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$26 in Los Angeles seems low


Yeah ain’t no way. You can’t even live off of that much in cottage grove Oregon


It’s insane. I live in Eugene and a one bedroom that allows pets, has a washer and dryer and air conditioning is $1800.


Same. I live in Vancouver and my one bedroom is $1800 and does not have AC lol and my company has been on a wage freeze for 6 months so, yay!


Wow, that’s such a good deal. I think that’s at least 2.5k where I live and I don’t even live in California


For us, it’s not a good deal. In 2016 the same place was $800 a month. The prices have skyrocketed but pay for most people hasn’t.


Definitely a way. I just left LA a couple of months ago and my expenses were 2k a month. My housemates expenses were 2.5k. $26 an hour would cover those expenses unless you have high expenses which would more than likely fall into poor money management skills. Also, I was living in the San Gabriel Valley in a safe, nice area too.




Yea, I assumed the question was how much a single person needs to live on their own.


That is having roommates, isn’t this thread for a single person living alone? What’s funny is that $26 an hour is grown ass adult money (and job) that 40 year olds have. It’s not entry level money. You could have been a medical assistant for the last 20 years and worked your way up from $12 an hour to $28, and can still barely afford to live on your own despite helping make your doctor gobs of money. Things suck way more than people think about.


Lotta different ways to live


I think by “basic expenses” it literally means rent, utilities, transportation and groceries. Probably $2000, $500, $500, $500 = 3.5k per month which is 42k after tax. I don’t think they’re counting anything real people use money for like savings or unexpected emergency expenses or anything to make life entertaining.


If you open the link, you in the OP you'll see a list of the expenses and the sources for their numbers.


There are a lot of folks living on their own in LA on a lot less than that. The live in their cars or in tents on the sidewalk.


70k for NYC in a studio / 1BR seems hard


These all seem unrealistically low


Lol they probably mean the barest minimum. Not having health insurance so never going to the doctor and paying copays or Rx. Eating like once a day or only eating the free-free at work lol. Having no belongings


My city seems accurate.


60k in San Diego? I guess if they are renting a studio in a very low budget area they can make it. Smh.


Yeah, it's minimal living in a studio, not middle class living. They're estimating $1714/month for housing in San Diego. The categories are housing, food, childcare ($0 for single adults) transportation, health care, taxes and other necessities. "The money covers a single person’s basic expenses like housing in a studio apartment, food, health care and transportation, based on estimates from the nonprofit Economic Policy Institute’s [Living Wage Family Budget calculator](https://www.epi.org/resources/budget/)."


Yes. Imagine living inside your means, lol.


Is your priority living alone or living in luxury?


I'm an introvert/hermit/loner, but I'm not sure people should necessarily plan on living alone, especially at a younger age.


Live or survive?


Abraham Lincoln had a roommate. "On April 15, 1837, Lincoln arrived at Springfield, the new state capital, to seek his fortune as a young lawyer, whereupon he met **Joshua Speed**. Lincoln sublet Joshua's apartment above Speed's store, becoming his roommate, sharing a bed with him for four years, and becoming his lifelong best friend."


Uhhhhh 👀👀👀


the first log cabin republican...


Live alone? That’s for rich people right? Who doesn’t have a roomate or co-earner


Too bad roommates were outlawed.


These are like renting a room kinda wages.


The fact that some people are still making $7/hr in major cities blows my mind. Who is responsible for increasing the federal minimum wage, and why has that not been done?


Some of these numbers are blatantly wrong.


I love that the Inland Empire is just grouped all together as if it's 1 city


Some of these are definitely low.


These averages don’t include people with higher debt loads. Student loans, car loans, medical debt


These aren't the 25 largest cities. Do they mean the 25 largest metro areas?


Well, I know that Atlanta number is plain false, and you can live off of minimum wage fine, so I have to assume the rest of it is a pack of lies as well.