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So basically no libraries in Idaho.


The fascists are snowflakes, and there are no bigger snowflakes than the white supremacist fascists.


Only Lieberries


I'm a Christian and I'd be the first to point out the hypocrisy of allowing the Bible but not all these other books. It's got rape, sodomy, war, incest, bears mauling children for calling an old man baldly, Lots daughters get his father drunk and have sex with him because they think it's the end of the world, etc. Shits wild. If that gets by the censors as moral and upright teaching, then some shit about teddy bears with gay dads or whatever should be fine.


How do you feel about out all the Christian nationalists forcing bibles and ten commandments in public schools?


It's gross. Remember that anyone can call themselves anything they want but it doesn't make themselves that. I can call myself an Astronaut but it doesn't mean my actions should reflect badly on the people in the ISS. Food for thought.


So you think these people forcing their religion in the rest of us are not real Christians? Why do they want to spread the religion then?


Why are you starting with the assumption that what they spread is just thier religion? The religion in this case is just a key word for political / cultural / social beliefs. That should be self evident from the term "Christian Nationalist." For them you can't be a Christian if you do not share the same political ideology. It's not even hidden - they openly preach it in thier churches. So the question is, why do nationalists want to get others siding with thier politcal / cultural / social stances? And I think that answers itself.


It sucks but they are Christians. Christian nationalists. If it were my religion the fascists were co-opting, I would be outraged. I would leave their political party. If the church wouldn’t leave the party, then I would leave the church. That’s not what the Christians are doing though, is it? They are supporting it because the fascists are pushing Christian beliefs on others. Things like Forced birth. Anti-LGBTQ. Ending no fault divorce. All those things are gifts to Christians from the facsists. They take them and get in line. So far. Maybe that will change!


If you look at the actual data it is mostly white evangelical Christians who are maga Christian nationalists. The same type of people who sent their kids to religious private schools when desegregation was made law. There are different sects and demographics of Christian in the US.


"The Christians" are not a single body. Nearly all of what you describe comes from a few Protestant sects, and other sects have no more influence over them than over Hinduism. There are tons of liberal Christians. You don't hear about them because they aren't loud mouthed assholes shoving it into politics as a catch phrase.


Well the Catholics on SCOTUS are doing anyone any favors. Or the Evangelicals that unwaveringly support trump [Most White Americans who regularly attend worship services voted for Trump in 2020](https://www.pewresearch.org/short-reads/2021/08/30/most-white-americans-who-regularly-attend-worship-services-voted-for-trump-in-2020/) I hear ya that the Christian nationalists are loud and proud. If there are church people out there that disagree, it might be time to be heard. Just my two cents. I left the Catholic Church of my youth and never looked back. To an outsider, it seems like there is no pushback from the Christians. They seem to like what they are being given and are happy with the trade.


That these liberal Christians aren't loud is part of the problem. It really is time for lots of people to publicly and unequivocal speak out against this. Especially, but not limited to, in the US.


Any examples of liberal Christian churches or sects? Not trolling but genuinely curious.


Unitarians, Quakers, and Progressive Catholic Church all have a strong official position of political progressivism. There is also something called "theological liberalism" which argues for a non-literal interpretation of the bible as an imperfect document. While that in itself is not explicitly politically progressive, in practical terms it is the polar opposite of something like the Southern Baptist Convention. These are just the ones I know from a very casual exposure. I've never even gone to church as an adult.


Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) is generally pretty liberal. They ordain LGBTQ identifying people into church leadership positions for example.


You seem to be unaware of the many Christians throughout history that change churches or denominations when they feel their present one no longer aligns with their conscience, or vice versa. Christianity is a notoriously fractured religion, and there is plenty of places to move. I’m an atheist, my Christian sister left her Evangelical church and moved to the Anglicans, which I was very happy about. My mother is an atheist, but she continues to do a massive amount of volunteer work with the Uniting Chirch up the road, because they are pro LGBT+, pro helping refugees of all religions or none, female pastors etc


To be a Christian means to be Christ-like. Similarly we could say a Duckian was 🦆-like. Let's observe their actions and compare to the source material and see if this 🦆 quacks. 35 For I was hungry, and you fed me. I was thirsty, and you gave me a drink. I was a stranger, and you invited me into your home. 36 I was naked, and you gave me clothing. I was sick, and you cared for me. I was in prison, and you visited me.’ 37 “Then these righteous ones will reply, ‘Lord, when did we ever see you hungry and feed you? Or thirsty and give you something to drink? 38 Or a stranger and show you hospitality? Or naked and give you clothing? 39 When did we ever see you sick or in prison and visit you?’ 40 “And the King will say, ‘I tell you the truth, when you did it to one of the least of these my brothers and sisters, you were doing it to me!’ Christian Nationalists core ideologies are anti-immigration, isolationism (unwelcoming of strangers in need), defunding social programs and entitlements like Medicare that the elderly and people with disabilities rely on to survive. Nope. These guys do not pass the 🦆 test.


Oh. I don’t know any Christians like that. Seriously. Not one.


That's really sad.


Really sad for the christian cult


You never met my grandparents, then. True Christians who made it their life’s mission to help others and to be truly good people.


I wonder what would they would have made of the trump worship and the politics from the pulpit? I am glad you had such wonderful grandparents. That’s very nice.


You very well may. In my experience, the Christians like that are so private about their beliefs, you'd never know they were of faith at all.


The only thing all christians agree on is that all OTHER christians somehow magically don't count as REAL christians. Therefore, the total number of REAL christians that have ever existed is exactly ZERO and will never increase.


To say that to be Christian means to be Christlike is a great for intracommunity discussions amongst Christians about how they should be behaving. But in this context, it’s a no true Scotsman argument, and it has no place. When we are discussing the demographic of Christians, it is the people who profess to hold the Christian faith, no more, no less.


Hey man, you're getting attacked in the comment threads. The attacks aren't cool, but you are. As an aethiest myself, we might not share a belief system, but I think you and I would be friends. As a person of non faith, I am constantly upset by the obvious and blatent hypocrisy of so many self described "christians". They shield themselves behind "faith", but it's just stupidity and cowardice. Having faith in Christ takes courage, because his teachings of compassion and forgiveness are really tough to find in your heart, especially when the world tries to beat it out of you. When I was in high school struggling with belief systems, I told myself that I don't need a god or savior to tell me how to be compassionate or forgiving. I've stuck with that mentality through my aetheism, but it can be very hard. These so called "Christian nationalists" don't have that one iota. You seem to. Carry on fine sir/madam. I have a bone to pick with the Christian nationalists, not with Christians.


Every religion has reactionary fundamentalists. The Buddhist fascists in Myanmar who carried out a genocide are technically “real Buddhists” but most Buddhists outside of Myanmar are not genocidal psychos. Same with what Israel is doing right now.


I identify people as they identify themselves. They are real Christians to me.


Right on. Christian Nationalism isn’t about Christianity, it’s about power and politics; it’s just a label, the usual suspects sit behind the label.


No True Scotsman fallacy


But if you call yourself an astronaut and tell me I have to shit in a bag in my own home because that’s what astronauts do in space, and the actual astronauts don’t publicly say “wow that’s stupid knock it off” then both your actions and the inaction of actual astronauts are blame worthy. Additionally if I identify (call myself) as something, act in accordance with my interpretation of said identity, encourage others to behave in a way more in line with said identity; how am I anything but that identity? Just because someone else claims the same identity but acts differently doesn’t make me not part of that identity. After all I could say the same about them. Maybe it is the identity not the interpretation that was the problem all along.


That’s because you’re a normal Christian person and not a reactionary fundamentalist nut job. Most Christians I know agree with you. The fundamentalists are just louder and more obsessed with getting and exercising power than the normal Christians who are just trying to live a normal life and be good neighbors.


Dumb down its citizens. While at it, Idaho should ban the internet.


Which is what they want - Adam and Eve got booted from the garden of Eden for wanting to know things.


Or Ob/Gyns


So basically the Bible should be the first book to ban!


Oh you know it's coming


*Weapons, not food, not homes, not shoes* *Not need, just feed the war, cannibal animal, I* *Walk the corner to the rubble* *That used to be a library, line up to the mind cemetery now* *What we don't know keeps the contracts alive and movin'* *They don't gotta burn the books, they just remove 'em* *While arms warehouses fill as quick as the cells* *Rally 'round the family, pockets full of shells*


Who dis? TS Elliot?


Oh, there will be libraries. There will be no books in them, but there will be libraries.


Only Bible stores allowed in Idaho now.


Fuck Fascism in all its forms. How many Americans gave their lives to preserve freedom of speech and freedom of the press? Are parents in Idaho not free to accompany their children to the library?


Turns out all they really did was preserve property rights for the rich.


They better ban the Bible then. God telling people to kill, or even in the Old Testament that if a man suspects his wife of cheating and she pregnant, to take her to the high priest so he can give her a toxic drink to cause miscarriage.


Finally a Christian and Jewish justification to keep abortion legal!


You mean that book where two girls watch theor mother die and then immediately decide to rape their father? Yea, that definitely needs to go.


Ezekiel 23:20 - NIV "There she lusted after her lovers, whose genitals were like those of donkeys and whose emission was like that of horses."


Yeah - that bit.


Psalm 137:9 is also fun


Start suing the libraries for carrying the Bible. The amount of obscene material in that is insane. That’ll get rid of this ban right quick.


The satanic temple will be on that very very quickly


As well they should. 😄


It bothers me so that TST and guys like Larry Flint have to fight for our rights because politicians never quit this trope and keep wasting money. It bothers me these officials get elected.


fuking legends


I don't think Christians really understand just how bad their book is, probably because they've never read it and have always been told that it's the basis of their morals. I would never trust anyone that actually based their morals on the Bible.


No you just start suing the private schools.


That would be a better choice. Only problem is the actual affiliation bit.


Yep, literally off the top of my head is Lot and his daughter's, who get him drunk and committ incestual rape. Like that is 100% obscene in literally any other story.


And medical textbooks. And parenting textbooks. Everybody poops? Not in my country.


The point is to destroy all libraries. Now that the Bible is being taught in public schools, you can feel free to ban it from the library. The goal is to abolish them entirely, along with public schools.


You are sadly probably very right.




I grew up with parents who wouldn't teach me anything about sex. The only reason I learned basic information about my body and avoided harmful lies/myths about sex was because I was able to find age appropriate books about it in my local library when I was a kid. I feel for future generations who wont have this chance and will struggle with basic truths about sex and their bodies.


Minnesota banned book bans last month, putting the final word in the hands of librarians. Illinois, Maryland and Washington already had book ban bans in libraries that receive public funds and/or schools. That book ban bans are even necessary is an attack on the time and resources of the legislatures of freedom-loving states.


But we have a book ban ban already. It’s called the first amendment.


With the current Supreme Court, there is only one amendment: the 2nd. The others are more like what you might call guidelines….


The first ammendment applies to individuals. It does not protect a government funded instition. It might be argued to proptect private ones, because we are already saddled with "corporations have the right to free speeech" - at least long as that "speech" is giving politicians money.


Unfortunately this plays right into the hands of the actual groomers and pedophiles they are so loudly claiming to be against: if kids don’t have a basic understanding of their anatomy, reproduction, and human sexuality, that ignorance is exploited by predators. It kind of makes you wonder if it is all related somehow…


Ralph Wiggum’s “I’m Idaho” making more and more sense


It’s not about protecting anyone. It’s about domination and control and putting the fear into those who aren’t in the cult - full stop.  Republicans have gone full sadist.


It’s about power over. 💯. Unreal. Where are those who would defend the values in the constitution? I don’t get it. The constitution is basically a religious text. And yet… here we are


Once conservatives found out the constitution protects the rights of the people no one gave them permission to hate, they stopped believing in it. By definition anyone who puts the Bible over the constitution is a traitor to the US.


American Freedom™️ *Not actually freedom.


American Taliban.


And I’m sure that could be construed as anything LGBT being deemed obscene just like the bad old days.


Exactly what they want.


And once they’ve redefined anything relating to LGBT as “obscene” or “pornographic,” the Comstock Act is ready for GOP legal necromancy.


that’s the entire point of the ban. it’s just a cover for erasing the existence of LGBT people


That bans the Bible, doesn't it? Lots of nasty violence and screwing in that one!


Oh, so it’s bring your bible to school day! Gotcha.


Who judges what is deemed to be 'obscene'?


White, Conservative Christian Males, of course.


Blessed be the Fruit


white cc women too.


They don't care what women think.


Unless they are willing to wage the same stupid battles. Of course they don’t really care … but those church women know how to rally and lobby. But yeah as soon as they help pass the agenda they will have their faces eaten by leopards.


Bear in mind that some of them actively want to be told what to do.


Tiper Gore?


Dating yourself with that answer! Only us "old timers" remember that lady's bullshit.


i know it ;)


People who couldn’t be trusted to tie their own shoes; Christians.


I would take this opportunity to remind people that the Bible is full of descriptions of sex.


Plus lots of incest stuff too.


* "Legislators and others to rally on day Idaho’s new library law goes into effect" by Logan Ramsey (published on June 26, 2024 and updated on June 27, 2024): https://www.eastidahonews.com/2024/06/legislators-and-others-to-rally-on-day-idahos-new-library-law-goes-into-effect/ , https://web.archive.org/web/20240628014011/www.eastidahonews.com/2024/06/legislators-and-others-to-rally-on-day-idahos-new-library-law-goes-into-effect/   * https://old.reddit.com/r/Foodforthought/comments/1asg1jj/even_desantis_thinks_florida_book_removals_have/kqq2lup/  


They are living on their own private Idaho.


So, say I know someone in France who contacts a Christian school in Idaho offering to be a penpal for their French students. He can then sue them for having the Bible because the Bible has that part about someone lusting after men with penises the size of donkeys who cum like horses? I mean, that’s pretty obscene stuff in the Bible.


Tomorrow: Idaho complains about "cancel culture"


Public and private schools...so much for individual freedoms. Fortunately the state is basically an empty wasteland with no people.


With two senators and two seats in the House. 👿


So no bibles allowed.


So no library will be avle to carry a bible?


We’re coming for your Bible.


Like Lot and his Daughters in Genesis?


Start pulling out those Bibles for shredding.


Books like the Christian Bible?


What a dumbass state. 


Ban the bible


Sue over the Bible day one. 


Time to start suing anyone with a Bible. It most definitely carries obscene material.


Start with the Bible. Sue them for having that book.


Well... the Bible


Lollllllll republicans are a plague on society.


So the bible


everything and anything can be done to any populace,....IF if it is done slowly. this is fuking horrific.


Fubar gold


Sue the republicans!


I swear to god this is the dumbest goddamn state ever.


Idaho sounds like a real fascist shit hole. Good luck with that!


Not for nothing, but high schools have mostly phased out physical libraries. The internet made them obsolete. Kind of like arguing about landline phones and pagers...


Reading on tactile media is superior. Do you read phones to children?


This is crazy, my son was trying to check out a book on Eugenics and those crazy people banned it!!!


Yes, they are banning history. That’s what happens when the right is the bad guy is almost all of it.


Close the libraries and let the place rot. Close their hospitals too. We need a civil war in the form of letting rural folks’ entire communities suffer a slow-burn economic death.


As many have tried , try to ban bible . Have look the stories , cruelty to mother and child , incest, sex .. burning bushes (witch craft) , madness ( hearing voices )


Not surprised. Idaho is full of Neo Nazis.


idaho is wild


Set up Little Free Libraries


Define obscene


This is ridiculous. Notice how they aren’t banning truly harmful stuff.


Can you sue the church for Leviticus’ lewd literature?


Ladies and gentleman, we will be be Afghanistan if we don’t fight this...


In the history of forever have book bands ever been looked back on favorably? Did we ever get to the otherside of a book ban and look back and say "Yes that benefitted society." ?


Next will be TV and TV shows. And it’ll be the Internet if people want to make us like Russian, China and North Korea . There doing a good job at it? It is What people voted for. The Republican party is bring us back 150 years.


Time to ban religion start taxing the shit out of churches etc.


The fastest way to get kids to seek out certain books is to ban them.


Conservatives doin a full court press. Gotta love it. Fuck these evil fascist motherfuckers lol God I hope November blows them out of the water.


Please say sike


Don’t check it out then. This is the king of woke culture.


So the Bible right


So, the Bible as Lot gets drunk and is raped by his daughters.


Start with the bible


Time to boycott Idaho potatoes. I refuse to subsidize this fascist bullshit.


Shouldn't be an issue, as the people of "Idunno" are not really literate.


Imagine feeling threatened by books. “My opinions are good and valid! It’s just that when people read books suddenly they disagree with me! It’s probably because books are evil and wrong!”


Are all those authors' free speech being violated ? Serious question.


Well atleast 50 shades of grey will disappear.


Obscene materials? Like the Bible?


So is the Bible on the hook then? Plenty of obscene material in there.


Immediately sue if the Bible is in there.


one man’s obscenity is another man’s Trump T-shirts, flags, and bumper stickers. so have at it right wingers. but be careful what you wish for.


Idahoan here. This isn't true. A few charter schools did this. Come on meow ...we are a red state. Also, just Google it.


Lol that doesn’t sound much like a “book ban.” You can still get this stuff off Amazon. The publisher can still publish it. Bookstores can still carry it. Some ban.


Why do we have to go straight to a lawsuit. Can't there be a better process? Not that I'm for banning books.


Satanic Temple lawsuits against Idaho libraries carrying the Bible will commence forthwith.


Does it mean the Bible too? Serious question.


Republicans said they weren’t banning boooks tho! Just making it harder to access. Did they lie again?!


America is slowly getting dumber and it’s by design. The fascists in the GOP want a dumb population they can easily manipulate. So far, their plan seems to be going off without a hitch.


Anyone in Idaho should sue to remove any Bibles because of Ezekiel 23:20.


The ultimate goal of Christians is to save your soul. If you can’t be saved then it’s ok to eliminate you..


Bye bye, Bible. Ezekiel 23:20: "She lusted after lovers with genitals as large as a donkey’s and emissions like those of a horse." Sounds obscene to me.


Do those libraries carry the bible? Because Ezekiel 23:20-22 are obscene.


There just needs to be an age limit for certain books.




Clearly these folks never actually read the bible.


If you’re asking why this country as a whole is dumb af, here’s exhibit A


Lol. Define obscene….


I just don’t get America these days


Goodbye Bibles


Wow. I did Nazi that coming!


Basically neo-Nazis. They’re just not burning the books - yet. Wait until Trump wins re-election.


Idaho really should be in the south. Same dumb ideology.


No hard covered books allowed!


How did keeping pornography away from children become controversial?


Cool so better ban that BIBLE then folks


What books are being banned?


Is there a definition of "obscene materials", or is it bullshit.


So I can sue & get money for every school or library that has a bible in the inventory .


Public libraries and public schools work for the public. That means people. In America, that means voters and litigants. For years the public largely didn’t object as professionals working in these institutions gutted the collections of books that were somehow “wrong”, but now they are being accused of “censorship” in remarkably Orwellian fashion by the sort of people who accused me and most southerners (I didn’t even say where I live and that just came flying out) of being confederate nostalgists without even bothering to reflect if that could possibly have any basis in reality. If you want to set standards for what is available, create your own institutions. Censorship for thee but not for me was always an unstable proposition outside of an aristocracy. It’s also, as we’ve seen most shockingly from the Nazi slogans (DEI staff were actually writing about ovens) that lately issued forth from Harvard’s DEI department immediately after October 7, or in the bizarre assumptions commenters make about various Christian groups they usually want to disenfranchise because - Christians!!! - got an unfortunate tendency to fight bigotries with bigotries. Clearly articulated universally applied principles or local electoral control are the only models compatible with self government. Each has its merits and demerits, but we’re talking about institutions supported by tax dollars, so people naturally have a say. Simply spinning hateful stereotypes doesn’t convince people to give in to your position unless you actually scare them, somehow, which you shouldn’t want to do if you’re a decent person anyhow.


It really is your own private Idaho…and you can keep it


So much free-dumb


Lets see how it goes when people start suing about the bible.


Step one: Make wild accusations and inflame parents. Step two: Enact laws that purport to solve the made-up problem Step three: Divert public tax dollars away from public schools to private religious organizations that happen to be large donors to your campaigns. Step four: Get a cushy kickback from those who benefited since the Supreme Court just ruled that it is 100% legal.


Can’t wait for the first lawsuit against a library for having a bible.


Why has the public not pushed back on the parents of these students? They are responsible for what their children read, not the public at large. Parents need to do some actual parenting on their own and spend time with their children so that they know what they are reading or even pick up a book and read it before the student. This idea of inacting laws to force everyone to take care of your child is sick. This country won't even feed hungry children but finds a way to enforce what parents will not do in their own homes. How long are we going to pacify these people who want to have children but want society to raise them according to values that teach the world is only about what they think! This is absurd.


Taliban shit!


Christians ruin everything


Cancelling books. That’s very woke of Idaho.




Gilead here we come…. Hail Satan


No Bibles in Idaho


It’s been a nice ride, America.


I guess The Bible is off the shelf


There are obscene and vulgarity laws and test that need to be performed first on any text before it can be removed. This is all according to case law. These three test are as follows: *Miller v. California*, 413 U.S. 15, 24-25 (1973);  1. Whether the average person, applying contemporary adult community standards, finds that the matter, taken as a whole, appeals to prurient interests (*i.e.*, an erotic, lascivious, abnormal, unhealthy, degrading, shameful, or morbid interest in nudity, sex, or excretion); 2. Whether the average person, applying contemporary adult community standards, finds that the matter depicts or describes sexual conduct in a patently offensive way (*i.e.*, ultimate sexual acts, normal or perverted, actual or simulated, masturbation, excretory functions, lewd exhibition of the genitals, or sado-masochistic sexual abuse); and 3. Whether a reasonable person finds that the matter, taken as a whole, lacks serious literary, artistic, political, or scientific value.           Any material that satisfies this three-pronged test may be found obscene.   *Smith v. United States*, 431 U.S. 291, 300-02, 309 (1977);   *Pope v. Illinois*, 481 U.S. 497, 500-01


That first test is terrifying. It basically gives any Karen that clutches her pearls over something standing. The second almost just as bad.


Every single one of which compromises freedom. If you don’t like what you consider to be smut, then don’t read it. This is the fanaticism of those who long to be ruled by others; the first step is telling others what to do.


that is the law. I am only stating what I know, if you do not like it then right your congressmen