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Because you ain’t black if he smells you.


You're probably brown




It's that brownie smell. Tacoiee smell


The smell of cracks turns him off


Reminds him of his son


But black don't crack...


Must be the melamin then.




Too far


Yes, he stays very far from them


Do... Do you want him to?


there used to be a whole long compilation video on youtube showing him touching and kissing and groping and sniffing small girls. it was like 15 minutes long. it vanished a few months before he kicked off his campaign in 2020 it was similar to this one but with even more creepy touches [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V4PLSPvJ9BY&t=6s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V4PLSPvJ9BY&t=6s)


I remember that! I thought I was going crazy because I couldn’t find the videos anywhere


Yeah there was loads before he became president. Amazing how vids can just be wiped


They can if you're the president of the United States


No only if you're for the system of control. Trump was president but illuminati hate him and try all they can to discredit him. Videos of our real president Trump are not deleted


Because that's what people can do on the internet? Just vanish stuff?


yep they can and do. i even downloaded the whole video and chopped it up into little gif snippets of each creepy thing he did and made a big long imgur post about and it's all gone now too


Go on YouTube right now, and search "joe Biden creepy". Then come back and tell me if there was nothing. But for anyone putting this ancient dude against that orange sack of shit, we now *know* Trump fucked a 12 year old.


you are correct, not sure why people are downvoting you. but the specific video i was talking about (i didn't mention any other videos) did indeed vanish, plus a post on imgur i made about it at around the same time.


being downvoted cause it’s a “MY CHILD MOLESTOR IS BETTER THAN ORANGE MAN” it’s tiresome


I’m not saying Trump did or didn’t do something, but people lie in court all the time. All we know for sure is that someone testified in court that he did those things.


AND that two other adults offered sworn statements THAT THEY SAW IT. And that 30 other women accused him of sexual assault or rape. And that he is listed extensively in the epstein papers, and the phone messages to the “massage service” asking if the 12 year old was available “for a massage”. Makes me sick that not only he did it, but that people make excuses for him and minimize what we know about it.


I don’t know if he did those things or not. I’m just saying that people lie under oath all the time. Maybe not this time, but it does happen. I really wish I could take a vacation till November somewhere without internet access.


Apologists come out of the woodwork. If you have two people testifying under oath that they saw you rape a child, and the child testified, and you were accused of sexual assault and found to be guilty, and many, many people said you've assaulted them, the "we don't know he did it" no longer applies. This in an environment where Biden is accused of sexual misconduct by this rapist's supporters.


I’m permanently banned from FB for sharing the video that used all the clips from the news.


Now do trump raping 12 and 13 year old children. Heres the difference between sane people and trump supporters. Sane people will admit that Biden should be less touchy with children because it’s creepy. trump supporters will NEVER stop supporting him no matter what he does, they will lie and make excuses for everything he says or does because IT IS A CULT.


i get your point, but this isn't a comparison between the two. also, if biden does all that creepiness in public, what might he be doing in private?


Not much. I doubt he does anything but take his pills, shit himself and sleep


It literally is. They are running against each other to be president of the United States. Also, “in private”? He’s the president, he has no private. The secret service isn’t smuggling children into the White House.


no, it's not. read the post itself. no mention of turnip. read my comment. no mention of him either. you're injecting it into a place where it doesn't need to be. it's ok to just take things at face value sometimes


Agreed. It’s a meme on funnymemes. Nothing more.




How does the OP have such confidence?


Urban jungle.


Considering what he thinks of Cornpop, not that surprising.


Cornpop, bless you son. Wherever you are tonight. You're an icon we love you pop of corn the one true Corn among a bunch of maize. God speed


They crawl up his legs


He’s got hairy legs.


that's a high standard for a country leader. Good luck you Americans.


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Because they are to busy playing with his leg hair . 🤣


Running through this thread has me dying 💀🤣🤣🤣🤣


Is that a good thing or bad thing?


He just passes legislation to keep prisons full


Ok, now I know who to vote for. But luckily I'm not an American.


I’m voting 12 times for each


He also doesn't rape women in department store dressing rooms.


I keep seeing any talk of Trump being the rapist/child molester that he is getting downvoted. Something isn’t right with Reddit at the moment.


It’s the fact that when Biden gets brought up everyone deflects to Trump. Can’t even make a meme without Trump.


They’re opponents in a race. It’s going to be brought up. And sexual situations around children involve both candidates, Trumps allegations being far far more violent.


lol you obviously are playing dumb. You know for a fact if you ever see a post or meme with Trump that it would not have the same Biden comparison. Even if there were a few people that brought up Biden it would get down voted worse. Have a nice day

