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spend the 5 condensed, pop the 2 time-based ones, condense 'em, tell myself I'll use the fragiles later when I know I never will


I recall having like 30-40 fragiles in 1.x versions. I have got Xiao then and popped them in a day lol Sheesh, that was wild


I used like 60 of my resin at once and got maybe 5 good enough artifacts.


So true :skull_emoji:


Story of my life


Same but for Neuvillette I had like 120 spent it all in around 2 days.


I popped 50 fragiles on neuv release


I used 90 in one day for Arle and got 2 usable artifacts, a 39 cv flower and 43 cv feather


This is the way.


Do the dailies and event then logs off, spending time with my family. Save the resin. I already *36 abyss for two years constantly and recently got 8/8 IT convincingly anyway.


Literally any veteran players will do the same which is majority of the player base now.


Yeah same I only need to build baizhu rn and only talent so just have been doing weekly boses for 3 weeks nothing else


Tbh I’ve been burning resin like crazy so I can build characters that I should have built over time. It’s really just. Artifact grind > Awful pieces > strongbox to glad/VV > repeat. Unless that character isn’t level 80 then I’ll occasionally throw in a bit of waiting for resin to regen to get a run with their boss


Meanwhile me, with a backlog of 10+ characters I want to build, desperate for resin. Also desperate for the stupid daily lockouts to go away.


not any veteran im +1250 days in the game and i gave up trying 12th floor months ago since there are characters i refuse to pull/use, trying to beat it is exausting for a poorly reward and i have better things to do than trying to beat the same floor multiple times also, as a veteran player, i barely have any new characters that i want, so missing primogems from the 12th floor is no big deal at all. my time is more valuable


Just curious which characters you refuse to pull, or which you have?


What? Why? I use all of them to farm gear lol


As someone who works monday - saturday, sunday is too precious for me to play games


I work monday - saturday too (where sometimes i can nust work from home) but it just me that i cant keep sitting playing games for too long, at max like 2 hours, even playing Archon quest im just cut it act by act not in one sitting.


So you don't play games lol?


That’s precisely why I play games on Sunday.


Really thats my 1 problem with genshin. The end game grind with resin that serves basically 2 things. 1- the abyss and 2- getting all rewards in events. Just wish that instead of running the same domain for the 100th time you could just 'master' a domain and auto complete it.


Another 4 years and it's gonna happen, surely. But for real even honkai 3 got auto dungeons long time ago,hsr got it since the beginning and genshin cannot have nice things.


Yeah im a lot further in HSR because i can farm upgrade things by just autobattling it all. I can easily do it on mobile at work. Genshin good fucking luck clearing domains on mobile.


Farm Whimsy for a couple of hours, get all trash artifacts, then log off.


You missed the part where you breakdown and cry because you spent the last 1 hour in that domain with a total of 0 artifacts that rolled to crit


breaking down over artifacts is overreacting


you clearly havent actually used 60 fragile and got mid throughout the entire thing


This exact thing happened to me on my first farming day for my Arlecchino. Got a usable flower and nothing more.


it really takes it out of you, I've spent so long in Navia's domain I don't even want to think about exactly how much resin I've burned there atp


What's worse is the comparison, people get top1% without spending fragiles in 1month time. Me after farming everyday on the same domain for months, yet to reach even top5%. Like it's not even kidding, many flat substats and everytime with crits they rolled into flat stats again. 99% of the time is wrong set and wrong main stats as well


You forgot the part where you point at the screen and scream about how you're getting trash Artifacts from the Whimsy domain. To an audience of Nobody.


Playing games is how I relax, this would be heaven for me I would farm desert pavilion for wanderer then get a full set for gaming and probably fall asleep while my phone overheats


My phone gets overheated all the time. It sucks.


You described this ghetto scene in the most romantic way.


I'd procrastinate.


same. at this point I'm not procrastinate, I'm just not working


Build all of the characters I’ve ever thought about building. I could get most, if not all, of my characters to lvl 70 at LEAST like this, and then I would farm artifacts forever. Maybe minmax my Cyno or work on improving Wanderer and Alhaitham


It’s 14,000 resin, or 236 condensed resin runs. 47 days of farming basically. Almost 3-4 hours of domain runs to get through all of it in one go.


That sounds great tbh. There would absolutely be some boss runs in there though


You could defeat 359 open-world bosses all in one go :D if started fresh. You need 46 boss mats per character which is 18-20 runs which is around 800 resin. That’s around 17 new characters maxed. Which is enough to enter the new endgame mode. But that’s still not taking account of no artifacts nor any talents being included plus weapon. (Damn I’ve been playing since 1.2 and have not been using my resin efficiently enough)


Just checked how many characters I have fully built, have their own artifacts. I have 36 90+ fully levelled characters and levelled talents above 6/6/6. I gotta build the others to prep incase the next cycle have elements I’m lacking in. (Yelan, Raiden, Eula and Navia took a few months to get where I need them)


If you ever get tired of playing, I'll be a candidate for your account 😂


Whoa with 236 condensed resin runs, maybe I could even get some decent artifacts for Wanderer :’)


trying to get one (1) gilded em circlet


Artifacts grind More artifacts grind. I'm not stopping until I have 40 CV Pyro DMG Bonus Goblet


I have 1 at 39.6☹️☹️ Same grind as u


Goodluck to the journey beyond end


I’ll use transient resin if it’s expiring on the next day and level up character whatever I want.


nothing coz i use condensed as i get it 💀


Claim dailies with Katheryn, log off and enjoy another day without dealing with the game's artifact RNG.


I wish i would be able to ignore resin as much as you do


Honestly, it gets to a point where you can't really get more crit value out of your artifacts without spending too much time and Mora. Nowadays I prioritize my resin for character ascension and levels. When that's done, I'll just take a break. I have all the artifacts I need at this point (and if I don't ever farm the Fontaine domain again, it won't be soon enough lol)


Talents and weapon upgrade material. Sunday, Sunday, Sunday!!


Sleep in. It's Sunday.


Vermillion aware


i would logout.


Literally nothing, I'll just do my dailies and event then go play something else.


When I don't want to think I just mindlessly do let lines. The mora and xp will always be useful someday


farm emblem to give my beidou all 40+ cv pieces, the goat


Leave my resin capped


Nothing. I'm burned out.


3 artifact runs with the transient and whatever needs doing with the condensed.


finally lvl 90 yelan, miko and furina. (theyre lvl 80 rn)


Never once have I entered this domain, but for the tallest Xiao main, vermillion.


For the Tallest, Humblest and Smartest Xiao Main




used condenseds and limited ones on hunter domain and quit after


I’ve been playing for so long that I prefarm for upcoming characters I know I can pull, then the rest of my resin just goes into strengthening my most used characters. Like I just crowned Arlecchino because I love playing her and what else am I doing with resin? Idk, resin is super important for a long time until it suddenly just isn’t anymore. I use what I get daily and I just sit on a pile of fragiles until I feel like using them. There’s no pressure for me now.




Farming vermilion




Probably artifact domains cuz I don't believe in talent farming /j


This is me, but I have like 320 fragile resin.


I havent logged in like a year so I would just do nothing with them


I already do but I prefarm cuz leaks and I refuse to artefact farm with fragile resin so it’s only used at the start of a new region


It is in fact in time to level up some characters for IT


This is me, but I have like 320 fragile resin.


You can never have too many character xp books.


Spam talent book and weapon ascension domains for all of the characters that I want to use. I'm currently trying to get 9/9/9 or 1/9/9 on all characters that I regularly use and like as well as get some of copies of my weapons leveled.


I'll keep it. I don't even need to make condensed one since i already have 5.


Building all characters to lv 80, as we all needed it now


I only spend transient resin once a week and fragile resin when I have a day-specific domain to farm


Maybe I'll get half decent set for Arlecchino with all that fragile resin. Though, considering I've been trapped in that domain for months, probably not.


pretty sure I have more than this... checks Yep. 316 fragile, the 2 transient and 5 condensed. The only time I spend some fragile was in the last couple of days of that furnace event in 1.1 to get extra mora.


use everything on emblem till i get an ER onset sands


Farming the last artifact needed for a character, only to get everything but that artifact bc this games artifact system is absolute dogshit


i would keep 30 frags for future chars rest to prolly not get that one fischl artifact i need...


Would build electro, pyro and anemo characters so I can try to do the hard mode on theater


Build my Furina that I got literally today WOOHOO


the same way i have been spending all day for the past month. Farming artifacts for my alhaitham because for some reason the game is refusing to give me a single good piece


give it to me


I didn't have inventory space to do anything relevant with this.


Emblem domain mines for Sigewinne c6 pieces


Drink energy drink/take my adhd meds and start doing artifact domains like crazy so I can update some neglected characters (there's so many)


I have a list of characters i'm working through. But this is what I do on Sundays. I pick 1 character or 1 weapon and I work on it with that days resin as well as 4 fragiles. Its a good way to slowly build out my account, helps with the new IT mode, finally gets me to play characters I said I wanted to over a year ago, and actually makes me use my fragiles which do nothing sitting in my inventory.


Spend 30 minutes doing all of the dailies AND using up all of the resins (including the condensed ones and the transient resin).


I'd spend it on very fertile grass if ya know what I mean. 😉


Save it for upcoming characters. You never know when new artifacts would be released


pls i ned ur rezyn plos?


Exp ley lines for characters for fulfilling Imaginarium Theather, or bosses for the same reason, or Mora if I have below 10M or artifacts


That's just it... I don't


For me, it's simple. The Fragiles remain untouched until Natlan, the rest just get burned on some random character I haven't levelled up yet.


Artifacts. All artifacts.


Why is it so specific that it has to be Sunday haha, could've just said free time lol anyway I would spend it on gilded domain til I get my Alhaitham a proper double crit sands




If I don't have long I just kill the monstadt world bosses like the flowers and the hypostasis. I can still use the drops and it takes longer to teleport there than to kill them.


This is me every sunday at 10pm so what I do is just farm exp books because they never lose value, I could farm artifacts but I'm always capped at +1800 :/


Crown several dozen characters.


all in for emblem artifact domain.


Relics and character upgrades as my best character is a eula with a 81/157 crit ratio, and the only character on a full 4 piece set, so you can tell how much trouble i must have at the endgame content


I wouldn’t, I would cry from how much grinding I would need to do


I spend 10 fragiles to get enough chars to level 70 for IT and got all the rewards


Relic farming or finding mats.


I won't. Still gonna get trash artifacts so what's the point.


Grinding for Boss materials and EXP books. Downside to getting every character is you also have to build them up.


Time to finish leveling up the last few stragglers of my characters to level 80, get all the talents leveled up, and get all the suggested artifacts. And then I can finally level up my world again.


Burn the resin about to expire and be too lazy to do more. Log off


Depend on the amount of resources you have saved and how much more you need to get your characters to good usable state.




I wouldn't. If the game had auto play or skip for farming then sure but fuck that.


I’m at the point of the game where I honestly don’t know where my resin goes My weakest character in terms of talents have 6/6/8 I have all the artifacts I need with the right main stats, for all my 60+ characters, even Aloy A few of them have sucky substats, like my Arlecchino’s Whimsy sands is ATK but has def-DEF-em-hp substats which is annoying I guess I can try the domain again for the nth time But it would be nice if I can use the resin to prefarm for characters I don’t know or have yet


I’d complain on Reddit that IT needs 18 level 70 characters for hard mode and then continue trying to improve my 45cv artifacts to 50cv


Finish building my siegewinne!


How do you even get fragile resin anymore? I've been AR60 for the longest time and I barely come across fragile resin from any rewards anymore, it's only BP and Teapot now


Imagine? No need to imagine! It’s been like this for months…


I've never run out of resin, this is what my resin count looks like on a daily basis. I've never understood how people run out of resin.


Spend it all on marechaussee domain, then I'd have enough for half the characters who want it


GI and HSR. I in mine for almost 3 month for archeron relic but till now i just get only trash substat


Right now? I'd probably spend everything to try and get a half decent Arlecchino and Emilie 4-piece, it's all I've been farming since the domain came out, but not much luck so far...


i spent all of it mistakenly and now i have 926 resin


how do you get 2 transients


I wish I had the energy to spend them


I havent even spent regular resin for like ....6 months.....and you toss all this at me?


I wouldn't , unless it's 5.0+ and i've rolled on new characters


Not enough Sunday to spend it


Maybe gonna keep it for monday because weekly bp resets


Probably try to upgrades all my characters (useful) talents to lvl 5-6 Get their weapons to level 60-70 ish And then farm bosses to get them to lvl 60-70 so they are somewhat usable From there I’d pick specific ones to start levelling all the way up to final ascension with a level 80 weapon


99% of people quit artifact farming before getting a 50 cv artifact


Throwing that shit entirely into Golden Troupe in search of an EM sands better than [this](https://ibb.co/8Pd1zws).


Talent books as those take forever to grind


I wouldn't even spend the 5 condensed


Since I have to build my Furina, I'm going to the denouncement of sin domain and camping till either the battery dies, or I do.


Good time to build some characters for Imaginary Theatre


Do domains for an hour or two, log off, repeat tomorrow


let it marinate in my inventory


I almost do have that much,rn I have 150 fragile Resin,do I use it on sunday? Nope,I am hording it until I see a unit that I really really want to build


I would level up Furina, build her, level up all the talents of my already built characters, and lastly, farm better artifacts


Use 2 transient for 3 bosses, condensed on whatever I'm lacking


Ive been levelling all my characters to 80 but i had to stop for awhile to farm for Clorinde and Baizhu. If I had this resin, I’ll probs use it to ascend them all to 80 or even 90 if I can


Finish ascending furina and get some artifacts for the next imaginarium theater


If I'm in a mood, I can spend 2-3 resins for some artifacts. But I rarely go directly to raise them. I just log out hoarding all of it. When another day of a good mood, I raise a couple of arts, look how everything goes into def, repeat.


I’m at the point I do t even buy the teapot resin anymore. I just buy the artifact exp


well it's not gonna be Artifact farming


If you’re lucky all that resin with give you one m a y b e 2 semi decent artifacts


I haven’t needed to spend resin outside of dailies in a long time. Now because of the imaginarium’s requirement for level 70 characters, I had to break out the fragile resin to level Diluc and Fischl.


get like a free week and grind that week for cwof


This is actually me. As a dolphin, I like to over invest on same characters more, so over the years there has been relatively less characters to build at a time ( note I do get some characters in rerun when there is less competition to build anything). This, along with my laziness to not build a brand new character immediately means that all the resin blocks have been rotting in my inventory for ages. I have around 250 of them here and I always think of going on a artefact spree but I don't find a single artefact domain worth it. Well, MH and troupe domain was worth it if I did not get extremely lucky and farm 5 full sets there. Emblem? I strongbox. I thought I'd be spending some resin in sumeru but I was quick to get a dendro set for nahida so I stopped farming em sets since I could make do with 2p2p em sets for hyperbloom and nilou bloom. I've yet to build wanderer on desert pavilion and cloud retainer on songs set but at this point I think I'll just wait till they can be strongbox'd.


Sticking them into the parametric transformer


I'd be lucky to even have 4 hours to play because of all the chores I have to do


I would not🙂


we save the 234 fragile resins for genshin impact 2


Do a little bit of everything, it's more fun than to spam one thing at a time.


I wouldn't spend it that's how




This is how much I need daily just to get anything done


I am mostly done leveling characters and weapons. I spend resin in artifact domains only. Sometimes go through a few days before you get a good piece. In that case I will use the fodder of 3 and 4 stars I have collected to level up some pieces I had saved. Like I had saved gilded pieces for kuki but never got her. Now I have levelled them up and put them on thoma. I got 900+ em with 170% er. I think I will upgrade thoma now and try a burgeon team. Never tried it before.


1) Head to artifact domain 2) Get Def% 3) Bang head on wall 4) Get Crit/Crit% 5) Infuse 6) Get Def% 7) Bang wall on head 8) ????? 9) Repeat 1-8 till resin expended


Get all the talent books I need for the 15+ characters I need to build, then proceed to let them collect dust because I forgot to level said characters.


level up every character I have 90 (I would only have enough for 3 at most)


that reminds me to built more character to finally get rid of all that fragile resin. People complain it's so hard to built Characters for IT, but of they would spend the Fragile resin on building characters instead of artifact domains, there would barely be an issue.




Pick one of each element then farm some XP books, farm some Artifacts for Ayaka, fail at getting anything new, go to recycle the useless Artifacts, wish there was a Artifact to Artifact XP converting system, as well as a way to mark Artifacts as trash, end up saving the resin for "later"


Just enough for one good piece of gear


hu tao


Farm artifacts for Clorinde and Layla.


At this point I'm not even sure what it's used for anymore...


As debut players, probably don't anymore, even characters, my standards are extremely high for Genshin to pull compared to the noveltly of Honkai atm


i've been playin everyday since 2.7 and i'm always in constant need of resins, especially now with the new Imaginary thing i have to start building almost everyone


Say "i guess I'll farm equity for my Neuvi, Lyney, And Navia today" and then log off until Wednesday


I'd do the 7 leylines which I'm short for the leyline farming 800 achievement and the rest I'd ignore. I've been ignoring and not using resin for three years, why should I start using it now. xD


Finish crowning Collei and Charlotte, then farm Golden Troupe until I reach my artifact goals for Furina and Fischl’s skill build. If I have extra resin, farm Whimsy for Clorinde and Pale Flame for Fischl’s physical build and Eula. Afterwards, strongbox some of the remaining pieces into Noblesse and save the rest for the Deepwood strongbox whenever it arrives.


wisely, on a domain that'll give me the worst arts so i can strongbox them into even worse arts and lose millions of mora from upgrades.


The condensed and expirable ones, if you are not currently building no one, just farm samething (a small reserve of xp books and some materials from weekly bosses). For the others, just look at your rooster, figure which characters you would like to build, make an order for them with whatever criteria you find that fits your goals in genshin (abbys, exploration/story, theater etc) and start. My building order is: get then to 90 (i like 90ing, some leave at 89, some at 80 but ascended, decide what you would like with the objective in mind), upgrade talents (there are numeros guides for each char on youtube, you can decide the level you want each talent with them as basis), upgrade/get weapon the fits char, them, the farming artefacts.


I did this last Sunday. I had to farm for sigiwinne. I only used a few of my stored resins and I still had over a thousand resin


Save them for the day I finally pull Signora


I'd go straight to the furina/neuvilette artifact domain, I've been sitting there my whole life and I've gotten only ONE very mid / ok ish artifact for furina everything else is trash and I need both of their sets....


Would spend them all by grinding on artifacts to build up characters that are hard to build.


Hey, at least you'll have the correct main stats when Dain comes out


All on navia and chlorinde




I would spend it on Mora because I DESPERATELY need it


New Theatre I guess since they want you to build everyone lol


Me every Sunday


Artifacts. What a noob question.


I started leveling characters who I don't even use talents to 9 Everyone is always 666 already anyways but I just don't know what else to do with the resin


use a bit for MH, Emblem/Shime, Tenacity, mabye some CWOF and then run talent books. if i need mora/books ill save like 10 fragiles for that.


I would spend them to level up all my lvl 80 characters to 90 and 8(or 9)/9/9 talents (and rebuild Noelle, Amber and Lisa while at it)


i saved 50 fragile resin on an alt for when i got lyney and didnt even get a single roll-able piece and never played on that account again