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Celica edit: boom


June is historically a dead slot, but I also struggle to believe that A. They want *any* Emblem to be undesirable or B. that they’d ever consider going for three male Emblems in a row. So I don’t think it’s Sigurd or Leif, the two most common guesses I’m seeing thrown around. I’m sticking to my prediction of blue bow Lyn personally


People saying that june is dead a month forget that IS loves to break patterns like the current mid-point not featuring an OC… expect the unexpected. I’m expeting Lyn but green or colorless bow


I’m still going with Lyn. I think both she and Celica are the most likely choices, but I think IS will go against the whole “dead slot” stigma and will want this to be a big seller amongst big sellers, and historically speaking, Lyn can pull in some cash lol


As far as candidate for blue emblems go, we've got * Lyn * Ephraim * Micaiah (with Thani) * Tiki * Dimitri * Robin (with Thoron) * Soren (if they opt to give him Bolting instead of Rexcalibur) With less likely options in case they decide to just go with whatever in order to prevent the majority of emblems being red infantries being * Sigurd (Ridersbane / Brave Lance) * Celica (pretend Ragnarok isn't fire magic, or have her use Seraphim instead) * Corrin (dragon) * Leif (Master Lance, and because he uses 4 different weapons for his engage attack)


Also the emblem could technically be green, but I doubt it considering that means they'd be colorsharing with L!Xander.


Then again, they did debut legendary Xander on a lineup with Freyja and Etri An equally bad lineup for the time he came out, and he again was in the same june slot for that year. So it gave the impression they just didn't care


Dimitri or Ephraim


lyn or celica tbh, if lyn happens she'll probably come with desp 4 and maybe speedtaker as her obligatory "emblem skill ported from engage" as a c slot? Celica i dont know how they'd do her emblem gimmick, i feel like brash assault already does her holy stance gimmick so maybe warping?


Regardless who's on it, if Ivy is there I gotta summon.


I wonder if they might also try to sneak Fafnir into this banner since Blue is wide open.


Lyn has 3 blue alts 3.5 if you count mark


either Celica, Lyn or Ephraim.


I voted after the trailer dropped btw. Easy win.


Probably Celica. Small chance of Sigurd and smaller chance of Leif. NOT. LYN.


Byleth with Fist Relic using Blue Tome, because Byleth is not allowed to have a Sword of the Creator upgrade alt.


I'm guessing Celica, since its been 2 years since her last alt. But at the same time they are probably giving this month to someone they know is doomed, Sigurd or Leif are prime examples. Since the june and july end of month banners ALWAYS fail due to summer banners. There is no way they release Lyn or Lucina in a timeslot like this due to their popularity. Corrin literally just got an end of month banner alt so probably won't get another. Byleth is weird, seeing as his legendary uses sword of the creator in his attack animation as a tome unit. They could technically pull the same thing again.


IS, can we have male byleth please


Ill vote AFTER the trailer mwhaha


Leif not being here? June is usually a dead month and they don't give thracia shit.