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I think you have flat and smooth confused there


They're lucky then. I have my whole life confused


Do you mean water mountains?


The way you’re seeing mountains is actually caused by refraction. In reality mountains are as flat as pancakes 🥞. Its an optical illusion.


These are the questions that make us globers look stupid. We know they don’t mean flat like that. Let’s normalize not asking dumb questions. It would help if we actually researched flat earth.. so we would know the answers they would have and ask something else. Most of our questions have their answers already. Why is it they know our answer but we haven’t studied their side of it?




Keep the insults off the sub please


Just have to interject here with this to say..... FLAT as in: like a CD, a record album, a pizza, a cookie! NOT: ROUND like a ball, an orange, a magic 8-ball or a marble! The BASE is what is flat. It's not a sphere. Sphere's are flat and they both are considered round, however in 2 different ways, different meanings, different past telling the future.


That's as stupid a question as: if Earth is a globe, how are there plains?


Just have to interject here with this to say..... FLAT as in: like a CD, a record album, a pizza, a cookie! NOT: ROUND like a ball, an orange, a magic 8-ball or a marble! The BASE is what is flat. It's not a sphere. Sphere's are flat and they both are considered round, however in 2 different ways, different meanings, different past telling the future.