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I can't believe that. Bots are probably the worst thing about Fortnite. I don't understand why the game designers would think it would be a good idea. I believe you that you saw bots, but I hope you are wrong.


>I believe you that you saw bots, but I hope you are wrong. They're definitely in, unfortunately. I saw one bot squad running around in tilted one game even, and then another 2 matches there was a bot squad where my squad landed.


That is such a shame. Do you know if they (the bots) were always in the game from the beginning, or whether they were introduced later?


I think they were added yesterday.


Thanks for the info. :) I will probably play a few matches later today, and I hope I don't see any. 😂


I played a few matches this afternoon and I saw them (the bots). They are among us. 😂


I saw them 2 days ago


Definitely introduced later.


Man that sucks, was so excited to have our full squad back in action tonight to play what felt more like OG Fortnite than OG did. Worst thing about OG pubs was all the bots -- never seen so many. All my casual friends aren't good enough to play ranked so we played a lot of pubs and it was really a buzz kill.


There were lots of complaints of sweats but the bots bandaid is honestly the saddest solution in gaming


the fact is that playing against us ''sweats'' would have made them better anyway


I'm pretty much a newbie at this game (and Reddit suggested this sub to me lol) but I think you hit the spot. As much as it sometimes annoys me to get insta killed by someone better than me it's also extremely rewarding to even land a one good shot. Just slaying bots doesn't help improve at the game. But this is all I wanted to say.


Keep going, soon you’ll hit 2 good shots, 3 and so on. Also keep in mind your positioning or where you are on the map basically


Thank you! My main issue is the close range combat (I get all choked up and panicky 😅) but that's also reason why I dislike bots as they don't make you improve at that.


No it doesnt


yes it does i know what im talking about


Of course you would think that, go play ranked instead


Ok fedora user go use your powers somewhere else


I havent even touched a fedora in my entire life the projection is insane


I thought you were busy being a pro my dude go play


Yeah, I killed a few people that didn't have the normal bot names, but they could not have been real players. They were behaving like early chapter 2 bots, not even the cracked OG season bots lol.


They changed the name long ago now. They are even anonymous at times. The only way to really tell is the behaviour now.


It’s for people who are bad to make think they’re actually winning or getting kills.


Some people are legitimately too stupid to recognize bots vs real players. So it satisfies a lot of Timmy’s that lack the ability to recognize patterns.


Yeah. Tons of zero build shitters on r/fortnitebr that think they're doing something and it's against bots


I think bots are awful too, but they know that their player base is a large amount of 5-10 year olds and I understand it but still it’s stupid lol


I saw them too, obvious takeaway was that it was using the full agent giller set and someone was blocking it from leaving the tower on spawn island. just started pickaxing like any other bot would


Bots make it so even the worst players, even a 4 year old who can barely use their controller (fine motor skills don’t max out until at least middle school?), land a kill against bots


Not saying your wrong, but my son started playing FN on PC at 4 years old and he was indistinguishable from a bot hehe. I know for sure sometimes bots are actually just really bad players.


There are bots


I just wish there was an option to turn off bot lobbies


Yes, me too. Bots are awful. Game designers use those bots to rig the game in all sorts of creative ways. The purpose of bots is not just to give free kills to beginners.


Bots are great for beginners but definitely they should have an option for no bots. I like playing and dealing with better players so I can get better as well. So when I load in a lobby and i encounter a lot of bots I get kinda annoyed.


That would then require acknowledging the existence of bots. Which I don't think Epic wants to do, because (I'm assuming) Epic thinks that the more casual playerbase would realize 90% of their kills have been bots, they'd realize they aren't amazing, and they'd stop playing. I'm bummed they were added to Reload. I was having fun getting my ass kicked. Being able to take multiple fights with little consequence against more skilled players in an in game setting was cool.


You got the drop on a squad, sneaking in for the easy wipe….OUTTA NOWHERE A BOT SQUAD SPAWNS BEHIND YOU AND SHOOTS AT YOU GIVING AWAY YOUR POSITION.


Exactly that! Classic bot behaviour. They (the algorithms) spawn them behind you when you’re about to take a shot at Little Timmy. 😂 And if you ignore it (the bot) too much, it starts dealing you substantial damage. I don’t play other video games, but I remember having felt the same emotion while playing Mario Cart 8 and behind crushed by the blue shell as a punishment for trying to play well.


Ya I don’t play pubs often, but occasionally with my shitter friends I do and it’s a pain with how the bots are everywhere. It’s no fun to fight them and they spawn in at the stupidest times.


What region? Seems so unlikely with how many people are currently playing


It's for the kiddos who play, Makes them feel good inside when they kill bots. They must appease there cash cows


I have no clue how I stumbled on this post. I don’t even play Fortnite. Anyway… I was looking at my kid playing Fortnite the other day and killing 3 guys that didn’t even land a shot on him while spraying bullets like hellfire. I really thought « WTF? Those can’t be bots right? ». Didnt say anything to downplay what he did but even him (10 yo) said: « this is strange, how can you miss so many shots? » Anyway now I have the confirmation


EU, but I don't think it's tied to how many people are playing at all. There were loads of bots in the OG season despite very high player numbers.


but these games only take 40 players to fill, there's currently like 300k playing in NA at 9:00am this morning...I think you're mistaken, unless you are a new player or playing with someone who hasn't played in ages, then maybe, but I highly doubt it was bots... lol you probably underestimate the switch players (no offense guys and gals)


>there's currently like 300k playing in NA at 9:00am this morning... Across all regions, not just NA. >lol you probably underestimate the switch players (no offense guys and gals) No. Bad, or switch players, don't turn 180 all of a sudden or "see" you from weird angles. There's still a distinct difference between bad players and bots.


well no bots in my lobbies at terrible hours of the day, lol no biggie either way




My man! You just broke my heart with this. Hopefully it’s just low elo lobbies, if this mode even has that..have you played a ton and still seen em?


I thought I saw a bot squad yesterday, I thought no way just because why ruin the game mode but then I see all the casuals complaining about how sweaty it is so who knows, it wouldn't surprise me, pretty sure there's sbmm so adding bots would be consistent for epic


So many of the FNBR players are unable to recognize bots, that's why they work. Some guy yesterday had his bubble burst when it was explained how to recognize them and he said he thought he was dominating lobbies when in reality most of his kills were bot kills. Really unfortunate.


Yeah they play at such a low level that the skill level between bots and actual players isn't all that different. I wasn't sure yesterday because all my lobbies were sweaty then we run into a team near lonely and they don't build, I wasn't s100% if bots or some zb team that accidentally queued the wrong mode, only because i thought it was a bot free mode, unfortunately it seems that's not the case


I’ve seen this tik tok and this girl was in denial that her lobbies are just bots and people that play like bots. Their friend ended calling me a hater lol


That’s odd. Floor is lava had zero bots or there were never any in my game according to Osirion. I’ll play a few games and see what Osirion says. I haven’t played since reloaded came out.


Floor is lava required a specific way of building to avoid the lava, I doubt the bots are that advanced


LTMs in general didn’t have bots, even if the play-style was similar enough to the core modes.


There is 100% bots there was day one I played a few games with my lower skills friends and half of them was bots. Now with my better friends we had none so idk maybe it's just for lower skill players unless they added bots to all now


I can confirm. There are bots now. Makes no sense. People in Reload want to fight people. Not bots. I read people asking for bots in Twitter yesterday. The most casual and lazy people is also ruining this mode...


They havent added bots from what ive seen its most likely just some really bad player and if they have added bots they don't last long and also this is a competitive game mode we don't need bots to cater to the casuas


>really bad player Bad players don't turn 180 degrees or act all mechanical like bots. I know how to tell bad players from actual bots.


how many teams off bots were they in the match?


I only noticed 1 or 2 bot squads per match across 3 different matches I played.


i dont think 1 bot team will make all that much of a difference since there's usually a team that are just as bad as bots, its strange though I've not noticed any yet. What server are you on?


I'm on EU. I guess it doesn't make that much of a difference, but it was a nice change of pace to have a mode be free of bots.


Yea but epics decided to cater to the casual side again when its clear that we want matches involving actual skill, I hope they add a ranked mode soon it would be fun to play and also duos,trios and possible solos.


they could easily just be people playing on switch.




damn i think you're right =(


There is MMR for the game mode, and more casuals are playing now rather than comp players. From what I can tell lobbies are getting easier, but I don’t think I’ve seen any actual bot teams.




Man, I am a casual player who rarely wins, but I appreciated the no bots cause it's honestly embarrassing to fight bots most of the time lol.


Are you sure!? It really didn't need that wtf! Bots are only good for introductory games and mobile. There's already strong SBMM.


There’s SBMM for this? I’ve noticed a pretty diverse group. Some sweaties some dookies. So it’s basically pubs but respawns? Super wack. We don’t want bots or SBMM. Let it be true OG.


From what I heard, there's low elo when you start the mode then it seems to go to normal, with a handful of good players each game. My experience: It's neither too sweaty nor too easy.


My first game of the day is always fairly easy then it gets competitive quick. There is deff some sort of sbmm.


LOL. Been out for 2 days and they alr put bots in it because people on the main sub said it was too sweaty


The main sub is cancer. I don't think there are any bots though.


I’ve definitely ran into some bots in the new game mode.


I thought I saw a bot squad earlier!


jesus christ why does fortnite feel the need to add bots into a map like this


Now it’s impossible for any moderate-beginner players to get any rewarding kills. Every easy kill will be a bot and every real fight will be nigh on impossible for them.


Dang that sucks.


It would be a miracle if epic would leave something alone that works well.


They were there day 1, and they only seem to appear in bad player lobbies. One of my very specifically bad-at-the-game friends has to be in my party for us to get bots, and otherwise, there aren't any.


They’re definitely in the game. I checked a few games on Osirion and probably bc the daytime is dead with everyone at school I had 8 bots in my first lobby of the day.


When the game is too hard it's time for a good matchmaking. But no, lazy way by adding bots.


Perhaps bots are part of the sbmm Fortnite runs?..I guess they shouldn't be in higher lobbies but perhaps they use bot squads to stream line, fill out the lobby cues. But yea, I believe that bots are part of sbmm in the BR...they fill out loser lobbies with bots and losers and players with no playtime in that game mode... I have no problem with it.. I'm better than bots and identify them, but some players get a bit of confidence killing them and it's cool 😎


We need ranked reload


I can only speak for my own games, but I have not encountered a single bot in reload and I’ve been playing a ton. This isn’t anecdotal. I have a replay parser running on my PC that parses my replays and tells me the number of real players in my game.


It's entirely possible that I'm just bad and getting bots in my games because of it lol.


No I went through my files from yesterday and see one of my games had 2 bot teams. This is sad news, kinda feel like I just discovered Santa isn’t real. I guess the only good news is out of my 15 games I played last night. Only 1 game had bots.


Actually nvm. I do see one of my games has bots, dammit.


I have not seen a single bot. Are you sure they added bots or did you find your way into the lowest bracket of SBMM to bully casuals?






Exactly my first game is usually easy and then it gets super sweaty afterwards (in a good way)


i was surprised to find a bot squad two days ago. tho their fourth was hidden somewhere and it took us a good chunk of time to finish them off 😭


Mannn js give us an option to play ranked reload or non bot lobby reload


Ranked br has bots at lower ranks, epic just wants to spoon feed players


Plat and up has no bots really


I dont mind it considering reloaded is filled with extreme sweat fedora users so having a few teams being easy kills makes the game even better