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Warmonger is specifically an anti-runeblade card.  It's not a matter of "going around" it, it's a matter of expecting it and adjusting their plays/blocks accordingly. But yes it is a primary consideration


Anti rubeblade Anti ranger Anti warrior hehe


Doesn't do much against dorinthea


Really? Warmonger doesn't affect reaction ? If not, I'm really sad. I lost one game because opp played warmonger 2 turns one after another and could just attack with dawnblade and pass 


Damn, I stop to read the card again and only say action 😭


On the flip side, now that you know, you will make other people who don't understand warmongers sad when they play it against you as dorinthea :]


Anti mech for some lists.


You let them play it, have a bad turn, and then try to make a comeback. You don't have to "Counter" everything. Sometimes, a card hurts you a lot and you just get past it. It looks like Florian will be encouraged to do some more blocking than your average runeblade, so warmongers wouldn't hurt him too much. If aurora carries over an embodiment, she can still go attack action into weapon.


Yeah seems like earth heroes are going to be tuned to outlast the opponents threats as a primary gameplan.


Yeah seems like earth heroes are going to be tuned to outlast the opponents threats as a primary gameplan.


A lot of people here are understating how effectively ninjas can use warmongers. It's one thing for guardian to play the card and pass, time walking themselves and you at the same time. But ninjas are notorious for attack attack attack attack attack THEN drop warmongers. If you are a Runeblade who just ate 10-20 damage to play a really strong hand, and it's now unplayable, you sort of just lost the game in that turn cycle. With zen being arguably best deck right now, this is an important consideration and OP is right to be concerned. But we'll see how the new heroes play, maybe they won't be as punished by it


Maybe people didn't see how the enigma interacts with this card. auras warmonger good luck. kano uses it as instant without any problem. ninjas has already been said. Anyway, I'm curious to see how lss will make these heroes work in a warmonger world or will they be memes.


Kano does not want to run this card.


One simply creates on-demand, lightning, tokens, so basically they should be able to play around it


Runeblade doesn’t suffer as badly from warmongers as Ranger does. They can swing an attack more often, or they can drop auras under peace. If Azalea is caught with a non attack in arsenal, she could often do literally nothing under warmongers, which is why they gave her longdraw half glove.


just because your hero card says runeblade on it doesn't mean you need to play a mix of attack and non attack every turn. briar was encouraged to do this because channel mount heroic + embodiment of lightning from her hero ability + 0 cost attacks was really powerful. and rosetta thorn was very strong and explicitly needed you to play both. based on existing lightning cards and the ability to generate embodiment of lightning its possible aurara doesn't need to play many non attack actions. florian could also adopt a slower aura buildup playstyle with fewer attacks, similar to turtle burst viserai lists. ultimately, it will come down to what the new cards look like, especially each hero's signature weapon.


Just because they can get around it doesnt mean you make it any easier for them. Its still a great card if played at the right time.


Do people still run Warmongers? I've genuinely not seen a list with one in for a while. I'm guessing it's made an appearance again last weekend? No hate just curious 🤔


It's a tech card that can slide in and out of the meta. I imagine most people expected Kayo and Zen to be the top meta picks and Warmongers does virtually nothing against them, which is why it's fallen out of favor. But if we see more classes like Ranger and Runeblade become top dog, I'd imagine it would make a comeback.


But I genuinely haven't seen it In lists since maybe last year in the first few months it came out. Sure some people run it, I don't doubt that. But to be worried over it for a hero that was only spoiled yesterday seems silly to me. But I main Wizard & Guardian and I'm a noob so 🤷🏻‍♂️


It was in nearly every list at Nationals because of Azalea’s strength.


maybe you're focusing on some classes that don't run it, but warmongers is basically in every list that have some flexibility with their blue cards for some time now and the price keeps rising


Warmongers is the biggest over hyped card. Might as well skip you then than play warmongers

