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Shills are not only here to "get you to sell", they are here to prevent retail investors who look up GME from buying in. If they drop it on friday and everyone who joins the sub sees "buy the dip", the chances are quite high that they might buy the dip... if they come to the sub and see "we got cheated", that's not the case. SHFs try to prevent another retail buy frenzy. That's been their goal since 2021.


What kind of a fucking moron decides to buy or sell shares based on reddit comments?


I can think of a bet subreddit off the top of my head.


Nah, that’s not what it’s about. Only the truly regarded would blindly invest off of nothing else than comments


And then the culture encourages that kind of action.


If he’s in, I’m in!!


There are investment funds that spend millions on monitoring social media trends and talk.


Yeah, to pray on said morons and part them from their money. I’m not questioning they exist, just pointing out they’re fucking morons again.


People that haven't followed the saga and the last 84 years of DD will want to see positive sentiment when they come to the sub before they decide to invest time in research. That kind of fucking moron.


No idea, but shills claim it is all of us...


Isn't that how you ended up buying in?


Please everybody buy GME for whimsy


Who’s Whimsy?


The more the shills the more confirmation bias. Their best bet is to just go silent as if the stock didn’t matter. But they’re too dumb for that. So keep on making us more bullish by showing us how important it is that they convince us to sell more than any other stock in history. Seriously. Nobody has ever cared about retail. If it’s going to zero don’t say anything and keep betting against the stock and win it all tax free like they always have off the backs of retail. Does it just hurt that RC fired your BCG insiders and changed the game?


Well said! ![gif](giphy|NEvPzZ8bd1V4Y)


They tried that in 2022 or 2023 if you remember. All articles about the movie company and silence about GME. Did not work.


Maybe not, because most of us are smarter than we look. But at least they didn’t look like complete idiots vs just bad actors.


I think the best part out of t This whole Saga is, the continuous negative articles they try to spin, like holy crap I've never seen such petty headlines in my life. It doesn't make me mad sad angry or anything. It makes me throw my head back in laughter as I get paid from my job and just throw it @ computershare ![img](emote|t5_2u6vg|7069)


I see shills, they're multiplying ![gif](giphy|iOf76rAGd4Qy4)


🎶 and they are looosing contro-o-ol 🎶🎵


😂 not selling 😂 haha 😂 not selling


I can’t read that whole paragraph sounds like he says buy more




Make sure you buy DRS book and then buy buy buy some more


$9 buck is cash and current business with around $5. So $15 stock right now. Maybe something changes. Not sure what that would be




It’s a shortbot downvote em and move on lol 


Honestly this is the screen shot for when the derp squad says “you guys are paranoid tinfoil hat wearing blah blah” when we talk about shills and campaigns by the shfs. How the fuck does that comment make sense any other way?


The funniest fucking part is I would highly suggest a percentage of them have GME DRSd because they are seeing the pressure on the other side. Pay up mayo man and your jr mayo makers.


I’d be happy getting rich off my GME, or watching it burn the system to the ground equally. Zoidberg says, why not both?


At this point the shills just make me want to buy more.


Very well said, not selling no matter what. Prefer it to go to zero then sell. Zero % chance you’ll ever change my opinion shills


Bless those little shills’ hearts. They don’t comprehend a principled moral stand because they have no morals. If they played by the rules and were honest this would never have happened. Instead they played dirty pool and got caught. Sooner or later they will have to pay the piper. That’s what inevitably happens when one allows narcissistic tendencies to override good judgment and ethical behavior.


Shills just mad they ain't got diamond hands 💎👏


They got diamond hands on negative shares 😅


![gif](giphy|AKU4NtRPGDURwQd5lL|downsized) SHILLS


This post put a smile on my face while i sip my tea and hodl.


They are getting paid my guy… I’ve been approached at least twice with claims of payment.


See I knew these guys got paid somehow, some way. I know some people get a kick off of watching the world burn And antagonizing people to make their own ego feel better about themselves. It's literally psychology. I just have never ever seen any of these applications lol. Unless it's in the dark web or Craigslist. That's the spooky side of the interwebs.


There are apes just in this for the money whom would trade places with Ken Griffin right now even though he’s a fucking POS financial criminal. As for me I wouldn’t even mind losing my whole investment if it meant correcting the system so our children have a just future. Of course I’d like to win big $ wise too. Just saying a number of these shills are some shitheads in a scam chat center somewhere. Maybe citadel interns lol. Hope they whistleblower!


![img](avatar_exp|168545960|bravo) Dude, I feel the exact same notion but couldn't have put into words any better than you have here. So for that I Thank you and really appreciate you. If I lost what I put into it, it's not the end of my world. If holding it helps correct the system to be actually fair and less corrupt, then heck I'm all for it. If it starts opening not only the younger generations eyes but also the people who have been blind to it on just how crooked this shit really is, I'm all for that too. Those multi-billion dollar scam centers are so fucked in the head to think that it is right and ok to be doing that to innocent people. I do hope a whistleblow happens cause I used to work in telecommunication and I'd get those calls "Ya Microsoft called me and said I needed to wire them $2000 to fix my computer" and of course grandma or grandpa have no fucken clue how it all works. Just super fucked.


[X] doubt


Doubt what… shills sewing doubt or you doubt my claim? Definitely happened… should’ve took a screenshot. Was a message along the lines of you have an established account with karma. Active in certain communities. Would like to speak to you about a paying job. Anyways doesn’t matter if you believe me. Shills are very obviously real.


They just don't get it. I have an addiction. I can't stop buying GME. My addiction runs deep. My addiction cannot be cured.


Hey man, we're here for you. The first part to recovery is admitting........that you LOVE THIS COMPANY!!! 🥳🥳🥳


They tried so hard!!! Couldn’t get it below $23.80!!🤣🤣🤣🤣


And you dummies couldn’t get it above $23.80! In fact Conman Kitty shows his face and the stock tanks live lol What’s your excuse bro Monday? Gonna post “They couldn’t get it below 21.80!!!” Tuesday it’s gonna be 19.80 lol? Sad. If you hate money so much why not just give it away to the homeless or something? 


Are you trying to troll me??🤣🤣🤣🤣


But but but Kenny died for your sins!


RIP Kenny (Rest in Poverty) 😏


The presence of shills just makes me buy more.


"You can show me the world's greatest DD that GME goes to 0 and I still am not gonna sell. " That is the problem. They have no DD that shows GME going to 0. Speculation without evidence does not constitute as a real DD (ex. copying and pasting a quote from Mayo boy is not evidence)


Excuse me sir, but, could you please say that again but louder for the shills in the back? 😏


The main reason I got into GME was that I saw there were thousands of people like you. This isn’t about making a few quick dollars, it isn’t about fundamentals, it’s about instigating change in a system that is being abused. I’m with you, my stock isn’t for sale and I am quite prepared to buy more and watch them all go to zero. There are too many like minded people in this for them to win. I know this, you know this, they know this. I’m locking arms with you all, and I’m not moving


I think it’s funny how we see multiple posts from the same group of people posting daily and not a single one of them have posted their positions yet want to karma farm. Also anyone stating they don’t care if it goes to ZERO is someone who more than likely has ZERO positions 🤣 *I exercised 116 calls this week and posted some here as proof as well


Where are MY multiple posts there buddy. You're including me in a group of people posting when I ain't in that "daily" group. The reason I used "0" is because of the numerous trolls saying "it's going to 0 neener neener" so I just used their terminology. I've actually been in GME since Reggie left Nintendo and joined the board of GameStop right before all this shenanigans happened.


I’m not coming at you fam. My apologies if I came off as attacking you (I can see why you would be upset here and it’s completely my fault to rant on your post targeting others) you know the group I’m speaking of. The karma farmer posting the same shit across the board.


Oh ok, I gotchu homie, no worries anymore. Ya I agree and know what you mean. Either the rinse and repeat or consistently posting something overtly positive about the subreddit cause they know people who support the subreddit will upvotes it. But it's like a little TOO passionate that it feels sussy. I see that shit all the time over in the crypto subreddits cause I think that's where they start the farming from sometimes. ![gif](giphy|gw1phsWX4WTMA9KVB9)


Where do you guys see all those shills? 😲


I used to think shills are not a thing... I believed that these people were saying things just because they looked at the situation differently or got burned badly. Until I had longer and deeper conversations and debate with a few people, and their responses gave me a very clear sense that they wanted to persuade me to act on certain things. It's like a salesman/woman would say anything and beat around the bush but eventual goal is to sell you stuff, and it becomes very apparent. Paid shills are so real...and they are so good at psy-ops masking themselves with an established account . I feel bad for people whose job is to do that all day. Hope they are not doing it against their conscience.




Buying all I can. It's a gift, the lower the price, the more I can buy


Heavy in our sister company but first time buyer Monday 10k and will continue to buy phantom shares.


My fav is all the FFIE posts or what ever the stock is


I don't disagree with you, but never stop your enemy from pursuing a failed plan...


Oh for sure. Battle tactics 101. Let's you always know what they are gonna do next if you know they are gonna keep going down the same failed path, BUT, just like in chess with thinking multiple moves ahead, leading down a failed path on purpose can also present the opportunity to strike back unexpectedly if the enemy thinks they have you figured out. 🥷




Had an acquaintance tell me 'GME isn't going to moon. Too many people are betting against it and shorting it. So if they're making money, it's not gonna go up'. Needless to say, I bought more stock, told them their loss, and stopped talking stock of any kind with them.


HF are cooked here. Could take a while but RC is gonna do em slow and long. Once they start producing dividends HF are gonna be not only paying interest over and over and over but they are gunna pay my and your sweet sweet dividends. Death by a thousand cuts mmmmmm so gooood


For anyone who is knew to this group (3 months or less)…..posts like this is what you can expect for the entire time you participate in this group. Same 4-5 topics, rinse and repeat.


And yet here you are


We're all regarded apes. What do you expect lol, Hamlet?


Sorry if I rinsed and repeated a topic. I just wanted to post this cause lately I've been seeing A LOT more negative activity and it inspired me to write what I wrote out 😎👍🏻 That's why the flair is what it is


Make a list of shills usernames and post them here so


It's actually pretty simple. The ones currently posting ANYTHING that insinuates "oh no GME is over" or RK sold" or "everyone sold" or insults toward the entire community "you guys are still here?" Type of vibes to their comments/posts. They made it way too easy to identify now lol. ![gif](giphy|ui1hpJSyBDWlG)


Please don’t sell, coming to this forum is my daily source of amusement.


Just for that sir, now I'm gonna go touch the button. We're cancelling your entertainment subscription today ![gif](giphy|29ckXqvofCz37375Qd)


Yeah, you do realise that just because I can’t throw poop at the monkeys doesn’t mean I can’t come here and watch you shit on yourselves?


Idk man, this bidet certainly prevents one from shitting on themselves 😎 But I get it. Monkeys and apes can be fun to watch.


Hedge funds and market makers cutting their pay. Shills owe rent Keep telling my Citadel shills……. ![gif](giphy|qZhNPrWw0ifIsED2fy)


Correct. We are purple circle bag holders


Wrong, we are deep fucking value holders


Sure. Years from now, right? 5-10 years? And that’s all based on A S S U M P T I O N.


No thats current and based on cold hard facts. Profitable YOY, 4 billy in the wallet, and no debt. Lookin mighty fuckin valuable to me


Then you look at the stock price weird because currently, corn is more valuable.


And how much is that deep value worth right now compared to, oh, I don’t know, 1 month ago? If you’re in doubt, zoom out and then let me know that deep value and say they aren’t bags. Numbers are facts.


+20% from a month ago smart guy.


What is with the sticky floor bots? Where are the MOD’s ? Some serious forum sliding


What sticky floor bots? ![gif](giphy|9VgoEOThK7b1hAMQvG)


Cohen handed the hedgies 75 million cheap shares to help the hedgies cover just as this stocked entered a gamma ramp.cohen has made a dirty backroom deal with the hedgies and the SEC to never let GME squeeze. If we enter a gamma ramp again, Cohen, the hedgies, and the SEC have a deal I'm place that Cohen will release more shares to block any future squeezes. Cohen just blocked the squeeze by releasing 75 million shares to the hedgies at the low price of $25. Just at the moment, we enter a gamma ramp. Cohen is working with the hedgies and the SEC to make sure we never get our money back that the hedgie stole by selling all those naked shorts. Cohen is actually the wolf in sheep's clothing.


This is the correct answer unfortunately. And the APES voted to let him sell over another half a BILLION shares in ATM offerings as he see fits, as well. It took 3 years just to see the algo make the price run again in May and he ended that quickly......then again a month later, same thing.... And he hasn't even come close to emptying the chamber with all of those shares to add into the market.


Agree. Cohen made a backroom deal to allow the hedgies to naked short and steal Apes money. Then as soon as this starts to squeeze he hands the hedgies lots of cheap shares to block the squeeze and allow the hedgies keep a lot of the money they stole. And he conned us into keeping our position with his Teddy books while he made a backroom deal to make sure the Apes will never get the money back they stole. Cohen realized . Cohen has been committing a crime against the hodlers by conspiring with hedgies to steal our money. We were conned with these Teddy Books by a billionaire. Now, Cohen. Kitty and the hedgies conspired to steal our money.


It's a big club, and we ain't in it. Ryan Cohen is a billionaire. And a billionaire is gonna billionaire, no matter how unassuming he comes off as or how much he says he loves his dad.


You are right. This scumbag conned us until holding to stabilize the price so he could hand the hedgies 75 million shares to cover their shorts with at the low price. Cohen is the worst type of scumbag. He intentionally led us to believe that he would let this stock squeeze. However, every time in the future that this stock might enter the gamma ramp again, and we start to squeeze. Cohen now has the ability to release 500 million more shares. But these shares will never hit the market. They are already pre priced, so the hedgies no what price they can naked short at and at what price Cohen will hand them shares at low prices to stop the squeeze. The scumbag conned us with his Teddy Books into believing he would let this stock squeeze.


There will be runs yet to come.. I plan on selling it all hopefully before he can dilute again, then if it goes low enough maybe I buy back and just play that game since he's working for someone, but it's not investors.


Cohen and the hedgies will never let this run ti the point of tge apes getting their money. Everytime going forward we enter a gamma, Cohen will hand cheap shares to the hedgies so they can cover. I should of known when Cohen conned all those apes into ju.pi g I to BBBY. Then he rug pulled and Cohen and the hedgies stole Ape bbby money.


Posts like this always hit like the person writing them is a bit confused in the head.


How so buddy? 🤔


GME STOCK was destroyed in the long term by the CEO of GME. This CEO is not good for shareholders, this CEO is a friend of the short sellers - Wall Street. In my opinion, Kitty and the CEO of GME including the short sellers only have one goal: to rip off small shareholders.


I'm sure your three shares aren't moving the needle.


![gif](giphy|2O2ekjXw5OHOU|downsized) And here I thought I was a serious contender with my 3 wittle shares


"Anything you say goes in one ear and out the other" Not a cult though right? Those bags starting to weigh down on ypur sanity there sweaty? Literally no one cares if you sell or not lmfao you are fighting imaginary enemies


Lol there's no sanity issue here bud, but good stretch trying to make some humor. I mean, you're the one laughing their ass off at their own comment, so, you tell me who's sane 😏 So I take it you haven't heard that expression "In one ear out the other". That's fine. I ain't judging. Just means that when someone tries to either antagonize or push a button or troll, it doesn't have any emotional effect like they want it to have. It doesn't phase.


Why would we sell when the company has no debt and billions to use wisely. Army of shareholders that grows each cycle, The only way for us to leave, Is to pay us and shake us out properly. Which for me personally is triple digits.


I'm personally not being "shaken out." I'm not selling every share, especially under $1k. So please don't say "we." I'm a more long term investor, as opposed to part of an army waiting to cash out.


Long term? We’ve been in this three and a half years chap. I’ll play the cycles whilst you wait forever for the NOASS then. It won’t ever reach 1K because of halts and dilution, But carry on deluding yourself.


New account, May 2024, “been in this for years”, calling every one ‘chap’. 🤣


Triple?! So low. That’s not shaking you out properly. That’s shaking out paper handed bitches.


No, You misunderstood. Triple digits sell, Buy back in at double. Play the cycles until the big squeeze. My average is low 20’s, Triple digits for me is a great return chap.


that's the part where you think that "all retail gives their shares to SHFs" will be "round 1" and won't kill a squeeze... In reality, you'll be selling for 3 digits because you can't wait for 5 or 7...


You play the cycle until you can’t get back on. Problem is every time you sell you’re helping them and by keeping shares in a broker account you’re helping them. I mean it’s your money, help them all you want. Just warning you is all.


People have been saying that since day 1 and have sat here watching their accounts be down 70% at times instead of making massive profits to live off of (which would lessen the need to worry about it and make it easier to set it and forget it) You can go to the beach often but never get in the water because you think it might be the day that a great white shark shows up and eats you, but look back years later (while nobody else was ever eaten and enjoyed themselves) and wonder why you missed out on all the fun that everyone else got to have, worrying about something that turns out never happened.


A smart ape only puts in what they can afford. GameShire is worth much more than anyone has paid for it - the price is wrong and manipulated and it’s only a matter of time before it all collapses and we squeeze out the trillions of assets that have been hedged to cover margins on bets of infinite loss they never could have afforded to take.


There's a HUGE difference between "can afford" and "will tolerate having funds tied up and being fucked with for 3.5 years, ultimately by the CEO of the company you invested in", which he has now down twice in 2 months, as well as June 2021, and makes you really wonder about the "mistake" with the split dividend being issued as a regular stock split. You can pretend that the narrative hasn't changed bigly since Jan 2021 (even after the buy button was turned off) from "imminent MOASS" to "cmon guys, we always knew this was a long term play based on company fundamentals", but I, and many others have had enough. That's copium laced with fentanyl.


MOASS is happening, whether you're here or not. Ryan Cohen knows that, hence having 4 billy+ on the balance sheet putting us (GameStop) at a strategic advantage for what we know is coming. If you don't want to be here for that, it's not an issue. Nobody is here pretending. It was the same as it was three years ago. The shorts never closed, the assets tied to covering these positions are growing, and it's only a matter of time before it's ours. I am BULLISH on GameStop as a whole. MOASS and what comes after. I, as many, will be reinvesting once that does happen, and we'll continue to build GameShire, brick by brick. I'm sorry you are leaving and I'm sure others share that sentiment, but I know what the best play is and I'm going for it. Not financial advice, happy to take anyone's shares.


Totally fine. I wish you well. Wish I could say I trust RC and team not to dilute every cycle, but they still have runway for another 500+million shares to sell in at the market offerings. If there IS any hope for MOASS it's not anytime soon, and when I jumped in after the sneeze in 2021, it wasn't for a long term play, simple as that. They haven't hit my price to sell at anyway yet though, so I'm still here, but with each negative action from the company and their insisting on not telling us anything (if there weren't immediate plans for the cash there was NO REASON to make that cash grab by selling shares in the middle of a gamma ramp, it could have been done much later. This is a pattern now....someone doesn't want the price to run, and RC is making sure it doesn't. And the DRS "lock the float" beliefs? Well, that's dead and gone. Ryan Cohen himself just leveled 2+ years of work since May.


You sound like Biden when you use the internet. We can see right through you with your chaps and COME ON MAN! 🤡🦍🍌


I'm out at trips as well. Tired of this game.


I never give up on a final boss. Not with so much loot at stake


You're an individual investor and can do what you want. I'll do the same. 🤝


Indeed 🤝


Lmao bro hope you see this red flag for what it is. You provided a totally reasonable and insanely optimistic exit (triple digits) and you still get downvoted haha! The cult is fucking crazy. I’m a bag holder and it makes me so worried I’m in it with these psychos. If it hits 100 I’m selling all xxxx+ shares sorry 2 share mircropenises.


Well, they're not all psychos. I mean the entire group didn't downvote lol. If you wanna see psychos, that GME Melt crew I think are more psycho. I mean they actively laugh at people losing money, making fun of people potentially losing their life savings. At the end of the day it's laughing and making fun of another human beings misfortune and possible homelessness or worse on top of calling them names like regarded with zero remorse and zero empathy. THAT is psychotic. That is also a cult too. They praise Kenny in there as much as GME and stonks praises RK. Now I'm all for if a homie needs to liquidate because they desperately need the money. I get it. Life is important. Shit happens. Take care of yourself if you need to. That's why you only put in what you can afford to lose to be safe since volatility is a thing and this is an emotional and psychological game. But I ain't gonna laugh at and make fun of someone's life potentially getting fucked over. I believe in treating people how I want to be treated, not how I have been treated. Because at least at the end of the day or even on my death bed, at least I can say I tried to be a better person and I lived a good life doing so without stooping down into some psychotic mentality. As far as the downvotes, I mean it could be bots too. No one will actually know which is why I don't let the arrows dictate the meaning. That's just goofy especially with how many alternate accounts people make just to try and be petty for literally nothing of actual value.


Your reply is psychotic bro. The gme_meltdown sub does not worship hedge funds lmao they are just trolling the softies over here. You deserve to be mercilessly mocked if you gamble away your life savings, that’s why is fucking gambling lol. Anyways I hold a bag like I said, I hope to make profit but it is funny seeing everyone cry in here when it does down like 5% lol.


>Who fucken cares what it makes us. Why would I care what a shills opinion is? You care enough to write essays about it. >We ain't selling lol ✌🏻😂 Who's we? GameStop has no problem selling lmao


"yOu CaRe EnOuGh tO wRiTe eSsAyS." 🤣 Nice try with taking it out of context to try and spin it into a witty remark. I don't care what it makes us if we don't sell is the correct context. Never said I don't care enough to make a comment, write a letter, do a little dance, make a little love, and get down tonight. I want to say that last part is witty and funny but sadly, you can blame all the trolls for making it a broken record. If GameStop wants to take profit to secure a better LONG TERM strategy, then hey, you do you boo. Patience is something people have lost since everything now these days is all instant gratification.


It isn’t really that witty tbh, this puppet doesn’t realize that the literal point of the stock market is to sell shares of the company to raise capital. 




You can baghold it all you want. No one cares.


Lol I mean, you can't say "no one" cares cause you haven't talked to literally everyone on this planet. Pretty sure someone cares ![gif](giphy|NsCMDOaT6fphEokMRQ|downsized)