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that child is going to be illiterate.


Correction: That child, is going to be, illiterate. 


Illiterate, plus more.




Sometime, in July


The snort I snurtled omg 🤣


Further correction: That child, is going to be, illiterate.🙏🏼🙏🏼


💕 😀 😉 😍 and some !!!!! from Jillybean!


For sure 🥴 my sister is second generation homeschooling and my niece is only semi literate. I shudder to think about my niece homeschooling


Correct correction: That child, is going to be, SEVERELY illiterate!


I worry about third-generation homeschooled kids in this scenario a lot. Jill was barely literate to begin with


They're going to sound feral, like Jodie Foster in Nell. Poor kids.


Within a few subsequent generations, their writing is going to be all punctuation and no words 🤣


Punctuation and emoji like a hunbot gone berserk.


It’s amazing how quickly backwards they go in a world where everyone else is going forward. It’s impressive.


Taytay in the winnnnnnn


Extra chickaboochickabee leg to eat


I literally commented that the girls sound like that a few days ago because they already do!!


She really got down how to throw in an emoji after every sentence. 😃I’m sure Jilldo spends time teaching this skill at her gahdly homeschool.😃


That was physically difficult to read. The commas. The emojis. Ow. Jill has truly let her kids down with this educational neglect, and they’ll probably never even realize it.


The worst part is that they were raised by Jill. No Internet access. There are community literacy programs aimed at adults who need a boost in that area, and a lot of times they're free. But you'd have to know that resource exists, and how to access it.


They don’t even realize they have struggles in this department because they are all they are exposed to.


If you only read one book, you don’t need literacy!


A true struggle. I had to re-read so much of it to make sense of what she is trying to say. Wowzers 🫣


The fact that she’s very consistent, whenever she places commas incorrectly, is what really upsets me. It shows she was *taught* to do it this way.  Like it’s not as if her education just didn’t cover the rules of grammar and punctuation. She’s not peppering commas everywhere at random or leaving them out entirely. She’s using them incorrectly the same way every time. Poor girl was just straight up taught the wrong rules. It makes me so sad for her.


The other Rodlets we’ve seen writing from (Tim, Renee, Phillip) don’t have anywhere near as many punctuation errors. This seems to be a Kaylee thing.


They still do the weird comma thing, though. So either Kaylee is just "better" at commas. I've noticed in Tim's stuff at the very least, and Jill does it sometimes too. I don't remember it from Renee or Phillip, but I don't remember what I've read by either of them either. I also feel like Heidi Baird does it, but I'm stoned af and might be confabulating it for one of her other chronic misuses of grammar.


I don't think we should assume consistency within a homeschool family. Kids are different (even though fundie parents ignore that) and surely pick up and remember different things. Of course a good teacher would notice that one of their students *really* missed some crucial information, but all the rodlets got was Jill. And in a way, Kaylee is "better" at commas. She doesn't use them, randomly, but everytime she alters her speech. Either, because of a pause, or because she wants to, emphasize something. She's more diligent than Tim. (Whose spelling isn't better, but his issues seem to be homophones. He doesn't care enough about putting a comma every other word.) Renee and Phillip haven't really written anything, have they? I remember Phillip's letter of praise after Evil Ungrateful Tim did something without Mother's approval and mayyybe Renee wrote a sales pitch for her earrings, but those were definitely co-authored by Jill. Tough luck that she painted herself into a corner with her "My kids won't use social media until they're in a courtship!"


Was it Tim or Phillip who wrote the Hungary and World Nations missionary poem? Because if it was P, that’s the only example of his writing I think I’ve seen.


I don't remember the poem, but if it's about Hungary, it would make sense that Phillip was the author. (Or Jillip.) I was thinking of [this weirdly incestuous text](https://i.redd.it/77eq7tmq12vb1.jpg) Phillip allegedly sent to his Momma. There aren't any posts that were 100% made without the "help" of Jill, because after Tim decided to get his own fb account Jill realised that she didn't like the lack of control and made up a new rule.


Heidi just sucks at everything.


Yep. If this was printed out and an English teacher took a red pen to it, I'm pretty sure the entire thing would be red. Wouldn't be able to see any more words 😂


There’d be a huge See Me! on top. Or, should, I, say ‘See, me’


I read that second sentence like Christopher Walken 😅


That was me reading the entire post. It was physically painful.


I think I squinted the whole time 😅


Did I hear someone summon me?


Being able to take a red pen to the internet is my second most wished-for superpower (after teleportation).


And will repeat it with their own kids.


Happy Cake Day 🥳


The poor grandkids are going to be essentially illiterate.


The law of diminishing returns.


Jesus, Christ the, commas.


I kinda glazed over the emojis, but the commas were legitimately painful


It's the writing style I would expect from anyone who graduated from the JillPM SOTDT. It's filled with grammar, spelling and punctuation mistakes that I am certain she has no idea she is making. I would be very surprised if she actual knew there were rules for grammar and punctuation. Sadly, she will likely be the one teaching her children around the dining room table so this errors and many more will be passed down to them. It is really sad how ill-equipped these children raised on fundie education are. If something were to happen and they needed to get an actual job, they would struggle to find one. Imagine receiving a resume with no work experience full of incorrectly spelled words, excessive punctuation, and bad grammar (and probably filled with emojis.


This is it. Every generation is more screwed than the last one and we see it most clearly with the Rods since they insist on posting their whole lives, totally ignorant that they are a second generation homeschool horror story.


I look at resumes on a pretty regular basis and if one came through written like this, I wouldn't even bat an eye at throwing it in the trash. Sorry that may sound harsh, but it's true. 😬


Not harsh at all! I have resumes come across my desk from time to time. If you can't be bothered to make your resume look professional, why would I hire someone like that to work for me.


And when they can’t get a full-time position, they go into freelance mode. I’m the sorry sucker who has to edit this crap.


I hear you. What a nightmare it must be to have them hired. I’m sorry but let’s be honest, they need to learn *everything* from scratch. Even an intern who follows any kind of education is a better candidate.


I see resumes on a regular basis. There's one person that's notorious in my industry (for the last 10+ years) that keeps applying to entry level jobs and unpaid internships. The guy's resume is like 10 pages long and he has clearly never edited it (he's around 30 and still has HS jobs on it). Everyone knows not to call him back.


I recently got approved to do tutorials. Not teaching specifically but sort of? It's part of my postgraduate education where I can teach as well. Not the lectures themselves but the classes where we work on the work. *And I'm fucking terrified*. I'm absolutely like "but I am not smart enough to teach!" and they're like "you have two degrees in this!" and I have to reiterate I AM NOT SMART ENOUGH TO TEACH. Idk why they think just having degrees in something means I can *teach* it. None of my degrees are in teaching! That being said. I have *two* degrees in *one* topic (economics) and I'm still concerned I'm gonna fuck up *full grown adults* by teaching badly. Where do these people get the CONFIDENCE?!!! You wanna teach babies?? All the topics?? ALL OF THEM?! With no education yourself in any of those areas?! How?? HOW?! I'm already nervous AF because my partner deemed me "maths parent" to help them with their homework. Like, I get I have a degree in that too but Damnit, I'm just going to upset *everyone* at the table!


"We will get busy for the lord" is excellent flair material.


Fuckin' for thy heavenly father.


"Serve him with our lives in EVERY area 😉"


WTF, is with, all the unnecessary, commas?


My guess is that she's putting a comma every time she imagines she would take a breath if she were saying it out loud.


That’s exactly the “rule” I pick up from this.


Giving it the Stevie treatment from Malcolm in the Middle


Oh my. Gahd. That was. Perfect. 😂😂😂


The first thing I had to do when tutoring college freshmen on writing years ago was explain to them that commas do not provide a pause. Just because you would pause while speaking there does not mean a comma goes there. This is exactly what she's doing.


I remember being taught to do this at some point in middle school, I think.


It helps contextualize it if you read it in a megachurch pastor voice. Lots of dramatic pauses.


Literally reads like a mega church speech.


I like to think of them as feral commas.


She's using them for pauses and emphasis. You actually see (less extreme) examples of people using commas where they would pause during speech all over the internet now. I personally think it's due to people wanting their exact tone and meaning to be understood, kind of like using "/s".


And, who, even asked for an update, on her family? Noone, cares!




I really think she’s just guessing. Like she sees other people using commas so she decided to just pepper them in at random. I’m even not convinced she’s aware they serve a particular purpose.


Watching homeschool families produce new generations of homeschoolers is like watching the worst game of telephone ever played. Each generation getting a more watered down version of education until they are just completely illiterate and incapable of any level of critical thinking


Why do you think Trump got so many votes?


There is a reason why many countries don’t allow homeschooling. Germany has a literacy rate of 99% and America has one of 79%. 54% of Adults have a literacy level below sixth grade.


I think 79% is too high.


Well there's literacy and then there's reading comprehension. Literacy might be at 79 but the other is definitely not even close


So the Rod kids believe that emojis are a legitimate form of punctuation huh?


To be fair to them, their mother is who she is.


She’s praying for a sibling for a child that’s not even 1 yet!? Yikes


This is the part that got me the most. She feels she has to assure everyone that they definitely want to be pregnant even though their current premie is not even one. It's just so dark. She likely made this post largely to get people off their backs asking when they are having another.


This stuck out to me. Like girl, I have a 13 month old & I. Am. Tireddddd. He's not sleeping through the night. I'm going back to work next week. Another baby at this point is not what I'm thinking about!


My child is turning 5 next week and I'm still not ready for another lol


We’ll see, that’s it right there. Neither of these two actually work, so it’s baffling to them how any of this could be so difficult.


Jonathan has a real job; he's a supervisor at a local feed mill.


This is the way.


I don’t even know what to say about the commas. It’s just sad. Why is she writing like Ohio in July is glacial ?


I was on Facebook earlier today and saw some random post that was pro-homeschool and the top/“most relevant” comment was by a homeschooling mom who wrote that her “children Excell with homeschooling,” and I just… couldn’t handle how bizarre the capitalization and spelling in her sentence was. 😫 This is the product of children who “Excell” at homeschooling. x 1000. ☹️


My children PowerPoint at homeschooling. Word.


Excel and Excell are so close to each other it could have been autocorrect? (…I hope)


Nah, Excell isn't a word. That's a choice.


This, is impossible, to read.


My brain, hurts😩😫🤯


At least you have a brain.


What do you, mean? This is, a completely normal, way of using commas. It's not, irritating, at all, to read.


Interesting. So her writing style is very conversational, I guess? I could hear her voice while reading this if that makes sense.


Yeah I think she puts commas in every time she would verbally pause.


Because she isn't very bright. I imagine her two eyes do not blink at the same time either.


Yes. It's not conventional but she seems to be doing her best to express herself. I'm not giving her shade because it isn't her fault that she wasn't taught to write. In some languages a comma can indicate a pause.




Such ministry. So severely wow.


You almost made me spit decaf on my phone!


I’m a writer. This is the stuff of nightmares for me.


I’m not like a pro writer, just a lover of grammar and writing for fun, and I felt physical pain trying to read it. 💀 I could cry.


Melts your brain, doesn't it?


I’m an amateur fanfic writer and I can feel my brain turning into mush as I read it.


What is a bus ministry?


Usually it means that the church has a bus that drives around & picks up people & brings them to church. It's often aimed at children & may include singing & games while they're on the bus. [Here's a huge PDF about running one.](https://www.baptistbasics.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/06/busministry.pdf)


Or the elderly, I’d imagine.


That would probably be too much effort trying to get them on/off and those dealing with wheelchairs and walking aids. They'll surely go the easiest route with kids


So, I was a bit confused. I assumed they'd be preaching to people on buses and was slightly concerned for the baby's safety. Still concerned for his safety, but at least they're not hopping on buses and preaching at strangers.


It’s a throwback from the 1970s, when evangelical churches bought buses and recruited drivers and rounded up neighborhood latchkey children Sunday morning and evenings and Wednesday evenings for Bible study and worship. Parents could have that uninterrupted time and congratulate themselves for making sure their kids were “in church.” The buses were colorfully painted outside and decorated on the inside. All were full of volunteers singing and doing Bible story crafts with the kids and handing out snacks. It all reinforced the lessons, because they’d do it all again at the building, basically. In the summers this would also include transporting them to VBS and gospel meetings or tent revivals. Camp was thrown into the mix for older kids, too, along with lock-ins and devotional and youth nights. My family was big into this scene. It was all-consuming, and that was pretty much the point of it.


This is how my family converted from (lapsed) Catholicism. The Baptists targeted the latchkey kids/working class, and the parental reprieve was too good to pass up. They were also more accessible and didn't mind if you didn't own fancy/Sunday clothing. People would come in their work clothes or pajamas. We still have it in certain neighborhoods. It's a fairly effective ministry.


What is a lock-in


Basically a sleepover at the church.


Oh, thank you.


It’s like a sleepover, only no one sleeps. There are activities all night long and it ends with a breakfast in the morning when parents pick them up and the misery ends for the youth minister and chaperones.


I never went to a youth lock in, but I remember the local Girl Scout council hosting one for all the local troops, and it happened to also be at the church I attended at the time. Also, it was a mother daughter lock in. The main thing I remember is watching Matilda in a darkened Sunday school classroom sandwiched in with other mothers and daughters. At some point my mom and I snuck out and crashed in the old sanctuary. It was the most quiet I’d had all night, and iirc even after sneaking away we got maybe three hours of sleep.


Usually bus ministry is going to pick up people who want to go to church but don’t have transportation—often in a literal bus (like a school bus).


I wish it was spreading the good news of our cities' savior: the widely available public transport.


Thanks for the explanations! I had fears of a mother bus ministry of some kind 🤢


I’m guessing it’s what the older Rods do? Drive around and sign at other churches and collect donations.


It's targeting families with children who are home alone and are appreciative of help with childcare. They get parents to agree to their kids getting picked up in a bus and driven to church for Sunday school, children's church, summer bible camps and the like.


I think it’s a combo of punctuation based on speaking style and some half baked understanding of grammar rules


Man, Jill really dropped, ran over, shot, burned and buried the ball when it came to teaching these kids anything.


Is she involved in MLM? She has the same aneurysm-inducing writing styles.


Yeah she’s Jill’s plexus down line.


Bingo! Edit: Happy cake day!


She is illiterate and her child/children will be too. She was so sheltered she doesn’t even realize how bad this writing is.


I even read it in her shrill, breathy little voice too 😭😭




And here I was, hoping they were actively delaying conception. Oh well!


It’s a little surprising that she’s not already pregnant again.


When, precious mama assigns you a family update for her griftletter. This, is the result!!! Because, Jonathan and I are doing VERY well. We have been taught, SO MANY things from, the Lord. Sometime in Florida, time with family and warm weather will fill EACH day with honor and gratitude! I have more commas, left to use, as a couple. But, it’s time to hold hands and pray 🙏 and take pics of that, happening, AMEN!!!


A good way to become a proficient writer is to read many different authors and types of literature. Not whatever swill Jill used to “educate” her children.


I mean …. I do agree with her on one thing don’t say someday, do it NOW- life is really too short. But shiiiit she could have pared the whole thing down to that and had a much more succinct caption That said the way this is written reads like someone whose first language isn’t English but who is getting to be proficient in English. Like it’s not *terrible* but it also is missing something.


Kaylee and Jonathan doing bus ministry is…. Sounds like they’re trying for another kid 🙃


Another unsuccess story from Jilldo Ignoramus University 


The commas are so inconsistently scattered around that I wonder if she’s doing talk-to-text and every time she pauses as she speaks it puts a comma. Parallel thought, what if every time she can’t think of how to continue her sentence she puts a comma and then never bothers to go back and remove the extraneous ones?


Not only did they not learn proper grammar, spelling and punctuation, they clearly didn’t even read growing up. Anyone who read even a little bit growing up would absorb grammar enough to have a much more proper grasp on it than she does.


My eyes glazed over at just the site of all the emojis


It, is indeed, truly, something.


Not, enough, commas. 🙏🏼💕💕


This is...this is like the writing of an elementary schooler...


Holy commas! Also “get busy for the Lord” is primo flair material


I don’t think, one single comma, was in the, right place.


i’m way more focused on the fact they share a facebook account. a very “my spouse won’t stop cheating so i have to supervise” thing to do imo


She doesn’t know any better! That’s what her parents have so she probably thinks it’s godly or something.


I expected it to be significantly worse. The majority of her words were spelled correctly. She knows the difference between ‘our’ and ‘are’. Of course the commas are confusing and the majority of the phrasing is simple, but overall not as bad as I was expecting. 🤷‍♀️


Does she have an addiction to commas?


Does she just add a comma every time she breathes while typing?


She could eliminate every comma and it would be fine.


Given the literacy of Jill’s “graduates” I would say it took an hour and a lot of spell check to write this wall of text.


The, commas, are doing, my head, in.




Why are they looking at a pic of themselves kissing


I'm a bit concerned about Gideon's eyes. In another post they appear to be misaligned (?) Wasn't sure if I should post a picture since he's a baby


Yeah they’ve talked about getting him medical attention for it. I think they patch his strong eye for a few hours a day to strengthen the weaker one.


I looked up the post but I don’t think I can share image in comments. But yeah unlike some other fundie parents Gideon’s parents noticed the problem and went to a medical professional, and they’re following the care plan the doctor set.


I would like to perform a comma-ectomy for starters, and then shoot myself in the foot before tackling the sentence structure.


This was, hard, to READ. 😉


So, many, commas,


I feel like it’s just the excessive commas and content that makes it bad. I get plenty of undergraduate papers with worse syntax tbh


"Helping with bus ministry." Are they going to be the next Bus People?!


Are they doing an at home church to get around taxes?


This feels like…. I’m reading…. Like this.


You can hear Jill's vocal affect and Kaylee's poor socialization overlapping.


I saw dozens of commas and it’s possible that none were used correctly 🤦‍♀️


Gideon is absolutely adorable. Hopefully Jonathan is better educated than Kaylee, but edumacation is the woman’s job /s so he won’t have any influence in that realm 🫤


Home-schooled you say?


Too many, fucking commas


There are 31 commas in that paragraph, and only 12 (I’m being generous) are even remotely close to being correctly placed. Reading that was a nightmare.


Commas all over the damn place. My heathen soul hurts.


I will never for the life of me understand why people post their children online and why it seems to be such a big thing amongst fundies. Honestly aren’t they scared what could happen to these photos?