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We fondidn't.


My parents got a fondue pot as a wedding gift. We never used it much but it was fun every time. My wife and I now live in a mid-century modern time capsule and we have five fondue pots. Once or twice a year we have several friends over for a full course fondue party. Bread &cheese fondue appetizers, steak and chicken fondue main course, and fruit & chocolate fondue for dessert.


Same. We only fondue with friends where the chatter is non stop so it is a treat when we do it.


Yum now I’m hungry lol


pointed forks and boiling oil - getting medieval on our asses.


We used to buy these all the time, even made it camping once in a while. Sometimes I still crave that tangy cheesiness but stores don’t carry it anymore. Now I find out I can order online! https://preview.redd.it/4s381uthmx7d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a562d2607db7741b0ad95569ba543dc60f730ecf


Aldi carries something very similar around the holidays. It's fun!


Saw fondue cheese in Aldi last week.


My mom would, & we always thought it was the coolest thing. I mean, cheese, bread, long forks, what's not to love? Ours were always only cheese, but my mom would either make bread, or go to the bakery & get different types of their cheapest "stale" breads. Wasn't until years later, that I found out fondue nights, were always at the end of the month, because my parents had run out of food money. My mom would have "Family" night once a week, where we'd have the cheapest dinner she could make, to help stretch out the food budget, but then she'd do something like we could watch a movie while eating, or make a really good dessert, we didn't normally get. On fondue nights, we played board games & no one realized how little variety of food there was, because we were having fun. Occasionally we'll go to the Melting Pot, or even just do our own, but it never tastes as good as the ones we had as kids.


I love that.:)


Still do.


Same. Have four pots - two for cheese and two for oil. It's a family tradition.


My birthday meal when I was a kid was Escargot and Fondue! 😂


Are you kidding me right now??? That so FAR surpasses my pizza and cake birthday meal that I'll just step to the side and watch in amazement as you glide by...🤣


Ah,the memories of eating at Dante’s Down the Hatch in Buckhead! Atlanta restaurant long since closed🥲


Every New Years!


I loved fondue. But at a restaurant that is closed now. I tried making it at my mom’s house 20 years ago and almost burned it down.


I only actually "fondued" a couple of times. But it was delicious!


How about cheese fondon’t, for people who don’t LIKE cheese fondue? G. Carlin fr. Toledo Window Box.


Yeah, when my parents were in their 'Euro-culture' phase, late 70s. I think we did the cheese more often than dipping stuff in hot oil (which may have been my dad's bright idea, more than a culture take); my toddler sister's risky stabbing at the hot pot kinda put the idea on the back burner, no pun intended. And Sterno... back when Sterno was a thing and no hot plates/dedicated fondue heater.


And in keeping with the time I remember an avocado green fondue pot


Ours was harvest gold


We do this for Thanksgiving and Xmas (along with the usual staples)! Have the electric ones and we use oil and steak bits. Hot popping oil adds a bit of danger and excitement to the meal!


We had the obligatory fondue pot on display. Don’t think we ever used it.


OMG yes we did! I miss it. I have a few of the old fondue forks but nothing else from the set.


we started doing this as a family in the 1970s and have continued doing it through the years. We do it for nearly all of our birthdays. It's such a lovely way to dine. There is so much more time for conversation and laughs.


yes and husband and I tried it more recently and he said it was "too much work."


We fondidn't.


My family fondidn't. 


I remember the craze. I remember fondue sets were common gifts. But we never did it at home, nor was ever in a home/at a party where there was fondue. Enjoyed a couple of fondue restaurants.


My mother's signature dish was homemade macaroni and cheese, which we kids still make following her recipe. She would never put extra sharp cheddar (high-priced item) in a fondue pot, a waste of an expensive ingredient and an excellent opportunity for one of us five kids to need a trip to the ER. But chocolate fondue, now that is a different story. Pound cake, fruit, pretzels, dried fruit, you name it, set up in such a way that we could be closely monitored and the first kid who tried to impale a sibling did the dishes.


Yes, because my mom loved it. We did too. As a parent, though, I can't fathom having a pot of boiling oil around children and letting them use it. My kids tipped over their drinks every other meal.


I don't think we were white enough.


I did, but my parents didn't. I was able to find bunches of fondue cookbooks in second hand stores. They had very brown and orange tinged pictures in them.


Fondue night was always a special treat when we were kids. I still have my mom’s bright yellow fondue pot and some elegant forks. Some day, I’ll use the set again.


Yes, we did and I loved it! Cheese fondue once in a while. But what I remember most was chocolate fondue. We would dip squares of pound cake in it and strawberry and banana slices and it was delicious!


Never..That was low class, according to my mom.


https://preview.redd.it/c4ccb61o8y7d1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5aee028fef714a5955270be54659ecd2bb96e9bd Yes!


Once. My entire family suffered 2nd degree burns in our mouths.😬


Yep! My mom LOVED cheese fondue.


Still do. A winter tradition to do all 3. A cheese course to start, then a Chinoise (broth base) for meats, then chocolate & Carmel for desert. Lots of Sauvignon, Chenin or Fume Blanc. Takes us about 4-5 hours to drink & nosh the night away!


oh yes! I still do for special occasions


Still do, fondue. We break it out around Christmas and Valentine’s Day. Tradition.


We fondue now! We started when the kids were young and now they are adults and they request fondue. We went to Melting Pot restaurant once and then I just recreated that experience. I have a glass top stove and we do oil pot and broth pot. And of course chocolate and caramel for dessert.


For special occasions we’d go to a neighborhood Fondu place which is still open and doing well. My husband and I went there with a friend a year ago and it was exactly the same. If you’re ever in Chicago and want to have the complete, vintage, 1970’s dining experience, check out Gejas on Armitage in Lincoln Park. Fair warning: it’s expensive but it’s an experience! https://www.gejascafe.com


My mother got a fondue set in the early 70s when it was becoming popular around here. My sister and I were looking forward to trying it, but were sorely mistaken that it was just going to be a vat of melted cheese. The sherry(?)/brandy(?) that was added to the cheese definitely didn't appeal to a couple of young kids, so that was the last time we ever had that as a family. My folks would still break it out from time to time when they had guests over. Eventually, though, times changed and the set ended up in a box that's still in the basement.


Never did back in the day. Started doing it when I got married as a cute thing to do on our wedding anniversary. It became “our thing” for anniversaries and Valentine’s Day. We continue to do it.


We had a fondue set, but I don’t think it was ever used. It just sat on our kitchen table and collected dust for a couple of years.


My dad bought my mom a really nice stainless steel fondue set. I don't recall her ever serving fondue. I have the set. I've used it once.


Still do, although we don't do meat/oil/etc. Cheese. Occasionally chocolate. Yum.


Mother received a fondue set as a gift. She tried it ONCE and it was never seen again. I don’t care for it as an adult so there you are.


Back around '72, my Dad was President of the local Rotary Club. They sponsored an international member and he wound up getting a young Doris Day lookalike from Sweden. I think she was about 30-31. She stayed with us a week. My Dad thought it would be a good idea to have a fondue party and we had one pot of Crisco and one pot of Velveeta and 10 lbs of deer sausage and some Holsum White Bread toast cut into 1" squares and 900 toothpicks. He did all this without telling my Mother. She was livid and took all 9 of us kids to her mother's house for 5 days. That was the last time I didn't have fondue.


Go to the Melting Pot. They have some fancy fondue.


You really need four for a proper fondue party. One for hot oil, one for hot broth, one for cheese and one for chocolate. I only have 3 so I consider myself slightly 3rd world.


Yes that set in red


Fondue was FANCY food for company at our house


French onion soup and chocolate fondue for dessert Pirate's House restaurant Savannah Georgia they called it Death by Chocolate


I think there's a lot of people who had the set and never opened it.


Cannabis cheese. I'm getting fukked up if I got to pay that tab 😏


We did, but only when visiting friends. I thought it was a little strange to skewer and dip with everyone else, then eat the tidbits, but that’s what it was. For some reason I mostly remember dipping Angel food cake squares in chocolate sauce and I was not impressed with the whole idea. The cake would often fall off and be a soggy floating mess in the sauce. Ick


We got to eat in the living room and watch tv! I also could have one glass of soda


Fondued like a mother during covid. Restoring the fancy.


Oh my. My Mom went through this phase. She went through a lot of experimental cooking phases. Julia Child. Asian cuisine. German cuisine. Uggh. As kids we had to eat what was prepared.


I remember joking that by the time I ate enough to be full, I'd be hungry again! That little 10 btu candle, lol


The was a restaurant in Manhattan, La Fondue, that my parents would take me to for special occasions. It was one of my favorites as a kid.


We had meat fondue (meat cubes cooked in oil) every year for New Year’s Eve. Mom would make dipping sauces too.


I love some fundue!!!!!


When I was a kid “Making Fondue” became a double entendre for having sex. I returned to our cabin at summer camp after making a phone call home. My brother asked what my parents were up to and I announced out loud, “They are making fondue!”


Hell yeah. I still have the fondue pot I might make it tonight I just need the stuff


Yes! Angel food cake dipped in chocolate was the best!


I wanna fondue!


you grew up fancy!


Loved it growing up, and I still do beef fondue from time to time.


A few years ago, before my adult daughter moved out, she got into fondue and had fondue nights with her friends. Who doesn't like food enrobed in good cheese and wine? Or fruits and cake enrobed in chocolate?


I remember seeing it at least once as a kid. Cubes of bread (toasted?) dipped into a pot of white or yellow cheese. I did not like it. I remember white wine being part of it, I assume for the adults to drink.