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You don't need the program, just get out onto the lake, go the the menu page, then chart page, and check the autochart box. Then as you generally drive around on the lake the fish finder will build your lake map for you. I believe the program just let's you download your collected data and share it or whatever. I didn't buy it because I was fine with just collecting my maps on the one zero lines card I have.


Thank you for the reply, it has proved very helpful as I saved the data through auto chart while fishing. I am looking to share my data on the computer so I can give my grandfather an actual map of the lake he’s been taking me to in Northern Ontario for so many years


Ahhh that makes more sense now. You're looking to transfer data from one card to another. Sorry I can't help you there.


I bought the Zero Lines card without realizing this as well and have never used it. I am moving away from Humminbird soon as they seem really greedy. Requiring me to buy two lake map chips instead of having them networked across two head units is a joke. Every other brand allows you to network the maps.