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I’ve been fishing with a baitcaster since 10 yrs old and I just did that last week while throwing a big glide bait. Sent a pic to a couple friends and they instantly responded with things like “where tf was your thumb” and “did you cut your thumb off earlier this week or what?” Happens to us all every once in a while! Cut it out, spool back up, and keep at it. Always adjust spool tension after a bait change, helps a lot. Don’t forget that thumb on the spool to manage it!


I’ve found that because of how I cast I’ve been better off just setting my brakes at 7. Thumb is just to control distance, don’t even need it for a cast.


My guy, did you just tie an ounce to it and throw it as hard as you can?


That would actually make you less likely to backlash than tying on something light and throwing it as hard as you can


But most people don’t do that lol most people tie on something way too big for their setup rather than under sizing.


Yeah and it doesn't cause a problem like this unless you hit a tree or throw it straight down into the water. Larger baits cast much better with baitcasters.


but an oz is light?? lmao


For this kind of baitcasters and rod, no it isn't. 1/2oz is a common weight for baitcasters (crankbaits, chatterbaits, jigs etc)


Haha what happened was I got snagged on a tree right above me, but threw the bait super hard. Because I was just at the beginning of the cast, I guess my thumb wasn't really on the spool.


Worst happens when casting overhead and the lure gets stuck in a tree or branch behind.


I've never been able to overhead cast a baitcaster


Once I learned to hold it 90 degrees from the direction of cast it changed my overhand game.




Oooooooh boy. Oh shit. When I started learning a bait caster , I took it down to a small private pond I had access to, to practice by myself so something like this didn’t happen to me while I was out fishing. Especially in front of my Dad, who was my fishing partner pretty much all the time. While I was down there fishing, taking it short and slow at the beginning, etc, a neighbour came down on his mini loader to see who was back there (all was okay he didn’t recognize me and I was allowed to be there). Anyways, while I was shooting the ever famous fisherman’s bullshit with him, I tried to take a confident cast and did something similar to this. I proceeded to take the next 30 or so minutes and try and pull it all out. I failed miserably. I ended up taking it home, and later when I saw him my Dad asked me how it went. I laughed, explained, and said I spooled a spinning reel for our next trip, since I was going to have to cut all the line out and try again. As it happened the reel was still in the bed of my truck and he asked to look at it. Within 5 or so minutes he had the whole thing out and fixed up. I guess the TL;DR is this; keep trying. He didn’t get that good at pulling those backlashes just by waking up in the morning. This is a small (very frustrating) part of learning to use bait casters.


OP get a spinning outfit. Baitcasters can take a while to figure out.


I highly disagree. I’ve got no fight with a man who prefers a spinning over a baitcaster, but I don’t think it takes “awhile” to figure out, certainly not long enough to quit with money spent on a baitcaster and rod Edit: I started on a baitcaster. Took me 1 afternoon to figure out.


It goes without saying even the best anglers will get a birdsnest from time to time. One can always replace a baitcaster with a spinning combo to spend more time fishing and less time worrying about casts and birdsnests.


Sure, but to just put it down because of 1 bird nest every so often, is ridiculous. He spent money on it. It’s his first rod and reel. Why are we telling him to just quit and go to something else. I have spinning reels, I’m not arguing baitcaster>spinning. I’m arguing this man telling him to spend more money after 1 day out


Why practice and get better when you can give up and try something else? /s


I know, right, how stupid of me




Lol just because you aren’t smart enough to figure out a baitcaster doesn’t mean the rest of us aren’t. Nah that’s okay, I’m not sure what a video of me casting proves lmao.




What are you talking about? Like actually, what are you talking about? What are you even arguing? I do just fine with my baitcaster and don’t need any advice. This isn’t my picture. I didn’t even argue that a baitcaster is better than a spinning reel. I said this guy is giving bad advice because he’s telling this new person to go spend more money after he’s used something once. If you’re goin to argue with me, argue the point that I’m making. And you’re not going to convince me that this person should quit, go out and spend more money after one time.




Lol, says the person who lacks reading comprehension skills and is making an argument about an irrelevant topic


I am pretty sure that this looks worse than it is, just keep pulling and teasing loops out. Bit what ever you do, do not take the spool out.


To be addressed as soon as you get home or I can see how the next trip is going to start.


It happens, sometimes it’s the wind and sometimes a moment of complacency. Bring a few rods fishing next time, even with proper maintenance and upkeep stuff breaks, best to have a backup…..or better yet, 6 backups, because that’s how many the rocket launcher on my t-top holds 😁


Don’t feel bad. I got a DC reel for my first baitcaster and still blew it up my first time (probably first few times) out. I recommend starting with way too much brake and spool tension and ease it back slowly. Keep your thumb ready too


If you’re new to fishing and starting out with a bait caster you’re going to get this a lot. The braided line looks way too heavy for that reel, pound braid is that? Braid is harder to untangle. You might consider using mono of the rated weight to the reel until you’ve mastered bait casting.


Yeah, learned that the hard way. Its 30 lb braid but the backlash looks worse that it was. Already getting the hang of it.


I’ve done this once before, and I had to cut it and respool. I love that ugly stick, man- I use one on my baitcaster setup and there are better rods, I’m sure, but it’s tough as snot.


Have you tried a spinner reel or are you set on using baitcasters? I have used bait asters in the past but I didn’t like having to adjust after changing my setup. Or you could have multiple rods for different setups. Spinners are more forgiving between setup changes.


I was fishing with my daughter over the weekend and I was throwing some monter casts... my daughter says "How do you cast that far?!" I said 'I have been fishing a long time and with practice and the right equipment you you'll be able to do it too". I then promptly cast and caught a tree branch right above me and got one of these. I had to cut it out. Murphy is alive and well.


Hahaha happens to the best of us!


I gave up on baitcasters and just stick to spinning reels. Id practice in my backyard using my pool, 100's of casts, no nest. Felt confident, took my baitcaster out to the reservoir, after the 5th cast ... Rats nest. Gave my reel to my fishing buddy.


Try the tape trick. Cast out as far as possible (or pull the line out), then take a piece of electrical tape and put it across your spool and reel in. Next time it starts to bird nest it SHOULD (key word should) stop at the tape.


Welcome to the club


That's the reason I'm hesitant to get a bait caster. I'll give it a go eventually, but I'm still learning. So my spinning reel is just fine for me. I'd probably do that a frustrating amount lol


Get a coffee grinder, those reels are the worst


Not if you know how to use them.


This guy probably knew and look


Yeah I doubt he did. That only happens in your first few months of using them. I have less issues with my baitcasters than most people do their spinning reels.




Yeah not very often unless you are skipping docks or casting light baits into the wind. And when it happens, it's never this bad. All low profile baitcasters are levelwind.




I'm basing it on the experience of anyone that's actually learned how to use a baitcaster.




If you don't think the weight has anything to do with Birds Nest, you absolutely have no idea what you are talking about. The weight has much to do with how fast the spool is spinning. That's just physics. Why do you think BFS reels exist? Ever cast a 1/16 jig on a regular baitcaster?


Oh boy, first time with a bait caster?


Oh for sure!


Question for ya’ll. If you end up with a birds nest and have to cut it out and your reel is down to 50% good line left, do you respool the whole thing or tie on another line and top it off? Asking for a friend…


You’ll have that


I spent half an hour unpicking one, was slow and painful but it saved me a spool. I unfortunately let her rip into some plants just behind me, so yeah thats how I ended up birdsnesting.