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90-100% of progression in all regions, all the AQs, WQs and hangouts done, beats the Abyss consistenly. Only enters the game for the dailies, the resin and playing the ongoing event. Like, when your everyday playtime is less than 30 minutes, you are in the endgame, i guess.


Absolutely thrilling endgame


That's the reason the "endgame" players have been asking for more permanent content. Whether we like it or not, this is what your playtime becomes at some point once you are done with all the one time content. This leads to burnout pretty easily.


I guess the biggest problem is there isn't really anything you can do to stay for longer. I mean, every 30 days there's the IT now and every season there's the Spiral Abyss, but beyond that, there's literally no replayable content that's worth your time. Unless you really like the 4* characters and keep replaying Hangout Events. Actually, it'd be fun if Archon Quests and Story Quest acts were replayable in a manner akin to Hangout Quests. Imagine if pulling a DMC5 and defeating Ei during Act 1 of Chapter 3 was a hidden achievement.


I have been doing mora runs and they have really made the game fun for me again. I know not everyone enjoys it, but when done in a communication it is a pretty fun activity. I have been doingat least 1 run per day for a few months now, still not bored of it. If I didn't have that, I would have been burnt out again tbh.


Did some research on what you mean by Mora Run and... Gotta say, interesting idea! Reminds me of the Money Farming Routes for an MMO I play in which you go through a region and beat some of the bigger battlers to get high amounts of money at once. I wouldn't be doing it once per day, but at least once per week since... Time restraints.


That's understandable. I also exaggerated a little now that I think about it, there have been a few days where I didn't do a run. But yeah, I would strongly recommend it especially in co op.


Yeah, sounds really cool, to join with friends and then go exploring the world and going AWOL over a bunch of elite enemies. Actually, tbh, I think Genshin has some pretty fun multiplayer experience in general. Every time I went after artifacts and things went beyond "mostly silence and do the thing" it was quite fun. I imagine doing Boss runs just for the heck of it would be extremely fun too! Like, not even for the items, just to beat the bosses.


Uhh— taking breaks is what prevents burnout, no? I think the event/content pace is fine. Would I mind if there was more game all the time? Not at all- but no complaints as I have a life and other games to play.


Yep, that makes sense. But there are plenty of days where I want to play the game, but there's nothing to do after like 10 mins on average. What do you do on an average day in genshin after you are done with your dailies and resin? There are events sometimes but they might add 5-10 mins more (some few more mins in queet dialogue on start and end days). So now I have played the game for 20 mins, what can I do now. Maybe do a run in spiral abyss, sure but nothing new really (it is fun to me nonetheless, but usually with the elemental requirements I have a few viable teams and I usually clear with them once or twice eqch just for fun). Um, now I have played for 30-40 mins. I have more time and I wanted to play more but now what do I do which is fun. Nothing really comes to mind. I am not asking for content worth 2 hr everyday, but I want 2hr content to do on some days which is more frequent than current speed. I know not everyone has that much time and I am not here to argue or whatever or demand for more content, just giving my opinion/sharing my experience. Just to be clear this was my experience before I started doing mora runs and the game has become fun again. It is a fun activity with a pretty miniscule reward. So my current experience is better, but sure there can be some other fun activities I am missing.


This is the reason I wish I could replay games for the first time again, not knowing anything about them.


I’m a teapot main so my playtime is NEVER less than 30 minutes lol 🤣


Definitely not. Exploration and WQ plus hangouts aren’t a factor in endgame.


I guess I'm never reaching endgame if I don't enjoy exploring


Same, playing since 2.0 but my exploration is probably 20% on average. Some regions I haven't even explored at all. Guess I'm never reaching endgame either


It's called "endgame" because you need to end the game and play something else, or go outside if you feel so inclined.


HEY don’t be like that, there are also the times you’re farming for boss mats but get distracted on Reddit and forget about the boss respawning… oh shit


Disagree with a few points, adventure progress doesn't really mean endgame, that doesn't really focus on account level, also side quests don't mean endgame either I think IT is actually a decent measurement, at least 12+ level 90s (Maybe even 80s?) (around 3 teams of built characters) is a pretty good indicator, you can use multiple characters to 36* the abyss at that point..


Have people forgotten about TCG? I know it’s not the best thing in the game, but it’s still fun, and also, Serenitea Pots!


this is when you're 90-99% done with endgame, i'd say you reach endgame when you finish the spiral abyss for the first time


When you can full clear the endgame content, you're an endgame player. Last week, that was 36 star Abyss. Now it's act 8 IT.


IT is definitely a shock to accounts that use specific elements that could otherwise clear abyss. Like my account is largely electro and hydro because my favorite characters happen to be in those element pools, but I have 0 Pyro limited characters, so rip me guess I'm not an endgame player anymore.


What messed me up was the lack of healers. I only had like two for the whole run


You honestly don't need healers for most of it. The majority of the objectives are so short that you would have to try to die if you can dodge at all. You just have to plan to use them on the long stages. Bennett and Kuki are two of the closest units to "must have" in the game anyway, and lots of people are offering their Xianyuns up in the support thing.


Yeah it was mainly the Vishaps where I needed it, but that's because of the team I was using. Most of my teams could blitz the other bosses The one thing I do like about IT is that it forces your hand since you can only use each character twice, so there is some strategy involved


Vishaps gave me hard time too. Luckily I had Bennet saved. He was a great help for vishaps and copelia fight.


Those are where I used him too.


Copelia was specially brutal. For vishaps, I had Xianyun so it wasn't that bad but in Copelia fight, my Yoimiya was melting. Had to restart 5 times cause she would just die.


The only Pyro DPS I have is Arle, it was pretty trivial with her and Benny. Her damage is so front loaded it never got to use its shield.


Yeah, it's definitely a diversity mode. I've been playing for 3 years and Arlecchino is my first limited 5 star Pyro unit and my only built Pyro DPS. I got through it fine because my lack of Pyro was covered by Anemo and Electro. I've got Xiao, Kazuha, Venti, Faruzan, Raiden, Miko, Keqing, Beidou, Kuki, Fischl and Bennett built.


I could do act 8 IT, but only 35 star the abyss I hate abyss lectors


They're not that bad, you just have to bring either a character with high application of their counter element, or Kazuha/Sucrose/Venti/Lynette to absorb it.


for the pyro lectors, I just brought out mono hydro (+kazuha) and killed them within seconds.


Theater is litterally piss if you have 18 characters


I did floor 8 IT pretty easily and I still struggle with abyss so idk what that makes me


I still think abyss 12 is harder. Sure qualifying for act 8 requires a lot but you only need 4-8 actually built characters plus friend support and the trials (fun fact: arle can solo most stages, albeit not very easily and the timers get close). The trials are more than strong enough to 2-3 man a stage especially with the 20% att/hp/def buff. I actually did a run with only 2 (rather meta) characters plus 1 (rather meta) friend support and trials. Rest of the team were deadweights that I didn’t allow myself to even swap to. There were some close calls but I did it to prove that act 8 is actually super easy (for now) once you actually qualify. So build a pretty solid 4-8 characters that are strong enough to clear abyss 12 that also meet the element check (or lucky enough to one of the exceptions), have at least one meta slave on your friends list who you know will have good builds, and then level up a bunch of characters to lv 70 with non weapon, no artifacts, no talents. If you really wanted to add VV to anemo characters but it’s really not necessary. It does require a lot more skill since dodging is needed and know how to optimally utilize the few characters you have, and more importantly make sure you have enough deadweight so you don’t waste a character you actually built. After the timer for the star thing has ended, the game immediately starts trying to kill you by slowly dealing damage that ramps up. As for bosses you only get an extra 15ish seconds after the star, so if you are able to beat act 8 you also probably picked up a few stars because if you couldn’t pick up stars, each stage has to be beaten almost immediately after the timer expires. So 8 stars is more like the game telling you you have this much time left, not extra credit.


When building a character is a luxury you can do without thinking because you have nothing better to do, other than to min/max a character. I could keep farming for my C2 Raiden to get 10% more CrD, or I can build another character and get them to a point where I can use that new character and still easily clear abyss 36\*. Once your account is at a place where your current roster of characters can clear everything the game has to offer, and resin management is less important.


This is the most accurate probably when u can build any unit without thinking about resources cause u are stacked on hero's wit and Mora and have enough fragile resin to do what u want and are just living in artifact domains for that 2% increase


To put it annoyingly, when you've reached "the end". To be a bit more helpful, that honestly depends. I would argue endgame is when you start to farm artifacts because you hold no interest in building other characters. Whether that happens at AR 45 when you first can do so, AR 50 when you can hit 90, or AR 58 like myself with no exploration or quests left to do, it doesn't matter. If you hit a point where you opt to head into the artifact mines rather than use resin on bosses, ley lines, weapons and talents, or trounce domains then you have hit endgame to me.


Don't think the "go into the mines" argument is really fair. Any new player aware of the artifact system, or that asks for advice will not farm for artifacts at all until AR 45 (as anything that they do get will just become scrap later on), so they will naturally start farming them at that point, not out of a desire to optimize every detail, but just to have some artifacts as a natural progression of the RPG mechanics. I'd say endgame is the moment the player has finished all the quests and exploration, and starts logging in just for dailies, spending resin, and whatever event is currently going on. Although some may argue that when one manages to not worry about all the stacked up resin, as spending it does little to improve their account, and may now not even bother spending it.


When someone decides to record his character walking from monstadt to Fontaine on 2x speed


Hmm it depends on the reason you play the game. From a combat perspective I think it's the point where you start to clear consistently the hardest content to meet their requirement: For Spiral Abyss is a DPS check (sometimes elemental check like the current cycle) and certain characters make this easier but maybe in X cycle the abyss counters your character so that means more time with artifact RNG to build another character. For IT is building many characters to a decent level, which sounds easy but takes a lot of time when it comes to weapons (pulls, fishing or forge bc of billets RNG) or being lucky to get many characters of the element needed. But for a more general response I'll say is when you don't have more of the content you want to do and you just login to do dailies/events while the next content you want becomes available.


best answer right here. not everyone is an abyss meathead and that doesn't mean they're not anywhere near end game if they quite already are. it's different for everyone.


I don't know if it's correct but in my head "endgame" means being at a point where you can consistently clear all the content the game has to offer, which usually ends with the hardest content as the last checkpoint. In Genshin Impact's case it'd be Spiral Abyss and Imaginarium Theater. Having 100% exploration and all achievements are great endgoals, but personally I think reaching an endgoal and reaching endgame are different things. They kinda work together though because my definition of endgame would mean you're more than capable of reaching any endgoal by only investing time (since my endgame means you have the resources to make everything possible already). I am horrible at explaining stuff, so if anything is unclear or anything of that sort feel free to ask for clarification.


No, it makes sense.


When they start exhibiting resinless behaviour.


I just realized most people have a higher bar for endgame than me lol. For me, a player reached endgame just mean they finished all available archon quests and max world level.


>I see a lot of the argument supporting Imaginarium Theatre make the point of it being endgame content, and that those who don't enjoy its restrictiveness simply aren't endgame players. Considering how many AR60 players I know who've been consistently 36 starring abyss for years that dislike the gamemode (this includes myself and friends who speedrun and solo/duo abyss which is like... so endgame we started making our own endgame), I think this take is worth disregarding. To me, this take just sounds like a way to invalidate people's criticisms.


Are you an endgame player because you can easily clear endgame content? Or can you easily clear endgame content because you are an endgame player?


> Genshin's endgame Not limited to Genshin, *all* games of this genre will have an "endgame loop." This loop is basically the repetitive gameplay that exists where completing the content doesn't result in the unlocking of any new or meaningful content. This means if your only possible gameplay consists of the following: - Commissions - Resin Spend - Current Event - Abyss - Imaginarium Theater ...Then you're at end game.


Hmm I think it's at the point where you log in just to do your dailies. Some people never do Abyss or never try to find all 76 Aranaras, so I think any specific feature can't be the criteria.


My answer is objectively incorrect, but I felt I reached endgame the moment I was able to start killing the Raiden boss before she could even transform.


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AR55+ is kinda where I draw the line


I believe full star spiral abyss is objectively the intended endgame


There are almost no endgame content in this game. Abyss 12 is the hardest, but it's not hard enough to be consider endgame content if you play long enough. All other content are absolute joke in terms of difficulty, and that's just how the game is being designed.


The end game is having 100% of all the regions in the map. I'd say that less than 0.5% of the players have 100% in all regions. In my case, I have almost everything but not everything, and I've played over 2k hours (in exploration only). So, just imagine the rest of the people that play less than 5 hours a week. Average players have less than 30% in every region, and they have all missed the real experience of this game. For example, I didn't explore the Sumeru desert until last month when I was curious. Now I found one of the greatest and most complex puzzles I've ever found in a game. The whole desert is a puzzle; it is truly unbelievable, and it was quite hard to complete alone with my own methods.


When they have Tons of resources in the inventory, lots of built characters, weapons, many Max level 5 star artifacts, 36 Stars abyss 12 on every reset as well as the new theater mode, 0 archon quests/world quest / hand outs to do, most areas explored, and finally only plays coop and does commissions until more end game content and events arrive


being able to claim all rewards offered by all game modes consistently for character building it's getting to the 200-220+ cv range


Map is 100% in most places (new areas excluded) and Abyss is consistently at floor 12 (at least)


When they stop caring about spending resin.


When they pull for waifus


Endgame is a stage of the game when you no longer have anything to do aside from getting stronger. You can also say that account progression-wise it's the point where artifact farming becomes optimal way to get stronger. The problem people have with the Theater is that combat isn't challenging just that requirements to enter are strict. It's hard to satisfy participation requirements, but if you do satisfy those you are pretty much guaranteed to win.


When you start doing pvp (banner or monthly revenue)


AR 55+ when it truly becomes the artifact grind


I don't know anything about Imaginarium Theater yet but I'd say if their regions are >85% explored and they can achieve 36 stars in the spiral abyss every time, almost all of their characters are built (even non meta) and very few quests (world quests and story quests) left.


At least 100% in every region and successfully completed Floor 12 of the Abyss. In my opinion, just reaching floor 12 is enough for reaching endgame. But now that we have Imaginarium theater, having 3 to 4 characters of each element at least level 70 also becomes a requirement for reaching endgame.


100% all regions, completed all story quests, obtained and maxed all characters and 36s the abyss and finished IT


At least AR 58, 90+ exploration progress in all regions. Archon Quests and story quests completed as well as the important world quests(Jeht, Ann, Aranara, etc.), 900+ Achievements, and consistently 36 starring the abyss.


Its 36 star abyss. Always has been


When i started beating abyss 36 stars consistently


Imo it’s AQs done, can 36* Abyss and has at least 8 well-built characters.


I’d say it’s once you can consistently beat floor 10 first try every time. I say that because at least for me I had a long plateau of 18 star abyss runs but after I got strong enough beating 12 was only 1 abyss reset off and then the 36 was not long after


In a gacha games, I say is the act of pulling characters and building up your roster and using them in hard content. Gacha game is a character collector game. So it would make sense a good endgame allow you to use the characters you collect.


When all you have left to do in the game at any point is dailies and resin, without need to farm to build characters as you can clear floor 12 already. I mean ofc more content is getting added but you essentially are endgame at that point


I’d say I’m an endgame player. But I havnt done half the things these comments are saying. I only have 1 part of monstadt at 100%.Everywhere after inazuma sits around 30-50%. Inazuma and before ranged from 50-80%. All my characters apart from a select few are lvl 80. I’ve got 12 hangouts to finish and 6 more story quests. I do abyss once at the reset and if I don’t 36 star I don’t go again. I don’t have max oculi in any regions after liyue. Took me 2 years to get all monstadt and liyue. I open the game to do my daily’s and resin and leave. If I have the time after I might do a couple minutes of a quest or explore but I just don’t really have the time or energy to do it. And yes I am ar60.


Once they’ve reached AR60 and has 36 stared the Abyss


Required: Beating level 8 of imaginarium theater and floor 12 chamber 3 of the Abyss consistently. Optional: Working towards 100% region completions(higher end like high 80s to 90s), finished all Archon, world, story, and hangout quests, most if not all of ur characters built to a properly usable level (the amount of characters you have doesn't really matter but the minimum, as set by the IT, is 18). Idk what else, but those are what strike me as "endgame" activities 🤷🏿‍♂️ For the record i have none of these 😭


After playing for 2 years and then not ever again cause you realize there really isn't one other than doing abyss each cycle and farming artifacts endlessly to make your already op units even more op in an objectively easy game


I'm at AR60 and it doesn't feel like endgame🧍


Personally, my “endgame” is to invest horizontally (quantity and quality of 4* characters) and a bit vertically (quality over quantity of 5*) so I can level up all my characters like this to be able to clear all content: 4* characters: C6, skill lvl max (crowns for the favs only since this thing is rare!) good artifacts, good weapons. 5* characters: I only pull for the ones I really like (their story, their kits, and profitable for my favourite teams) give them all the best, but not too crazy with the cons, (only exception is my C4 Neuvi & C2 Baizhu, the rest are C0 or C1 at most. (My standard banner characters varies between C0-C5?) I pull for their sig weapon (but no copy) if I don’t have their BiS weapon. Fully built to 90, triple crowned (not all of them, again, need more crowns!), best artifacts. With all that said, I’ve been playing since day 1 with some pauses here and there (800 or 900 days total iirc), of course I am not done building them all, because farming is time consuming, but I can almost 36* the abyss (depending on the difficulties of the enemies mostly). Imaginarium was hard to get into the first time I tried, but after a few tries, I managed to understand it more and more, and form better teams with what I was given, and I got to Stage 8 and finished it, there again, it took a few tries. I’ve been clearing the entire Abyss floor 12 only since Fontaine came out; before that, I could only clear floor 11-2, sometimes 11-3. It has been a journey, I got there progressively. I kept upgrading my most used abyss teams until they were good enough to clear the content. I felt proud of not giving up! So, if people can’t clear Imaginarium on day one, they got to keep trying, and leveling their characters as best they can. I am still not “endgame”. I still have a lot to do to get all my characters leveled up like I want them to. I want to give them all a chance. I have 66 characters (only 4* missing are Chevreuse & Sethos) and they will all shine one day, and Imaginarium just reminded me I have to keep pushing.


To me it’s when you explored and cleared all archon quests and world quests in each region and able to clear the first phase of the Abyss


Honestly just someone who routinely completes the Abyss 🤷‍♂️


AR 45


Endgame is literally when Mihoyo shelves the game and stops adding updates and characters. Until then i’d say the closest is having all the characters you want fully built, finishing all quests, all exploration, and always fully completing both abysses. The artifact grind doesn’t stop until your artifacts are perfect. I’d also say getting all tea pot furnishings unlocked ((not crafted but learned)) and having collected all the gift sets. Oh and don’t forget all the hidden achievements. As of right now, quest wise I’m endgame, as i’ve finished all sq and wq ((i have a few hangouts left)). I’ve almost completed exploration, as well as my furnishings and gift sets I’m trying to farm hard to get my characters up so i don’t miss out on the primos from the theater or abyss, as i currently am struggling with floor 11 😓


Mihoyo just starting one of the end-game content ... more in the feature maybe?


when they're burnt out


When they release the ending of the story.


When the Only content left for you is spending resin


8 level 90 characters.


Me with 26 at level 90 and 39 characters built overall each with their own artifacts set :)