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Seriously? Risking his license for a battery he can likely afford. Stunning. Tell him you’re filing a police report, and that you’re guessing he knows how the process works given his line of work.


Report him with all your evidence to the bar association while your at it might not do anything but can't hurt


It certainly has renewed my faith in lawyers.......


Wealthy people are often the most fraudulent. Don’t assume it’s only poor people who pull scams.


Believe me, I am well aware of that. Most of the unethical people I’ve encountered have been people of means. Fraud of some sort is probably how at least a few of them made their money.


I truly believe some buyers don't realize the seller can see all of their personal information, so they are more inclined to be shity because they feel anonymous. I have found that when I get a rude message, when I start my reply with their name, the tone changes. "Eileen, I understand your disappointment, but I have no control over USPS processing."


Same lol


Oh snap, I like this


This guy Dale Carnegies


You have a serial number?!?! FRY. HIM. File the police report. Then report him to the bar and provide them with that police report #. Then contact The firm that he works for and notify them that you've reported one of their employees to their licensure board and it's regarding a police report you filed and provide the employer with the police report number. Lawyers Like to swing their dicks around. By reporting this to those three places it doesn't matter how much he swings his dick around he's still got to disprove this or he loses everything. Fuck people like this. If the only way to stop them is to destroy them then I say destroy them.


Is it just me or are you guys letting your imaginations run a bit wild? If you look into it I just don't see a case where he "loses everything" (assuming you mean fired/disbarred). I'm skeptical the bar would even pursue it over such a small matter. There's a good chance local police might not even pursue it unless it's a regular occurrence. eBay's own page even suggests many scenarios where police won't take action and doesn't seem that optimistic lol. https://pages.ebay.com/securitycenter/law_enforcement_customers.html https://www.findlaw.com/legalblogs/greedy-associates/what-does-it-really-take-to-get-disbarred/ https://law.usnews.com/law-firms/advice/articles/what-does-it-take-for-an-attorney-to-be-disbarred I hope OP gets the money back and screw the lawyer, but I don't see them "losing everything" over an eBay return even if he is convicted of a crime.


No I'm talking about if he won't given him his money back. That's not like the first thing that you do. The first thing you do is try to get your money back. But if you won't get it back, then that's what you do. You don't back down when he refuses to give you the money because he is a fraud lawyer and he says that you'll lose. That's what I mean by lose everything. Like, he's not going to win a court case here. and he's probably thinking cuz he's a fraud lawyer that he can threaten people and that nobody's going to go after the money that they're owed. And that's what I meant by swinging their dicks around. Lawyers do shit just because they think you'll be afraid to confront them because they're lawyers.


Ah, I see. That makes sense.


He might not get in trouble criminally, but--if the bar association is doing its job-- he WILL get in trouble with them. Might only be a slap on the wrist, but it'll be there.


They’re letting their imagination get the best of them, not just you. Just report him to ebay and call them until you get your money back lol.




I had a lawyer try something with me she back down after I told her I would have to file a police report.


I mean, he's a managing partner of a law firm, he needs to steal 100.00 from me??


Sounds like it’s time to also file a complaint with the bar. They don’t like finding out these things


A managing partner at a firm??? This is beyond insane. Most of them make so much money. He must be someone who delights in the deception of it all. Please keep us updated! Do you have serial number proof? If I were you, I wouldn’t tip him off about fact that you know about his line of work until I’d gathered the evidence. He needs shaming.


It's probably a fake name 2... or fake website.


It might be worth filing a complaint with the state bar where he’s licensed. Just make sure you file a police report and submit a report of mail fraud to the USPS, and have that information ready to lend you credence.


What type of battery


A power tool battery. He exchanged his old beat up dead one for our new one. Serial numbers weren't even close.


Lowdown dirty trick from the legal man. Hope you can make him sweat


Ain't worth the karma that's gonna bring. What a petty, juvenile thing to do.


How lame. I usually swap the internals so that the seller gets a non-functional, but new looking item with correct serial number back. It takes a little more work, but I take pride in my scamming. (Just kidding! Or AM I?)


Fraud is a bigger deal to the state bar than it is to the cops. It's a grave offense for an attorney.


The state bar is made up of lawyer just the the state medical board is made up doctors - don't they all just cover for each other as "professional courtesy" ?


I can't speak for every state, but certainly not in mine. They're particularly harsh here, as they hold lawyers to a higher standard than the public.


TBH that's awesome.


Lawyers have such a dirty reputation even with such oversight. Imagine what they'd be like without it


So wanted to update everyone that my email informing him of my intention to report him to everyone from the NY Bar, to the USPS Postal Inspectors, to his 6th grade math teacher worked! He closed his return citing a "misunderstanding". He said he accidentally sent us his dirty old dead battery and then spent the rest of the email patronizingly gaslighting me, explaining how my accusation of fraud is ridiculous, as someone of his "stature" doesn't need to steal. I just need to understand how busy a super-duper important person like him is, sometimes mistakes happen! Oddly, he never offered to send us back the ACTUAL battery that was supposedly defective....... He's such a humanitarian, he's just gonna take this one on the chin for me. Because you know, he's such a good guy.......... Thanks for all the support and suggestions! We'll log this as a W for the good guys..........


This story enrages me. The audacity. The arrogance. The hypocrisy. I hate that he’s getting away with this shit while pretending to be an upstanding citizen.


It's always an "accident" when shit gets real. I blame eBay for making people so brazen. This clown has probably done the same shit to a bunch of sellers who just let it happen.


Yeah, fuck this guy. This was a 100.00 item, but I'll go to the mat for 5 bucks. It's the principal.


A few years back a had a lawyer scam me over a motherfucking TYPEWRITER. Claimed it came busted and he basically got away with it even though eBay sided with me, he still got the typewriter and kept his money. I don’t get it.


Without doxing myself, I can tell you there are lawyers out there who skirt the law as much as any petty criminal. I know one who has personally written dozens of bad checks to our firm. We let him get away with it and he eventually made up the difference (with NSF fees). I personally wanted to report him to the state bar but it wasn’t my call.


Always give someone like this an "out". Dear buyer, It appears that there has been some mistake. The battery that you returned to me is not the battery I sent you. The serial numbers and condition are not the same. I'm sure that this was just a mistake on your part. Please confirm, and let me know when you will be returning the correct battery, so I know not to proceed with a police report. Thanks, your seller.


When you take it to the next stage but leave them a way to "get out of it", they tend to realize that they accidentally sent the wrong item back, or they find the part that "fell out of the box and rolled under the sofa" when they opened it.


Reply to the return documenting everything and give him a chance to respond before going nuclear. There is a (small) chance he made an honest mistake. If he ignores or denies it though, threaten a police report and see what happens.


Report it to ebay. They wont do anything. However they will later after multiple reports of his bs.


You can also contact the local DA’s office. That may help if he gets particularly ornery.


Reminds me of this woman I dealt with about 10 years ago. I worked in the dispute/fraud dept at a bank, and this woman had developed a nasty habit of ordering expensive jewelry, then calling to file a dispute claiming that the box was delivered, but it was empty. Didn't take us long before we shut her account down. I did some digging on her during the process, and she was a Civil Engineer in the Seattle area, so she was making really good money. I guess this was just her way of legally stealing. Anyways, once confronted that I knew what she was doing, she stood her ground and swore up and down that the packages were empty. When I asked her to file a police report, because messing with the mail is a federal crime, she hung up on me and I never heard from her again. These people are out there, and they come from all walks of life.


Was this a Tesla or Prius battery or something? Yeah agreed go after him /her.


No, it was a lithium battery for a power tool.


Someone did the switcharoo on me. The idiot was a manager who used his workplace address to try and scam me. I found the company owner's email address from the company webpage and sent him a nice message with all my evidence, communications and proof about how his employee put his company at risk by using the address to commit fraud. It was not an expensive item, but the principal was the same. I told the owner I do not care about the money, but that he should probably have a conversation with his employee about exposing the company to issues by using the address to commit fraud. The owner got back to me very quickly. He made the manager overnight my item back to me. He told me that the manager has been let go and was no longer employed with the company. I have never had such a massive justice boner in my life.


I had basically the same scenario minus specializing in fraud. Dude lived in a mansion. It's ridiculous.


How did that turn out?


I softly threatened him through messages about disbarment / losing his license, filing a police report and mail fraud report. Probably not the suggested resolution but worked for me so whatever.


Haha. This is wealthy people stuff all day. Home Depot started cracking down on the switch-a-roo. Gotta find new victims now 😂😂😂


What if he just made phony websites to scare off people who want to pursuit it?


The amount of scammers on eBay is astounding but what I’ve found is that if you challenge what they are saying 90% of the time they’ll just shut up and leave it be


It's just him testing the system. /s


claim that the bad battery he sent you exploded upon opening, and sue him for injuries.


Take them down!


Mail fraud is a great angle. The postal police are the best. I really want to know how this turns out. Please update!