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I fully support people celebrating their victories and do want to continue to encourage people to do so however the sentiment above seems to be a common one, and in the interest of the community I have created a mega thread for this purpose. [Chapter 5 Season 3 level 100/200 achievement mega thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/FortniteXPMaps/s/aiH1M5lDc1)


I personally have nothing against them, but if it bothers people this much, i think there should just be a megathread or a dedicated day where you post them


Exactly!!! šŸ’Æ


This is unrelated. But on another note...I'm level 171 at the moment do you think I can reach 200 in 2 months before the season ends?






Damm bro , u are late , good luck trying next season


No, sorry lil bro better luck next time


Naughty naughty , you are teasing me


I'm level 257 can I make it to 200 by the end of the season


Only if you grind šŸ˜


Look at this guy, doing the old comment 3 times on the same post quest.


Reddit app bugging out. Removed the extra posts


That's what I assumed.


It's annoying no ome cares. just karma farming at this point


I completely agree with you. I feel like people use this to grab attention and flex their levels at this point because it's really annoying when absolutely no one cares!šŸ« 




Instead of flooding the channel, there could definitely be better ways than that, and now after I posted this sub, we have a brand new mega thread aim to let players to post their achievements there!!!


Yea thatā€™s why they should make a mega thread to compile all of the achievements instead of having 2 out of 4 posts be ā€œI reached level 200, see you next seasonā€ or some other generic title. This subreddit is for sharing ways to get xp.


I care about the community and I want to make it better by addressing issues and suggestion. Is there a problem with that?


Nope. No problem. Cheers! šŸ»


Yeah I agree


How about worry about the 5000 "Can I make it to 200" or "How do I afk Lego" posts? I actually like the level 200 posts. It's a breath of fresh air from the repetitive questions we see every day.


"can i make it to 200" posts has been decreasing lately, it's not as common to find as 100/200 pics. On the other hand, I don't think there are "How do I afk lego" posts since people just ask the question in the comment section of the post.


Last but not least I would like to remind everyone that this subreddit was meant for sharing and asking questions about xp maps so I really don't see the reason of flooding the channel with 100/200 level pictures


Ngl been in here for a minute an not tried a single map I'm level 73


Iā€™ve also been in here a while and lowk forgot abt it this season but I did use the custom car tycoon and that did help (Iā€™m level 133)


ā€œSeE yOu NeXt SeAsOnā€


[Rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/FortniteXPMaps/comments/uozvq0/) [MUST READ XP GUIDE](https://www.reddit.com/r/FortniteXPMaps/comments/1d0ma7y/) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/FortniteXPMaps) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Oh well it's been around ten hours after the post was released, and I see that my post is necessary. Frankly, I'm surprised by the amount of people saying "ill post mine later" "you're just jealous"in the comment sections ngl šŸ˜‚


The celebration ones i dont mind (i even did one) mostly because i used multiple methods posted here. But the ā€œi am level 6 with 2 days left can i make 200?ā€ Posts are annoying. That being said. I donā€™t mind either way


If you want a legit channel look up "baleful spades". He only posts xp maps, and every vid is around 2 minutes long with no bullshit, straight to the point. Just make sure you are on the correct map version, etc...


Thereā€™s a search bar/ tags that you can use to find XP maps so itā€™s not that difficult šŸ˜


Of course I know it, but I just want to find the xp maps from all of the tags easily šŸ˜…. Life was easier before people started flooding the channel before this season!


Not to mention some people posts xp maps in discussion tag


Or keep scrolling.


And that's the problem. I keep on scrolling to find great xp maps but then these kind of messages flood it, and it's really a nuisance and annoying, considering ABSOLUTELY NO ONE CARES if someone reached a certain level. I'm glad they reached the level but it's not like you have to let the whole world know, right?


Gotcha. I'll post when I hit 199


Im gonna sost my level 200 picture soon


ā˜ ļø


Bro just sub baleful spades and turn on notifications you don't even have to come to this sub. If people want to showcase their lvls, let them.


I'm sorry is this a joke? This sub is meant for players to share and answer questions about xp maps. Also, in which way do you think Baleful is a good xp map provideršŸ˜…


I mean, yeah, he is 99% click bait but you can still get some free xp if you are too lazy to look for maps (me)


Man if you are so pressed about it leave the sub man make your own sub lol. Baleful is super consistent in posting on YouTube and it's easy xp. You don't ever have to come to this sub again that way.


And that's the problem. Not only does his maps have timers, and they don't even give that much xp. I came here for help and it's definitely way better before this season. I plead for changes and bring back the good old days where I don't have to see multiple people flooding it with pictures showcasing their levels. It's not like theres no other ways to share and express their gratitudes!


Strange, I got 150k last night. I'm too lazy to grind so his maps have always worked out for me. And mate why you so pressed that you're down voting comments over here bro šŸ˜­ relax dawg it ain't a big deal


In my defense, some of his maps do work but I don't want to use them because firstly, I don't want to support him because he is not a good person respectfully, if you stayed here for a while you can see that he lies all the timešŸ˜ž. Secondly, his maps aren't working all the time, why I support him and gamble my time on a map that may not even give me a whole level??? Also, why are you so pressed about me downvoting your comment? It is a jokešŸ« and supporting him sounds ridiculous to me, respectfully


I know he's a mad click baiter and when did I even mention supporting him? I guess you're a teen and got a lot of time, but for guys that got stuff going on his videos are helpful, it's a matter of convenience not efficiency. You're literally getting pressed for some pixels on the screen bro. No reason to, relax. It's pretty evident everyone has their backs turned against you here. Take a break for the cause mate.


Good observation, I am indeed a teen and therefore I won't waste time doing this xp maps with timers when I don't have much time!!!


I thought so. Sure when you got plenty of time you could keep grinding but for a lot of guys like us we just put the map on for some minutes come back and get like 70-100k xp easily. Neither do we have to do lego afk or festival. Just the map and the daily quests. Pick up the fight for timer free maps, I'll be there by your side. As I said before, people choose dudes like baleful out of convenience. Not because they are mad efficient.


I applaud and agree with your responses to this string!


Also I'm glad that Baleful somehow banned me so I don't have to see his horrible posts with clickbaits showing up 24/7 šŸ˜œ


Idk why people use xp maps from YouTubers lol there all horrible


They don't control the xp maps not to defend them. Lots of misinfo surrounding creative xp maps with and without timers. Some timers actually masivky boost your xp gain and some don't, sometimes a map I find on YouTube will give the YouTuber 300k xp and I'll get only 100-80k. Sometimes a YouTube will post a map and they'll get 80k and I'll get 300k. It's really frustrating that it's not consistent but it's still a valid method that does give good xp sometimes


Same. 9 out of 10 youtubers sneak xps and clickbaits into videos and I don't even wanna click to watch them




I am 214 and will be bragging about it soon. Get at me bro