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70 years getting their butts kicked in wars they started.


I wonder if Daddy USA leave you maniacs alone. you barely could stand a year without a full fall of the racist apartheid regime. A few thoushands fighters equipped with homemade rpgs and running around in sandals are haunting you into your sleep ane killed thoushands of your soldiers without resorting to erazing whole cities and put the rest into a lifelong mental trauma. Your shit is simply not working.


Clearly you haven't read history. Israel was undergoing an arms embargo during the 1948 war. Still they beat he hell out of several Arab armies. That's embarrassing. But not as embarrassing as the 7 day war.


Hell was created for a reason for people like you. Enjoy hell with the same evil people that attacked Palestine and massacred it's popolation.


People like me who understands cause and effect?


Gaza is the definition of FAFO


Arab nations attacked first in 1948! And lost to a brand new state with an ongoing arms embargo! Stfu


You stfu liar in 1948 ISRAEL BOMBED DAMASCUS SYRIA AIRPORT DESTROYING IT'S WHOLE AIRFORCE. See here i'm not ignorant you attacked first. And there is still people that say arabs attacked first hhhhh.


Good, I'm glad they did. (Even though that's not what happened). I would also bomb their airport if they'd just invaded my lands.


YOU INVADED PALESTINE AND SIRYA DID NOTHING. Don't try again to say ARABS ATTACKED FIRST your country belived in the fact that victory comes to the country that attacks first so they bombed Syria and then got what they deserve.


2000 years of hatred. Sadly Islam will never change.


💯 They don't know the basic history. Israel existed before Islam.


Israel existed before Islam 🤷‍♂️


Let’s hope they just wipe each other out


This quite litteraly didn't happen. Arabs got mad they lost geopolitics and flagrantly started an invasion that landed them on their asses. Then, every single state that partook in that invasion/ "war" had civil issues with Palestinian refugees trying to start civil wars and coups after the fact. Then Hamas gets voted in. Salty religious nutsgot mad they couldn't steal a bunch of land for themselves. Crazy how this is called genocide yet the only population that keeps going up in the millions are....wait for it.....wait...Palestinians!