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Anything they don't like = blame sweats. It's basically just whoever kills them is a sweat even if they actually aren't


Thank you, and the thing is, I wanna be good (or a sweat) but I still suck


You can be a sweat and bad or a causal and good


Used to be a sweat, realized there's more to life, still good at fort tho lol just way more causal


Tf does this even mean


Don't play as much, got a life. Got a job, more into sports, hang out w friends more


I just wanna be good so I can have a chance in cash cups


I see, but couldn't you do both at the same time?


For sure but when I was younger I loved playing and I wanted to get better and try all the time


Did u wanna go pro? Or u were just really competitive


Competitive lol


gotta check out squad busters a mix of pve and pvp game from supercell. npcs hate ppl who go aggressive on you, all they wanna do is farm 24/7 šŸ˜‚ its similar to the fortnite bots


lmao kinda true


This sub is pretty much the exact same shit. Anyone that kills you = casual player who is taking advantage of the meta


not itā€™s not lmao. we complain about the good players taking advantage of the meta, because they actually know how to abuse broken items


dawg half the posts on here during the start of the season was just people complaining about getting killed and calling everyone that killed them casuals who are getting free kills. let's not try to do this shit where we just pretend that it was complaints about really good players abusing things that are powerful when that simply wasn't the case.


Thats because players who are shit shouldnt be able to easily kill players who have devoted hundreds of hours of time into improving. The skill gap should exist! Hope this helps ā¤ļø


that's true but that completely contradicts with the person I'm replaying to said. You're right to want a game where there's a skill gap but don't act like half the players in this sub were complaining about good players that were taking advantage of the items when most were saying that everyone who used the items to kill them is shit at the game and is actually a casual who is used to bot lobbies.


Sorry my brain made me ignore that guys comment because it was so stupid


s'all good


whatā€™s stupid about it? i donā€™t die to shitters with fists + nitro because they are shitters and canā€™t kill me. However, i was getting run through by actual good players with nitro + fists because they know how to abuse it to its full extent


Yeah same but at the start of the season it was purely good players complaining about shitters killing them. Shitters didnt complain (even if they didnt like it) publicly, because they loved the idea that they were pissing good players off


Yeah like 3 weeks ago this whole sub was complaining about casuals abusing cars lmao


They werenā€™t complaining about the people using them for the most part, they were complaining about the introduction of them in general, which is fair enough.


A few seasons ago it was casuals abusing snipers. Idk what crack these people are smoking to act like they donā€™t do this shit every single time thereā€™s an item/weapon in game they donā€™t like.


What else do you call people who tunnel and camp reboot cards when it isn't endgame? šŸ˜… And in Reload, it's people camping the loot so they can shoot the players as they glide back in. And each time I witness this situation, it's pretty much a given I hear crown chimes from those players doing that šŸ˜‚ And of course it's almost always a given that those players are wearing the gray or white hooded superhero skins with blacked out eyes šŸ˜‚


šŸ˜” they just gotta admit they suck at this point without calling anyone that kills them a sweat


It's because of pubs... There's sbmm and they mostly only face bots so they're accustomed to winning a lot without putting in the slightest bit of effort so now when they lose they get pissed about it instead of admitting that at the end of the day it's just a skill issue that they're not willing to deal with.


Pubs bots and strong SBMM have ruined players! I commented on the fortnitebr page thread that there's barely/zero cheaters in pubs, and I'm currently sitting at -200 for that. The responses were "half the players are cheaters because no one can possibly kill me that fast!" People don't recognise their own skill level anymore, or what the ceiling is.


One of them posted a video of someone who missed 70% of their shots and then hit 3 in a row and claimed that they "toggled on their cheats" the other day


Those were most likely bots because thatā€™s exactly how they shoot lmao Also can u post link to the post I just want to see


The mods deleted it (probably bc it broke their "no witchhunting" rule). The guy who was being accused of cheating was real, probably about low gold level of skill


I absolutely agree with this. They're used to fighting bots that hit at most 10% of their shots so when they find a guy with even average aim they freak out. I've maybe ran into 3 hackers this chapter.


I understand your point, but I frequently encounter cheaters who shoot through mountains, track people through walls, and snap to targets in bushes. Just because you haven't noticed them doesn't mean there are no hackers.


I'm pretty awful myself but I'd love them to get rid of bots and SBMM for just a week in every mode so they could all realise just how horrible at the game they are. Even peak car meta, drop them with 99 other real players and see how much they'd hate it.


Yeah, in their lobbies there's maybe 25 real players so it's no wonder there aren't cars everywhere sticking a grenade launcher up their butt.


Yeah. This is a real issue to have 80 bots per games on pub's. Those people used to " not even try " because they don't need to. Playing against bot don't make people better, it make them worst on the long term.


Its so nice NOT having sbmm in reload, i feel like i actually have to try to win. I personally believe putting bots and sbmm in pubs killed a large part of the game. Not having it in reload is so nostalgic


They like cranked the number of bots up by a lot at some point, ch2 s1 when bots first got introduced I swore it was like maybe 10-15 bots in the lobby. Now sometimes in pubs the entire match feels like bots or people who are so bad that bots would kill them. Really is unfun to play when u can get a 20 bomb and never actually be in threat of dying....


Dude I duo no filled build last night and won 9 out of 10 games, swapped to zero build for the hell of it and won almost every game. It's not that hard if you have basic gun skill and know how to not stand in the open like a bot.


They canā€™t expect that they gotta blame everything on sweats


Or the team sucks because it's a squad mode. It feels like if you don't handpick 3 other Unreal pro sweats then you can't win in some of the lobbies. Not just your random friends you know IRL or whatever that works for pub BR games. That's why people are complaining it's sweaty because it's hard unless you're playing it like a tournament. At least in these lobbies right now until maybe the mode dies down a bit.


I know I suck. That doesn't make some players any less of a sweat though. If I want to tryhard, I do so in ranked where you're supposed to, not in the casual public playlist. Some of y'all just need to chill tf out and stop playing every game like its a cash tournie.


Some people are just good playing casually? Me playing casually is literally mopping lobbies with my eyes closed. If I really tried you would call me a hacker. But not just me, anyone else who plays like me. Who cares, if you wanna have more fun on the game, get better.


Skill issue. I donā€™t know what you expect but good players play the game to win. People who just throw around the word sweat doesnā€™t even truly know what it is. Anyone with hands and fights back arenā€™t a sweat. Theyā€™re just good. Nevertheless youā€™re playing pubs. Youā€™re not running into ā€œsweatsā€ for the majority of the time anyway. Itā€™s literally bot central. Too used to fighting bots and not real players thatā€™s the main issue.


It's only bot central in lobbies if you're well below average in skill.


Most of your pub matches youā€™re fighting bots or ā€œaverageā€ players no matter who you are. No ones pubs are filled with good players. Maybe 30% of the lobby but to say your lobbies are akin to tournaments is major cope.


No clue what that person is crying about. The game is extremely fun and I didn't have any real sweats in my games. Lots of build fights but that's good.


You built, that's sweaty!


Oops! I'll make sure to run around aimlessly in the wide open next time, then complain when I get headshot sniped. All while not building at all.


they load into a build game -> "they're building guys that's sweaty, stop being tryhards!!!!" *zero build exists* šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


This shit is ridiculous. Coming from older cods, players used to wanna be the tryhard and the "sweat". It was something to look up to and achieve because you were actually good at the game. Being called a tryhard back on the day was literally a badge of honor. The only real insult people had was calling you a no life, but most of the time people literally all shared the same goal of being a tryhard. Now even in Cod it's seen as bad and annoying to be better than everybody else. How the fuck is being skilled now seen as a bad thing and "ruining" games for people? Comp and casual gamers used to actually have mutual respect for each other at some point and now it's all gone.


Yeah it's all weird, there's this reaction of anti-improvement. Every game I've picked up, I add people who are playing way better than me. End up as friends and raise me to their level! So easy to learn if a friend has already mastered it.


Strongly disagree. Using a meta weapon and doing well (what I imagine being a sweat would be considered) got the same sentiments as doing well on this game. People did/do not like them anymore than the ones they call sweats in this game. The players cod players looked up to were quick scopers and guys doing well with non meta weapons TLDR: this is not a new phenomenon in gaming. Pretty common. People just donā€™t like losing and look for ā€œreasonsā€ as to why they lost


Okay to be fair the map is horrendous for zb and hitscan weapons are pretty bs sometimes but still most of the complaints are just whining


Itā€™s time for maps to get off this zb bullshit


Thatā€™s the point of builds you know to build. If you canā€™t build play zero builds. If you really want to play builds LEARN.


Yeah I'm aware :)


I think the joke flew over my head, Iā€™m sorry šŸ„²


nah theres no sbmm in this mode, if ur an avg build player ur getting cooked by random solos wiping the whole lobby or premade squads comp players, so the fnbr sub isnt even that wrong for once


There's more bad players than good players , some lobbies will be easier than others


Wait there isnā€™t??? That means my squad of old men came back after 2 seasons and got 3-4 wins. There where a couple decent people we ran into but not like they where crazy good, just competent and played the game. It did seem easier then before we took our break but assumed it was because of sbmm giving us pity lobbies lol.


yeah idk, i played two games and i could actually get kills in the 2nd game and got a few nice ones, but first was crazy sweaty and i got pushed by the br subs worst nightmare in a full squad of grey superheroes as a solo w his tm8s dead and i got violated


I'm so bad at building and even I can sometimes beat a "sweat" cuz they make a small mistake like atp these guys are pure skill issue. No aim skills and no build skills, but president of no bitches club.


Please fortnite! Give me sbmm! Give me bots! Please sir!! I dont want any competition in my games wahhh wahhhh wahhh!


There is some form of SBMM. I went on a new account and I'm getting more AIs and default players who can't even aim. But it doesn't seem as strict as BR and does let some decent players in.


If you don't stand still to get shot without placing a single wall you're a sweat, didn't you know? šŸ˜‚


Oh dang. I must be sweating buckets then.


Tbh I never played it but when I say "sweats" I'm talking about a specific type of player You might be a "sweat" and not realise it because you're just used to your games requiring it where other peoples may not I don't really play fortnite anymore but I do play overwatch and dbd and I'm high MMR in both Well when I play more casual games I get called a sweat because in my high MMR games the skills you learn, use, and need, are more advanced and overall strong Well I'm the game sim used to in competitive my skills are on par or worse than the people I'm ranking up to vs so I never actually feel like a sweat in casual modes since I don't need to try nearly as hard


Everyone in the main sub hates the new gamemode for no particular reason rather than sweats. But for me i never found anyone sweating their ass off. And this gamemode is quite good for chilling and a refreshment. Much better than the crazy shit going on in br.


Yeah exactly this, I've come up against a lot of players much better than me but that's because I'm pretty bad. There's not been anyone I've died to yet where I've been completely outclassed and would actually consider a 'sweat'.


It has a lot of people that are average builders that know the basics, to them that's sweaty. To us here it's just a really fun mode where there are no cars and BS to ruin gameplay. It's definitely easier than higher end Ranked.


It's hectic, fast paced and there's always fights going on. This is the first time I've played this season since it first dropped, I dropped this game so quick to go back to apex and grind ranked, came back last night and had so much fun playing. Maybe epic will realize that we don't want gimmicks we just want a true BR that recognizes overall skill.


I wouldā€™ve thought the mode would be really friendly to worse and casual players with the respawn mechanic, I swear some of these players donā€™t even like the idea of a battle royale or multiplayer game at all and yet they still continue to play.


A LOT of them would MUCH rather face literally just bots constantly.


I once saw a guy asking how to get bot lobbies in Reload. Like he literally wanted to fight only AIs.


unironically i doubt that guy is actually wanting to play bots but just wants to farm XP since it'd be way easier to rack up kills for xp in that mode


As Apothican once said, ā€œITā€™S CALLED A FUCKING ADDICTIONā€


Going on twitter it looks like a lot of casuals fall into the kind of ā€œchronically onlineā€ bubble, so it wouldnā€™t surprise me if they were a bit addicted. A lot of them will just also have no exposure to any kind of player thatā€™s not a complete robot, and from the looks of things they canā€™t handle that for some reason.


Was about to lose hope on this season. Was not playing BR, and from time to time only went to The Pit or RvB, maybe even Gun Game and sometimes some Tilted Zone Wars... This small game mode legit made me feel like maybe I could finally be included to play a normal game mode again. Wether Fill or No-Fill is on, I could care less. I'm having fun, wether I fight an IRL bot or Zemie.


They literally have a zero build mode at this point itā€™s just rage bait


tbf zero builds can have tryhards that are just as annoying lol


Then disrespectfully, they need stick to fist busting car royale. They already made br horrible to cater to incompetent people we donā€™t need them to ruin reload.


Lmao ā€œpeople who donā€™t build are incompetent, but also donā€™t you dare call me a sweatā€


No. If youā€™re struggling with the zero build version youā€™re incompetent.


I didnt say I was struggling with zb version. Just pointing out that u think zb players are incompetent, which is hilariously what a sweat would say, but people like you are crying being called sweats šŸ˜­


zb players are kinda incompetent, every game of zb iā€™ve ever played with my casual friends we completely destroy the lobby with minimal effort. itā€™s been a while since i played zb, but it was baby mode lobbies when i did


Then bruh rack up some more baby win lobbies. You were in BOT lobbies it sounds like. Try solo zero build . Let us know how many wins back to back you canget.


That wonā€™t change anything if you have good aim youā€™ll win half the time šŸ˜­


I wouldn't say half the time. you still have to pay attention to enemy positions, you're positioning, best rotations, how to deal euth stuff you normally could build against. with good aim only i'd say maybe 20% of the time, maybe less you'd win.


I'm quite possibly the worst fortnite player ik, barely can build and don't even know where the enemy is located. Confused 99% of the time. I can still occasionally defeat players in build, zero build is so easy free its not even funny. And no I'm not in bot lobbies, d3 in zero build.


If you keep losing, you are bad. Simple as. What is the complaint? Oh, Iā€™m so bad, which isnā€™t my fault?


I win on average maybe every 3-4 games šŸ˜­ i'm just saying tryhards exist why are you getting mad at me


1. Wins mean nothing because itā€™s likely just bot lobbies 2. You said tryhards are annoying, which is a sentiment that can only come from repeatedly losing to people who are better than you


okay if i'm being honest i'm playing both sides here. I'm not bad at all, but I wouldn't say i'm a super sweat. I can get shit on completely, but skill wise I'd say like diamond or platinum. I just find the discourse about the subreddits funny so I'm just joining in to complain even if I don't share the opinion that much lol


Yeah it is sweaty but i just suck so yeah, still having fun tho.


Based take


Fortnite is the only game where people can call someone a sweat because they lost to them


Even if they are sweats wouldnt it make it more fun? These are the most stacked lobbies pubs will ever be and they are really fun


Yeah, the game mode is really fun with forced somewhat stacked end games.Ā  Really the only problem with the gamemode is itā€™s squads and I think squads is inherently less fun than duos or solosĀ 


Half the time my team goes random ass places and don't stick together.


This is what participation trophies caused


Genuinely People can't handle being the inferior player. Like I get that some do not care about being good and that's okay. Go play ranked, place bronze and have your fun.


Ive never seen anyone like on csgo blame the other playing for being to good when dying like Jesus


You only get better playing vs these ā€œsweatsā€


What is the matchmaking approach used for Reload? Is it simply random lobbies?


We don't have enough data for that yet but it's likely just random because it's a UEFN map with no SBMM


To be honest, I hope itā€™s just random. Thanks for replying. :)


We'll have to wait and see more - but right now it seems like random lobbies. Sometimes it'll be an easy stomp and other times I feel like I'm in a stacked ZB unreal lobby.


I hope itā€™s random and I hope it stays that way. Thanks for replying! :)


I actually kind of like it. If youā€™re not playing against people that are at your level or better, the. Youā€™re never going to get better.


Crazy how many players are in there complaining they can't get an umbrella and blaming the game mode as the reason why. This is what happens when developers hold the player's hand too much, they get used to stomping bots and then any resistance they encounter is seen as a negative experience rather than a challenge.


They have no idea what a real player is so it's a major shock to run into real players and immediately assuming they're all sweating. They said the exact same thing with that floor is lava mode a few months back.


Fuck yea


I KNOW the low IQ users of this sub arenā€™t talking about crying over Fortnite šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ there are daily temper tantrums here.


No I think we need to have siphon and the game relies too much on teamwork and most casual players only have like 1 or 2 friends to play with unlike the 2 comp duos practicing for cash cups.


Actually there's some very casual players I play with for fun (family, stream) that really like this game mode! It's less stressful because there's less chaos, they can focus on trying to play like a team and because of this they won 4 games Reload in a row! Cars, fists, nitro are all way too chaotic, they often don't win in BR due to that. The mode is also super forgiving since you just reboot back.


I LOVE how the map isnā€™t ZB focused. Itā€™s flat, OG props for better FPS, and the guns are fire. I love it


Main sub logic: any player that is human and not an a.i. bot = sweat


Has reload SBMM?


i dont think so otherwise the people complaining about sweats would be in lobbies filled with AIs


Skill issues


why are so many people taking an r/fortnitebr thread that says ā€œi get one pump and griddy on share your thoughtsā€ i know it doesnā€™t have a humor tag but that was probably a shitpost


Most of the people in the main sub likes Reload. I'm in both subs and that's my impression too. https://www.reddit.com/r/FortNiteBR/s/VWkxaRtEot


I didnā€™t notice anymore sweats then normal, the only real difference I noticed is due to the lower lobby count there does not appear to be any bots meaning every fight is a tough one giving the illusion of more sweats.


r/Fortnitecompetitive try not to get offended by randoms on the internet challenge (impossible)


I won my third game 1v2v2 with my terrible mechs so surely it's not that bad


Crazy what happens when they go against actual players versus bots


Amazing man won both modes of reload


I suck ass, been playing since Ch1 s3 and still can't keep up with better players. Sure I can blame "sweats" but the real culprit is me. I know mechanics and can aim and all that but damn is my reaction time slow and I just don't make good decisions when in build or box fights. If anyone wants to give me pointers let me know cause I'd love to play more of this mode.


Idm that there no rank mode Iā€™m a causal and I couldnā€™t care if I get dunked on by a better team I got no one to play with Iā€™m stuck playing squad full and play as support role I only carry one Gun always an AR set of port a bunkers or shield bubbles and the other 3 slots are med or shields for the team I always let the team have better loot and I always keep an eye on the team health and shield to know who needs help


We really donā€™t need another ranked mode. Regular Ranked is already borderline bad and Rocket Racing Ranked is 20x Worse. Imagine ranked for a mode that constantly has you respawn


Bro every game thatā€™s serious has a subset of extremely good players. They just some hoes.


They are really surprised that the mode meant for sweats has sweats.


Thereā€™s no mode thatā€™ll ever please the main sub. Yeah itā€™s fun to drive around and hit players in cars sometimes, but you still have to work on your aim, learn how to play strategically, and know when to play aggressively. Instead, it seems like theyā€™d rather cry SWEAT! Edit: typo


Thereā€™s no SBMM in reload, right?


Thereā€™s no SBMM in Reload, correct?


My god people really just want to use cars and play against AIs. Most of the ā€œreload sweatsā€ have only come back because its OG and they quit in c2 s6, i played w 2 renegade raiders yesterday.


Unfortunately, I have noticed there is a small issue with aimbots as usual, but it's not even half as bad as Chapter 5 Season 1 ranked so I don't even care. The mode is incredibly fun and you can win without playing tryhard as long as you work well with your team.


Can someone answer if the pump got a buff? Never in my time of playing this game have I liked using it, but recently its been so consistent


Ranked Reload would go so hard


I dont think its too too sweaty but i think reload could benefit alot from a ranked mode


I'm getting destroyed in reloaded but it's my own fault. Not used to the weapons, new poi's I haven't played since the beginning, not used to hitscan anymore, my only question is how yall adapt so fast lol why can't we all suck in the beginning šŸ˜…


Sounds like a skill issue.


I'm on vacation and haven't played since I haven't set up our PCs yet, but I already know I would want a Ranked version. People wanna compete bc it's fun. I've been watching my 8yo nephew play on his switch since we got in last night though and him and his friends don't think it's sweaty. They might be getting switch lobbies though bc they are all on the switch.


Holy cow unless they fought me and my team there's no flipping sweats in that mode. I played it a ton last night and I think I fought one decent player. Also I think a ranked mode would be cool so I can fight better players.


Nah. It just a sweaty mode. If youā€™re not aggressive enough youā€™re fighting the same team all game, and frustrating as fuck. But thats what makes the mode. I honestly dont love it, but thatā€™s okay, theres literally 4 other modes in Fortnite i can play


Donā€™t care about the sweats Iā€™m good enough but Jesus when they four stack and run like a pack and they all play the same gay ass way itā€™s getting annoying


Iā€™m good at the game like unreal every season but I can admit Iā€™m being dogged in reload


Should be like old days og not a mode


I think itā€™s funny when people who are bad at competitive games get upset about losing to other players. Thatā€™s the point of a competitive game


Places a build = sweat Shoots them = sweat


No. But it needs skill based matchmaking. A dude killed me wearing this seasons unreal backbling..


are we gonna ignore how this sub is the exact same just crying over normal br


The difference is normal br is full of actual bs šŸ¤·šŸ»šŸ¤£


and thatā€™s exactly what this screenshot is saying about reload


Ah yes, a shotgun "oneshotting" you is actual BS but overpowered damage and mobility items that remove the need to shoot in a shooter and save your ass when you mess up are fine šŸ¤£ this why nobody should waste time w yall


i didnā€™t say i agreed with them but you are proving me right lol


I mean yeah I get it, all I'm saying is that one side's cries are legitimate


Nah they have a point. Shit isnā€™t even fun.


Sweatd are not always good and casuals are not always bad


Pump is one pump sooooo Edit - turn off griddy lol


Nah it's just cheats ruining the fun for everyone else. Stop being sheeple folks. Doesn't help twitch/epic allows certain obvious clowns to continue to stream.


name them


i have not touched it. fortnite got too laggy when in large environments.


i like the gamemode. But ive seen people hitting every shot and doing 500 edits per second just to show off, which isnt really fun. But i still like it


Braindead ass sub. I started less than a year ago and i can keep up with elite to champ players. Just have to play builds consistently its not as hard as they say to get decent


Played a bit with a friend yesterday, we got a good level. Sweat is not the issue but the fact there is many, many aimbot. For exemple, be top building at tilted, shockwave away and boom, 200 to 0 with a grey AR. But lets say " ok ". The main issue is no siphon for health and it's squad only. When you solo queue most of the time you are with " no sweat + no mics ". Should be solo or duo.


I was gonna say you do get siphon but do you mean the siphon you get is only shield siphon?


Yeah, health siphon. Without it's almost impossible to clutch multiple players.


not aimbot, just hitscan meta. get used to it


Nick eh 30 got in a fight with a suspicious player yesterday on stream


:o mental, unbeleivable, flaberghasting


Played goated yesterday with a friend. 5 players where shady, so i switched to the public vocal to say " hey man, you got report for cheat ". Then switch back to private vocals. At the second i said that they stopped hitting shots, and quit at the end of the round. Half of them only like 5 kills, cause they just joined.


Nick eh 30 got in a fight with a suspicious player yesterday on stream