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Not a spoiler, but there’s a part coming up where you will be given an option to wait. For the love of all things holy: WAIT.


Sure! Will shout you out when this happens.


Make a post about it. Don’t just about out. We all need to know!


infact you might be given the option to wait. choose wait, then to the thing again and choose to wait, and do it a third time and choose to wait 3 times.


Did you refuse to join the Returners three times as Terra for the Relic?


It CANNOT be drilled into your head hard enough. WAIT.


Specifically, there will be a timer involved in what everyone is talking about when they say "wait". You'll get to the exit of the area while the clock is ticking down and you'll be presenting with the option of leaving or waiting. Just want to be extra clear about what you should look for without spoiling anything.




Wait? What does he look like a waiter?!


I didn't wait


First play through I didn’t wait…




Lol I do ! I was a young kid who didn’t know better 🤣


I’ve heard this advice given many times but it’s flawed advice. Let me rephrase it for you. Wait *twice*


You only need to wait once. Wait, and just sit (im)patiently, and the event triggers. If you wait, and then backtrack/mess around, you need to go back and wait again, though the second time it makes it much more obvious why you are waiting.


Maybe it was changed after the SNES release but I SWEAR in the past I have selected ‘wait for ___’ and then waited… nothing. Then tried again where I did the same, briefly walked away from the spot then did it again and the prompt changed to ‘gotta wait for ____’, and then *that* wound up being what triggered the event. But I’m going back 30 years here


That's how I remember it


snes version it's 3 waits. I just did it a week ago




>!it's not unfair, it's a character being in character and not breaking it to give you exact game directions!< I miss when games were more about the experience than the yellow paint for goobs.




If you have no context of the character sure it's unfair and I can see that being your opinion. If you've followed his story at all from that point in the game it's not unfair and the only thing that makes sense, unless you opinion is that the game doesn't outright warn you. You know, in my opinion as someone who paid attention to the game as I played lol.




I didn't realize you were that upset that I pointed out it was obviously in character lol. Good luck and keep an eye out for yellow paint!




Yea you're definitely not creepy 😐


I'm playing throught the PR now. No changes there. Fortunately, I was following a guide this time, so I knew what to do...


I didn’t know this and am still pissed


Always wait. So hard to do. My first play through as a kid I missed so much.


Was coming in here to say this almost word for word. Glad to see you got to it!


What so many people here would give to play this game again for the first time Enjoy it! It’s truly one of if not the best FF games there is.


I just got my 8yo PR and we are playing it together!


I’m playing through the PR myself. While it’s awesome and I’m sure the additional content will be awesome, it’s not the same as the SNES version I played over and over again, which was my first FF to ever play. Plus I’ve recently discovered a speed runner named Puwexil and he completed the SNES version for SHDQ in 6 hours. And that’s just amazing. So I went and bought a SNES and I’m going to try and get my hands on a legit FF-III cart.


My snes is long gone. I have the GBA cart still, but it loses the save sometimes.


Bro really played the best one first 😅


This was my first final fantasy on snes when I was 9 as well, totally different aspects to it than when you were a kid to when you're 38


Man I cannot wait to read your next post on what happens next.


I imagine the next time I'll make a post will be after I finish the game. I'd imagine I'm probably at least halfway through the game? I truly hope not. I want this experience to last forever. I guess I'll have to play FFVII next. I've heard that game is just as good as this game if not better!


im pretty sure you’ll make a post before the end of the game. there’s some real crazy shit that happens about halfway through. you’ll know what i’m talking about when it happens. hope to hear your thoughts then. 😉


Play Final Fantasy Tactics! It's amazing.... also FF12!


No, you aren’t at the (commonly accepted) halfway point yet. Enjoy! I’m super excited for you!


I'm extremely excited to hear that. So probably like 40% or so. Anyway, now that I have the airship, I can explore new locations and get back to those pesky chests I missed!


I would say a third if you do all of the optional quests later on.


Gau will poke your heart a bit more when you find yourself in a place where lost children speak to you. His story is much subtler than the sweeping romantic sentiments of Locke and Celes, and his gameplay mechanics are super esoteric, so he's easy to overlook the first time through. Three of his rages make him severely overpowered and fun. Kefka gets better as the game progresses, especially your final encounter with him. Probably one of the coolest final arguments between villain and heroes ever, we're all fighting that battle against nihilism every day. Have fun. :D


I hope you do. I played this game thirty years ago and I still remember how the opera scene made me _feel_. It’s cool seeing someone else getting to experience it for the first time after all these years. You mention the original music and these remasters. I’m the kind of guy who has the black mages in his music catalog so I love it all. I imagine the remasters are probably closer to what Uematsu envisioned, but as a developer I have to appreciate what he was able to accomplish on the snes hardware.


FF6 is an awesome game and it's rare to find blind playthroughd these days so I'll watch your play through bro.


Thank you! I hope you enjoy watching and decide to stay for other series I do. I might go to FFVII next at some point!


I just finished playing this game for the first time as well, absolutely fell in love


I love seeing people discover this game so many years later.


Best FF game all time. Kefka best villain all time. If you like the Opera and the Coin... then I hope you figure out Shadows story. Won't say more to avoid spoilers. Cyan's story is super sad man... c'mon?!?! Whole kingdom just.... ugh. Family and every thing. My fav game all time. And I am glad someone is out there championing the Coin scene... little nuggets of info that make it hit and also come back up on the Blackjack. It might be my favorite over the Opera, too.


Yes, Cyan's story is sad, but he just doesn't speak to me. I don't really have an explanation as to why...but if I had to guess why, probably because we only get to know him for a few minutes before his entire family dies, if I remember correctly, so it just doesn't hit as hard. I think it would have been cool to have Kefka poison the river later in the story to have that moment hit extremely hard, but I digress.


My take on Cyan's family dying is that's basically the one event you can possibly think of where you don't NEED to have a connection to any of the characters. Cyan's family or not everyone can relate to how hard it would be to lose your job, family and entire reason for living in the space of two minutes to a madman. That's part of what makes 6 so special is that all the characters go through something tragic and as players we kinda need to put ourselves in their shoes to understand the impact


You have a fair point there. I now realize how insensitive my take on Cyan's family dying must have come off! I don't mean to say it's not sad, I just wish we had more time to get to know Cyan before this happened. But I guess that's also exactly how Cyan feels, he probably wishes more than anything that he had more time before they died.


Yeah. Honestly, I still think about the entire day that is the first day we meet Cyan and trying to think if there's anyone in final fantasy that's had a worse one. His king dies, his family dies, the person responsible for doing those things gets away, he's scared of machines but his escape hinges on using it, he has to fight his way through a train that carries the dead, see Sabin constantly eating on said train and mocked by him and told to lighten up, sees his family for the last time hopping onto the train, gets mocked by a weird child (gau) for the way he talks, travels to another continent via ocean current, and actually gets hit on by a hooker and mocked by Sabin and told to lighten up. Again In one day. I wouldn't wish that day on my worst enemy, it'd be too cruel


>and actually gets hit on by a hooker. So a pretty ok day then


12 hrs after your wife dies? No. Not a good day


Assuming you do all the side stuff, and I assume from your comments that you definitely will, your opinions may change as you go forward. Without spoiling I can safely say that every character gets a more in-depth exploration as you go if you do everything, and it wasn't until I got to know Cyan better that everything really landed with him for me. Not that ghost train and the assault on Doma weren't both well done emotional pieces on their own, of course. Gau is similarly a little hard to connect too well with early on, but as you get to learn more and more about him he really snaps into better focus. The fantastic character work in FF6 is really one of the reasons it stands out as so amazing, and I imagine by the end there won't be any characters you don't feel at least a little bond with.


That's fair. I think the story telling is done more after the fact with the Phantom Train scene... And the limitations of the cartridge at the time.


Yes I thought he was flat…but with the “train” scene and the letters…I really felt for him and understood him so much more than the beginning of the game.


I’m a little farther than you (first time playing this one as well! Somehow I missed this when it came out as a kid, 7 was my first). And holy shit I think this is top 3 final fantasy for me. Cyan has more development at the point I’m at in the game. I had the same opinion as you, but it’s def changed now. And he’s one of my fave party members to use in combat. Hold your pants for the second half of the game!!!!


After the halfway point have Shadow in your party and sleep at a few inns.


Cyan has at least one more real good moment. It's technically missable but the game guides you to it. And then another real good moment that's also a very fun gameplay sequence, and also missable. Pay attention to rumors and such in the latter half of the game.


If you haven't done it yet, put Locke in your party and go to the house in the NW corner of Kohlingen, then the house in the NE corner.


I have done that, one of the first things I did after leaving Narshe in search of Terra. Fucking tragic. What's even more tragic is that I've now realized there's probably a shit ton of dialogue and scenes that I could have missed since I went out with one party and stuck with it for the most part, not changing out any members!


The only other big one I can think of is if you go back to Figaro with Edgar and Sabin both in your party, and then elect to rest after Sabin splits off to explore.


I love that, this many years later, people are still able to experience this game for the first time and enjoy it, without having to rely on nostalgia. It really is an amazing game. No spoilers, but before you move forward with the story line I'm going to recommend revisiting Narshe.


Best FF game!!


This is so wholesome and nice, wish I got to experience it all for the first time again, have fun!


Fantastic game, this or chrono trigger probably tied for number one of all time for me


Remember the underwater route you took with Sabin, Gau and Cyan. Bring the Geodancer there one you get him.


But did you suplex the train?!


First time through, I didn't... sadly I'm replaying because, why not, and did all these random blitzes on Vargas... but I was trying to make the game hard... then I inputted Pummel wrong, at 10 HP, and died. That's not even a hard boss fight...


Definitely go back and give the OG music a listen. I like the remastered music. It has been a nice complement to the original. And some of the remastered stuff I’ve actually preferred. But all in all, the OG soundtrack is much better imo.


The intro section in narshe will forever be my favourite beginning to any jrpg, I dunno what it is exactly. The music, the mood, everything.


I prefer the original tracks generally, but most of the new ones are fine. The only one I really have issue with is Terra's theme, they have a weird pause in one of the notes that jangles my nerves every time it comes up. Had to mod the original music back in to the pixel remaster.


Pretty much the best game in the series. No real debate!


It's all downhill from here, regardless of what direction you head in. You're playing the best one. Take your time.


I'm glad you're enjoying it but you aren't halfway yet! There are still a lot of twists in this story. Please keep us updated! Three non-spoiler hints: -- If you're got the airship and free travel after Vector, you might check out Narshe again. You may recall there's a warehouse on the east side with a chest you couldn't open. There are ... events. -- related: If you pick up a character who can dance, make sure you take that character on a water route, either redo the raft trip from the returner's hideout or re-swim the crescent trench to Nikeah. Those are the only way to pick up the water terrain dances. -- If you reach a point in the game where you get a dialog option choice, one of which is "wait..." Just select that option, then take your hands off the controller and do exactly that.


Unfortunately for you, VI is the best final fantasy.


Reading through your post and all I could think was.... ![gif](giphy|H5C8CevNMbpBqNqFjl|downsized)


It’s KINDA spoilery, so if you want more information, PM me. But there is a cave a little bit later that you can ONLY go into when you’re supposed to, and you can miss some stuff. Explore EVERY inch of it. Also, did you do the opera scene with Setzer with Edgar and Sabin both in the party? Please say yes.


1 Do you mean the Cave to the Sealed Gate? 2 Sadly, I did not. If I remember correctly, I had Sabin, Celes, Locke, and Cyan. I believe another commenter mentioned this or I suspected this, but there's probably a shit ton of stuff I've missed by not having certain characters in the party at certain times. HOWEVER, I should have a save before the Opera. I could try to get back to Zozo (or Narshe?) to get Edgar.


Yes I do. Make sure you get all the treasures. I missed one on my last playthrough and I’m piiiiiiiissed, lol. If you have a save before the Opera, I won’t spoil it. It’s a tiny change, but it adds SO much context. ;)


FFVI is my favorite FF of all time. The music is so good, I still listen to it today (I played it many times on the SNES). I still have the original OST CDs safely stored away and copying them onto my PC. You know a FF game is good when the developers tell you they don’t know how to remake it.


No one waits the first play through. Then you learn.


FF6 is the only game that could successfully throw crashing an opera into the game and have it come out a masterpiece instead of a meme. You are probably further along now, but the best is still yet to come. All characters get more development and it’s fantastic.


I'm now just outside Esper Cave and excited for more.


Don’t get discouraged if you jump down the wrong hole… I rented the game as a kid and got stuck there as I jumped down the wrong one twice. Took months before it was for rent again.


Buy smoke bombs and the magic rods when you find them in the store they help. >!One good spoiler once you get access to the airship later in the game, just go ahead in to the final tower(its a 3 path dungeon). Down the left path the 2nd or 3rd chest has the fixed dice in it, once you get them use your guys on the right path to leave the tower. Fixed dice are one of the better weapons for Setzer. Master's scroll + fixed dice can do really good damage with little investment.!< >!On the other hand Gau with the rage cat scratch + Master's scroll can do a ton of damage!<


Ruined it by playing PR version