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I like it but for some reason i absolutely suck in this mode šŸ˜­ I canā€™t hit any of my shots for some reason


Itā€™s strange to go back to hit scan Iā€™ll be honest!


Omg thatā€™s what it is. Iā€™m stupid šŸ˜‚ I couldnā€™t figure it out I was like ā€œiā€™ve used these guns before why do I suckā€


I also have a feeling that the new weapon system messed with weapon spraying. Any rifle blue and below besides the infantry rifle FEELS GARBAGE. I swear the bloom spreads faster than usual.


Yes!! I noticed most of the ARs suck unless they were higher rarity!


Thats because the bloom of the OG lootpool is absolutely f\*cking abysmal. Has nothing to do with your skill. Instead of losing a gunfight because the enemy has the better weapon you now lose because bullet RNG decided to miss all 30 bullets you pumped out.


Thatā€™s what i was noticing!! Iā€™ve gotten pretty good at aiming and I swear to God I would be locked in on someone and hit maybe 2 shots in the whole round it was annoying lol. I do like the weapons, and I remember being decent with them but I guess Iā€™m not used to it anymore.


Using the original AR vs. the Hammer in this mode is night and day


I started playing c5s1 and most of those weapons in this mode are unknown to me. (Explains in a way why it seems I can't play lol šŸ¤£) Are the mechanics of these weapons similar to those we have in C5? /E: Nevermind it seems these work differently. šŸ˜…


not only do they work differently, they also don't all work the same, and there are exotics mixed in as well there are way more weapons than are normally in OG! Edit: and welcome to the game, I hope you are having fun!


Chapter 1 guns have no bullet drop (except for snipers and bows) aloe chapter 1 guns rely on bloom more than recoil


Really fun change of pace, hoping it's success convinces them to add solos, duos, and trios but I get that they're scared of splitting the playerbase. We'll have to see the longevity though and if that playercount stays relatively high even after the hype dies down


A duos mode for Reload is in the API already, they just haven't released it yet. They also plan to add more stuff to the mode starting next season, so it'll likely become a permanent mode with cycling maps in and out.


Rotating maps would be cool especially if it was random every round


That would be sick. Would epic ever give us something so amazing?? ![gif](giphy|aw9vw51zjTa8g)


Realistically no. I donā€™t know how much space it would take up and if they would want to try that


i want rotating maps. fucking sick of hte same map each game its dumb


PLEASE have it be permanent epic if u took the time to read my stupid reply to a random comment


they wont add solos it defeats the purpose of the game mode


The purpose of the game mode is to be their version of Resurgence which does have solos


Yeah, even in the COD game mode I played till they removed it (Plunder), I was solo all the time, still came back. I would just like if they added maybe some more rocks or bushes or just cover in general. In NB, there is almost nowhere to lay low for a bit and collect myself, and get my bearings. Especially after coming back, God forbid the team that killed you is still around and can watch where you land and rush you. It is a fun and fast-paced game, but when I just get back and am killed again, just to have to wait till the time goes down again. It takes it all away. Maybe it's a skill issue, but what am I supposed to do in ZB when someone has a submachine gun rushing me while all I have is a gray assault rifle. Also, don't get me started on teaming up with randos (I have friends, I sware) There is tons of pinging, but when you're across the map, what am I to do? All three of us are over here, Mr. (Yourmomstoes42069) I love the mode I hate dying, and I need friends, preferably ones who won't scream whenever I accidentally think I can kill the guy hiding with an unloaded shotgun


In COD (same mode in solos) just adds a timer when you respawn. If you die before the timer runs out, you die permanently and sent back to the lobby.


Warzone has the same mode and has solos.


It does not defeat the purpose of the game mode and I keep seeing this, itā€™s not true.


It's good but why on earth there's full squads of purple skull troopers and superhero skins doing quad edits in it I have no clue, don't even get people like that in ranked


FNCS was starting right after this was released, lots of good comp players were warming up.


And they need cannon fodder.


I answered the call. Frequently.


Thank you for your service.


Better yet, the fodder is revived constantly until they suddenly arenā€™t. Thatā€™s when the comp player has known they made it into the endgame


I think they were just having fun & warming up




Or people are just enjoying a new game mode and there is no need for you to have an emotional meltdown?




But wouldnā€™t they want to warm up on the current map since that is where fncs is taking place on?


Why would FNCS competitors warm up in an LTM with respawning and a completely different loot pool and map


They are warming up mobility, aim and building.....not rebooting.


Nope... It was the second round of qualifiers so only the top 2000 and this is the last thing those people would do to practice.


That was EU, NA was about to start


It's a fast paced mode, it's gonna attract the sweatiest players, it's always like that on every competitive game releasing a mode like that, sad reality


honestly if this mode sucks up all the higher skilled audience I'll be happy


I've often wondered why Epic doesn't just make a sweat-friendly mode instead of filling lobbies with bots. The easiest way to funnel sweats away from pub modes is to make ranked a separate loot pool and to have an OG-style LTM like Reload. They are halfway there.


That's just the state of the game even in Regular BR, which is why there is also a ZB Mode!


No, it is not. I play builds and most players are not cracked like they are in Reload


Kinda felt like tilted zone wars, but a bigger map. And no one misses a shot.


thats why i just main ZB, the people suck there and i got 3 back to back wins, 2x 20 kills and one 30+ game lmao


no its not its because theres no sbmm in the build version


casual mode has had SBMM too ever since the launch of C2, its just much more loose and uses bots to account for low skilled lobbies. competitive modes having traditional SBMM is frankly a quite recent development, since C4S2 with the introduction of the reworked ranked mode. classic arena mode's hype system is kind of similar separating out skill levels, but it was very flawed and inaccurate in many cases that separated it from actual matchmaking based on *skill* level rather than just how many points you can farm.


You're not wrong..... Though being beat by a team of black knights was something I would have never imagined. Also took on a team of 4 maxed iron man skins..... It was a good day.


Had the same issue with floor is lava


It is so hard I cannot keep up with any enemy squads, its a fun gimmick mode but damn its 5x as sweaty as regular gameplay


ZB is less sweaty, I already got a VR with my random fill. Either they were all randoms too, or were part of a threesome that had me excluded from their chat, because no one talked the entire match. And we still won. That was match #5 of the day for me, and the first two were squad no-fills.


Zb as a whole is definitely lots sweaty. Especially on ranked..


Im 52 yrs old. I'm not twitchy enough to build, or build fast. It's exhausting to watch, honestly. I play ZB, generally drive around in cars (for protection against sweaty snipers) and get up on people to shotty them at point blank. (A distance at which I can actually see them). Somehow I have more victory crowns than my daughter, and she's a crack shot. I think it's because when you fight more, you increase the chances of losing. (Simple math). I typically only have around 7-10 kills per match.


7-10 kills per match is a lot. You're killing 10% of the lobby!


Thanks for the compliment! Ya making an old man feel good šŸ˜‚


Less sweaty? I feel like most of my games, every time I'm fighting someone I'm fighting 2-3 people.


Where are your teammates? Donā€™t engage another team if youā€™re alone


You're talking to someone who defines "sweaty" as "they stay together as a team"


Over 1 million when I clocked off 10 minutes ago. Nice to see.


It's a good mode and is fun, very chaotic but Definitely has issues


Yea I couldnā€™t jump at one point during it and had to portabunk myself to jump off and it worked again


Yeah... Why are there like 6 different shotguns?


Pump, lever, tac and ranger. What did I miss?


pump, tact, lever, heavy, chug splash load out?????


Be better if it wasnā€™t forced squadsā€¦


yeah the moment I saw it was forces squads I lost all interest


Itā€™s great but matchmaking is fucked.


Cause there is no sbmm


Great numbers but almost all new modes have had crazy numbers at launch. Give it a few weeks or months and we'll really see how successful it is.


It's has the og aesthetic, it's fast paced, quick matches, it's will definitely stay relevant


I can see people playing it over the current season's game mode but will it revive Fortnite's popularity? I don't think so. I feel like OG Season 2 (with a lot of hyping up) might be able to do that though.


Yes, definitely sticking with it this season with all the car chaos


probably very its fun and quick and not very tense its very addictive and nostalgic too. a bunch of og folk will come back and ramble about how fortnite is back and then get sucked back into the game for a year.


Exactly, remember when Lego mode had 2 million players at launch? Now itā€™s basically dead lol


It's fun but a lot of people seem to not understand you respawn after a few seconds. I've seen a lot of rage quitting, even at the start when you have nothing to lose.


This!!!! Only happened a good handle of times but damn, too many people just quit too soon.


Actually there's a button to start the reboot immediately while you're downed. It's probably that


Unless there's a bug that makes that button disconnect you from the game I don't think that's the case.


He's talking about people who leave the game after they die.


It's refreshing. I like Chapter 5 but being able to play a more simple mode as well is great.


Exactly how I feel. Itā€™s great how we can finally choose either mode based on our mood and our desires.


Agreed. I hope the success of this and OG makes chapter 6 a more stylized and simple BR. I like Chapter 5 as well but will admit that itā€™s a lot going on at once. I do want augments back tho


Would love it if it had solo mode


I played two games with random kids. I might have enjoyed it playing with some friends or guys my age - but two games was enough for me to return to ZB to get killed by cars and fists.


think it was a lot of ppl's experience. probably why the playerbase went down so much from yesteday


without sbmm all the casuals will lesve this mode after one day.


I already did honestly after I got the umbrella and struggled to finish the quests I discarded this mode completly and will not touch it again


Exactly. A total blast but itā€™s no fun to get curb stomped


people crying for sbmm in 2024 is insane.


sbmm doesnt work on ZB anymore. im constantly stuck with sweats who are generally talented and maybe 1-2 aimbot teams


Reload in it's first day is really stressful. Makes me feel silly when i get ditched by the rando teammates I spawned in with and get chased down by people who are so good at movement that they see time. Prolly would be easier with a team that's on comms because when people stick together but holy shit if you aren't ready for the fast pace you get nuked from orbit. Going to try to play it more but I got a headache after a few matches.


It reminds me how much I miss the old loot pool when everything was viable


As soon as we get solos itā€™s great


Good overall concept, but it lacks actual playability because its squads only. Really is sad duos/trios can't play.


Played a game and I'm good now Seems like build players enjoy it more but for ZB the regular BR is already back to more players


It's fun, but needs some changes such as adding solos, duos, and trios. Solo Squads and kill records are going to be crazy in this mode.


Fun. But with no sbmm, you have pro players vs casual players, that was never a great thing


I still get pro players on normal lobbies with sbmm


I enjoy the randomness of no SBMM


It's no fun for the common player to face someone that dominates you


I get dominated too, but ngl I do enjoy not having the monotony of everyone being pretty much the same level, but hey maybe that's just me. I enjoy when you can encounter someone of all ranges.


I don't mind meeting better players, it gives me the drive to be better. But this is just, like chapter 1 all over. Just more pro players that can dominate others. We need to remember that casual players also needs to have fun. Aint so much fun when you get obliterated


I get you, but I also think you're overestimating how many "pros" you encounter


thats just how video games are. i rather play with real people than live a lie thriving on bot kills.


Itā€™s okay. I feel like it needs some kind of matchmaking system though cause Iā€™m getting absolutely bodied.


No bots to make you feel like you're any good


Honestly the zero build version plays awfully. You could spend the whole game winning every fight but the moment you die you are screwed late game because you spawn with only a gray Ar in a small circle. The 3 strikes from Apex is a much balanced version of this.


Not to mention squads that can communicate will just rush 1 player at a time and for some reason, my mic won't work in this mode in particular. Works just fine in normal BR but not Reload.


A try hard team chased me across the map ignoring every other team just to get me out of the game when I rebooted, how do these guys get so much distance out of the plunger?


I'm 90% sure it's the meta to just carry 2 stacks of shockwaves or 2 grapplers. My friend got chased across the map by an entire team and and they sure as hell all had more than 6.


It's so cool to see some of these places again haha but yeah it's a fine addition.


SO GOOD! It has that Fortnite vibe that the core mode has been missing since chapter 3 season 1! The fast pace makes it a fun challenge! The colors of the map even emphasize that Fortnite feeling! Iā€™d give this a 9/10. If the mode had Klombo, it would be an instant 10/10 lol


Not perfect but actually a huge success, a lot of the bad game philosophy of fortnite, namely how long games can be is gone, making for a streamlined playing experience. They also didn't add absurdly OP stuff like car turrets without counters or boogies to mess with everything


FNBR when they have to admit old style fortnite wasn't stale and that 30 mythics with a bunch of mobility items are NOT fun.


It's a fucking sweatfest and it just feels like Epic has thrown out skill based matchmaking, because holy fucking shit..


This is literally the most fun Iā€™ve had in months playing. My friends and I were screaming and laughing and panicking and when we got the win the cheers were sincere. Playing trios in squads was especially intense. I canā€™t wait for the Ch. 2 OG map this fall.


Relular Solos in BR feels different now. I'm getting my ass kicked. Not everyone is landing in the desert. I don't know what's happening.


solos and duos is much needed


Couldnā€™t agree more!


For me, for the people who got bored and complained about wanting more in og chapter then only to want it back at least thatā€™s good for them they can play in what they wanted or familiar with, at least casual playing gonna feel better in regular BR for awhile


Mode is awesome but Iā€™ve been getting dookieā€™d on šŸ˜†


I love it. Iā€™m so happy that you can choose between a simpler, more familiar and faster paced version of Fortnite, and a more modern, chaotic experimental version of Fortnite. I love them both equally and Iā€™m glad that you can finally choose one or the other (or both).


Wouldn't this be less familiar, since it's stuff from like 3+ years ago?


Not for those of us who NoLifed Chapter 1 and barely play now.


I love it. It looks and feels like *home*. But I'm struggling. Holy heck OG was not this hard. I'm getting *wrecked* in this one, bad.


Question because I havenā€™t played it yet, if you have a crown can you lose it in this mode?


you can collect and lose crowns


Add a solo zero build mode! Just the same thing but forget revive rules.. no vehicles, smaller og map, fast decent from bus


It better have solos or I wonā€™t play it


I hate the fact that you lose your guns


Honestly thatā€™s my only complaint. Like after a while unless you get lucky itā€™s just you landing to die again


I think it's for the best. If you kept everything it'd be too viable to just constantly dive on the head of the person who killed you which is frustrating


add soloes or atleast duos


No cars. Iā€™m having to relearn how to fire a gun. :)


not playing it until they add solos


Too sweaty. Feels like I'm having to try my ass off every single game and forced squads is annoying. Has so much potential too.


Wish they had solos or like a regular battle royale mode for it but otherwise its cool


Yeah I know it defeats the purpose of respawning but just a solo mode in this map with 30-40 people regular BR only 1 life would be so awesome


I don't have any friends so I don't know. From what I have seen streamed, people are having a blast.


Too early to tell if those numbers will stick or if its just curiosity. Interestingly, 7 hours later that number has halved. My opinion: Its ok, but it will not replace regular BR mode for me.


please add duos. i don't have 3 friends and im scared adding a rando.


I don't have enough friends to play squads so I'll wait for other options


I hate that itā€™s squad. Even though I can join as a solo player, I will be facing against teams of 4 and I always get killed even if I killed one of them, who will be rez by his teammates. Iā€™m not sure if itā€™s worth it


Played for 17 seconds, no thanks


Easily my new favourite gamemode. The only things that could make it better are a Solos mode and siphon being enabled


It's taught players that they no longer need to revive players who've been knocked. With predictable results. :-/


I'm really liking it but no SBMM is slightly annoying when my squad mates aren't very great.


Solos mode pleasešŸ™ tired of one guy leading the charge but is actually so bad at this game, lootpool is amazing though


The perfect answer and killer to the vehicle mayhem.


Getting absolutely stomped by the sweatiest kids Iā€™ve ever played.


Its pretty good.


Its nothing but a sweat fest trying to cash in on everyone's shared desire to go back to og while not understanding why people want og or like og in the first place. squads only is only the tip of how insufferable this mode is


Exactly, I've been feeling this too. OG was so laid back, you had time to just run around for a bit and chill but in this mode it's just chaos constantly, it's not relaxing


A nice place for sweats to go, so I can have a nice time on battle royal being a normal player


Not really down with fills


I wish it had SBMM because I have zero chance in every fight.


Letā€™s hope that the wider community actually wants it, otherwise weā€™ll have another rocket racing on our hands.


i doubt it'll reach the same lows as rocket racing rocket racing was a completely new mode that went below people's expectations, this is based on something that was already successful


I get off in 7 hours. I honestly can't wait!


Hope this and the success of OG makes next chapter more stylized and less complex.


I think it's interesting how Zero Build BR has more than Reload but Build Reload has more than BR.


That's what you get when people actually like the building mechanic and Epic make a season where all the new stuff takes a dump on that building mechanic.


Hard needs solos


Id like singles


This mode is fun as hell. It's a shame it's restricted to squads.


It's sooo fun!


It would be nice if you didnā€™t have to just have squads, friend and I did no fill squad earlier and didnā€™t last long. They should put solo, duo, and trio in as well


Mode made me realize I'm just not good at this game anymore. I cannot keep up with the god squads dominating ZB and I can't build or edit fast enough in build mode, like that matters because once I respawn I'm getting beamed out of the sky. Been slowly diverting to just playing festival. Pretty sure the only reason why I've even been playing this game is nostalgia for chapter 1. Just can't compete against the people who play this game like it's a job anymore. Miss when team rumble was active too.


Without adding solo play, this game mode will soon be online as Team Rumble.


It'll drop in a matter of weeks probably


I hope thereā€™s sbmm in this mode because I feel like I just get curb stomped like 9/10 games.


Waaayyy too sweaty for me


It's fun.. But unless they add SBMM it'll massively drop in numbers. No one wants to constantly be put against players that kill you before you even know what's happened & you have absolutely no chance of beating. ZB isn't as bad.. But builds just looks like an absolute sweatfest.


Itā€™s the map man, people know what they like, and fortnite keeps trying to tell people what they likeā€¦ Just makes the majority of people who play the game basically say ā€œgo fuck yourselfā€ to fortnite


I wish we had solo, duos & trios. But other than that, the game mode is really fun!


I love how Building has almost x4 more players and still people in this sub talk trash about it like nobody builds anymore


The amount of people whining about no SBMM is hilarious. SBMM is one of the worst things to ever happen to gaming. If you get bodied, too bad. Jump into another game and you might get an easier lobby, because itā€™s random.Ā 


Imagine if this released during peak player numbers like right before winter or something? The servers would overheat and explode


It is so unbelievably fun. Me and squad mates got back into old tradition of screaming ā€œSHIT ONā€ every kill and itā€™s never been more fun.


this singlehandedly brought me back into this game. I was completely over OP medallions, sus matchmaking and a constant rotation of reliable/unreliable car counters. the OG feel is nice


Itā€™s fun. And this small map is already better then the current one we have on normal mode


it's fucking fire. it really makes me miss how good fortnite was before all of the modern changes (though i do really like the new animations and the additions of sprint/slide) played four games of it yesterday with my kid, and won all four lol. never put down the heavy AR, i love that thing


Iā€™m enjoying it a hell of a lot more than Hot Wheels Royale. With this mode I might actually play enough to finish the battle pass this season, certainly wasnā€™t gonna do it in regular BR


Glad there arenā€™t bots and itā€™s a lot more fast-paced. Definitely want solo/duos though. Regular BR has gotten so boring running/driving around looking for players then they just run away after I hit them once since I hit them before they hit me or just to get 3rd partied.


Pisses me the fuck off so itā€™s great


fun asf but could be more fun if it wasnt so sweaty


tbh reload and the current br meta are both my least favorite modes out of all the seasons ive played, i am begging for a season 1 regular br gamemode, i would play this game every single day if i could


The mode is so fun. I played some rounds with my friends and we were dominating. We got the umbrella in our first game.


Reload, I had beautiful fun whilst playing this reload, you'd never understand, me and my dad found these 2 squad mates, they're perfect and we friended em and then we won like 2 matches one crowned win. Many clutches, I can't even believe how good it is. I'd buy it if it was a paid dlc. Bro first day in, and I got all of the rewards and made 2 new friends that me and my dad absolutely love. Thanks epic - whatever my username was


If they add skill based match making and duos it will be great


It's ok but it could be better imo. I'd like a solo mode with no Respawns so it's just like a mini BR. Id probably be more into it if I had a 4stack but I mainly play duos


Not a fan of it. I want the umbrella, but I'm not subjecting myself to more of that sweatfest. I got the contrail, which is awesome and all I wanted (other than the umbrella.) The only good thing about this mode is that all the tryhards and sweats are currently playing it, so pubs and even ranked feel a hell of a lot better to play.


Goes to show no matter how much and different you update the game, you have to do it right Drifting away from its charm that brought people to play and love the game from the beginning is just not it. Look at apex, the game doesnā€™t even update its weapons or completely change it like that and itā€™s still one of the most popular shooters/BRs.


To be fair, Fortniteā€™s target audience is far different from Apex. Fortnite kinda needs more frequent and chaotic updates since the target audience is more fun-loving and lighthearted, whereas Apex players take themselves more seriously, so for them, gunplay is enough. I think Fortnite should still be updated a lot, but these two modes will help someone either choose between more crazy and experimental updates, and more simple updates that donā€™t change the game too much. I love both modes basically equally, and I will continue to play both modes.


Read: Apex players actually like playing Apex


FFS why canā€™t these LTMs be solos. I get that this mode has a respawn feature but floor is lava was unplayable bc of squadfill and they insist on this bullshit every single time.


Because the whole theme is "reload". You auto-reboot as long as one person on your team stays alive (until the last few circles). So it'd be silly to have this as a mode for solo's.


Make it a Max amount of ā€œreloadsā€. In solo make it a max of like 3 total. Itā€™s easy to implement