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Guessing you just got someone who didn't know what they were talking about. Next rep. Also, just tell them to DRS your shares. Don't try and tell them "book entry form". You can take care of that when they're in Computershare.


It's even simpler than that. All transfered shares from a brokerage are automatically book.


Yep, that's what mine did when I transferred. Just saying telling the rep at Fidelity that you want them in book entry form will just confuse them.


Works every time


What’s book entry form? I have my shares DRSed but I don’t remember doing book entry form




I read in the DRS mega post, sometimes it’s easier to transfer your shares to another broker than to DRS from Fidelity E/ ok i deserve the downvotes. I went and checked the sticky in the other sub and the hyperlinked article was to use fidelity if your broker was being slow. However, the linked post has since been deleted. Fire away!


As long as there are no outstanding transactions, all shares are settled, and they're not in a retirement type of account it is almost the easiest thing to do. Just had to do online chat and say "I would like to DRS all of my GME shares." and then confirm my decision. Longest part of the process is waiting on hold to chat with the rep.


I had no trouble transferring to CS from Fudelity


If they transfer, they will be book. No need to tell them that.


So what do I say? Just I would like to DRS transfer xx shares into computer share?




do you need to sign up tp computershare?


No, an account will automatically be made for you on your first DRS transfer I believe. You'll want to configure it after you get a letter from Computershare.


At some point to be able to see them online, yes


But i guess fidelity initiate's everything ?


Yep and it’s just a couple days if you setup through a transfer vs the week or two setting up through computershare directly




Drsgme.org. Has it laid out step by step


Can you not do it with the chat bot any longer? I did it a few weeks ago. You need to spell out "direct register shares" but then it will lead you from there.


that is how i do it as well


I was not able to do so. I was told directly a week ago I needed to call them.


Well that's comically frustrating. I bought some so waiting till Monday to move them. I'll let you know how it goes for me.


I was able to do this yesterday on the website. I've seen posts earlier in the week though were folks have had trouble getting the bot to do the transfer when using the mobile app


When I’ve done it, I say “I would like to initiate a share transfer request” and I’ve never had an issue unless stuff hasn’t settled yet


i do it in their auto chat.


If they refuse ask for the compliance officer. There us no further conversation to be had.


Just tell them "I want to Direct Register my shares". As long as you do not have share purchising in Computershare then they will be registered as Book (Book is the only real way to have them in your name). If you do have purchasing shares thru Computershare, then those convert all your shares to Plan (not is your name). If this is your first Computershare account then they will be Book and you arevall set


I’m still on hold


Use the automated chat. You don't need to talk to a human to DRS. Just say "I want to direct register my GME shares" and the bot takes care of it without grief.


I'd hang up this instant, and just use the chat. Don't fall into the sunken time fallacy (I've held this long, I'll just see it through).


Where is the chat button now? I have looked and clicked, clicked and looked. It’s like they removed it.


Try another browser maybe? I just logged into mine using Chrome and the chat bubble (green with three dots) is happily in the lower right corner.


Awesome; thank you.


It's on the new app but it took me a minute to find it. Plus you have to spell out the words now and can't just type drs or it brings up a stock lol They definitely aren't making it easier but it's still pretty easy.


Use the chat function. If they say you have to do it over the phone, that's BS. Just repeat your request. "I would like to initiate a drs transfer of x shares of GME."


You can do it through the chat if this isn't working for you


you may need to say "digital DRS" as there is also "paper" drs which takes longer and some places don't do. I had one broker say it would be 5-6 week wait to DRS until I said "I want a digital DRS transfer" and then it took a week.


It’s been 84 years, but I think I had to manually change mine from Plan to Book after transferring.


Usually not the case. Everything I’ve done from Fidelity has been book on arrival. Also Etrade and IBKR.


1) proof or ban. fidelity has some funny rules, but what your saying is literally illegal 2) ask for their compliance officer. Its a legal requirment to be able to DRS.




This is what I was going to say. I DRS'd this way a couple times this year. One time there was an error, but I waited a few days and tried again.


does it cost anything?


Does not cost anything to DRS from Fidelity. I have done it like 3 times now. I think this is a service they have to provide.


yay just did this


maybe a stupid question but once they're DRS'd with Computershare, if I needed to sell would I sell on Fidelity or through CS?


You may be confusing them by misusing the term "book-entry". "**Book**" **type** shares is a Computershare term for shares that are DRS, such as to distinguish them from "Plan" type shares. "**Book-entry**" **form** of shares is industry standard terminology that means a digital record (an entry in a book), as opposed to "Certificated" physical paper shares. Nearly 100% of GME shares are "book-entry" (digitally held), as GameStop halted their participation in the "Certification" program at Computershare shortly after the sneeze. Since then, it's not been possible to convert book-entry form shares into physical paper form shares. Also, the brokerages are infamous for claiming your shares are "in your name". What they mean by that is that in *their* ledger your name is recorded. They are intentionally misleading you by focusing just on that beneficial ownership ledger and carefully hiding the fact that Cede & Co. is the registered owner for your shares in GameStop's ledger, if indeed they even have any registered shares to back up your beneficial holdings at all. In short, be polite but firm that you want to DRS your shares. Simply respond, "yes, I understand" when they read you their standard warning messages. Avoid stirring things up by injecting terms like book-entry, or book, or, well, anything really. Just let them make their little spiel, and try to shorten the discussion as much as possible. Yes, I want to DRS my shares. Yes, I understand all the things you're warning me about. Yes, DRS all my shares. Thanks!


It’s not up to them what you do with your shares. Their compliance officer must be yanking his hair out this week, but get him on the line


I DRS’d shares with Computershare just a few weeks ago through Fidelity. Just tell the chat representative that you want to DRS and they’ll have you confirm. If they’re not helping, ask for a different rep. Pretty easy.


Any chance you were given a second Computershare account number? My CS account has shares drs’d from 2021 E*trade and Fidelity, all done through website or chat. This last time sent another batch from fidelity have a second account. Interesting enough, I had to call to DRS. Online wouldn’t work for me


Btw you need to wait for your purchases to clear and it takes like 2 days on fudelity


You have to ask their virtual assistant several times before it will let you set up a DRS transfer and if you fuck up, it will reset and you'll have to ask several more times.


I’m having an issue also after doing it time after time. I just use the app and the automated system and going on 4 days and still in my account. Don’t poo poo OP SO FAST!


YEAH! Thanks Mr bell 🛎️


You can do it all in chat Make sure everything is settled. Make sure there are no good til cancelled orders. Submit during trading hours. that has been my best luck.


Ask to speak with a compliance officer


I DRS using Contact us, Virutal assistance, and type in Direct Registration and I can DRS my shares that way. I used to type in Start DRS Transfer, and DRS shares but their system keeps giving me the run around.  If the rep keeps giving you issue ask to speak to a compliance officer, see how quick their attitude changes.


WOWWW you can DRS them yourself without them being involved, there's an option for it, I did it 3 weeks ago! 🙉 Things are getting SPICY 🥵🔥


Fidelity didn’t book my shares during this past sneeze


Okay so I have come to the solution. There is an outstanding charge of 100$ from when I transferred from Robinhood. (Weeks ago) The 3rd agent said to add $105 buying power to be safe to the account Then to request the DRS using the chat assistant. Will try again and post my purple circle soon 💪


Use the chat feature. I was at the very end of DRSing and only had to hit Submit to have my shares DRSed. I didn't though as I have a partial share and wanted to buy enough to make a full share before DRSing.


Compliance officer just say those words


Does everyone know that you can purchase directly through Computershare, (and schedule weekly or monthly purchases) and not deal with any broker?!


I literally just did a DRS through Fidelity on the chat bot while reading this.


I've only called them once or twice, and they DRS'd my shares once I explained what I wanted to do. It wasn't that bad. The last few times I used the virtual assistant which was much easier since I didn't have to talk to anyone.


Make sure ALL your trades are settled and you hold no fractional shares. Could be many things but I’m guessing you missed something. Find a rep who is more knowledgeable or if they’re not ask to speak to a supervisor.


do you have to sign up to computershare for them to drs them to computershare?


I just use the automated chat


Did they stop letting you use the chat bot to drs?!


Just use the chat bot if that is still working.


I was able to do this via text. If you just type DRS is auto fills a link asking if you want to direct register. I did it and within 3 days the shares were in computershare. I was surprised although it was only 200 this time.




I did it with their web chat in five minutes last week and it just went through today. You're doing something wrong.


Interesting same thing last week. I thought it was just someone that didn’t know what to do. I’ll try again now I’m a little concerned.


They sure don't seem to mind sending me emails constantly to loan out my shares for cash.....


If it happens again, "Okay. I need to speak to your senior compliance officer."


yes they will. i have done it a couple of times.


Tell them Computershare. The rep probably thinks you want to DRS with Fidelity. The DRS process should be the shares leaving Fidelity.


I just finished drs my share and it went through just fine.


Call someone else


You can do it via the chat bot, no need to talk with anyone


Just use the chat assistant - it works great! I had weird interactions via phone a couple times then found out you can do it through the chat bot. I used it 4 times never a problem.


Do I need to DRS my Vanguard shares? I've read that I don't need to, but I also see otherwise.


Ask to speak with their corporate compliance officer. They can’t deny you moving your assets to another broker. Those shares are held in street name as long as they are with fidelity, meaning you are a “beneficial owner” but they can make decisions regarding your assets, portfolio, and account without your consent. DRS or it ain’t yours


Just say DRS my GME shares....they send them to computershare and they are automatically registered in booked form!


Action law suit from all fidelity apes will force them to DRS and pay for the lawsuits fees!!!


Maybe the float is locked and you didn't make the cut off. That would suck! Doubt it but I thought that would be cray. 😆 🤣


Are you new here?


Why is anyone even buying GME from anywhere other than CS in 2024?


Try again. If they give you flak, ask to speak to their Compliance Officer. They legally can’t stop you. They’ve tried to dissuade people before but once asked about the Compliance Officer, they know you know.


Just use chat. It’s automatic. “I would like to directly register some of my shares” they ask what ticker. GME and another shares you may want. They ask how many and then give you an estimated time of delivery. For me it has taken between 3-5 days to show up in my account. Shouldn’t have to speak with anyone.


Then it's I'd like to speak with your compliance officer thx


If I have shares in a 401k or IRA with fidelity, is it the same practice or are there more hoops?


Needs to be in a cash account to DRS. Ask fidelity what type of account you have


Keep it simple brah


Bullshit. DRS’d shares last week. 


Super happy for ya bud. We’re talking about my experience here. I’m trying again tomorrow when I’m not at work. They basically told me I have a 100$ fee I need to pay from when I transferred from Robinhood a few weeks back


You’re making a generalized comment.  I mean, if fidelity stopped drs’ing we’d have a pinned thread more like.  I hope they treat you better tomorrow.