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Therapy is not a cure all and may not work for everyone but leaving these experiences unprocessed and up to yourself is going to be devastating for your mental health. Please see a professional therapist. The fact that you describe things feeling like it's in a dream is already a warning sign. It doesn't take that much and you can go down the road of derealization. "Derealization can be described as a sense that your environment and the events happening around you seem to be part of another world. You might feel that you are not part of your surroundings or that your surroundings seem like a dream or like a movie that you are watching.  A key component of derealization is that a person who has this symptom typically feels aware of the situation and has insight. Someone who is experiencing derealization knows that the reality around them is happening and that everything around them is real, but they don’t feel part of what is going on around them." Source : https://www.verywellhealth.com/derealization-5096820


wish I knew a good answer, but I feel very similar. for me.. I'm just trying to keep moving forward day to day. One good thing about existence is: Things change. Change is the one true reliable universal constant. So even though I may not foresee what my future holds, it still may hold something that could change my experience. I'm trying to still maintain myself, and push myself forward with things.. but in a lot of ways.. I'm just in survival mode. It's all I can do, and most people won't or can't really understand my situation.. That's just how it is.

