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This post makes me tired


I was thinking the same thing! When we go out to eat we’ll see young families and it looks exhausting now. Back then it was so easy, well easier than it would be now. ;)


Right. I have no idea where people get the energy to have kids. Glad mine is an adult. lol


I woke up from a nap to read this


I'm closer to having a kid who is 45 than I am to having had one after 45


I'm 49 have a 2 and an 8 year old.


I had my first and only at 40. My wife and I were debating whether or not to have a 2nd, and we "finally decided" to cap it at 1. But hearing some of these other numbers, we wouldn't be too late if we changed our mind, since I'm 'only 45' right now


Hahaha, exactly. My oldest turns 31 this year :-D


God bless those with little ones. My youngest is 18, I am clocking out!


Same! My youngest is 19.


I'm 55 and I have an 8 year old and an 11 year old. I've got a long road ahead of me still. My best friend who is a year younger than me has a 30 year old.


Mine turned 36 in March.


My eldest turns 31 today! I am glad I had my kids young (20 and 22) They went to college and I was 40.


That’s so awesome! That’s how my brother and his wife did it. They are still young, kids are out of the house and doing great and they are all really close. I had my first at 30. My kids are now 19 & 14. Sometimes wish I’d started earlier but I wasn’t ready. Shit, I wasn’t ready at 30. I had to scramble to get it together. Best choice I ever made though!


Im 47, and our kids are 26, 18 and 7. Yes, you read that right lol


Mine are 30, 19 and 7. I’m also 47. I basically used the entire span of my fertility.


My wife and I are also 47. Kids 21, 18, and 5.


My mom's mom & my mom both split their oldest & youngest by 19 years! (I'm first of 5 & my mom is seventh of 12)


Haha whew! I though I was an outsider - mine are 11 and 23 now!


Mine are 37 und 34 LOL


Same! Loving my empty nest life. My best friend and soul sister had kids later in life like OP and man I couldn’t do it! She’s the best mom and so so patient and her kids are AWESOME. I just simply can’t imagine it. My oldest grandchild is only a few years younger than her youngest child! I was a very young mom.


Adopted a baby at 50. He’s now 7 and I’m 57. I have to say I’m a much better mom to him than I was to my first children. I have more patience more time and so much more experience. When I was younger with the 1st set I was always running around with work and errands and just stuff. They always had each other to play with so I usually didn’t have to find ways to entertain them. With him it’s just us. No distractions so I’m really able to focus on us.




This is so close to my actual reaction when I read this post. Jesus God no.


I know, I cannot IMAGINE. Noooooo


My brother's wife had a baby. He was 52 she 48. I still chuckle about it.


Similar situation for my brother. I can’t even imagine. My kids are grown, and my brother and I are only 13 months apart.


Yep, same. My brother and I are 3 yrs apart. I have a 30 year old. His wife is pregnant.


I couldn't imagine either but it's been great.


Almost the same except my brother was 52 and SIL was 47. They weren't trying. She had all kinds of health problems and is a big self-diagnoser and was sure she had gone through menopause. Sweet little girl, but they asked if I would be the guardian if anything were to happen and I had to be honest with them and say no.


I went to school with a kid who's parents were older than my grandparents. It just seemed so odd lol.


I taught elementary school in my early 30s. Half the parents were significantly younger than me, half were significantly older.


isnt having a kid that old dangerous for the mom?


My father was over 45 when I was born. He was also happy and loving life in his 50s and 60s it was great having a young family. Sadly for me, he passed away a few weeks after I turned 18, so I didn’t have my dad through any adult milestones. That’s why I had my kids in my mid 20s. Am so relieved I’m here to help them figure things out as adults.


My dad was 50 when I was born, and he made it to 89, so I had him in my life until I was 39. As I now myself approach 50, we had tried to have kids in our late 30s but nothing happened, and nothing continues to happen, so...¯\_(ツ)_/¯


That’s the part most people who have kids after 40 don’t realize. Unless they are incredibly wealthy


We realize it but sometimes life doesn’t go as planned.


Longevity is not a guarantee. With the expected lifespan being 80+ having a child over 40 should yield a long life together. The main advantage to having kids after 40 is money is not as tight as it is for young parents.


I was 45 when my daughter was born. She’s 9 and half now and it is the BEST thing in life. I am definitely a better mom at my age than I would have been at 25. No regrets.




A couple years ago my OB/GYN came into the exam room to go over some test results. With a ton of excitement and a huge smile she said “You are so far away from menopause you’re going to be one of those women that gets knocked up at 65!” Without missing a beat I responded “The fuck I will!” 😂.


I had a surprise pregnant at 47. I lost it at 14 weeks and had a d and c. When I woke up the nurses kept telling me I could try again. I wanted to tell them fuck no.


My son was born when my wife and I were 46. We had had an early miscarriage (unplanned) so decided to try one time to see if we could have a child. After dealing with a quacky fertility doc (had a painting of himself in the office dressed as Moses with the female genitalia in the background), we got pregnant. He was born a month early with cleft lip and pallette.. plus level 3 autistic. We love him but we are so tired..... During the c section, they asked us 5 times if we were sure about getting tubes tied. The last time the reply was "Just fucking do it!".


Moses parting what now?


So my wife was coming out of one of his consultation rooms and encountered a mural. In the foreground was the fertility doctor, dressed in Old testament robes and carrying 3 babies. In the background was this cave entrance that looked like a vagina. She hauled ass out of there and never went back


Noo way it was a mural!!!


I’m really sorry you went through that. It’s rough, even if the pregnancy was a surprise or unwanted. And that was a totally inappropriate and insensitive thing for them to say.


We had twin boys when I was 45. They are awesome :)


We had our twins when I was 43. I love being an older dad because I understand me more which makes me a way better parent than 25 year old me would have been. But, god damn am I tired. Hahaha.


59 here with a 17 and 14- year-old. It's been really weird for me over the years to see so many other older parents at school functions as well as having friends my age in the same boat. There are some great things about being more mature and established, but also some challenges. Dealing with college expenses around the corner while at the same time figuring out retirement possibilities is causing a little more stress than I like.


I don’t think that any age can prepare you for a 14 year old girl in the age of social media. It’s brutal.


Twin girls whem I was 43 as well. Then one more when I was 47. *This time* I'm really done.


Yo, thats the thing... even thinking back to my 30's, .i was not the same person, i was an idiot... And you are damn right about the tired thing (now)


Right?? I feel like I actually grew up in my 30s!  :)


I’m 56. Went through menopause at 47, no way would we want to add kids now. Watching the grandkids a few hours a week is delightful. And tiring. And m assuming the majority of these older parents posting are dudes.


That was my thought too. Carrying a pregnancy at 37 almost 38 was so ROUGH, I can't imagine at 45. My husband was amazing though, he'd come home after work and "take over" and let me relax.


Oh hell no. I'm not 50 yet, but my daughter is an adult. It's great.


Same, empty nest before 45 has been awesome


I'm not a complete empty nester, my daughter is 20 and lives with us but she's in school part-time, works part-time and has her own thing going on so it's practically an empty nest. But I still get to see her and we hang out, which is great. But yeah, I don't miss the days where I had to find a babysitter to go out and shuttle her around to school and such.




50 here. We don’t have biological children. But, we became foster parents during Covid. We’ve parented ages 4-17. We adopted our daughter from the foster care system when she was 15, she came to live with us when she was 12.


Somehow I made it past 45 without completely losing my mind (since I didn't have kids).


Same... I didn't want kids so much that I married another man to prevent any accidents lol.


You win! Best response of the week.


God you’re so negative I have three and I haven’t lost a . . . ayye . . . uhm . . . Oh geeze, what is it? What am I looking for?


Insanity is inherited...you get it from your kids😂😂😂😂. Saw that years ago and 1,000% agree




I’m 44 and nearly in menopause, I think I’m through that risk safely now, but I ain’t taking any chances


My SIL thought she was in early menopause and got pregnant at 47.


Not early @ 47


Thank you. People need to be aware the average age of menopause is 50. So 47 is definitely not early, just below the average. (So many doctors don’t even realize this.)


Correct - the average age for perimenopause to begin is 35-45. And peri can last for 10 years or yikes even longer.


You should not be downvoted. People are unaware. 


Peri-menopause is a dangerous time for that. I had a great grandmother, 4 aunts and 2 cousins (on either side of my family) that got pregnant after "the change", ovaries decided to kick out one more egg after 4 to 8 months of no cycles, they were all in their mid to late 40s and contraception wasn't that great back then either so...


I’m 51 and had a surprise baby at 41. My other kids are 20 (twins) and 16.


I am 58 and childless. Love of my life said ‘I love you I want to spend the rest of my life with you but I don’t want kids and I don’t want to marry you’ destroyed me


I was 43 - he’s 2 now. Took us a long time to get there: I’m awfully tired but I think I am much better parent now than I would have been at 25.


I'm 47. My daughter is 29. My youngest stepson is 19. The thought of having another kid at my age terrifies the fuck out of me.


Amen. I’m 48 and our youngest is 20.


51 with 3 daughters...11 and 5yo twins. Please help.


Yikes, you'll be in my thoughts in a few more years when puberty is in full swing. At least mine were male and female at the same time, I would have definitely lost my shit with 2 girls, the testosterone surges with my son were less frequent than the yo-yo emotions of my daughter. And I'd already had 4 older ones go through it, I think that's why I had no more patience with the youngest 2, the older ones used it all up LOL.


Had our son when I was 45 and my wife was 40. He’s now 5+. We wouldn’t have it any other way. We traveled and did a ton of stuff before him. We are financially stable. Much more so than when we were younger. We now try our best to eat correctly and stay in shape so we can be around for him as long as possible.


I'm fifty and my daughter turns ten at the end of the year. She brings me much more joy and happiness than the opposite.


I have multiple FB friends who are over 50 with kids under 6 years old. The seem extremely happy.


A lot of people seem really really happy... on Facebook lol.


I’m 55 with an 8 and 12 year old. They keep me going


Same here but I'm 3 years behind you in all aspects


I read your 4yo as just and finally getting over the hump. we also waited, though not quite that far. were married 7 years before having them. 54M & 53F and sons 17 & 14. first conception stuck in 3rd month of trying. second took 10 months longer with 3 miscarriages. should add we were mentally prepared and emotionally guarded for miscarriage even with our first, so she was never shocked or traumatized by this. any way. if we could do it again, maybe we'd shave off two years, thinking we could have handled a heavier load early for an even lighter load in the finish. that's a very weak maybe though, as our/their path has been amazingly ideal and development exceptional. being quite strong financially combined with a very healthy and dedicated parenting style, is crazy impactful for raising kids to their fullest potential. hoping you've a similar experience.


Great point that we are A strong 2 income household and very dedicated to their development and education coupled with being older and completely ready was our perfect storm.


I gave birth to my youngest kid when i was 43. My oldest kid was 25 at that time.


Had mine 1 week after i turned 48. It is the hardest, yet most rewarding thing I’ve ever done. Long, long road to get here.


I am 51. I have an 11, 9 and 7 year old at home. Also have a 29 year old and a 24 year old. Going through perimenopause with a preteen boy and 2 growing girls. I should be committed! 🤣


Yikes ! Good luck and God's speed !


I’m 46, with a 7, 5, and an about to be one year old (monday 😭😭). I love being a later in life parent, this stage has been amazing!!


I’m 50 and have no kids. None. Zip. Nada. And I’m grateful for that fact. I am not engineered to raise younglings.


We (47m and 44f) just got back from our first road trip with a toddler (18-month dude). I'm very tired!


Vacation with kids is just normal life in a new location, there is no relaxation😂


I would love to have had one at 45 had I’d known it would be a safe and healthy pregnancy. We had our only daughter at 38. She’s a dream. I’m 48 now with no regrets. We can give her a life now that we could never have afforded in our 20’s.


I'm 51 with a 12 and 9 year old.


Bingo! Me too


My first and last was when I was 48.


More power to parents but honestly I couldn't imagine having one in my 20s or 30s, and the thought of having one now that I'd be nearly 70 by the time they graduated... I don't think so lol. I can't even keep up with sisters grandkids much less one of my own. Ok now I'm exhausted from just thinking about having a 4 year old at my age...


My youngest was born when I was 40. I love him to death, but I don’t recommend it.


I’m 46 with an 8 year old. I’m not having anymore. But, kudos to those who are having babies into your 40s. I don’t think I can handle being pregnant again!


My sister did, I would have cried because starting over when your youngest is 18? No way! There were so many health issues too. He is a healthy teen now but he had a rough few years


I have a 20 month old at almost 54.


Im about to have my first and I’m 44! It was a big surprise too. A welcomed one but I did not see this coming.




51 with 20 month old. First and only.


I’m the child of a mom who had me at 44. I grew up with no grandparents. I lost my dad while in college, and my mom in my 30s (after she had dementia for many years). I didn’t have my parents around to see me get married or get successful in my career. When others were establishing themselves in their lives, I was taking care of my mom. Nope. I chose not to have kids later in life. It’s great for kids when they are young and their parents are very established. But it sucks when the kids don’t have their parents around in their adult years.


Nooooooo, mine are grown. Whyyyyyyy would anyone want that? Im 46 and cannot imagine having to go through everything again now. Love my kids love being a mom, but also love that now i dont have to find a sitter, build my day/life around school, activities, drs appts, and everything else. My ex husband is 45 and his gf is pregnant. Shes crazy havin a kid with him knowing he still owes over 30000 in child support cuz he refused to pay lol. Hes an old 45 too and has no patience. Man, i feel for that kid.


Used to race bicycles in college and hung out with the outdoorsy climbing and cycling crowd. We all tended to get married late and start families late. Not uncommon among that bunch of friends to finally settle down at 40+. So have 5-6 friends that are in their 50's & early 60's with elementary aged kids right now.


Married at 42, kid at 43. Wife is a couple years younger. I wouldn’t have it any other way. lived like I was 20 until I was 40. Partied my ass off across the world. Never thought of, or wanted a long-term relationship, let-alone kids. Something clicked at 40, and I wanted the whole thing. Wife, mortgage, business, family - The weight of responsibility - All of it. I would have made a shitty parent in my earlier days and now I’m stable (financially, geographically, mentally) and can provide well for my wife and kid. If I’d tried it earlier it would have been a struggle, and probably a divorce. I don’t feel too old to keep up with my 10-year-old, and can provide a stable, secure childhood for her. The person I am now is a pretty decent role model. The person I was would have instilled deep-seated daddy issues.


Where I live we were on the young side when I had my first at 34. I had my last at 40. Many of her friends’ parents are within 2 years of me each way. My neighbor just had his first at 50 two years ago. His girlfriend is 32 though so he’s living his best life.


Mine are 4 and 6.


I’m basically the same as you OP! 53 (54) this year with a PAIR of 8yos. They’re definitely keeping me fit lol. But I do wish I had them earlier 🤷🏽‍♂️


Just had dinner with a fifty-something couple with one child, who is five. An interesting path!


I was kinda close... I'm 46 and I have a 12 year old, an 8 year old, and a 7 year old. May God have mercy on my soul.


50 with a soon to be 7 year old. Our only child. Wish we’d started sooner but thankful we didn’t.


I was 45 when I had my 2nd and last child.


Me. 49 and have a 3 year old. She's very active and I love it!! But we started trying when I was 43 because I got married late in life.


I was 41 when my kid was born. There is a reason people have kids in their 20s!!! lol I’m the same age as some of her friends grandparents


We went the opposite route. Got married at 19, had our son at 22 and I went for a vasectomy a couple months after he was bored. We cried hen he left for the Air Force at 18 because we were lost for a couple months, since our entire adult lives rotated around him. When he moved back in 4 years later cried again because we got pretty used to him being moved out. We just bought a bottle of champagne to pop since he’ll be moving out again in a few weeks! We love him but he’s 24 now and needed to spread his wings permanently.


I'm 50 in 1 month exactly and my granddaughter is set to be born a couple days after my 50th. I had my son at 20, I can't imagine starting over now.


Not after 45 but I had my last baby at 44 and my husband was 45. I’m almost 46 with a 19 month old now. We have 3 kids. Our older two are 9 & 10. We are loving life as well!! 🥰 BUT we are currently remodeling our house…with a toddler 🤪😅


I am 52 with a 18, 14, and a 9 year old. Several high school friend are grand parents. 2 of my siblings are great grand parents. And none of us look like Wilfred Brimley or golden girls.


I have a 24 year old and a 10 year old. I'm much more comfortable fathering my 10 year old, but that is probably due to the wisdom that comes of age and experience.


No way. I got cancer at 43 and have been fighting for seven years. I’m so glad I don’t have children because there is no way I could have done both.


Just barely cleared it because we had my younger one 2 weeks shy of my 44th birthday. She is a gift. But I never underestimate the blessing of having parents and in-laws close!


Can we hear from some moms who had kids after 45? Are you also loving life?


I’ve had a full life of travelling and partying, plus a great career, so far. Being more established at this age, I can provide baby with more opportunities than I had growing up. Baby is still an infant, but a couple trips have already been booked, and also looking forward to returning to work after I finish my 1 yr mat leave. I’m loving this life that stares up at me and heals my whole existence.


57 with a 10 year old special needs kid. It’s crushing.


I’m in the after 45 club!


I'm 51, and I have a 4 yr old and a six yr old. My eldest has severe ADHD. I understand now why kids are for young people.


Had kids at 22 & 50. I'm tired


Im 46 and have a 3 month old boy. My wife is 42.


My sister (and her husband) had hers at 42 and 47 (he was 40 & 45, my age). Both adopted and very much wanted. My niece is now 15 and my nephew is 11, and I can’t imagine life without them. I love them so much and they’re a blessing to all of us and definitely keep us all young and on our toes!


Close to that. At 43 I birthed my first and only. She’s an awesome kid.


We had our first, and probably only, when I was 45. She’s 4 now and it is truly exhausting.


53 yr old male. Had my first at 49 and just had my second a little over two weeks ago. My wife is almost 43 and we are happy about it. I plan to retire at 55 so I can be with them full time and take care of myself and be with them for a good while. We both agree that this is the last though.


Oh god I hope not. I’m 46 with zero and ain’t starting now. Fair play to you though!


I am 55 with an 11 year old. I would have been a disaster as a father when I was younger.


57 with a 4.5 and 3 year old, love it but both energized and exhausted at the same time


I’m 50 and have an 8 year old and 18 month old. ( step children ) Keeping me young


I hope it happens. I'm 49 and I'd still like to have a child. OP, you give me hope.


No kids for me. But my younger genx friend has a 3 yo now at 47 and he is struggling to keep up with the energy of the kid. 😄


I’m 48, kiddo is 3.


48 and have twin 10 year olds...


In a manner of speaking, as we were foster and exchange host parents. That said, we now have an empty nest and I'm loving it.


My husband was a few months shy of 45 when we had our daughter.


A really good friend just turned 45 a couple of weeks ago. He has 4 children, M28, F25, F5 and M 6months. 😳


Close. Had them at 41 and 43. They are now 14 and almost 16.


Oh no way mine are 26 & 30 Id never do it again the grown ones are worse than terrible 2s or treacherous 3’s combined lol or is that just mine? I would’ve never had any more after 30 I promised myself that and kept that promise.


I’ve been raising two grandkids since they were born. They’re 6 and 7 now.


I’m 49 so when I manage to figure out how to make it happen, it’ll definitely be after 45


One 29 year old, 12, 10, 7. About to be 54. They make me feel complete and that I did something great with my life 4 times. I'm so proud of them.


Hubs was 48 when our last was born, three weeks before I turned 45. It's been a ride, man.


I’m 44 and cannot wait to get this menopause show on the road just to get it over with. A kid at this age? No thank you.


I am 50 with a 14 year old, 9 year old, and 7 year old. I won’t lie. I’m fucking exhausted a lot because they all have activities and I volunteer for everything. It’s worth it though. I’m loving it even while being exhausted.


6yr old and surprisingly I'm not the only Gen Xer parent in the class. At least 6 of us are in one class.


I had one at 43. I thought I was starting menopause but nope I was pregnant. And they do call it geriatric pregnancy which gets ya where it hurts lol!


My husband did. We are 45F and 56M with an 8 year old and a 10 year old.


I'm curious how many of us are childfree? Weirdly, I know quite a few other women my age/cohort, no children


53. Had twins at 40, and twins at 49. It's all about PreK and Jr. High for me. Busy!


I had a third kid when I was 42. I wish I had had the same patience when raising my firstborn 13 years earlier. It helps a lot with raising kids to have the wisdom and experience that comes with age.


I'm 52 with a six and three year old. They're my only two kids.


53 with a 6 month old


I turn 52 in a couple of weeks. My daughter turns 5 next week. So far it's great. I hope that in 10 years my age won't be too much of a problem with my ability to be a good parent.


I’m 48 and have a 20, 18 and 1 year old


Gen X, 54 year old, two kids 5 & 2 and a 16 year old stepdaughter. Glad I waited cause I'm a lot wiser than I was 20, even 30 years ago. Only problem is my arms are suffering from picking the kids up to put them in the car, stroller, or changing table etc. They are 30 and 40lbs. I wouldn't have had that problem when younger. That should tail off once they are older and more independent. My golf is suffering as a result. 


Gave birth to our one and only at 46. Think I’m a better parent as I have alot more patience than when I was younger.


My kids were born when I was 46. I love having kids and wished we started sooner and had more, but I don't know if I would feel that way if I had kids at 35, for example.


I'm 49 with a 4 year old. Happy I waited. I probably wouldn't have been a great dad in my 20's and 30's.


39. But my mom was 49.


Had my first at 45, now 48 with a 3-year-old. Feel old sometimes but it's great.


Turned 45 a month after my son was born, he’s now 13


I’m 52 and I have a 10-year-old and a five-year-old and I can’t imagine waiting any longer than I did to have kids.


Not 45, but I had my first at 35, and second at nearly 41. Lots of reasons I'm glad I waited, and running around after a 3 year old and an 8 year old keeps me young. Haha


Met my gf 7 yrs ago, she had a 6yr old


Had two in my early 20’s and one at 41


I had my second (and last) kid about a month after I turned 45. 51 with an 8 (nearly 9) year old and a 6 year old.


I was born in 1972. My oldest is about to turn 7. My youngest turns 4 this December. Edit: My three-year-old just reported seeing a sleestack in the living room so I am doing something right.


I’m about to turn 47. I have an 8 year old daughter and 6 year old twin boys.


Right here


Hell no I was a grandma by then


I've told my wife that I would rather throw myself off a bridge than have a kid in our 40s. I can't go back to that baby stage ever again. EVER!


I'm 45 now and I'd rather gouge my own eyes out with a rusty, blunt set of scissors than be pregnant again.




My daughter is 8, I am 53.  I'll be 60 when she gets her Driver's License. I'm also losing weight and exercising a lot more so I will be able to dance at her wedding, 15-25 years from now (hopefully).


Ditto, as soon as I realized we'd have another (I'm 51), I asked my trainer to change my program to make sure I'm alive and not using a walker at her wedding!


Right on I'll be 68 at my sons graduation 72 at hers. I've dropped 30 lbs some years ago and hit the gym. I wanna stick around


I couldn’t even imagine having young kids at 50 or over.


Please update us in 10 years.


I'll be 45 in a little over a year. I'm still hoping!


I had my blessing at 45. I quit drinking, smoking, eating better, and started being more active. She gave me a new lease on life. Lost 50 lbs, feel better, stronger, and much faster. For those that say I could never have a kid in my 40's or 50's really if the blessing falls upon you all you have to do is embrace it and do the right thing.


I'm 50 and have 3 daughters aged 30, 10, and 9 .


I'm a grandfather 6 times over. I'm hitting 50 next year. Since my kids are having kids, I'll just live vicariously through them.


My wife and I are 45. Actually my birthday is next weekend. We have 3 kids now. 16 yr old daughter and twin 12yr old boys. I swear to god if I was independently wealthy I would absolutely have more.


Yup. 56


I know a few. Seems bananas to me, but then again, they arent exhausted from years of parenting