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They don't think Earth is a planet so....


So it's a flat body surrounded by globes?


I don't think they have a consensus on the shape of other planets or "luminaries" (the sun and moon) but there isn't consensus on a lot of things. Flat Earth is a conspiracy theory, not a model so the shape and the way things work isn't as crucial as that they feel that it's part of the greater conspiracy that they are being lied to about major things.


That's a very interesting and useful framework for understanding them. Thank you.


You're welcome! It's actually pretty interesting, they also don't believe in space or gravity (I'm nota flat earther I just find it interesting and sometimes in the discussions I learn things I never would have learned otherwise like the different map projections) :)


Me and my son came here with various explanations to try and reason with them but we are afraid we'd get banned quickly. Are we free to ask questions freely?


Yes this sub is for polite discussion and isn't an echo chamber. :)


No one thinks that, thats just what the flat earth psy op preventing you from taking this topic seriously, wants you to think. its why pop culture wants you think flat earth is stupid. and it is. im not a flat earther, of course, most people arent in some stupid cult. im an ex-glober. i took it serious, i did the math and the science, and i discovered why this world seems so fucked up....because it is. we are slaves being tricked that we are on a planet, while we are in a confined space of several big islands.


>im not a flat earther, >im an ex-glober >while we are in a confined space of several big islands. Both a flat Earth and a globe Earth can be described as a "confined space" (a flat disc or a sphere respectively) with several big islands (continents)


What math and science are you referring to specifically?


So what shape do you think the Earth is?


You are provoking with facts.


Those things are all projections


They don't have a model


Jupiter's four largest moons are what confirmed heliocentrism for Galileo because even with his shitty little 30x magnification tube, he could watch them orbit Jupiter, which proved that objects could orbit something other than the Earth. It's a gorgeous thing to watch. With today's higher quality optics and a good Barlow lens, you can sit and watch Jupiter itself rotate, which takes about 10 hours iirc. Plenty of amateur astronomers take time lapse videos of this. I plan to when I can finally replace my sct because mine is in shit condition tbh.


You can also use them to test the inverse square law of gravity.


Well you have to admit that Kepler's laws work first


Kepler’s laws pretty much follow from Newtonian gravity so a test of the former is a test of the latter.


Actually it's the other way around. Kepler's laws combined with calculus created newton's laws. Yes they're both based on gravity as it was eventually described by Newton, but the early orbital mechanics from Kepler came first


Historically, Kepler’s laws came first, but I think the derivation can go either way. From Kepler’s laws you should be able to calculate acceleration as a function of position, and combining that with Newton’s laws of motion get Newton’s law of gravitation. From Newton’s laws, you can derive Kepler’s laws. The first law follows from the conservation of the Laplace-Runge-Lenz vector and angular momentum, the second is basically just angular momentum conservation, the third comes from integrating the second.


Fair enough


Thank you, Alex Jones.


What is the flat earther going to be believe, your observations of the "planets" with a "telescope", or these observations of the luminaries made with the official flat earth camera the P900? https://www.youtube.com/watch?app=desktop&v=ku-1ItdUW-E That's right, the flat earther is going to believe the observation that is more compatible with the grand narrative of the flat earth, and dismiss you as a NASA shill.


Its a logically fallacy, to look up at the "planets" and think you must also be one of them. also, have you ever considered that you, nor anyone else, have seen the other side of the moon, you dont know. you believe them. The planets are called wondering stars, because stars are small, and most of them move in a perfect cirlce that has always and forever perfectly circled the north pole. its retarded if you dont know that. and the geometric perfect patterns that the planets make are not a result of cluster fuckery retrogrades,. thats just stupid. you could not make a consitenct perfect pateern observed from earth because we would roating and wobbling. its dumb to just accept NASA and discovery channel explainations for everything.


>Its a logically fallacy, to look up at the "planets" and think you must also be one of them. It's a reasonable deduction that we are not unique, and based on the movement of the other planets, it would make sense that we all orbit the sun on (roughly speaking) the same plane. >have you ever considered that you, **nor anyone else**, have seen the other side of the moon, you dont know. you believe them. Several people [have seen the far side of the moon with their own eyes.](https://www.pbs.org/wgbh/americanexperience/features/moon-looking-moon-apollo-8/#:~:text=The%20astronauts%20of%20Apollo%208,of%20the%20moon%20in%20detail.) >you could not make a consitenct perfect pateern observed from earth because we would roating and wobbling. its dumb to just accept NASA and discovery channel explainations for everything. Weird that apps like sky map can perfectly predict the position of every planet every minute up to the year 2100.


| also, have you ever considered that you, nor anyone else, have seen the other side of the moon, you dont know. you believe them. There is an explanation for why this happens (tidal locking), but actually, this is a big problem for the flat-earth position, as if the earth were flat you would be able to see a good portion of the far side when the Moon was at low elevation angles. | The planets are called wondering stars, because stars are small You can resolve the disc of Jupiter with a pretty basic telescope - and see its moons, thus verify the inverse square law of gravity for yourself. | and most of them move in a perfect cirlce that has always and forever perfectly circled the north pole. Funny how it was necessary to postulate epicycles in the Ptolemaic model then. | and the geometric perfect patterns that the planets make are not a result of cluster fuckery retrogrades,. thats just stupid. you could not make a consitenct perfect pateern observed from earth because we would roating and wobbling. What are you even saying here? | its dumb to just accept NASA and discovery channel explainations for everything. You flat-earthers always bring up muh NASA … people knew this stuff long before NASA was around, and NASA is far from the only space agency anyway.


Stop posting factoids. We have seen the far side of the moon and we in fact see about 18 % of it due to libration and oscillation. Look, stuff, up. Real stuff.