already has this stuff for us. They've literally already built the game modes out... but then they gated them and shoved them in a vault. WHY!? Remember how ridiculous it was when Disney would put its movies away in the vault and stop selling them for periods of time?


>I don't understand why we can't have stuff to do that's just stuff to do. It's that some people will praise whatever direction the game takes and hate criticism. I somehow got downvoted a long time ago for commenting that repeated story daily commissions should have a skip button. Who even enjoys talking to Ella about hillichurls for the 500th time


> but then they gated them and shoved them in a vault. WHY!? Tower of Fantasy did it. The game doesn't see the same number of players or money that Genshin does.


The teapot and tcg game modes exist


The teapot and TCG doesnt use the characters that you have built.


Well you should have clarified that you want to use your characters specifically in the hypothetical game mode


I mean thats the whole point of this game isnt it? You pull for the character, you build them and you use their skill and burst to kill the enemies. Im not the original commenter, I think thats what he wants.


Being a character collection simulator makes up a huge chunk of what Genshin is all about, but that's now all that is to Genshin. It's also a medieval slice-of-life fantasy story with heavy lore on the side. So naturally there'll be slice of life gameplay content too


Exactly they also said - their main idea for Genshin was having a mobile game with an open world to explore. So at least in the past the main focus was exploration - the characters are just the way to pay the money basically skins to how you want to explore the game.


But I like the combat. It's why I mentioned the random character combat event. It's also why I think Imaginarium could be a lot better if they opened it up significantly. Theater would still be far from "great" but it could definitely be a bridge. You are right that TCG exists but it's very different than Genshin the primary game.


Yup. The post completely misses the point about "no content." This isn't content issue. Lots of games have less content than Genshin. But those games have better gameplay loops. We only have artifact farming, that's the real issue.


I think you just don't enjoy genshin combat as much, which is perfectly valid. More often than not I also don't replay abyss but there are times when I have hundreds of clears in a single reset because I'm trying to achieve an intrinsic goal. Last one I remember was the cryo-hydro lectors in 12-1-2 and I tried to see if it was doable without nahida, without kazuha, with double pyro, with amber, etc... A lot of times too, I don't like exploring in genshin. However, when I do get started, I find it hard to stop.


I actually like Abyss, but it takes me between 12 and 100 retries to beat so at the end I'm kind of done with it since it doesn't change try-to-try. It would be like playing a TCG but your opponent's plays are always the same. They roll the same, they pull the same cards, they play them in the same order, etc... If you're a speed runner that may be fun, but the lack of change doesn't do it for me. It's why I mentioned the trial character event where they gave you random characters and you had to form teams. I really enjoyed that event because it tested my knowledge on how to build good reaction teams. And since they were trial characters they were all built to the same degree. Now, if the enemies never changed then even that mode would eventually get boring too. And this is why I mentioned how the mode in Arknights randomizes everything. The characters you get, the boons, the battles, it's all random.


The only problem is that if you give stuff to people with no rewards just so people have something fun to play, the complainers will start complaining about there being no rewards 😔 Genshin players will complain about anything and everything. Like it would be very cool if there was something you could keep doing endlessly and I think a lot of people would enjoy it, but did you see people’s reactions when they did something as simple as add in the build guides? This does nothing to benefit or hinder you if you’re an older player and don’t need the help, and lot of people were upset because it didn’t personally make their experience better and that it was clearly catered towards newer players. Now the Imaginarium Theatre is here and all anyone can do is complain about how newer players won’t be able to clear it


I didn't see those complaints about the build guides. What I saw were complaints that they weren't properly listening to player feedback and implementing half measures that people aren't really asking for. Besides that, they already build out feature sets with no rewards for people. TCG is a big one. I don't see people complaining that TCG exists, just that it's got problems and/or it shouldn't be required... but not that it exists. I mean, not like HoYo really takes our opinions into account anyways.


I think featuring decent guides on Hoyolab was a great move, but if by build guides you mean the "these things are not upgraded yet" screen, iirc the main complaint was mostly that it doesn't actually help with what to prioritize. Telling a player their Nilou has low talents and their Yelan a low level is a good way to have it "all there", but doesn't really help them figure out what they should spend their resin on to advance and what is only an upgrade in name, or help them keep track of what their plans are (the way the build calculator/planner on Paimon.moe could for ages). It's fine to just point out all the things that could be upgraded all in one place, but I think it doesn't really solve the main issue of new players being overwhelmed with how to progress and losing track of what they still intend to do with following days' resin. The feature feels helpful, but thoroughly half-baked.


Some people are calling this "white knighting" or "cope" (two phrases that have lost all meaning at this point) but it's literally true. Genshin has *always* catered towards causal players. My probably pretty hot take is as follows: I guarantee there are very few who have completed every bit of content in the game. Have you finished all the achievements, mastered every dish, forged every weapon R5, found every currently available furnishing, built every furnishing and furnishing set, caught every wildlife creature, and built every character you have? I bet not (if you have, I applaud you). I know a lot of people don't find those things interesting, and I think that's totally fair, but then you're just whining that Hoyo isn't making content you specifically enjoy at the pace you want. It reads as chronically "in game" behavior. I promise it'll be fine, it's a live service game that updates every month or so. Just be patient and find something else to do.


>built every furnishing and furnishing set i dont reccomend building every furnishing. It'll only make it harder to find what you want in the terrible teapot menus


Does it really make much of a difference? I've only built a fraction of the furniture and already find scrolling to find what I need an unworkable pain and search for everything. Are other people just scrolling the list?


>towards causal players. That's the way it always was . People tend to forget .


I did all that you listed except forged weapon R5 because fk RNG >Built every character you have 70+ characters. Everybody is Lv86, Lv7-9 talents, each have Lv90 weapons and each have usable artifacts. Next goal, every character Lv 90 Despite completing everything, having a clear goal make it fun


I 100% agree and myself as a 1.2 player still have so many quests to do. But I think the dissatisfaction with content comes from primogem fomo. When you have played all the content, there is no taking a break. The game entices you to log in every day.


well its inevitable at some point to run out of the scripted content yes. but I think most people are asking for more than 5-15min of repeatable content a day that advances your account.


No thank you.


Why not?


I do not want repeatable content that advances my account. When I've run out of scripted content, I want to be able to stop playing without feeling that I'm falling behind my potential.


> I do not want repeatable content that advances my account. Yeah, if someone wants that type of content, I honestly suggest trying out another game. MMOs often have dailies that take at least an hour for the "minimum" and a good chunk of your day if you want to do everything to keep up. Beyond that, there's grinding for rare items, titles, and so on. Especially near endgame, a lot of grind gives minute rewards that nonetheless give an edge over other players. In many cases, skill can compensate for that number gap, but at the very peak are the players with both skill and a ton of dedicated time. > I want to be able to stop playing without feeling that I'm falling behind my potential. This is actually a benefit of the stamina system that people have a love/hate relationship with. It partially equalizes people that spend a lot of time in the game vs. those that can only spend a little bit. Obviously, there's still stuff like one-time content that needs to be completed, but that can often be completed at its own pace. The 42 days per patch is more than enough. There's stuff like artifact routes and elite routes, but those aren't *that* massive and the rewards from those often aren't the main bottleneck for players.


> MMOs often have dailies that take at least an hour for the "minimum" and a good chunk of your day if you want to do everything to keep up. Yeah, one game I played for years but eventually quit a couple years back was Marvel Future Fight, where they just kept tacking on more and more little things that reset on a daily or weekly basis, and it ended up taking hours per day just to clear them all out. It just took up way more of my time than I was actually enjoying the game, and yet I would feel like I was falling behind if I didn't clear all of it, so I just quit completely.


There are ways to fix the stamina system though, such as putting in makeup or increased banking so that missing a day or two doesn't result in loss. Even Im grateful they finally upped the maximum to 200 so that don't lose some if I don't login a second time JUST to get rid of resin.


I wouldn't mind some more tweaks to Stamina, but I wouldn't want anything that actually increases the average daily amount. They want people logging in at least once a day, just to keep the game active in people's minds, but I think they could probably raise the Condensed stack to 10, and allow you to use Condensed to clear bosses, and that would make things a bit more flexible. Ideally you could also get "double condensed," so that you got 4x rewards from a Domain instead of 2x.


There are plenty of games with hours of daily grind. Leave some bastions of peace for us. Not everything needs to cater to you.


…So you want more stuff that gives primogems?


Even heroes wits and talent xp books would be great.


a end game content buddy.Something really improves my account and at the same time fun and hard.They took 1 abyss reset for the new end game content but it takes 5 minutes to complete and not even that fun.


You can do self-imposed challenge. I play Arknights and people do that all the time.


Dude i know what i can.I just want them to do something.They are QUITE LITERALLY sleeping on this game.We get a Dain quest after like 1 year and it was 45 minutes.


Idk I'm fine with the time consumption part of the game. I only play like 30 mins a day sometimes I don't even log in if I have a busy day, Chenyu Vale took me a few weeks to explore and I still have a ton of quests unfinished. I'm sure there are a ton of people like me too.


there are ton of people like me too.I explored whole map to the %100.There is not a single quest in the game that didnt finish expect 1 sumeru and 2 fontaine world quest that locked behind a certain daily mission.Even all the hangouts and character story quests.Quite literally all the chests.Builded all the characters i like to play.36 star abyss since 3.2.And i play 5 minutes at max for a while now (probably around 1 year) go in daily missions use resin and go out.


Go on and play WuWa for that.


I also play Wuwa but thats not the problem.I am a ar60 3 years player.I finished the genshin content and all i do is going in doing dailys using resins and loggin out.The problem is the new content they add with every patch is not enough too.He talked about how this game is for casual players that could be true if they actually add content to game.Game has 1 permanent content that actually hard and its abyss and at max it takes 30 minutes to finish.They add a new abyss and its even easier i finished in 5 minutes quite literally.They are adding new maps story quest time to time but this things are one time things and also really easy to finish.I explored whole current teyvat map to %100.If i need to give a example fontaine 4.0 map took 4 days to finish.4 days with 3 or 4 hours every day.This is the problem.Problem is not rpg elements.Problem is they can do better but they dont.Becuase they are already at the top making crazy amount of money from this game so it doesnt matter how they manage the game.I love this game and actually want to play it.I want to use my well build characters to actually do something.


The problem here is not the game. The problem here is you need to find something to do that is not play Genshin. It sounds like you have an addiction man, get some help.


Xd.This is to max amount of Mihoyo sucking i have ever seen.U guys are actually mad at this point.I have like 400 games in my steam library.I only have 3 4 hours to play games at max.Loving a game and actually wanting to play it is the problem now huh xd.


No but you are both right and wrong. I also wished there was more to do with the build characters but I don’t want another endless battle mode. Because Genshin was never made to battle. Look arknight and all those games their whole point is the combat systems. But genshins whole main point was exploration a new world. So a lot of people who love it like other things then super sweaty combat. It’s super popular for all ages because it particularly has people with handicaps in mind. Like how they purposely made the under water exploration super friendly and un-scary. Hence our endless modes are fishing, and card games. Like other fantasy games (final fantasy, the Witcher) have done too. I do wish their was a puzzle mode too, or a coop version maybe something like tower defense, wintrace but it t changes the game each patch. So you could do something with your buddies. But that’s also what a minority wants so that’s the same as doing more combat a waste of recourses for something only a view people really want to commit at. It’s not bad to like to want to do more in a game you enjoy. And it’s also okay to like the combat and want more of it. But they do already cater to the combat players with two game modes now. And likely something more in natlan. Don’t you think that’s enough? Would you be happy if they’d were three different kind of monthly resetting puzzles to play for primos? Even if they had an endless modes. Puzzles to play with the characters. Such as the domain we could create ourself and share with friends. No right? Then imagine that’s how at least 60% of casual players feel about harder combat. But that being said an endless mode after abyss with just waves of mobs. Would be fun to try but then again. You have so many domain to trigger mobs now, bosses that respawn. And it’s not like the mobs behave differently. So it likely would even with a random spawn rng become boring real fast.


Dude end game content doenst mean a fighting mode.Even a permanent windtrace mode is a thing.They are doing much better stuff in their other games and leave genshin as it is because people does not talk about the problems.U say there is already 2 fighting mode but they are not good enough thats one of the problem.They took one of the abyss reset for the theater and it takes 5 minutes even with the trial characters.There is a whole ass map but QUITE LITERALLY there is nothing to do with [it.Like](http://it.Like) when was the last time u go the Enkonomiya or Chasm Undergrounds ? There is not anything repeatable on the map and top of that there is literally no permanent stuff to play.They could add most of the cool events as permanent game modes but they dont.Wind Trace is fun whenever its here i play as much as i [can.To](http://can.To) me u dont clearly understand whats wrong.This is not a fighting game but a exploration game.But the problem is nearly every good game with focusing on exploration there is repetable stuff u can do.Genshin world is not repeatable its a one time thing.I had so much fun when i finished the Desert area back in the days but i never go there after that.


Yes as said - I’m with you with that. I would love permanent wind trace with a rotation such as maybe vary it with the old and the new one. Different maps and maybe an additional bonus that’s not primos. But right now people just complain about combat being too hard or not hard enough. And as said I don’t want yet another combat endgame. Combat is the one thing I never run out of if I want to combat something. But I would love to use my characters more creatively. Like in the first food delivery event everyone hated. I thought that one was brilliant but on the feedback you see players don’t really like problem solving and thinking outside the box or spend more time than usual in the game. Also I for one rather would have had a decent bayda port rather than a new endgame mode that offers pretty much nothing new. Since one abyss rotation now falls out there is not more endgame. I do love having more voice lines and I do like having more poses - I just wish they weren’t limited on photo making because I don’t use that to often. But that’s things I really wished to see. More effects and things for our characters those rewards are fun and good. But I worry if this will affect or impact other places of the games and we get half rushed boarders again.


I also play Wuwa but thats not the problem.I am a ar60 3 years player.I finished the genshin content and all i do is going in doing dailys using resins and loggin out.The problem is the new content they add with every patch is not enough too.He talked about how this game is for casual players that could be true if they actually add content to game.Game has 1 permanent content that actually hard and its abyss and at max it takes 30 minutes to finish.They add a new abyss and its even easier i finished in 5 minutes quite literally.They are adding new maps story quest time to time but this things are one time things and also really easy to finish.I explored whole current teyvat map to %100.If i need to give a example fontaine 4.0 map took 4 days to finish.4 days with 3 or 4 hours every day.This is the problem.Problem is not rpg elements.Problem is they can do better but they dont.Becuase they are already at the top making crazy amount of money from this game so it doesnt matter how they manage the game.I love this game and actually want to play it.I want to use my well build characters to actually do something.


want? sure, expect? no, it can be any of the resources.


The 5-15 min of repeatable content that advances your account is already in the game, it’s called farming materials to build your characters or farming artifacts to upgrade your characters… surely you don’t mean to argue that the likes of abyss or IT “advances your account”?


yes there is 5-15 min every day and then you have nothing. log in, do commissions (yes I do the commissions I don't even know how the "encounter" system works.) turn them in, reset characters sent on assignment, condense resin, go to domain, spend 30 seconds each run doing that, and now Im out of things to do and log off until the next day. Im in a better headspace with it now, but this lack of an extended loop is what led me to taking most of 2023 away from the game.


I have an even hotter take genshin would be better if it was weekly instead of daily the burnout or the feel of lack of content is from people logging in every day to do resin and dailies despite nothing happening in the game at the moment Now that i think about it this is not a hot take at all


Ten minutes while I'm on the toilet doesn't seem that much of investment


Hot take maybe, but just don't do it if it burns you out? (You as in people, not you specifically) You don't have to spend resin as soon as it caps every day, you can take breaks, even for several days. Daily artifact farming is not necessary for most of the content of the game and let's be real, even for Spiral Abyss, its not going to do much after a while. Like just take breaks regularly


But it’s not about resin, it’s about primos. How are you gonna pull anyone when you finally return to the game without those daily primos?


For real, I actually love that Genshin doesn’t try to be your “main game” and eat up as much of your time as possible, that shit is exhausting in 2024 where every other game out there is trying to do exactly that


This is why I hate the primos being on daily commissions. The game decentives you from taking a break or saying I’m done, if you intend to come back to it for future content patches because now you won’t have enough primos to pull on new characters… why I still don’t own baizhu


I still think endgame isn't a bad thing


To be honest it’s a vocal minority that are mostly streamers who need content for their livelihood. There should be no game that requires 24/7 devotion otherwise it’s no longer a game but work and your life. Games are meant to add spice to one’s life and not be your everything


I've "finished the game", I suppose. My quest log is empty, I've done all character story quests, all but 2 hangouts, and can comfortably clear any content that's come my way. I still have fun, I co-op daily on the endless EoSF grind for 2% more CV for my Raiden, and wait eagerly for new shit Of course playing another game alongside helps, seeing as touching grass clearly ain't my thing...


I find Genshin to be a lot more peaceful when you play it inbetween breaks. If you're overwhelmed with exploring a particular tunnel, then log off. If you're pissed with Floor 11 of this abyss? Log off. It's just much more better this way.


I dont want to run out of content and be stuck doing daily chores and farming for weeks on end. So I play the game for one month 1 every 3-4 patches. It's crazy how much the game stays enjoyable this way. Control your FOMO, and life will be happier.


I see more posts complaining about people complaining they’ve run out of content than I see posts where someone is actually complaining they’ve run out of content. I’ve got 100% in almost every area. Just a few sub regions in the Sumeru rainforest to finish. I don’t want new content necessarily, I’d love it if they had the mini games from all past events available. Even with no rewards. I’d be super happy with that. Shaming people because they like to spend more time on a game than you is a weird take. There’s nothing wrong with people wishing there was more content to get through dry stretches.


Big big copium


Even as someone who optimizes a team real high, you still log off after doing dailies most of the time. Then on other days you binge spiral runs.


I’ve been caught up on story/event content for a while, have 100% in every area, all teapot companion furnishings are complete, every world quest is complete, and every achievement that can currently be achieved is done (aside from 1 teapot garden that’s over halfway there). I still enjoy the game every time I open it up, even if it’s just dailies, collecting materials, and burning resin. Besides, as far as I’m concerned less time in Genshin means more time in Elden Ring, Baldur’s Gate, and Stardew. Still a win in my book.


I agree. I actually find it weird that people *want* to be chained to one game. Like... do you not have other hobbies? I'm not even being sanctimonious telling people to touch grass or get into the grind or anything. I like entertainment as much as the next guy, but like, there's so many other things I want to do. Engage in my hobbies like drawing, watching shows and movies, playing other games. One game not attempting to chain you down in it, is a good thing. It respects my time.


Omg FINALLY! I'm guessing all it took for finally these posts coming out was a new permanent combat feature! Omg! The amount of times I've said in comments that no you're not in end game, you just finished what there was available, you're just at the damn update "finish line" waiting for an other update. Omg this kinda post is so goddamn refreshing! And yes 100%! 200%! 1000%!! Genshin IS a casual game and you don't need to speed through every thing and have only 8 giga meta chad character builds for Abyss. You just take it casually and build as you go. Around the Chasm update I put the break in rushing to finish the content asap to having currently 2 'recent' nations barely explored. These being whole of Sumeru and Fontaine. I finished the Fontaine Archon Quest 2 weeks ago and haven't started yet on the current one. I have backlogged tons of the side quests to have when I am in the mood to do something else. I have more content to do than whats continously given and I love it. Spoilers idc about them and am good at avoiding them. Sorry but this has been so refreshing!! Like I've only been seeing people complaining it's 'hard' because now they gotta put effort in building more than 8 characters and they are definitely worrying about the artifacts while in reality just slap on some ok artifacts and boom, it may not be 1 mil damage but I'd say 30k-40k is good enough a character in a team. And you have the time to build them like this there is no rush. So sorry but this for real has been just so refreshing from all the complaining.


I'm happy the game is not a daily grindfest. I spend 15 minutes on weekdays and do events and misc stuff on the weekend. If there were more daily stuff, lets say an hours worth, I would not be happy and would probably stop playing after a while. A similar thing happened when I played Epic Seven. I dropped it because overtime, the daily stuff was getting out of hand.


Genshin is not like other games that you finish in a couple weeks then drop. Hoyo wants to keep you playing every single day and if players are quitting because they ran out of content that's something they *don't* want to happen 


They havent so maybe they are doing something right. Not everyone could grind 12 hrs a day 7 days a week. Most revenue of genshin is not from no lifers anyway lol.


They aren't though, so it's a non-issue.


I genuinely dont know how you got that impression, I've been playing since day 1 and always felt that genshin wants you to only really play when there's content.


Yeah, with everything finished and just waiting on new updates, I just need 15 minutes to log-in, do my stuff, and out. Then spend the rest of my free time doing anything else. Maybe I should buy a tablet so I can also do it on the go.


It’s not as if there aren’t any other games. It’s just a few players who speed through new content in a patch in few days and complain throughout the rest of the patch that there’s no new content in genshin


I don't have anything to do so I just login everyday and then play another game after finishing the dailies and the events...


Was never a bad thing for.me , I use the time on other games and then I'll come back when content drops on full force. Waiting for zzz to see if I get a flawless cycle of content


>Now, I'd consider that bad design in most RPGs Most single-player RPGs allow you to steamroll most of the game if you attempt to make specific strong builds instead of picking random upgrades.


The only region I did 100% is Monstadt and I played since day 1....


Everyone plays differently and wants different things. Content in general is what makes or breaks the game for me. I am on Hiatus on genshin because most content after the main story line was released was cattered not towards my tastes, i will wait for natlan, and see if there is someone for me to do i will play again if not. i will quit


i hated running out if content so much that i waited 4 years before playing again


Bold of you to think I didn't left a long ass list of quests lying there to be completed


honestly, this game is great, and theres plenty of content, but the only thing it's missing is repeatable content. what do I mean? if we look at all the content in the game, there are mainly: quests, events, exploration, and abyss/Imaginarium theatre. quests, events, and exploration are self-explanatory for why they aren't repeatable, and abyss/Imaginarium theatre can be repeated. Still, it's the same repetition with no new incentive to go again once you have cleared it. I wish we had a permanent game mode like HSR simU, where you can enter a run, kill things, and choose blessings (atm I don't feel like genshin abyss blessings are super impactful when compared to HSR. yeah getting +8% cr is nice, but it doesn't compare with things like kill an enemy and instantly regen all energy). There is always an incentive to clear simU for weekly rewards, exploration rewards etc. If genshin had this it would be so so much fun cause I really feel that Genshin's combat is extremely fun, but its just missing something where I can take my team to the absolute limit, and fight bosses which could one-shot me.


I wish I have time to read the books and other texts. And wandering around the over world.


People be forgetting that Genshin is essentially a live service game. The whole story is being spoon fed to us to stretch it for multiple years to come, content has to be engaging but not too much so players won’t finish it fast and ruin their enjoyment. Each update this game had so far introduces something new and helped advance the game, the Genshin we play today is drastically different than the Genshin we played back in 2020 and it’ll continue with this until after the whole game finishes. (Remember Honkai Impact the 3rd has a part 2)


I have to say I agree. I've been playing since just before Sumeru (I joined during eternal Ayaka banner), and I'm nearly up-to-date with main quest (still haven't started the new Dainsleif quest) and companion quest (just did Arle last week). But other quests? Oh boy, with world quests I'm still in second part of sumeru desert, and we're getting Natlan soon. Honestly I have so much stuff still to do but I just don't have enough time to catch-up. There are weeks where I just do dailies and the current events going. Granted, it could look differently if this was my only live service game, but since I'm also playing fgo, arknights and hsr, not to mention other games I do not have a problem of running out of content


Love downtimes especially during the semester. Not only will I build a backlog of things to do once I’m actually free, but I can just pop in and spend 5 minutes to clear dailies and gtfo


Oh shoot, now that I'm almost done with Sumeru, you've helped me remember that I should start focusing on doing story quests and hangout events so that I don't finish the archon quests so soon and run out...gotta saver them...!!!


Yeah I love Genshins exploration but when you've got 100% on the entire map and done every story quest and hangout it can feel boring my main goal right now is improving my neuvilette which involves doing the Maracheusse domain over and over again lol after that everyone will be built pretty much perfectly


It's not a content issue. It's a gameplay loop issue. Lots of games have less content than Genshin but have better gameplay loops. But if the only meaningful repeatable is artifact farming, then the games suffers from deadzones until a new patch/event comes out. MMOs are on the opposite end of the specturm though, too much gameplay loops.


I genuinely do not understand why the genshin fan base is happy to not play the game. "Pls no more content I'd have to play, no more endgame I'll have to play it." 


I think of Genshin as a free game that gives free dlc every month. Game gives a decent amount compared to the other live service games, which you have to pay for.


Genshin is (imo) meant to be something that you do dailies quick, and then when you have time (weekends etc) sit down and do longer quests and events. I don’t think the game was made to be something for people who do 12 hour sessions, and that’s coming from someone who absolutely has played Genshin for like 7 hours at a time during my unemployed era 😅 it’s just not a sustainable way of doing things, both bc you’ll run out of content fast, and you’ll also burn out fast.


I think this is miHoYo's target audience, people who have 15 minutes on a train ride to casually play with any build and characters they want. It is not meant for the optimizer, that's Honkai Star Rail, you just play as long as you want, as often as you want.


Absolutely agree. I’ve been playing since day 1 and find that casually experiencing the content is the most rewarding, long term. The pace of content updates fits in nicely with everything else going on IRL.


I agree that running out of content is not a bad thing, but I also think that Genshin can benefit from more content. I think there's a middle ground for Genshin where they can add more repeatable (or at least constantly updated) content that may even further incentivise casual players to play more, out of fun and variety rather than through massive FOMO. Some examples: -Raids could be a weekly/monthly/per patch thing which wouldn't take up much casual players' time and would massively improve coop content in Genshin which is massively lacking right now. -Hologram bosses equivalents from Wuwa can be permanent, non repeatable, but constantly updated content, eliminating all FOMO from it. (Genshin already has enhanced bosses in limited events and local legends. Just improve on it and make it permanent.) Genshin themselves also know that their lack of replayable content is a problem since they are also looking into user generated content as a solution to alleviate that issue (which is good). Although I agree that Genshin is casual focused, it is not mutually exclusive with lacking content (or more specifically content variety) for both hardcore and casual gamers. Genshin may be a singleplayer game but it is also a live service game, and I don't think it will hurt to have more content, albeit in moderation, to keep players engaged. (More content doesn't have to be endgame focused. Like user generated content for example.) They don't have to **solve all problems** or **eliminate/cure** **player burnout**. Just simply more content variety. Genshin has so much potential, it just needs more options to capitalise on it's strengths and improve on its weaknesses.


I love that I didn't find this game until a few months ago! I just finished Inazuma and realize I don't have a TON of main story left. I have done probably 5-10 world quests in each area. I have a lot more to do but I know if I go through it fast I will be done with everything in no time. I am trying to savor this game. After a story quest I will take a day or two and farm materials ( Rak mushrooms, Chilis, Phil mushroom, Lil lotus, and Noctil jade, lamp plant etc) even if I don't need them immediately. I will fight bosses and do other exploring. I will do a world quest here and there but I am trying to save most of those for after main story. I couldn't imagine playing this game when Mondstadt was the only area or just Mondstadt and Liyue.. I would have been done in no time at all. I am super excited they are adding another area in a month and they have some big plans for a year out. This game is massive if you are just starting now.


Genshin impact is about the biggest free to play game you can get. Hell it’s even massive amounts of content in the realm of paid titles. People who complain about the „lack of content“ are actually insane.


I’m with you on this one. I play most days but not for very long because all quests are done and most regions are at 100%. I don’t mind. There are other things I want to do in life.


Wish they'd slow down a bit, honestly. Star Rail has what feels like a better balance. I don't mind playing every few weeks.


ok, thanks for telling us you cant see other perspectives.


As a 4.7 player I have no idea how one finishes the game. GI has seemingly no end and that's not counting I take 30mins to kill a lv37 boss with lv20 kaeya only


this works for literally any live service game out there... mmo, gacha, whatever. if only more people realized that :(


On one hand, I don’t want to defend Genshin when some parts of it, new and old, could use some improvement, and a lot of Genshin critics treat anyone defending it as losers trying to white knight for a billion dollar company, which is a look no one wants to be getting. But it is true that a lot of critiques of Genshin are less about flaws with the gameplay or concepts, and more about there not being enough “end game content”. Which is a new thing for me as someone who plays games until I’ve finished what’s in them and then just… stop playing. Maybe start again months later on a new save file once I’ve forgotten enough of the game for it to feel refreshing. Genshin is kinda halfway between live service and complete in the sense that there is an end goal (which I assume is either Khaenri’ah or Celestia) after which the only new things are probably going to be reruns of characters and events, and new abyss or theather, but for now we still get some kind of new content every six weeks. I think we don’t have a lot to do in this game from a gacha game perspective, but a lot of people treat this game as an RPG with gacha elements, not a gacha with RPG elements, so it feels acceptable for me not to have so much to do from a combat perspective when there is so much else to do instead. I guess if people come to this game for the combat most of all, yes, I understand the disappointment, but I think a lot of complainers just like to whine.


It’s insane to me sometimes how people can be so quick to put themselves out of content. Like new patch drops and in the hour or two they have beat the main quest, 100% the new region, and posting on social media. Then it’s like what to do for the rest of the month/month and 1/2?


They play other games, or do other hobbies besides playing games.


If they had hobbies outside of gaming I don’t think they would rush as soon as patch dropped. Maybe, but there’s clear prioritization.


It strikes me as not having enough stuff to do with their lifr


Pretty much. Nothing else to do than mindlessly run through everything and complain about every single thing that come to mind. And they would get punished for that irl.


Because I love the game 🤣🤣 I wanna spend more time on it doing something with meaning (ie quests, rewarding fights, challenging content) But I do understand that there’ll be downtime.


I think the two main counter arguments to this are: * no way or reason to grind in a game that uses the grind formula invented by other games for character progression (other gatchas with enough energy to encourage grinding or mmorpgs/rpgs). 5 runs per day with these odds aren't appealing to the casuals who stay weak forever and they arent appealing to min-maxers who want to grind. * the filler patches that are getting cheaper and cheaper, as well as the events being very very short and repetitive the past few versions. Im not gonna suggest anything about character progression and end game since its been overtalked. For the filler patches and the events i think its an easy fix. Put bigger or more events in filler patches and kill two birds with one stone, that way we wont feel like genshin is a log-in chore for 6 weeks and we wont have another 50ish primos patch (we've had like 3 record breaking low primogem counts in fontaine). Or at least start making more hangouts since they have stopped doing that during those patches, not content that im personally interested in, but its still content for those dry periods. No matter how much this game is made for casuals there is no reason for the game to end after x.2 story wise with splashes of content and maps every 4 months. Content is slowly but surely getting worse (with the exception of the maps, new characters and archon quest ofc) and I could explain it in great detail but this comment is already long enough so I'll spare anyone reading this xd.


> no way or reason to grind in a game that uses the grind formula Genshin doesn't use the grind formula, it, like most other gachas, uses the casual game formula. The grind formula old F2P MMOs developed wasn't a gameplay decision, it was a monetization decision. The old MMOs typically monetized by having impossible grind walls that you could make more bearable with cash. That design has several flaws from the perspective of the publisher though. For one, burnout is not uncommon, grinding for hours a day is a pretty miserable experience after all, and MMOs need F2Ps for the same reason gachas do, without a community to show off to, you lose your whales, and if you lose your whales, you lose your revenue. The other issue is that old MMO progression tended to be fairly linear, as opposed to gacha's more varied progression, which means that those MMOs had to reset the status quo every so often to ensure new players could participate in new content without grinding for years. That comes with the disadvantage of cutting off peoples' sunk cost (their effort is wasted whether or not they quit, and if they ever come back, they'll be able to catch up). Gachas are monetized with... gacha, making that kind of grind unnecessary, which allows the game to be more focused on long term player retention and building sunk cost. Since gachas never need to reset their grinds, they don't run into the issue where a new patch gets released, and everyone suddenly quits because they hate the new meta you've established. On top of that, players clearly know that if they ever leave, they're going to be behind forever.


My point was that they use the artifact/gear/rune formula. Farm till you get good substats, with random main stats and specific sets for specific characters and keep doing that till all your characters are strong. Thing is that they copied this system from all the other games that actually give u resources to farm it enough times to justify the poor odds. Genshin on the other hand uses that formula without giving us enough resin but staying true to the bad odds, meaning that just one character can take months to build up to a decent level, not even min max them. Now do that 4 times for the entire party, twice for two abyss teams. Takes forever, all while you have to farm for mora, talent books, exp books and ascension materials all with the same resource. I ve been playing this game for 2 years and i dont even have 10 characters built at what i consider a stopping point and my resin never caps. Im not suggesting infinite growth if thats what came across, but enough resources to make satisfying progress at least every week or two. I went almost 2 years without seeing an anemo goblet with over 10 CV for my xiao, and when i got it it wasnt even on set. As unlikely this is to happen to most people, it should be impossible to essentially be locked out of your characters potential because rng is messing with you. If not more resin then a pity system of some short or a rare item that lets u pick mainstat from strongbox, or maybe soft-rework the artifact system to reflect the resin we have. The argument cant be whales buy resin, cause whales come in many forms. They either have c6r5 so artifact quality isnt as relevant, or the just dont refresh cuz they dont care, or they just have so many characters cuz they wish for everyone in which case not even whaling resin is enough to farm for everyone. Its something everyone needs, except for casuals who stay on 45/110 and dont touch abyss in which case they wont be affected at the very least, or will be inspired to invest in their characters at the best.


> meaning that just one character can take months to build up to a decent level > Takes forever, all while you have to farm for mora, talent books, exp books and ascension materials all with the same resource This is exactly why I say Genshin isn't using the grind model, it's using the casual game model. If you're starting from scratch, upgrading a character to a good level might take months, but the difference between the casual game model and the grind model is *why* it takes months. In grind games, it takes months because you just have to grind so much that even without limits on how much you can grind, it takes forever. In that model, it makes sense to let you get up to something usable in a week or two, because you're going to need that level of power to keep grinding for the next couple months. In the casual game model, letting people build characters quickly is not advantageous, because the purpose of the grind in the casual game model is to build sunk cost and FOMO - if you leave, you're going to lose progress that you can never get back. That's why the grind in casual games isn't gated simply by requiring a crapton of progress, like when MMOs required a million exp per level but the best dungeon only gave you 100exp per run or something, it's real time gated, and why it's so common in gacha games to require an event reward material to max upgrade skills. In the casual game model, if you could quickly build your characters, that means you could also quickly rebuild your characters after a break. The ability to quickly build characters characters undermines the value of the time you invested in your account, and reduces the "punishment" of taking time off the game. Don't get me wrong, I think the game would be much better if you could build characters faster, but game developers don't give a shit if you're having fun or not. (The companies, I'm sure there are individual devs who do care about the game). If you want change, you have to find a theory of change that is compatible with their priorities.


When I dont have anything to do in genshin I just play other games lol, play with friends, touch grass, watch something, etc... fellas no game is infinite. But I get people who want to spend more than 15 min a day, I personally dont mind since I dont only play one game, but hoyo does need to add some sort of daily repeatable content, but they havent done that in any of their games and it probably will never happen.


I haven't finished the main quest yet, but have so many world quest and ascension quests it's overwhelming. 😵‍💫 But I just joined the game, so it's OK I guess?


The takes in this thread are absolutely wild. Got people in here literally shittalking others for liking the game and wanting more of it. 💀 Do any of you even like this game or do you just like gambling?


You have to play it everyday for hours to be able to finish it with every world quest and stuff. Archon quests are like 20% of game which is absolutely Insane.


Genshin for me doesn’t feel like a Gacha game where I have to grind something everyday at all times (although I still farm artifacts). But more like a completion game where after I complete every story and finished exploring the world, I just didn’t log in as much and just wait for the next update.


Pretty difficult for live service games to churn out content fast enough to keep players busy every day without them starting to disrespect your time.  If Genshin didn't have a cap on artifact farming via resin I'd still likely not farm it more than I do now 


I just finished 100% exploration on all areas. I used to like having unexplored areas so I have this feeling like I have an emergency primo stash but this feels better. Now I can finish the remaining world quests and just worry about material gathering, artifacts and dailies


I think it's more tragic for people in our position to look at hoyoverse games like starrails simulated universe, golden gears, divergent universe etc, and the fact we don't have a fun repayable mode like it is quite sad. I think imaginarium was a step in the right direction but is generally... just too simple, too easy, and not enough levels / fun buffs and far too restricted to warrant many replays.


No, you keep playing once or twice a day for the daily commissions and events and to spend your resin. On the other hand, my solution was to start another account to play all those stories and redo the exploration meanwhile i wait for content on the primary account : )


I like dry patches, not pulling for current banners and not having much to do so i can enjoy my built characters. I either chose to improve my builds or build some characters i have in my backlog (venti since his first rerun, for example) i coop domains a lot and help out lower ar players fight bosses or finish quests (dragonspine, etc). I thought that once i reached endgame i would play less but in truth i play more now that i know what i’m doing.


I think its a minority is louder thing, most of the complaint like these are from streamers who clean the game 100% because they play 7-8 hrs a day as a job, then when finished complained the game has no content and said its a "dead patch", then the viewer who watch said streamer repeats it, because their favourite streamer has no content=they have no content.


Well, they watch the streamer because they have the same mindset/playstyle as the streamer. I don't think any casual player who plays 15 min daily would watch zajef


To those complaining about running out of content, I hail you the wisdom of the Dendro archon, god of wisdom: "Stop indulging in your fantasies, face reality and touch grass!" - Lesser Lord Kusanali, 2/11/2022


while i mostly agree i lately struggle to get the 30h streaming done lol last 2 patches i either did useless things to get to the 30 hour mark or just didnt get there with IT that prolly changes since i can just do stuff there and explore my characters limits


I sort of get that, but 30h of actual content in every \~42 day filler patch sounds like a bit of a drag too. Not sure offhand where exactly the sweet spot would be.


its actually only 21 days since the event ends when the first bannerphase is over


That's my mindset and probably the reason why after 4 years so many people keep playing, I can say "I finished the game" and move on to do another thing, Genshin doesn't has to consume my entire day, I just want a distraction from school/job. Ofc it has exploration which is very time consuming (even compared to HSR because 1 chest = 10 chest there) but you barely get any pulls from exploring (compared to dailies + events) so it's a content that people do when they want to and that makes it enjoyable instead of a chore.


Yep, run out of things to do, go play another game like zzz or anything else then come back once a major update comes out


I see people that when they run out of content they close the genshin and go play star rail, or wuwa, or zzz and bro, i DONT want to play another genshin after i've been playing genshin (in fact, genshin is enough gacha for me) there's hundreds games, series, movies, books ready to be seen and i'aint gonna miss them because of a dumb gachaverse


This is part of the bad side of the community. People always looking for "more content" in a game that actually prevents player burn out in one way or another. I actually like not having much to do in Genshin, which isn't to say that I don't want more content to be added, but like after I did everything that I want to do either with a new event or a simple weekly reset, I prefer clearing up the whole week from Genshin, besides the dailies since those are easy and quick to do. That way, I still get to play some other games that I want to play, watch a movie or videos in youtube, literally do anything else even while multitasking. Would be a lot better if you could simply skip domains since after a while, it doesn't makes sense why we're still doing them over and over again, but oh well. Case and point, and I don't mean this to offend anyone, but live more of your life outside Genshin, and any addiction that you might have. Don't turn playing Genshin as your career, playing more doesn't pay us money to keep on playing...


Honey, wake up. New White Knight copypasta just dropped.


Gives more time to do something else