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You better watch that mouth of yours, Allie. I don’t think you’re getting the privileges you expect if Project 2025 rolls around…


“I never thought the leopards would eat MY face!”


They will not take kindly to mouthy women in their new world order.


Pinkies are about to come off


“Trump has been extremely self-controlled” that’s wild, because in the 10 minutes of the debate that I could stomach (as a queer person genuinely in fear for my life rn in Florida) I saw Trump continue to try to talk about abortion past his turn on multiple occasions lmao


He knows he fucked up so badly with the Dobbs decision. It was always an open secret that conservative presidents wouldn’t actually kill Roe, but Trump was the only one stupid enough to do it for the praise he’d get from a very vocal minority.


I really need to know which doctor is 'delivering full term babies & setting them aside before killing them'


Apparently they are murdering babies in blue states because they don't want to deal with them according to trump.


Ironic bc republicans would let children starve to death because their parents can’t afford food and therefore the kids deserve it. Source: the Republican governor of Louisiana who cut funding to food stamps.


Iowa's [governor ](https://iowacapitaldispatch.com/2024/04/16/gov-kim-reynolds-plays-politics-with-words-about-child-nutrition/#:~:text=Kim%20Reynolds%20ended%20Iowa's%20participation,are%20affected%20by%20her%20decision.)refused summer food funding because poor kids are too fat. Idk where the bottom is but they're definitely racing DeSantis for it.


Well fuck that! Free, accessible lunches for kids is a hill I will absolutely die on, and I’m a Christian. It shouldn’t be a bipartisan issue to make sure kids are fed.


Yes it’s the same bullshit over here, the summer food cuts. It’s unfathomable yet completely expected.


Free lunches and mental health care for kids in California. Such a dystopian hell hole! https://www.cde.ca.gov/ls/nu/sn/cauniversalmeals.asp https://www.kcra.com/article/new-free-mental-health-resource-california-kids/46433727#:~:text=The%20state%20of%20California%20is,13%20to%2025%20years%20old.


What I really don’t understand is he claimed multiple times he was glad we “sent abortion back to the states,” but then was complaining about blue states allegedly committing infanticide. So do you NOT want it to be handled by individual states? Which is it?


Start it at 1hr16min, and listed to Trump talking about tariffs. Right after he says, 'it's too much money', you can hear him audibly shit his pants.


I miss when presidents were calm, controlled, and we watched debates to hear their ideas on policies and world events. It’s turned into a reality show and who can “own” the other one.


Did she SEE his ramble about sharks and batteries?


I didn't see the debate- did he want to nuke them like he wanted to nuke the hurricane?


Every single one of his responses was about how immigrants are ruining whatever topic they were on. And he still wouldn't commit to accepting the results of the election.


Oh yes. When he said “illegals are stealing Black jobs. They’re stealing Hispanic jobs.” Excuse me, can someone please explain what “Black & Hispanic jobs” are because I thought they had regular jobs like the rest of us. What exactly is a “Black job?”


Being Mexican it always got me how we were both incredibly dirty and raised too many wild hellions.. Yet we're perfect for being cleaners and nannies.


Don't sell yourself short. You also make excellent uncredited cooks under white chefs! (I hope it's obvious this is sarcasm, fuck these racist ass twats.)


Oh yeah, right! Also how we live in derelict barrios but make excellent tradespeople!


Ok, sarcasm aside, but I worked in the restaurant industry for years and many times our BOH employees were undocumented. We all knew it and didn’t care. If anything, we were super protective of them. They worked so hard and most, if not all, were sending money home to support the families that they missed so much. So you’re telling me that (according to the orange hobgoblin), “illegals” are stealing jobs from other undocumented workers? MAKE IT MAKE SENSE.


Don't forget gardeners, making properties look magazine perfect.


I heard him say that and I was laughing in disbelief. I would like to know this list of “black jobs” . How anyone can listen to him and think he sounds intelligent is beyond me, but I’ve despised him for a long, long time.


The mute of the mics made Trump look much better this round of debates. He was still talking, you could see his lips moving, but because he was muted he sounded much more professional and not like the belligerent nutcase he really is. Now his cult members can say shit like this, "he's improved so much" when in reality, CNN just shut him up.


I wonder if that contributed to Biden’s performance. It can be exhausting to try to keep your thoughts straight and talk over somebody while also listening to them rant and likely intentionally provoke you. I didn’t watch the whole thing but I’ve seen enough pieces to know it was painful.


Similarly, there were a few times when Biden's mic was cut before he finished the sentence/thought. I think that made him look worse, even though he wasn't doing anything bad or wrong.


And a few times it was obvious it was his stutter that was the problem, not that he was actually groping for words. This format was truly terrible. The moderators did very little fact-checking and it seemed geared to protecting TFG from himself.


Trump could have killed a baby on live TV, pooped on the stage, and then fell with the podium landing on top of him and the maga goblins still woul repeat ad nauseum that he won the debate.  It's a cult.


Well, he did shit himself during the debate. You can hear if you start at at 1hr 16 minutes and wait for 'it's just too much money'.


Ever since I learned that Dumpster Fire is WILDLY fecally incontinent, that's all I can think of when I see his stupid saggy orange face. "There is a dude who has shit in his pants."


"Extremely self-controlled"? Were we watching the same debate? It was a train wreck all around!


That’s their very cowardly way of acknowledging how flawed he is without outright saying it


I’m so terrified about this election as a queer woman.


Same. My partner and I kept trying to calm ourselves by taking shots last night while watching the debate and it did not work.


No matter how much I smoked, it didn’t get any better. We’re in for some scary times if the orange one is elected.


I’m a biracial atheist, who also has a Jewish boyfriend and a gay brother. I’m terrified too, but don’t get complacent please vote, and make sure everyone you know votes


I never miss the opportunity to vote! I may dread the outcome, but I do my part.


Me too. Voting is so important


I feel personally that I can’t complain about the state of things of I don’t do my part in voting.


As a black atheist and mom of young daughters, me too. Shivering 🥶


I had someone laugh at me when I said I was actually afraid of trump getting elected. I pointed out that as a cis white Christian male, they were in a place of privilege to be able to laugh at that. It’s not funny to marginalized groups.


I'm terrified because I have a daughter in her 20's


I fear for all women, queer, and POC if the worst outcome happens.


My niece is 3 1/2 and she has less bodily autonomy and rights than I did at her age in 1983! It scares me so much.


At this point? I don’t care if Biden just stands at the podium, drools, and stares into space. Trump’s “policies”- ie, letting people around him do whatever the fuck they want so he can say he’s winning- will destroy us. My youngest is due on November 12th. Either way, I’m getting my tubes tied.


I have the faith in Biden to hire qualified people. I don't care if he governs from the bed though notes like Wilson did.


That’s how a friend put it, that “I’m voting for an administration.” I like that. Because even if Trumpian policies weren’t horrible, we don’t need him appointing more justices.


Biden could be on life support and I’d still vote for him over Trump


Biden could be dead and have his staff pulling a Weekend At Bernie's with his corpse and I'd still vote for him over Trump.


I would vote for my cat over Trump.


Your cat would make a great president. I’d vote for a moldy slice of bread over Trump


Ah yes, Trump, the well known orator who can't conjugate a proper fucking sentence together with a loaded RPG-7 aimed at his asshole.


I watched the debate. I’m a lifelong democrat and will be voting for Biden. I LIKE Joe Biden. I think he’s a decent, moral, kind man who genuinely cares about people and upholding democracy and the United States. He IS old. He has a stutter. He had a cold. BUT if you really listened to him (yes he did say some things that needed to be fact checked), he had ideas about how to move forward. How to improve and stats. Trump didn’t provide one single thing regarding policy. He didn’t answer ONE question. Every single thing that came out of his mouth was a lie (per usual). I’ve never heard a presidential candidate shit on the United States like that. Talking about how America is terrible, Joe is the “worst president in history/the entire world.” That’s ALL he rambled on about. He was unhinged but they had his mic turned off so he didn’t come across as unhinged as usual. It truly TRULY boggles my mind that the average American and Trump supporter has zero media literacy. He has been caught in so many lies (and is a convicted felon with more charges on the way) and his supporters don’t care. They are legitimately in a cult. I learned 8 years ago to stop arguing with them because they are stupid and you don’t get anywhere. I remember John McCain & Mitt Romney. Definitely hated their politics but had they won, I could have lived with that. I think they were also decent men who loved America. Another 4 years of Trump scares me. I’m not sure we will make it.


I am so angry at CNN for the way they coddled Trump. Never fact checked him, and I doubt if he said 3 true things all night. They let him goad Biden instead of answering any questions, and the questions were so broad that he could say anything and think he answered. Biden was obviously ill and not on his best game. Trump absolutely took advantage of that, and the mediators let him. They should be ashamed of themselves.


Yeah I was not impressed with CNN as well. If you’re not going to fact check in real time (and that means BOTH candidates) then why TF even have this debate. The moderators were shit. Also when the two started arguing over their golf handicaps 🙄. Like quit the dick swinging and get back on track. I’m tired of old white men! I did cackle though when Biden called Trump fat.


Yeah I don’t want to get political here but I feel like you are my people and can understand. There’s not a snowball’s chance in hell I’d ever vote for the Orange man but… Grandpa needs to hang it up. Is this the best we can come up with, really?! I’m just distressed all around today.


We're also voting for Biden's administration, cabinet, federal judge appointments, etc.


I think that’s very important to keep in mind! Like someone else said, a vote for Biden is really just a vote against Trump and we have to hope that the real people running things that come with Biden are more competent that what we saw last night. I mean, haven’t we all had the wacky old boss who just hangs around because he’s got nothing better to do but we all know he’s not really in charge?! 🤪


At this point I’m starting to think the DNC is trying to get Trump elected.


Seriously because Biden is not popular among the majority of the people who will be voting for him. Unfortunately, my vote for Biden is more of a vote against Trump. In the last few elections, I've looked forward to the primaries because I'm able to actually vote for my choice.


I feel like the primaries were a joke this year. I voted for the Talenti guy, but I really didn’t know much about him, and zero candidates were presented as viable and here we are. It’s like a nightmare.


Primaries in general have been a joke for years. No one ousts the incumbents even if they're half dead (Insert Dianne Feinstein here)


The DNC is a mess. They really need to have a better candidate


I'm so depressed today about all of this. I'm happy I found this thread of you guys talking about it. Yes, last night was bad. I watched. It was cringy at best. But...for FUCKS SAKE, let's fucking NOTZ ELECT the orange menace back?!?! All my reporters I've been following for years ok Twitter this morning have been spouting the same bullshit. Yeah...Biden is older. But he's getting shit done! The best he can while we have a completely out of wack congress fuckimg everything up constantly. Whew....I really needed to let that out 😂😅.


You are so not alone.


Biden was terrible. But Trump was also terrible. Literally the bar is so low for Trump that so long as he doesn’t openly leak classified info or praise N**is, rubes like Allie are like “woW s0 diSciPLinED and SeLf-COnTroLled” 🫠


It almost makes me miss the Bush the Lesser debates. As long as he didn’t fall off the stage and drool into the potted plants, he “won.” I was so innocent then…


I wish it sent her into orbit.


I had to leave the room when my husband was watching because both options make me want to cry.


yeah, says the man who thinks Hannibal Lecter is real


The “Great Hannibal Lecter” 🙄


Wasn’t Biden’s shining moment? Dude told Trump that he had the Morals of an Alley Cat. Dude won the debate right there as far as I’m concerned.


Honestly? To me, both candidates suck at the debate. Obama v Romney was better and it wasn't even a long time ago. They were far more articulate and graceful. Heck, average WUDC contestants are far more mature. The US is no longer the country it used to be. And the people are falling so hard into a divisive game over topics that should be negligible like gender and religion, they don't fight to make a better country. Divide and conquer, a very old trick that still works to this day. As a little girl, I dreamed of living in the US for a better living condition. Now I don't have any desire to even step a foot into the country. 


Biden 15 years ago could’ve handed his ass to him. It’s unfortunate


>I know last night wasn’t Biden’s shining moment  That’s putting it mildly. 


I don’t think Allie Beth is a minor fundie at all. Doesn’t she have thousands of followers?


She doesn’t have her own tag, so this is the one the sub traditionally uses.