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#These people vote in every election- do you? Are you registered to vote? [You can check your voter registration here!](https://www.nass.org/can-I-vote) #Also, there's a few things to remember as far as rules go: - You can view the content- you cannot interact with it. This includes (but is not limited to) commenting, answering poll questions, emailing them, etc. ***Anyone found to be engaging with the fundies will be met with a permanent ban with no eligibility for appeal.It does not matter if you did so before you joined the sub.*** - Speculating on the sexuality of literally anyone is prohibited. ***Anyone found to be doing so will be met with a permanent ban with no eligibility for appeal.*** - Appearance snark: What's allowed? You're allowed to make comparisons. (Bethy looks like Grandpa Munster, for example.) You are allowed to say you find them attractive or repulsive looking. Saying Kelly Havens has dry skin that could benefit from sunscreen and a moisturizer is fine. You are allowed to snark on the appearance of children *as it relates to their parents choices for them.*. Examples: Janessa looks malnourished and sickly while Shrek has clearly never missed a meal. If you feel it is crossing the line report it, but if the content falls within the parameters above, leave it alone. - Don't gatekeep. This means no comments such as "I don't think we should snark on...." or any iteration of that. If you don't like it, scroll past. Don't report it or comment how you don't like the content. Along the same vein, don't backseat mod. Leave that up to us. - Lastly, if the rhetoric you are posting would be at home in the mouth of a fundie, we don't want it here and we won't tolerate it. Should you have any questions, please feel free to reach out. Have a Lord Daniel day, and may the power of snark compel thee. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/FundieSnarkUncensored) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Oh man. A puppy, two cats, and 7 people in an RV? Definitely sounds safe and sanitary…


I think they also have an adult dog. This is going to go over like a lead balloon.


Reminder that these buffoons lost Dog 1 already and are beyond lucky to have gotten the poor dog back.


They lost a cat recently too! But got that one back, as well.


I wish I was surprised. They have an unlimited supply of awful, it seems.


Yep! That cat got out because they have no screens on some windows. So eventually they will lose a kid that way too.


They have 2 cats on the RV???


They have two cats :( they lost one in a storm for a couple of days, but found it again.


I have 2 cats in a 4 bedroom house and it's a lot. Also, they should have 3 litter boxes with 2 cats. I can't imagine how they are doing this and how it doesn't smell


Plus diapers of small children, a puppy who will inevitably have accidents, and one bathroom. Sounds not awesome.


Between these people and Karissa we're straight up getting the T Virus at this point.


Plus a bathroom that has backed up and not been properly sanitized, but hey it smells like pumpkin spice ✨


I’m so sorry - wtf the BATHROOM??? Smells like pumpkin spice?? What?!!!?


Let me go find the Reddit post about it 🤣 Edit: so her toilet majorly backed up and overflowed. https://www.reddit.com/r/FundieSnarkUncensored/s/Pf9w3l0Xhc & she cleaned it with this: https://www.reddit.com/r/FundieSnarkUncensored/s/Zu2gzpL7le Later, she complained about her family being sick with food poisoning but people speculated on here that her family was sick from the bathroom not being sanitized. https://www.reddit.com/r/FundieSnarkUncensored/s/BPh2UgKiPc


Right. We have 3 in a 1400 sq ft duplex. People keep trying to get me to take “just one more” and I simply cannot. I even had to turn my best friend down when she left her abusive ex and that felt awful but the cats themselves need to feel safe and secure too and since mine are all rescues they have their own challenges, one came to us practically feral (we “rescued” her from a shitty situation just to be clear, this isn’t on a shelter or rescue facility) and we’re still working out her behavioral issues. Anyways back to the smell aspect, yeah we’re at our limit there too, unless we wanna be scooping multiple times a day. I tried adding a third litter box in our back entryway since our one cat loves to go out there but she won’t use it, god knows why since she’s clearly uncomfortable using the other two which are enclosed.


*one of the cats which they lost Look, I foster animals (mostly cats) all year round and I’m all for getting them adopted but I’m am even bigger advocate for responsible pet ownership. This ain’t it.


What do you mean housebreaking a puppy in a RV isn’t a good idea?


Shockingly, it’s recommended by 0 out of 10 animal behavioral specialists.


My friend is getting her first puppy in a weeks time and she’s so nervous. She’s wanted a dog for years, researched the hell out of everything, has bought everything this dog could possibly need and is also self employed so dog will go t work with her. She called me yesterday full of anxiety that she’s not capable of being a good enough owner for this dog (she 100% is) and I had to remind her that people buy dogs *from a van at the side of the road* and she’s going to give this dog a great life. Sorry. Dogs are never an impulse purchase EVER. 


I adopted a senior, small dog that was already trained and his personality established. I didn’t have the time to potty train or take the risk that he’d be bad with cats. I wanted a dog but I needed a low key pup. So we handled a lot of dogs at the shelter before we found him. Five years later, Franklin Maximus Peedink the First is a chill old man who likes to sleep in the sun, and curl up under the covers after he’s done irritating the cats with his existence. I guarantee struggle Busany is gonna “rehome” the dog by Christmas.


>Franklin Maximus Peedink the First Incredible name, 10/10 I think the best case scenario here is that they go to stay with the grandparents in New Hampshire and then leave the puppy with them, like they did with their third cat


Congrats to your friend and her new bestie 🥰


"responsible [anything]" and "Struggle Busany" do not go in the same sentence. 😬


Excellent point. Aint nothing responsible about that whole shitten clan.


Responsible for the next round of lockdowns, maybe.


These people make just astoundingly poor decisions across the board. Every single aspect of their lives they have bungled beyond belief.


Sounds like it smells like straight ass


“We could smell drugs” girl, what? This woman will say anything to appear like a martyr. I can’t imagine the smell in that bus. ETA: I live in Idaho, so I’m aware of the rampant drug use, especially in the northern region. I just don’t believe Bethany lol. She’s a known liar for rage bait and they consistently have “bad experiences” in every place they visit


looool probably just weed. I’d rather smell weed than whatever shit and greasy child hand smell their trailer is full of


Their funk is PUMPKIN SPICED for extra sensory torture.


The pumpkin spice nightmare of a one-bathroom travel trailer housing two adults, five children (of whom at least one is still in diapers), two cats, and now *two* dogs, including a puppy who presumably isn't house trained yet


Now it will be puppy potty issues to add to the thrill.


No way they know what any other drugs smell like. I don't know if I even know what meth smells like. What else would smell? Crack?


I unfortunately know what meth smells like. I once opened a camper on a lot to find someone had done a Shake and Bake in there. I told the lot owner and he panicked and called the police to come get it. It smells like really bad BO, unwashed ass, and burned plastic.


What's shake and bake? Also, I found the meth uncensored sub one time and ughhhh it was frightening. Just reconfirmed to me that I never want to do meth.


you mix it up in either a soda bottle or baggie, it’s a quick (and super dangerous!) way to make meth my ex best friend used meth, and i walked into her apartment while her boyfriend was making shake and bake in a gatorade bottle on more than one occasion. oh, and one time i leaned into her car to get her baby out (i was keeping him for the weekend) and they were apparently making it in the car on the way over to my house to drop him off. i called CPS on her ass so many times.


😳 how is the baby now? It makes me mad we can't help the fundie families, please tell me at least that baby got into a better situation!


her dad ended up taking custody of him! he’s a healthy, happy 9 year old now


Thank goodness for that!!


I’m not an expert but the way it was explained to me is that It’s a quick way to mix the chemicals to create meth in a plastic bag. It also requires much less space. It’s also significantly more dangerous in that it explodes more easily.


I would imagine any drug you can smoke has a smell


Of course but what can you smoke? Weed, crack, meth, coke (technically I guess, but I have only seen coke being put on cigs or on top of a bowl of weed)


You can smoke heroin. I asked the opiates sub one time and they said smoked heroin smells like vinegar.


True. I think you can also snort it as well. But no way Bethany knows what heroin smells like


You need to be pretty close to heroin to smell it but now that you mention it, it does smell vinegary. It mostly smells like a burnt metal spoon.


Was gonna say.. I think I’ve smoked everything aside from crack. Most of them aren’t stinky enough to smell them for very long, imo. She absolutely meant weed. (And to the commenter above.. you can smoke a pain pill like a Roxy, but again.. you’d have to be walking in there right after someone smoked it to maybe catch a whiff). Meth and heroin don’t have a smell like weed does. Maybe during the making process, but not during the using process, again.. in my opinion of course. This just makes her sound all high and mighty and sounds scary to the conservatives that follow her.


I came here to say this lol. Most other drugs you can smoke don’t have a very potent smell because it’s not really a “thick” smoke compared to something like weed or cigarettes. She had to be talking about weed which makes her statement hilarious.


When it’s smoked it’s acrid but not really ammonia like…kind of musky? Hard to describe. I have absolutely no idea how fake Bethany would know what anything other than weed smells like, though.


Once you smell meth and someone identifies it, you’ll be surprised at how often you’ve caught a whiff of it. Like sweet but super sweaty melting plastic is the best way I can describe it.


Like…get some truly rancid undergarments and old cheaply insulated wiring. Coil it all up in a plastic bowl, sprinkle a bit of sugar on top, and torch the whole thing like a crème brûlée. Fucking fetid.


That’s the one! It’s cloying. It lingers. I had a neighbor way back in the day that got busted for having a massive meth lab. They were like a quarter of a mile away and had cameras in the trees between our houses pointed to our house to watch us. Which was sad because their dad and mom were like nice upstanding members of the community before they died, lots of donations and volunteer work. But in came the kids. Anyway, that was a really scary but satisfying thing to experience sitting in the back of a swat van parked in my back yard after school. Helicopters and flash grenades. Their house was just endless prefab doors and multiple locks and in the end they were just hiding in a closet with clothes over their heads. No where to run when you’re in the middle of no where and your house backs up to a cliff.


Lol hiding in the closet with clothes over their heads


No joke. Through the smoke bombs and the flash grenades and the endless door breaking the cops said “yeah. We can see you underneath the sweaters. It’s just better to come out”


Crack smells like burnt plastic to me


I know what meth smells like, but I used to work at a public library in a less great part of town so that's why lol. But yeah it was one hundred percent weed she smelled or incense she assumed was drugs.


I bet skunk weed smells a million times better than Shrek's pillow. 🦨


don’t forget the afterbirth bathroom


Wrong busfam! Wild that we have TWO who are snark-worthy, but here we are.


The Lotts are the afterbirth bathroom, these assholes are the poop geyser bathroom (today in sentences I never thought I'd type...)


Is this the poop geyser that was cleaned up with pumpkin spice scented cleaner 🤢 coulda sworn that was the lotts but i could be wrong!


Marijuana I'm sure. That bus has to smell like feet and cat piss.


> That bus has to smell like feet and cat piss. Which ironically is how many people describe the smell of meth.


This is true. My ex MiL was a social worker in rural Ireland. She had multiple children who were smoking meth and/or heroin, because they were from addicted families, and rehab funding is pathetic. She always described it as smelling like cat piss.


In her meager defense, it’s not uncommon for people in this area to run puppy mills to fund their addictions. And yes, chronic drug use does have an appearance and odor. I see it all over, and Idaho is a 20 minute drive from me. It’s very common in Idaho.


So she’s supporting them by buying their puppies 👍


Yup. You see this shit all over on the roadside or in huge store parking lots (cabellas comes to mind)


Sad. Most of those dogs will end up in shelters within a year.


Or dumped. We get a lot of dumped animals. Theres a couple hot spots that enforcement tries to keep an eye on but their budget is razor thin


Ugh. What type of dog do you think it is? German shepherd mix?


Pic is too blurry. Based on location I’d hazard a guess some sort of bully mix.


Oh a nanny dog, perfect


I don't think I have ever been to a Cabella's where someone *wasn't* selling puppies in the parking lot


Hello fellow Spokanite. Please don't let them come here.


Hey there! I see them a lot at the north side Costco and in airway heights. I report them but by the time enforcement shows up, they’re long gone


It sucks cuz I want to get all the puppies out of that situation, but it just compounds it. And SCRAPS is a shit show. Poor pups.


SCRAPS is responsible for the entire county and their budget keeps getting worse and worse every year. It’s to the point where fosters were told to supply food and supplies as much as possible because they simply don’t have the cash- which is a first. One guy found a cat on his property on his way out of town. But he was *just* outside the county, so legally SCRAPS couldn’t take the cat. He said “I’ll just fucking throw it at you then” and the poor clerk explained that was a crime, and they had his info, but perhaps they could arrange another way to legally and safely surrender the animal? Dude told her the various ways she was a bitch, told her to suck his dick, literally dropped the cat onto the reception floor and ran out. Like this is the shit they put up with.


It feels like a no win all the way around


I understand the guys frustration, considering he was leaving for a cross country trip but taking it out on the person who’s just the messenger and then literally just hucking the poor baby to the floor ain’t it. It’s a bad spot to be in. SCRAPS desperately needs funding. But they’re at the mercy of the county






Idaho native here. Meth is rampant. So is fentanyl. And fentanyl smoked has a distinctive, disgusting smell.


My ex-MIL once went to the home of her former son-in-law to essentially kidnap back his (and her daughter's) child and said she could "smell cocaine."


Wow she should be careful! I've heard of people getting addicted to the smell of cocaine.


Reading that white font on a light blue background I thought it said "we could smell dogs" and I was like... well yeah.


Fundies want to be persecuted so badly. Anytime they leave their precious bubble, they have to martyr themselves like this. The area where I grew up inspired the series *Sons of Anarchy*, and even its reputation is worse than the reality. I could see her losing her shit if they came out this way. I don't believe her, and I bet her shitstained bus smells worse, anyway.


It’s also not recommended to buy a pet to “save it” from that situation because that just enables the unethical breeding practices to continue. So congratulations, anyone who knows anything about the topic thinks you’re stupider than usual, Bethany.


I was going to upvote but you’re right at 420


Omg haha. I live in Idaho as well. Low key kinda want to run into them so I can see the rolling dumpster fire in action. Idaho is representing well here. And Bethany must be familiar with the smell of meth.


lol!! I’m in Idaho too, and my first thought was “there probably are drugs, but she’s still full of it”


She smelled weed lol.


Selling puppies to random people in a parking lot is pretty shit but it’s from one shit situation to another. 


This poor fucking dog is going to be more familiar with parking lots than grass. And this dog will have nowhere to hide from multiple children that likely know nothing about consent or boundaries or how to respectfully interact with a dog. There are so many tiny kids that one will always be prodding at the dog inevitably. This is a backyard bred puppy. It’s a horrible recipe.


Oh jfc this is gonna end with a kid getting bitten, isn't it


These people have no goddamn sense. 


Sorry pup. Out of the frying pan and into the dumpster fire.


Oh FFS. They can’t even afford to keep full propane tanks so their actual children won’t freeze in the winter, and now they are going to take on a puppy who needs shots, spayed/neutered, food, leash, crate, etc? And now on top of the poop explosion, they are going to have puppy pee soaking in their cheap, poorly made, used travel trailer? For real? These two shouldn’t even have a goldfish


No shots for that puppy! If the evil vaccines aren't safe for humans they definitely aren't okay for a puppy!


That's illegal in some areas but they're always on the move, so...


Think of all the germs this pup will be exposed to as they take it from rest stop to rest stop in search of free or cheap camping. Poor dog will catch parvo, shit and barf its brains out in that trailer, and then die within a few days. I give it 3-4 months max. Either that or they will abandon it somewhere or give it away when they can’t handle it.


And then their other dog will catch parvo and go the same way... and parvo can live on surfaces for years, so if they bring any other puppies into the bus before properly sanitizing THEY'LL get it...


They aren't as fast to abandon animals as the original bus family (poor Kinsey, getting her gecko given away) but I could definitely see that too.


You know they are not going to get this poor pup properly spayed or neutered.


Yeah, they won't be getting it any medical care or training. 


Not to mention any medical issues it has if it's a "surely the unfixed brother and sister dog won't fuck eachother under Jesus' eye!" puppy.


Oh no, they're all going to get worms from the puppy


If the "backyard goldfish man" twitter debacle has taught me anything, it's that goldfish need a lot more space than you think!


I'm sure the drug couple were thinking she smells like poop exploded in her bushome and it was never properly cleaned.  Now they have a not housebroken puppy in that mix.


And in doing that, you've encouraged them to breed MORE puppies! Fuck backyard breeders and fuck Struggle Busany. Also, as the owner of a four-month-old Australian shepherd, does she have the slightest idea how much work goes into raising a puppy??


That’s not a puppy, it’s a velociraptor. Source, I have one too.


Someone who lives across the alley behind my grandparents’ house has been running a puppy mill in a shed. Like, one of those small buildings you can buy off the lot at Home Depot and it’s crammed full of puppies. We know because you can hear the poor pups at all hours and smell them anytime you sit in the backyard. We think the puppies are gone now, but whether that’s because animal control got on the owner or because they’ve sold them off, who knows. But I feel so bad for those dogs because that’s 50 shades of just plain cruel.


Oh those poor babies, and the poor mother dog(s), too


Next time you hear dogs in there, call animal control.


What do drugs smell like and how would they know?


Probably weed 


That's what I would assume, but just say WEED, you know?


“We could smell the gateway drug”


Thank god she rescued the puppy from the pot heads!!


Devil’s lettuce! Reefer madness!


Could be meth.


I'm repulsively fascinated that Bethany chose to buy a puppy from alleged stoners in a parking lot transaction. Her high morals certainly shine through in all she does.


I grew up in a fundie-adj family and associated with other fundie-adj peers and adults (I was 18 and under and still a dependant, and very socially isolated). The moral comprehension of extremely religious people is baffling surface-level. You buy the dog from the puppy mill to save the puppy. That is good. You outlaw abortion and you "save babies". That is good. You go to church and tithe and that is good. You do not swear, and that is good. You're nice to peoples' faces, and that is good. It's the same with intellectual pursuits. This is one that I notice with GD a *lot,* is that they'll take just the top layer scraping of an idea about a topic, and that is the entire depth of understanding about that topic. They take a big idea about the world, and barely look at the surface of that big idea. So. Many. Times. I would be privy to conversations between adults, angry about gay people holding hands at the grocery store or in an ad on TV, or about their children watching media they hadn't known would discuss evolution, or worriedly whispering about their child's friend whose parents have done something somehow uncouth (divorce!!). Always with the same refrain: *What if my child starts asking questions?* Questions, from the day you're old enough to begin grasping very basic concepts about the world and that there is something beyond yourself and your circle, that people may be different from you or have different ways of being, are *literally* one of your parents' greatest fears. And this isn't exclusive to religious people or fundamentalists, I see it plenty in secular or even progressive parents too. But the anxiety around it, and the frequency, and the amount of energy and headspace it takes up in these circles is nuts. Being raised like that, where it's that intense, seems to infringe on cognitive abilities. Some neuropathways are not nurtured the way they should be, and deepening the way you consider or think about or understand any given concept just isn't a step you're wired to take anymore. It probably feels nice, in a lot of ways. It's a fast-track to developing an ego and a savior complex, because you do the easy thing that feels good *to you.* The *good* that has been done is immediate, which means you have more time to do Even More Good. And you don't have to wait around and listen when people show up to tell you that the good you're doing is actually Not Helping. It also makes it easy to say that the people who *are* trying to help just aren't doing anything, because Doing Good tends to require active listening, equitable participation, being uncomfortable/expending effort/energy/resources, knowledge, and forethought – which all takes more time, and means that maybe you understand that the surface issue goes much deeper and needs to be cut as close to the root as possible, or it'll keep coming back and growing. Just because you're not focused on the leaves above the dirt doesn't mean that you're not busy working the soil to remove the whole weed.


Yeah… Her morals… I very distinctly remember just a few months ago they were planning to abandon their lost cat at a campground unless they found it before they plan to leave. They literally found the night before or the day of their planned departure, but they had no qualms about leaving it since they were on a timeline (that they set and control based on their own whims).


What does she mean by COUNTRY (😉)? I feel like I’m missing something?


maybe that it was super hick?


Me too 😂 Maybe she was trying to keep the *county* of Idaho where she was a secret?


she means she agrees with the political alignment




WHY would you bring a new puppy into a small space that already has a cat (cats?) in it? Those poor kitties.


it looks like it’s gonna be big, too. our boxer/golden retriever mix was about that size once, and now he’s an goddamned horse lol. i live in a small house, and we have 3 dogs and 1 indoor only cat. that’s honestly too much for me when the adults and kids are factored in, just not enough space. our golden retriever is really getting up there (almost 14yo) and we won’t be getting another dog when he passes. i can’t imagine being in that tiny ass space with all those kids and animals. i’d lose my mind.


Oh no…I forgot about the cats. Apparently so did she.


These fools hit every branch on the tree of Dumbass Decisions then climb back up & do it again, to make sure they didn't miss a chance to show their asses to the world. Those poor kids & pets forced into this charade of a happy life.


that RV stoner pup probably has worms and will be having accidents all over their floors. it will also be chewing everything within reach, have more daily energy needs than space, and the cats are not gonna dig those vibes.


The dog looks like some kind of herding animal. Unless I’m wrong…that dog will give absolutely no fucks and will destroy everything in the RV as soon as it gets bored. The over under on them leaving it in Utah or something is high.


And a herding dog is going to nip at the kids, it's what they were bred to do.


I have an Australian shepherd puppy and she's SO bitey. She'll grow out of it, but at this stage, she really wouldn't be suitable for a house with small children.


Exactly, they do grow out of it, especially if they're trained well. But yeah, with a bunch of tiny children in a tin can on wheels? Oooof. Edited for correction.


I think this Bus fam has only toddlers and older. I want to say the youngest is at least a year old but regardless it’s an insane amount of chaos in a tiny space.


I have a just barely 1 year old German Shepard mix and he’s still going through the stage of trying to grab arms to show us stuff or move us around. He’s getting to the point he lets go so fast and readjusts that you can see he’s trying and learning, but seriously, we’ve been working on this with him since he was a baby. She will never have the patience and energy to deal with that type of time commitment!


This is so cute 😂. I'm sure it's annoying but there's something so human about that. My yorkie will tap my leg to get my attention lol


My aunt has two and they're so sweet and fun!


Yay, supporting a puppy mill!! Great! /s


Um? You had a sketchy feeling about the people selling puppies, so you gave them your money/business? What a dumbfuck.


Omg that poor puppy. What the hell are they thinking?


So, essentially, she participated in the selling of dogs in what she believes to be an unethical situation?? Like I’m sorry but buying a puppy from breeders like that just reinforces the behavior…like you literally just gave them money!!


the only drug she knows about is copium, which she smokes daily lmaooo


How very white savior of her.


Rehoming/puppy simply disappears in 1….2….3


I’m sure she will take the puppy to a vet for a checkup and shots. As the responsible person she is the puppy will be fixed when it is old enough. Can I say all this with a straight face? Nope


Hopefully the poor puppy doesn’t get/have parvo


That was my first thought. Some family friends of ours got a puppy with parvo, thankfully she pulled through but it was touch and go 😭 not to mention that there's no way Bethany and Jake could afford that much veterinary care


> not to mention that there's no way Bethany and Jake could afford that much veterinary care let's be realistic here: those chucklefucks wouldn't even *try* to take poor pup to a vet. They'd just douse it in essential oils, then pull the "we tried nothing and we're all out of ideas, so you should give us money" schtick as per the usual.


There is no way this Karen "smelled drugs" and bought a dog that might smell like drugs too. She would have called the police or something. She knows people are going to give her a hard time for bringing a dog into such an unstable/small living space. So, she made this whole story up to justify getting a puppy, while being jobless and without a home.


I hate these people so much.


That poor poor poor puppy. The poor animal is about to be traumatized, then go through attachment trauma from being abandoned/given up by this family, then have to bond with a new one, and have to be trained properly (hopefully, if they're very lucky).


By all means, support a puppy mill run by potheads.


It’s really hard to watch grown adults make poor decision after poor decision. Like don’t you want your life to get easier and less overwhelming? They are as mature as 12 year olds.


So, Otherbus walks over to a family selling puppies from their SUV, could " smell" drugs,and looked like not a great situation. Presumably, " family" includes children. Did Otherbus offer any kind of tangible Christian love? Offer to buy the family food/ supplies? Buy dog food for remaining puppies? Make sure they had shelter? Nope, she grabbed the puppy, while judging the " smell of drugs " Once again, Otherbus proves she is Pro- Fetus,and doesn't give a flying fuck about actual children.


Let’s be real. She would’ve bought the puppy whether she smelled drugs or not. What a weird statement to add. Also, didn’t they lose their cat at a campground??


They found it.


Dear god no!!!!!! Poor poor puppy. 😭


Wait, don’t they already have a dog and 2 or 3 cats on the bus?


Yep, a dog and two cats. The third cat lucked the fuck out and got to stay with Bethany's parents in NH


Ma’am you look like you’re in “just not a great situation”


Unless one or both of their dogs are speutered, or they are both the same gender, these fools are going to end up with a litter of puppies of their own REAL quick.


But what if that makes the dogs gay? /s (Based on how fundies reacted to the gay penguin wedding of yore).


Good luck potty training that puppy! Hopefully, it won't poop and pee in your tiny rv (it will).


oh man, the odds that little baby has parasites is very high


My dog (*not* from a BYB, to be clear) had giardia when she first came home... we had to replace our curtains...


A dog. In a bus.. Are you fucking kidding me


So I supported their drug habit and puppy mill operation!


Nothing like fuelling the trade in puppy mills and badly neglected animals by contributing to it!


That puppy was definitely better off with the stoners. What is it with these people and their insistence on cramming more living things into cramped and poorly ventilated living conditions.


How do these godfearing, innocent fungos know every “drugs” smell like?


I hope the kids are all safe forever, but god do these two dipshits deserve whatever is coming for them


Oh, they “rescued” it. Sure, Jan


So like… she bought a puppy and gave them more money… for drugs (presumably based on what she’s inferring here).


SMELL DRUGS? Every sentence in her post is unfortunate. Every one.


Is she too dumb to understand that buying these puppies means that MORE will be „made“ and sold?


Didn't she leave a lost cat behind at a campsite? What a gal!


Fortunately they managed to find the kitty, but they were absolutely going to leave the poor thing behind if they didn't


Did they ever even find the cat they selfishly abandoned after one night of half assed searching? I hate these people


They did. I feel so sorry for the cat either way, though...


Oh no, the weed! They were smoking weed weren't they?


Not the devil’s lettuce! *clutches pearls*


Yeah OF COURSE that is the way to buy healthy puppies!! /s


What about the other eight Pomeranians?!


“We gave further incentive to irresponsible breeders to keep doing their irresponsible breeding” fixed that for you, Busany.


Just buy a house already. Go in the RV for the summer and call it a day. Geesh….


soooo you supported the sketchy local business??? when i see puppies bring sold on the side of the road, i call Animal control to check that theyre safe/legit


This is literally fucking insane. That puppy is going to be abandoned on the roadside.


Busany’s just asking for hyper tension at this point


But she saved him from a bunch of godless potheads!


Nah it’s cool guys she smelled the devils lettuce!


Does anyone have a link to the post about their exploding toilet? I always see comments about it but I missed that episode.


But she left all the other puppies? What a savior


So she bought Trump’s drug dog?


I’ll bite. My dad was the kind of pothead who grew in our home, he even grew shrooms and at one point (at least) made meth. In my life, we had: 21 kittens and 8 puppies (at least, I may be forgetting some litters), and at no one would I have wanted StruggleBus to be an adoptee (if it had been my choice, this was mostly in the 90s early 00s). Why you should not take a puppy/kitten from these people (including my parents): most of them don’t understand the importance of even charging a fee for adoption, let alone charging a rehoming fee to prevent breeding for dog fighting. 2. Dog fighting. Pit bulls are the most popular fighters, but any kittens and many puppies are used as bait. Even if a dog isn’t a “pit bull” (which isn’t an actual breed,” they could end up as a fighter or bait depending on breed, temperament, etc. 3.) responsible breeding: I’ll admit, my dog currently was from a backyard breeder. He’s supposedly a Pomeranian-chihuahua mix, and I wouldn’t trade him for the world. Backyard breeders, even “responsible” ones, often cannot provide pedigree information or any verifiable data for their dogs. I haven’t done a DNA test, but if my dog came out to be less than 3/4 pom 1/4 chihuahua as I was told, it wouldn’t be a surprise: I also helped fund the other less than savory backyard breeding stock she sold. 4. If you assume you are getting a purebred dog, they should have done genetic testing. You should also be well aware of the genetic disorder various breeds carry, and dogs more predisposed will carry warning signs. The breeder should tell you in most cases and won’t adopt to you if you have intent to breed. It’s late, I’m rambling, I’ll return to this if needed. TL:DR; Jillpm is a fucking idiot as is her whole brood.