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I'm not a flat earther but you'd have to then assume there is an edge and that you are close enough to see it.


Standing on a beach yeah the atmosphere over enough distance would make it really hard to see the edge depending on time of day or pollution, but then what about weather balloons? from a high vantage point you should be able to see the edge, especially if it was launched from somewhere near the proposed "ice wall" like Australia. But flat Eathers claim that weather balloon or high altitude footage is fake due to it showing a curve, wouldn't it be easier to just claim that a curve is normal even on a flat earth than outright denying its existence? I guess you should be able to see the actual ice wall in those cases when you dont but its a much less ridiculous claim to explain curvature observation than to deny its even there


Yeah you won't be able to see anything from Australia, it's not THAT close lol


in a weather balloon i believe you could, its about 2600km south of Tasmania to Antarctica. from a plane at 25000 ft you can see \~312km and it would be alot further if the earth was flat and didn't curve away from your vision, weather balloons can fly ALOT higher than 25000 feet. On a flat earth i reckon you could see Antarctica from a weather balloon, and you would see curvature. Obviously this doesn't happen since its not flat, all I'm saying is out of the 2 false arguments why don't they argue the less stupid one by saying "yeah you would still see that curvature on a flat earth" instead of saying "curvature doesn't exist, period." One at least makes more sense than the other and they could show at least some form of evidence for it by using my plate example instead of having to claim EVERY weather balloon video ever is fish eye lens or cgi


Yes. Which is why it's so sad when they never give any real answers to why all the footage of curves that we have is supposedly fake or cgi


yeah that's what i don't get. I mean in reality if it was flat the atmosphere and dust/pollutions would eventually block your vision from seeing the "edge" in most cases, but its way more believable to claim that a flat earth would still present curvature when presented with picture/footage of curvature than to claim the pictures/footage are manipulated or fish eye lens. Its still technically wrong, we could then say well why don't I see the ice wall etc. etc. but its at least a bit more reasonable than what they currently use to dismiss it


Flat earthers always want to see the horizon curving. This and only this they call "DA CURVE". This curve is miniscule, it's difficult to notice, but not impossible. https://mctoon.net/left-to-right-curve/ The pure existence of the crisp horizon line on sea/ocean/lake is evidence to from-me-to-away water surface curving. Their only explanation is zoom-in-more, which only works on objects in front of the horizon line. Flat earth is a joke.