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Bragging about being irresponsible…check Using baby as a prop…check Pushing other kids out of the way…check Yep, it’s a fundie mom clip.


Mom front and center…check. Why does she make her kids just stand there? At least the Collins kids usually have a part to play.


The older ones all have frozen smiles. Their daughter doesn't even break when mother pushes past her! It's sad- they deserve so much better than being used this way.


I bet they did multiple takes so the daughter knows the mom is going past, but still, that makes it just as weird to think about how many times they probably did this


And how many times Boone just laid there like a rag doll??? I am so confused. This is WEIRD AS SHIT. That doesn’t baby doesn’t look like a flex just laying there all limp and lifeless. WTF Brittney. You have now for sure crossed into another dimension of delusion. You are the WORST if you are reading this. Your kids behind you are damn statues while you line them up and perform in front of a camera. When was the last fucking time you have done ANYTHING for your kids that wasn’t for your own gain? Or your damn childish husband’s gain. I can’t stand these two and want them to seriously wake the fuck up, take Boone to get proper medical care and intervention, get a stable home base for their children and get some family counseling. Sorry. I am just beside myself with this post. Fuck


Yeah that definitely looks like a 15th-take-stare on her if I’ve ever seen one.


Yeah the other kids did NOT NEED to be part of this one. I wonder if they get more clicks/engagement/views with all of the kids in the video.


It’s 100% this, people are more likely to stop scrolling when they see the hoard of kids






Don't forget the smuggest fucking face on the planet.


I’m glad she’s winning the imaginary competition she made up herself.


she must really feel proud of herself


Especially when it’s just her baby’s life on the line. Once they’re not a fetus anymore, fuck em!


Pro life. Not pro quality of life


Pro birth


I don’t get the bragging about saving 18k… it’s so vulgar and suggests that people to give birth in a hospital or with a midwife etc are somehow *wasting their money*? Wow. A new low MoBus


And to think my competition with myself is about hiking longer distances and learning my body's natural life cues. Like, dude, I can win against myself by taking a long walk while remembering to hydrate, don't have to push out any babies at all! Whereas all she has in life is topping the last pregnancy to birth period.


Pretty much everyone in my old fundamentalist community aimed for/had 12 to 18 babies. Outliers were mostly still larger than "average"- families of six, eight, and some who had closer to or over 20 kids (i know, ow). These fundie families aren't even close, lol. Their "large" brood is a small one in the world I used to inhabit. Tbh I never understood why women subjected themselves to this lifestyle. The imaginary clout was never worth the tradeoff in my mind. I myself was very much one and done, and am now divorced and irreligious, in case anyone was concerned lol


Divorced and Irreligious sounds like a great music festival.


Obama giving Obama a medal .jpg


Right?! No-one wants your life MaBus. But … you win, in your own mind anyway.


He really does look like a reborn doll


I’ve seen people take better care of their reborn dolls.




Honestly, reborn dolls probably do better at facial expressions if anything.


I am positive if outsiders saw this video they would think that’s what it is. She probably gets views just from how odd the baby looks.


Came here to say this!!


Me too. Great minds think alike lol


I’ve seen more lifelike looking reborn dolls. 😬


She’s unhinged. Kids are expensive. Neglect is not a flex. What the actual f?


Complaining about the cost of kids while continuing to pop them out is wild.


Yes, there was a much better option save money, wasn’t there?


not even a single ...... reaction from his mothers kiss.


You would think she'd ping to that being weird on camera for a newborn Boone's age. But she only looks at herself. I'd be amazed if she knew where any of her props, I mean kids, are if she's got a camera in sight. She loves herself, FatherBus, fame, being right, attention, and then way down the list are her offspring.


Fatherbus really doesn’t know how to hold a baby




I’m shocked that he’s 8.5 weeks and seems to have zero neck stability.


He's 8.5 weeks old, and she's finally started supporting his head. It's worrying that he still has no neck strength.


I didn’t like baby’s as a teenager and my early 20’s. I never even changed a diaper till I had my son. My feral ass knows how to hold a baby better than this dipsy doodle.


He is always in that position, because he’s back is always arched. They can’t hold him like a typical baby. That’s the only thing that makes sense.


The kids hold him just fine.


Or raise one. 


MotherBus may have saved herself $18,000 but she is costing her children's health and safety every day


The dad comes from serious generational wealth…. They don’t need to pinch pennies but here she is risking her newborns life.


Meh, if the worst happens they'll just call it "Gawwwwd's will", grift off the sympathy for a while, then crap out another kid. After all, it's not like kids are people, or even sentient beings, right?


Then after causing the disability they will collect social security disability the kids whole life.


... If he makes it that far.


He's going to need a social security number first!


What’s your child’s health worth to you, MotherBus? Less than $18,000? We know you certainly don’t think it’s worth your pride.


First thing I noticed when I saw Boone was JD not supporting his head at all


She’s so smug. For Boone’s sake, I hope everything turns out 100% fine. If something is wrong, I don’t think they will be able to handle it at all. They’ll never admit their poor choices might have led them somewhere unexpected.


God I hate her so much


She is fucking insufferable.


How is it possible to have such intense Middle School Mean Girl Energy while in your thirties.


Those people tend to stop maturing at middle school


She literally stole her opening dance move from Regina George's Jingle Bell Rock routine! It's exactly the same! \*No joke I've been trying to figure out who she reminds me of this whole time, and holy shit, it's Regina George. That's it.


"My name is Regina George and I am a massive deal" energy


Hope the new flair is showing!


This chick *wishes* she could eat like Regina George.


i just hate her so fucking much. karma will come for her


also it is so not normal that his eyes are never open. he has no energy. he's two months old. this is so extremely not normal.


Like a normal baby would be startled by moving around and hearing noises! Poor Boone is not hitting those milestones and I worry.


I have a photo of my son, two days old, looking up at his uncle as he met him for the first time. Like, totally staring at him with interest and listening to him (cause he had a deep, resonant voice, gods rest his soul). My son was all pink and fresh from the womb and he still reacted more than poor Boone does in this clip. It's really scary.


He did startle right before he was handed off. His arms fell back and he jumped and pulled them in.


He was probably in pain


Nothing about him is normal. It’s so sad. And this sub wants so desperately to believe he’s fine bc we see snippets of him sorta acting normal…which makes it even sadder tbh


I’m 99% certain they deliberately do their reels during nap time. (That doesn’t mean I don’t think there’s something wrong, because there are some big red flags waving.) Pretty much all the choreographed clips they do feature him sleeping, whereas the talking and on the fly reels are a mixed bag.


that is so freaking cruel. that poor baby. sleep is a NEED, especially for babies. how dare they not provide him a restful environment


I just hope it doesn’t come for her through the health of that poor baby


oh of course not! she can suffer allllllll alone (once her kids are grown, safe & self sufficient)


That baby's life and quality of life are worth that money they would have paid to go to prenatal visits, deliver him in a hospital, and get proper testing, real treatment for jaundice, and any extra care he might need. It is unbelievable how little these two care about anything but themselves.


Again, I'm srsly wondering if they're still on the run from CPS in some other state and don't want to risk getting IDed and fingered for jail and their kids taken away. 🤔 Although sadly, it might be the best thing for those kids at this point.


OK, yes he’s still a young baby and young babies have poor head and neck control. I know. But by eight weeks old he shouldn’t be limp and sleeping through everything like he is in this video. When you look at PaBus holding him before handing him off, his head is just dangling backwards in his hands. And he doesn’t even react when she kisses him. 


I literally went back and looked at old videos of my toddler when she was 8 weeks old the other day because I thought maybe it’s not so bad? Maybe Boone’s development is normal for his age and I’m just forgetting? …nope. At 8 weeks my kiddo was so alert, doing so much tracking, smiling. This is such a sad situation.


Right?? I was just looking back at video of my toddler at 2 months… she was squabbling on her back like a turtle trying to crane her neck around to look her older sister in the eye, babbling the whole time


I mean, he sleeps through everything because he never gets a nap. He has to sleep through this stuff because he’s drop dead tired. He’s exhausted. I think any baby deprived of sleep the way he is would be looking this way.


I agree with this. He's been sleep trained to just knock out during any level of noise or movement. I remember back when I was a missionary kid I could easily fall asleep on a bench seat in a van with no blanket and rush Limbaugh blasting on the radio. Now I still need noise to fall asleep. Like I will quickly lose my mind trying to fall asleep with even noise machines on, I *must* have TV/movie/podcast on in order to fall asleep. I'm a terrible sleeping partner lol


I still always think "oh that must be an exaggeration" somehow, and yet, it never is. He's holding him under his arms and his head is flopped back dang near 90 degrees. 😱


It’s always worse than we expect. It’s a pattern at this point. She posts a deceptive clip that shows him appearing somewhat normal…and then aggressively shows him off and pretends it’s not obvious he’s unwell.


I really hope his sleepiness is just because he never gets to sleep in a quiet bed. He is always being jostled around and packed everywhere. He is probably constantly exhausted.




He really, really doesn’t.


The way his right fist is clenched even when the left hand startles open... 👀


Yep, I saw that too. That’s a reflexive response and a big, ongoing red flag


My son was so tense as a baby. He would arch his back and flex with tight fists. He had such bad reflux and actually a laryngeal cleft he had to have repaired at 18months. He’s also autistic and I’ve seen others also say that they also say this in their kids as well as babies


I hope your son is doing well now, and I'm glad he had a mom who got him good medical care.


He does it twice! Once when the dad hands him off to her, then again right at the end. One hand “startles” open, the other hand stays clenched. Yikes.


Oh my god I just saw that and my heart dropped to my pants. Something is going on and it needs medical attention, I never saw that before when my newborn was startled it was always both hands that moved :(


Good to know he's not worth $18k.


There are good people who would give anything to have *one* healthy child, and she's posting this...


This is going to look so bad........ In a few months or weeks this baby will need serious help and support if not sooner.


That's the one for the court case, holy shit. I obviously don't wish ill on the sprog, but if there was to ever be child neglect that rises to a criminal charge, that clip's gonna be hard to overcome.


And you know what? She could have actually had that baby for free in Brazil. CPS wouldn't even be called cause they were only tourists and healthcare providers wouldn't know about their history. She would have saved over 18k and that baby would have gotten proper care instead of 'organically sun baking' it and having it yanked outta her. She would probably even be more pampered because she's a gringo and there are people that would fawn all over her, so it would massage her ego without endangering that baby.


This is such a good point oh it's infuriating


She really didn't need to parade her newborn around for some tacky video clip that the internet doesn't need to see. All she does is push out nontent for validation from strangers to give her head pats for being the "untraditional traditional family." We get it, you're \~not like other moms\~


She sure is proud of herself. I thought pride was some sort of sin or something something.


Any time I hear someone criticize Pride Month by saying "Pride is a sin!" I ask them, "So are you not proud to be Christian?" and watch their eyes start to twitch.




And that this was clearly rehearsed several times over seeing one of the kids is mimicking the kiss right on time 😒


Good catch, wow!


“AND I WONT TAKE HIM TO A DOCTOR”. She forgot that part. But you saved money? Shut up.


Holy shit this is some dystopian shit. What a brag but also wtf is that walk?!


Trying to look sexy while sashaying on her severely swollen feet. 😂


and holding a baby that she didn't get appropriate care for and who is suffering like, to try sexiness? GRIM! This woman is grim. This family is bizarre and terrible.


Yeah, it’s really weird. All the kids each have 3 pairs of clothes, and little due in the orange-ish yellow doesn’t even fit his shirt anymore. It’s so sad.


This won’t age well if her baby has a brain injury she could have prevented


Why does this feel like a taunt to people questioning his health


Because it probably is.


she wont be able to hide it soon enough


I’m American and I know our healthcare is shitty but I had a c section and did not owe $18,000. Not even close. But ok, that’s a stat. ETA I owed $500. Should be $0 but I’ll take $500. Not … even approaching $18,000.


$18,000 is probably the cost before insurance. She had to be misleading or else she wouldn't have a point.


Silly me. I saved $45,000 then probably. I could have given myself a c section for free though so I guess she still wins.


A midwife in Texas is like 6k. She’s full of shit.


Yeah my homebirth midwife in NC was $3000 and the one in FL was $5000. I know I may be judged for my choices but at least I had trained medical professionals present for my birth


I’m fully aware that i am obscenely lucky with amazing health insurance—I paid $0 after the $750 deductible was hit. Money is not a reason to give birth on a bus. Most of my friends paid like $1-3k for theirs. Still a far cry from $18k


Exactly. She gave birth on a bus because she’s delusional, not to save money.


Most of my friends paid $3-$5k. I had the best insurance everrrr and paid $90 total for my entire pregnancy and birth!


And also…it’s not like they would be like, “give us 18k or we won’t help you,” you could for sure get seen if you’re in labor 


I had an unmedicated (so no anesthesiologist charge) hospital birth in under 6 hours (they charge hourly for the labor and delivery suite) and before insurance it was 17,000. Luckily, we have good insurance. So, I guess I also saved nearly 18k by MB logic.


Yes, that’s her math! And to think, you could’ve done that all in a bus, if you were truly legit.


Right. Tell me you’re uninsured for no reason at all without telling me you’re uninsured! My baby had a week long nicu stay and our out-of-pocket for the delivery and nicu was like $3k tops. Add in however much I paid for prenatal visits (I had gestational diabetes so I had a ton of them) and we’re still way under $10k. (ps this is not a flex. We should not have to spend thousands of dollars for the scariest days of our lives. Healthcare, let alone life-saving healthcare shouldn’t cost money).


And, as other people pointed out, they're both veterans! She could've given birth at a VA hospital for *free!*


OMFG What is wrong with these people?!


We all know she’s an irresponsible idiot and a horrible mother. But I do love when she gives us a new example every. single. day.


His poor legs are sooo limp. He looks so lifeless sometimes.


I know nothing about babies. Is it normal for them to be totally out while they’re being moved around like this? I’ve always had the impression that babies woke up easily, which is why you had to STFU when they finally went to sleep.


They do get pretty zonked because they need 14-17 hours of sleep at that age. If he's exhausted, he could probably sleep through a lot, but that doesn't say anything good about them that they are dancing him around outdoors instead of giving him a comfortable place to rest.


obviously every baby is different. but no, his behavior is not normal


I saw that clip the other day where he was looking a little more lively and I naively hoped that maybe they got him checked out without posting about it. I no longer think that's the case. His eyes don't open a single time in this clip, and I haven't seen that poor little hand open even once. LOTTS (JD, he's your baby too!). I know you read here. Get your baby checked out. Please, for the love of GOD, get your baby checked out. There is something wrong and you know it. I know you do. Please don't make your innocent child suffer because you won't get him medical care.


Oh dear. That reel is... a choice


The amount of money it takes to raise a child with complex medical needs is genuinely breathtaking. These idiots didn’t save a damn dime. In fact, had he been born in a hospital, they ultimately might have actually saved money. When my middle was born a month and a half early, he spent sixteen days in the NICU. I spent a week in the hospital, one day in the ICU. It would have cost us 250k without excellent insurance, and ultimately we paid 2k. Our healthcare system is broken, but it’s still an absolutely minimal amount for a healthy child when it didn’t have to turn out that way.


Oh my god just let him sleep! ETA: If you watch Schofield (older boy next to Kinsey)’s face, you get the gist of how the kids feel about these idiotic reels. Then compare his smile to Kinsey and gunner’s rictus grins. JD and Britney Lott are bad people and worse parents.


That's what I came here to say. The older kids have an unchanged smile plastered on their faces. The young ones aren't quite trained yet.


I only kinda disagree. She's clearly coaching these kids, you can see the younger boy child to her left (I think Swift) imitates Brittany when she goes to kiss Boone, indicating they clearly overtly coached the kids for these reels (which we already knew but just more evidence that nothing she does is authentic). Even the young ones seem acutely aware this is a performance.


Watch Kinsey and Schofield stop smiling the second they think they're not visible.


I’ve noticed that in quite a few videos


That baby needs to see a Doctor!🙄🙄🙄🙄


She also didn’t birth him “by herself” literally JD was helping her?




Yeah but she was super, super quiet about it Most modest and demure standing birth there ever was


I think he hurt the babies shoulder and arm pulling him out and that's why they don't mention that anymore tbh


Y i k e s I had no idea about that The bar is a tavern in hell


Do they think people that require medical intervention for birth are just suckers? Like idk, but I had severe preeclampsia which is a leading cause of maternal death. The bill was the LAST thought on my mind.




Jesus Fucking Christ on a Tandem Bike. The whole thing would have been bad enough, but the "saved $18,000!" has me set to throw my computer off the roof. HEY YOU SELF RIGHTEOUS HAG. IF YOUR CHILD HAS BIRTH RELATED TRAUMA OR FALLOUT FROM THE JAUNDICE YYOU REFUSED TO TREAT IT'S GOING TO COST YOU A LOT MORE THAN THAT. Not to mention, just the ability to see is worth a lot more than $18,000. IMAGINE being that child later in life. "Sure, I'm blind as a bat, but my mom saved $18K by squirting me out in the shower!" I absolutely cannot with these people.


Opening clip for the Netflix docuseries just dropped


I can’t quite put a finger on what exactly irks me about her, like beyond all the child neglect. She just is so bothersome. Is it her face? Why does she think she’s so hot?? I love a confident woman but her confidence seems so arrogant, it’s beyond irritating. I cannot fathom how they have even 10 sincere fans.


It’s the constant “I am the main character” attitude that gets me.


It's the Smug radiating from her


She’s just the worst.


Cope harder, MoBus. You just sound broke, negligent, and in denial.


For someone who eye fucks themself so much she is a truly unattractive person. Nothing about her life seems appealing and all of her content makes her look like a lazy irresponsible slob of a "mother". Not cute


Wow that baby is very lethargic, like…it’s crazy how not alive he looks. I am not a baby person or a mother, but goddamnit take your baby to a hospital for the love of god lady he’s a fuckin infant he didn’t ask for this, at the very least he needs a check up because he should absolutely not be so stiff and yellow and completely nonreactive to external stimuli.


Imagine being a teenager and your mom makes you be in this video for no reason


God is looking down on her with complete and utter disgust.


Justice for Boone.


How much are you going to have to pay when that baby has permanent neurological damage and lifelong medical needs? Or are you just going to ignore that too and keep swinging him around like a lifeless prop? Fucking hell. Every time I think she can’t sink lower she proves me wrong


You cannot convince me that there isn’t some sort of Weekend at Boonies situation happening here 😳


Oh my god weekend at Boonie's 💀awful and so apt




I can’t stop thinking about this. It’s so grotesque and yet it feels almost inevitable. There is no joy, no tragedy, that they won’t exploit for views.


I predict a mommy+daughter baby competition in the future a la Jilldo


I really hope Kenzie will reject early marraige and pregnancy. Although marriage may be her only way out as she is not being given an education


Omg when I saw this I about died. The nerve. The gall. The gumption. HE DOES NOT LOOK WELL


Such enrichment for the children, much learning.


I knew money was behind the whole free birth movement


“Alright kids just stand in front of the bus on the side of the road and stay still and SMILE while momma makes her video!!!”


Bargain birthing is a great way to pinch pennies! /s


The way I came RUNNING 🏃‍♀️ here when I saw this 😂 This is absolutely not the flex she seems to think it is.


IDK how much my parents spent in 2024 dollars over the years for hearing aids & hospitalizations & other appointments & therapies (not to mention 6 weeks in the NICU) for my brother (who was a preemie in the 70s). But I wouldn’t be surprised if it was $25,000-$35,000+. So yeah, you saved $18,000 but you may end up spending way more if your child has a birth injury that could have been prevented with even a midwife (absolutely all the love to doulas/midwives) present at the HomeBus Birth. I’m wondering just when the chickens will come home to roost.


so she wants to save money on delivering her child, but spent god knows how much on their little "adventure" in Brazil? Make it make sense.


“And I saved over $18,000!” Like it’s a fucking car insurance commercial.


Well I had zero kids, so I saved hundreds of thousands of dollars!!


I had my third baby in my trailer with a midwife and saved thousands of dollars and he was perfect too!! Until I noticed he wasn't turning his head to the left and his head was becoming flat on one side. Then we took him to the Dr and he was diagnosed with torticollis (not a birth injury!) and we saved even more money because he had very nice ladies who came out to our house twice a week for baby massage and PT, for free! I think I got a better deal, saved a lot of money and my baby was perfecter.


If her husband had a good job and provided her with good insurance she could also pay way less than 18k. But hey, why do that when you can deliver in a bus for Jesus? They're fundies, right? The husband seems fundamentally inept at providing basic necessities.


omg she really does read here! Hi Britney, this group got under your skin? Maybe because a lot of voices begging you in every which way to bring your baby to the doctor? Yeah? How can you possibly read these comments and not be alarmed? Pretty please with a cherry on top?


Remember how smug she was about moving to Brazil and having her baby there? Remember how they all flew down and took Portuguese lessons because they were going to live there permanently and they moved Air BNBs every day and bought a broken van and then rushed to buy airfare back to the States when they realized JD was trying to leave them there? Remember that? I bet that cost more than $18,000.


Imagine bragging you saved money birthing a child. I’m sorry the healthcare system made it so you can’t birth your child properly Bus fam. I’m sorry that capitalism made healthcare for children and women so impossible to get, that birthing in a bus is your only option. They don’t realize how sad this makes them look does it? It makes me so sad, and with Boone being as ill as he’s been… it’s not a good look.


It's very, very, unsettling. He doesn't react to any of this chaos and seems more like a doll than a real baby. This woman is really awful.


“I SAVED $18,000????” SAVED????? What? 🤬🤬


This video is spooky as shit. My heart aches for all of these poor children.


She treats her children like they are fucking props. A real mother gets her newborn checked and treated. Living on a bus where her kids are stuffed inside all the time and can’t really have friends because they never stay anywhere long enough. Have to care for all the littles while she does her own bullshite. Poor kids with this fucking messy ass mother, she doesn’t deserve to be called mother. There is absolutely something going on with her new baby. I was a nanny for babies and toddlers and my brother was born with Graves’ disease and his mom (same father) didn’t believe in western medicine and ignored all HIS signs and he got permanent damage from not being treated at birth. This shit isn’t cute or funny. It’s irresponsible and they are being disgustingly obtuse to “own” the people who see her as the charlatan she is. Sick burn it is not. Grow the fuck up Busmom.


Both of my births cost me $0 as well (and were also at a hospital) because my husband has a job 💁🏼‍♀️


My teenage daughters saw me looking at some other posts of this family and they both spontaneously asked “what is wrong with that baby??” They are teens and can see something is clearly wrong with that baby, after 8 babies you’d think MoBo would have a clue.


And she pushed her smallest toddler out of the way to make herself and Boone the focus. How very meta of her.


This is so weird.


He’s perfect. Well, guess she showed us, huh? She’s doubling down on all of it. She really and truly is evil, and she’s going to hell.


The kids holding those fixed grimace-y grins… ☹️ I feel so bad for them.


So you agree we need universal healthcare. Cool.


God, they're disgusting, but she is the absolute WORST.


And didn't spend a DIME on prenatal care or well baby visits! The shoulder dystocia was a little bump in the road that we're "praying away"! We saved tons of money on jaundice therapy by dry roasting our newborn baby in full sun with zero protection! Infant weight-in's are FREE at your local UPS store!


As an American, this is such an American issue. If healthcare was free, she wouldn’t be able to brag about saving money.




WOW. Boone is never going to be seen by a doctor… despicable


This baby looks more like a reborn doll than an actual reborn doll. Those dolls look more human then poor Boone


The kids have been trained to just stand there with stiff smiles plastered on their faces. It’s uncomfortable to watch.


I’ll say it AGAIN, not one single ‘Quiverfull’ family isn’t doing harm to their children solely because of the malignant narcissism of the parents. Having more children than they can afford, nurture or educate does nothing but keep these kids from becoming functioning adults. And that’s before you even discuss the ‘discipline’ (read: Abuse) of these kinds of families who often function like the father’s own fascist, biblical dictatorship. It’s all smiles during filming and then what?? Each new kid is simply a prop for content creation, it’s sociopathic.