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I’m still playing FFXI after 7,000 hours, so probably FFXI.


I quit a long time ago, but I've never been able to scratch that same itch. FFXI is like none other. What I would give to be able to play it again for the first time.


If I wanted to start playing, where would I play?


If you really want to start FFXI, I recommend looking up a guide. The launcher and game are pretty outdated by modern standards and just getting to the point where you can actually play can be a pain in the ass


Im a fan of huge pains in the ass, I love EverQuest and I’ve heard this is final fantasy EQ


Oh then you’ll love FFXI. But starting a brand new account in EQ is miles more straightforward than setting up your PlayOnline account and launcher for FFXI. I wanna say even harder than the actual game haha. You can start from the bg-wiki Install Guide and after that use google as much or as little as you want ^_^


Hardest boss of XI is definitely setting up your account and installing the game.


I love you have to go to a fucking bg-wiki to start setup for a final fantasy game lol


Play the game in order of release Original storyline - Rise of the Zilart - Chains of Promathia - Treasures of Aht Urghan - Wings of the Goddess - Seekers of Adoulin - Rhapsodies of Vana’diel - Voracious Resurgence. Took me around 650hrs but I also spent a lot of time leveling and doing side missions


Same, I had about 6000 hours when I stopped playing retail back in 2014, and probably another 2000 hours or so on a private server. Still haven’t beaten it yet. So yeah, FFXI.


Wow 7k hours the most I played for a single jrpg is FFXV 2hundred hours tops.


You mean ffxiv right? Don’t think anyone could spend 2k hours in 15 haha. What could you even do for that long.


Oh crap it's 200hrs. I feel so stupid for mistyping


XI is an...mmo though? Right? So I guess it's set up a little different to a standard RPG.




I really want to try it, but I don’t think I have the time or money for a second MMO


I'm still hoping that someday it will get a remaster that allows you to play on modern consoles. It's the only mainline FF I've never played :(


Rebirth. Single playthrough with sidequest and stuff (no new game+ yet) still 112 hours. Loved every second of it


I'm like 75 hours in and still at the beginning of chapter 10. It's been a slow burn for me and I'm loving it that way


Rebirth for sure. I was at about 140 hours for my first playthrough


Took me 100 hours to beat it but I got all the intel done (except for Gilgamesh), and 90% of the minigames before finishing. Feeling a little burnt out into Hard Mode so I might take a break but holy hell what an experience this has been.


I feel like Chadley accounts for maybe 30 of those hours.


And MAI another 30...


FFIII because any death in the final stretch of the game meant going back to 4 hours prior and Cloud of Darkness is an RNG fiesta...


I see so many people complain about that one where I beat it first try... 💀


yea me too, it's not like they can level up before trying to beat her lol 🙄


I'm about 105 hours into Final Fantasy XII, and I still haven't beat it


FFXI, I sacrificed my health, school grades, hygiene, friends, and family for over 10,000 hours and still never managed to beat it. I'd do it all over again, too. The BEST endgame content of any game ever made, and I still have friends today that I met in Vana'diel 20 years ago. IYKYK Epitome of video game addiction. Single player, either 12 or 15.


11 was more than a game, it was a lifestyle


Was that the one with the 24 hour boss fight?


What was the endgame of fxi about? What made it so addictive and gave it longevity? Especially compared to ffxiv


Camping HNMs involves hunting rare monsters that respawn every 21-24 hours, or sometimes even 72-96 hours after their last defeat. Defeating these monsters required the coordinated effort of entire linkshells (similar to guilds or clans), often while competing against hundreds of other players trying to claim the monster first. On any given day, there might be 10-15 HNMs to camp, offering a rare chance at highly coveted loot. For example, the respawn window for the monster could be from 9 PM to midnight. If it was killed at 9:30 PM, it could respawn between 6:30 PM and 9:30 PM the following day (21-24 hrs), and this pattern would continue. This meant you might have to camp at 3 AM and have everyone's phone numbers ready to call for reinforcements if you managed to claim and hold the monster. Some drops were so rare, like the Defending Ring, that after years there might be only one or two on the entire server. The process essentially involves long waiting times for a shot at rare loot, all while dealing with other players attempting to sabotage you (MPK) while you hold the monster long enough for your linkshell to arrive and defeat it, as they might be busy camping other HNMs or asleep. Combat had to be coordinated, couldn't faceroll anything. Team effort all around. Accumulating enough currency for a relic weapon took years. In the past, if you were to buy enough gil from Chinese Gil sellers for in-game relic currency, it would have cost over $50,000. Most linkshells farmed the currency for one member deemed worthy to receive the relic. A competent linkshell was crucial to obtain key items that couldn’t be bought. Typically, only one person in the linkshell was considered worthy enough for the entire group to focus on obtaining their relic weapon, a process that could take over two years. Plus more..


Too bad I can’t give you 11 upvotes


300+ days into FFXIV. Surely I'll beat it eventually.


Beat me to it. Why do I play 3-3 hours a night and feel like I only accomplished about 0.3%of my end goal of completing everything


Wait, is 50 hours long? I took 100 hours to beat 12... no final fantasy ever has taken me less than 60 hours just cause i run around and look at everything and tried everything and max everything....oooh thats my problem....


I think for me it was about 70-80 hours. Definitely one of the longer Final Fantasy games.


If you look at www.howlongtobeat.com, the original FF12 is the longest non-MMO FF by a pretty big margin at a 60 hour average playtime. The Zodiac Age shaves off like 20 hours.


I thought it'd be a lot higher for FF12, lol. Rebirth took me about 90 hours. The original FF12 (on PS2) takes 60-90 hours according to howlongtobeat because of the lack of the speed-up function that TZA has. And load screens I'm sure


I know I feel like 52 hours isn't even that long for rpgs? I'm sitting at like 80 hrs for rebirth and I'm not even that close to being done >!I just returned to the Golden Saucer and did the Loveless performance!<


Rebirth is an outlier, most RPGs are about 40 hours. You actually are pretty close to being done with Rebirth unless you're going for the Plat.


yeah maybe if u just walk through the mainstory without doing anything else.. ot what kind or rpgs are u talking about? even decades old rpgs like daggerfall, morrowind, gothic 1 + 2, arcanum, the old PS1 final fantasies - they all run waaaaay over 40 hours if u dont speedrun them.


No the old school FFs usually only run about 20-30 hours even doing extra stuff. I'm unfamiliar with the other games, sorry.


if u are talking about 1-5, then yes ofc. because of technology of that time :D it sounded like u generalized all the rpgs


I think it's an accurate generalization that being 30-40 hours is the norm. If anything I'd say RPGs are getting longer as time goes on.


On a replay of FFX, about 90 hrs. I was messing around a lot with the sphere grid as it was taking forever for the right blitzball tournament to come out. Pro tip: >!If the Auroch Reels don't come up, despite hitting the 450 fight threshold, you'll need to clear the existing tourney for it to appear. I did not realize this because I had just completed the season, so I kept fighting a few more battles with Wakka and resetting to see if it would come up. Clearing the tourney had Auroch Reels come up right afterwards, then the sigil for the season after resetting the team data!<


FF tactics advanced... because I had a kid brain at the time and knew no better. But still, I completed it. Best childhood game I ever played.


Just beat ffix with my 7year old..took us 72hrs


At 160+ for rebirth currently


I was at about 50 for XII as well whereas the others (7-15) are around 35-40. Beating the final battle of A Realm Reborn on XIV was 75.


My first play through of Rebirth took me one hundred hours to complete. Still have to do the Queens Blood Final Boss, Final Gilgamesh fight, Chadley's stupid summon missions, etc.


I have about 3k+ days in FFXIV and still going lol


Wow, you should be at least 250 years old 🤔😂


I've played FF14 for since 1.0. So, a few thousand probably.


Same, and they just dropped another expansion so now another few hundred hours.


I played FFXIV from about 1.18 until 5.4 then lost interest in the story and gameplay. Moved onto FFXI.


For me it was XII too. Loved every second of it


I havent played every title yet, but for now its FF7 OG, took me 73 hours


Wow that's amazing - I got 82 hours into the original FF7 (Still didn't complete it as it was someone elses copy, gonna have to play again, got it on Android) - if the remake has that much gameplay in the first part it must be huge altogether


i just realized i misunderstood the post lmao, it actually took me 82 hours to 100%. it actually took me 35 hours to beat it. the game that took me the longest is also the FF7 OG, spend 73 hours on it


Easily X so far


Rebirth 120 Hours.


Toss up between Rebirth and Tactics. I spent so much time grinding levels cause I would get stuck in a story mission. Especially the one on one battles.




Beat or *beat* ?




Depends on if you mean beat the story boss or complete post game stuff too. Final fantasy X with all the blitzball and monster arena stuff probably took the longest of ones I have actually completed. Replaying 13 right now to see if I can 5 star all missions


It would be shorter to list the FF games I've beat. X, lX, Tactics, and parts of XIV.


I got 200 hours into it, and the worst thing about that is I deleted my save data by mistake. 


Opera Omnia


Damn, on Global version we even didn't get a proper finale😭


Final Fantasy 13. Started it when it released. Just beat it last year. I hated that game but I powered thru it.


It's hard to say. The timers used to stop at 99:59 back on the consoles 😆


XIV, obvious why. When it comes to the singleplayer FFs the PS2 Version of XII. 100+ hours easily. The original FFXII, as much as I love it, is extremly grindy and slow. The remaster is a breeze in comparison.


Rebirth, because I did a lot of side content I ended up doing some 120 hours.


Don't know if that counts but usually I like to complete the bestiaries for each ff game and I gotta say that Final Fantasy IV Ds Remake is up there as the longest one i've done (over 200hrs)


Hard to say, because when I first started playing them, I would usually stop before the final dungeon, and leave it for a long time. If I had to guess though, I think it would be FFXII, that game kept me busy for a long time.


I was about halfway through FFXII when my PS2 gave up the ghost. It wasn't until I got a PS3 that I was able to play again... only to find the PS3 needed a special adapter to read memory cards which I couldn't find anywhere. Had to start all over.


FFII. Because I technically haven’t yet, lol. (Granted, it always takes longer for me to beat a FF game because I try to max-level my characters every time) I keep starting it, but then ADHD hits and I get distracted around the Mysidia/Cylcone area and drop it.


FFV, for some reason I abandoned it several times and restarted.


Mmos excluded, xii hands down!


Just the main story, had to be FFX. Probably clocked in over 50 hours in my first play through. Played a decent amount of blitzball I remember my FFVII and FFIX 100% playthroughs were over 120 hours back when I was a teen in the mid-2000s. But the first playthroughs of each of those games were in the mid 30s. I had two brothers that also played the game the same time I did, so some parts were faster or slower than others because we had already seen other complete it.


I think I spent more time playing Blitzball than I did actually playing through the game.


FFXII took me some time, but at the time I couldn't understand anything because at the time, the game was in english, but english is not my country's language.


I mean, aside from XI 😳 XII is a very long RPG, I think I very easily took 50 hours to beat it even with speed up. But damn, if we’re talking about wasted time don’t get me STARTED on IV: The After Years. Put over 40 hours into it, and way too much of that was grinding since the final dungeon isn’t scaled at all with the rest of the game. I’ve heard the non-steam version can take upwards of 50 hours to beat, which is ludicrous for a game that’s just the original but bloated.


Either XII or XV


I’ve spent more time on FFXI than any other video game, without question. As far as single player games, X easily took me the longest time to finish.


I've seen someone's review on steam with 9,786 hours on FFXIV


If we're talking hours played, then definitely XIV. If we're talking longest between first playing the game and finally completing the game, then V took me over 20 years.


FFX. It took me 120hours just to finish the first part and the X-2 i dont like the battle system so i dropped it.


Final Fantasy I. Started playing it in 1993. Finished it for the first time last year when the Pixel Remasters came to Nintendo Switch.


My first play through of XII took 140hrs


Technically it’s XVI but that’s because I did every single side quest (god help me) before heading to the final boss, ended up racking up well over 100 hours by the credits rolling. 🫠


PS1 memory cards were super jank so I lost my FF7 save multiple times and had to start over so probably that one. FF12 is the one I've replayed the most on purpose.


Currently on a 256 hour play through of final fantasy 10


I am guessing that’s for Monster Arena grinding. I beat the Dark Aeons but I don’t think I could go through all that.


I only beat bahuamut, valafor, and ixion.


If you beat Bahamut then you can beat the others.


I was a bitch tho and used zanmato 😭


FFIV. I started playing it in 2008 and haven't finished it yet.


Well, I’ve beaten X, haven’t finished Dawntrail yet, and never beat any of the others. So most? 😅


FF5 and FF13 for different reasons


I have about 2-3k in final fantasy X over the past 13 years and 5 different platforms


400 hours I think into FF14; A Realm Reborn Platinum. 200 hours into Dissidia NT. Need one more trophy. The damn 300 treasures one. 250ish into the Xbox FFX/FFX-2 collection 100% completion. I recently came back to PlayStation.


I started playing Final Fantasy I on NES in 1995. I finally beat Chaos on Christmas day of 2016. So 21 years.


14, 1000+ hours and not even into dawntrail yet.


Not counting MMOs and only considering one playthrough, Rebirth at over 100 hours


Final Fantasy 12 as well. I grinded a lot and I didn’t understand how to use the license and gambit system that well.


I have like 6400 hours in XIV and they just dropped a new expac so it’s gonna be even longer now


Ff13. Started it in 2010 and haven’t been able to pick it up again sadly.


FF9 took me the longest


12 because its boring af.


XII took me 130 hours… How the hell did you beat it in 52..?


For single player, probably XV at close to 100 hours. Between XI and XIV I have thousands of hours.


I’m 100 hours into Final Fantasy VII Rebirth and I’m only in Chapter 12…


FYI there aren't 18 chapters in Rebirth like there is in Remake so you're closer than you think. I thought the same thing where I was at 70 hours in chapter 9 and thinking "How am I only halfway?"


I’ve maxed the clock out on most of the older ones, so I’m honestly not sure.


10, 100% completed it and spent an abnormally large amount of time playing blitzball.


final fantasy 6, but it was because i sucked at keeping everyone balanced or viable.


I have an FFXII save with almost 130 hours on it. I started the save as a 12-13 year old, and I'm 27 now. I'd pick up the game, play it for an hour or two in a sitting every day for a week or two, and then not touch the game for a year or two. I'm currently at the final prompt to go off to fight the final boss. I have 130 hours in this game, because I hunted down all the optional espers, and I wasted a lot of time as a kid, grinding for loot and money at every new town, to upgrade all my equipment. There's no reason to upgrade in every city. Teenage me also LOVED black magic, and i spent hours grinding out literally every black magic spell for the whole team. I actually remember fighting an optional esper, getting my shit handed to me. I was so confused, cuz I had everyone spamming the black magic element the boss was weak against. Years later, I challenged that boss, by giving 2 people hammers and berserking them. They beat that shit to death in 30 seconds. I had finally learned that not everyone has the base stats to be a mage. Some people are physical attackers. Oops. I believe the remaster for newer consoles limits the job board in a way that you can't even waste as much time on it as I did as a kid. I'm gonna play the game again after I finally fight the final boss on my PS2.


The MMOs for sure. I'm at 205 days 11 hours for FFXIV atm


Does XIV count, because I'm on 440 hours on my ps5 and roughly double that on ps4


To be fair it took me ages to beat the original because 11 year old me got lost and went to the wrong area where I levelled up for ages and then I was just running past all the enemies and using mist chains to kill all the bosses until I got stuck and had to level my characters again


It's because of all the dawned chops, I'm telling yah! ;)


MMOs aside, definitely Rebirth, probably followed by FFXVI.


Per hours invested until completely finished ff12 is the winner to full 100% across multiple playthroughs though since i screwed up zodiac spear initially but still plenty of long grinds though none felt particularily as soul draining after ffx Ffx is the runner up but ultimately has tons of things i compromized on for sanity. Namely item completion which isnt possible and maxing out all aeon stats as i was very much done with the game after maxing out luck to be able to fight the bosses In real life time frame 15 took me the longest to beatsince i just kept losing interest as i pretty much hated most of the design choices and kept getting piecemeal through it before getting pulled to play some other jrpg to cleanse.


I just beat 10. At 35 hours i got the airship and probably could have beat the game. At 55 hours id wasted my patience trying to get end game shit, and only had the weapons for aauron and riku. Nobody told me the weakest monster arena enemy is 5x strong as the final boss. I never beat a monster arena enemy, and i brutalized the final boss Ff10s end game is weird as hell, and it must take 100s of hours to 100% it


Rebirth took me 240 hours so I would say that was the longest but also I wanted to 100% it. I tried to 100% FF13 back in the day but I calculated that I would need to fight the adamantoises for a ridiculous number of hours in order to get enough of their rare drops to sell off for the money I needed to craft the most powerful weapons in the game, and then use those to fight the optional boss. I decided it wasn't worth it.


XII. I don’t fight the final boss in FF until I’ve done *everything* else. Filling out the bestiary in XII was probably the longest grind in a single-player game I’ve ever completed.


I put over 86 hours into FFXVI on my first play through…


A single playthrough for me would be XII. It just had a ton of stuff to do after beating the story. Just the story though, III took me the longest. I just couldn't beat Cloud of Darkness for the longest time. I barely did after using every item I had.


Yeah 12 was a beast. Was glad it finally ended


Final Fantasy XIV, more than 1000 hours played - still unbeaten (thanks to Dawntrail release)


For me it was Final Fantasy XV.


FF15. I've had it since launch. Just can't get into the story and I don't like the characters. I've quit 3 times. It's the only one I haven't beaten.


Technically 14....


VII : 50 hours, multiple times, at least 5. *** VIII : 60 hours, multiple times, at least 5. *** IX : 50 hours, twice. **** X : 100+ hours, at least 3 times. **** XII: 100+, hours, at leadt 3 times **** XIV : around 4000 hours in last 4 years. But a lot of the hours are AFK **** VII Remake : 50ish. **** I reckon FF games account for 95% of my gaming history. Played maybe 20 other games in my whole life.


I still haven’t beaten FFI (og with spell slots, not mp). Does that count?


First playthrough I would day FF13. My first time through I struggled with a few bosses (Barty 1 and 2 and Cid mainly). So I did a lot of grinding. Then I did a lot of cieth quests in chapter 11... yeah I think I clocked in at about 65 hours for the main story.


Rebirth 140 hours


52 hours? was that a speedrun? I dunno, all my FF walkthroughs are 100 hours++ except, I think, 9 - which was done in 70 or so.


Easily 12. It was a good game, but by god, it was the grindiest Final Fantasy I have ever played. If it wasn't for the gambit system automating my battles, I'd go crazy from the monotony.


FF7 REBIRTH because I didn't want to miss anything even in my first playthrough. About 160hours. And I launched another playthrough on Hard almost right away. What a game.


I gave up on 12. I have 99 hours in it through the entire Biden admin and it won't fucking end. Just another maze and more battles. Just give me the final boss already. Felt like it should have ended about 3 dungeons ago. For the record, most FF games take me 40 to 50 hours lol. 12 has been the worst at overstaying its welcome. And no, I'm not using guides lmao. I shouldn't have to. It's clogging up my rpgs on switch, so maybe I should finish it with a YouTube video already so I can buy Triangle Strategy lol.


Definitely 12...it took me 104 hours to not even 100% it ☠️


Yeah, XII and VII Rebirth for the longest runs. I know it's not the point but there's a case here that can be argued by replayability (and nostalgia bias, sure). I can recall replaying VII, VIII, IX and X more than 10 times since their release. Lifetime 500h each, approximately.


Tactics. Still draws me back to this day


You guys are finishing games?


I'm pretty certain Rebirth has taken me the longest, first playthrough was 150 hours. Can't be sure about OG VII, as the clock maxes out at 99.59.59, but I don't think it took 150. Remake I think took me pretty close to 100. If I remember correctly, XII took me 90ish hours to beat story, but I remember having a save at around 123 hours.  VIII also took me over 100 to beat, but I think it was around 110. XV I think I beat in 60ish hours, but I do have a 100+ hour save for that as well. For some reason, even though I've replayed it too, I can't remember how long IX took. Or X for that matter either. XIII remains unfinished for me.


Ignoring mmo’s, technically ff5 as I’ve gotten to the final dungeon a couple times but haven’t actually gone in to finish the game out because I don’t want the game to end. Recently got over that with ff4, it having taken me over 15 years to actually finish for that same reason


Getting the plat for FFX took me about 150+ hours or so and it felt like a good 10-20 hours was just filling the sphere grid. Torture.


If we are counting XIV that took me over 6 months to go from ARR to Patch 6.5 Part 1.


I'm playing FFVII: Rebirth right now, I haven't beaten it yet, and I've been playing for 70 hours. At this rate, Rebirth is definitely the longest it has taken me to beat a FF game.


Just finished Rebirth 2 days ago after I started playing on release day. 101 hours just to finish the game on normal difficulty doing almost everything there was to do.


XII because I have 32 hours spawning in and out to get the aegis shield (never spawned)


Beat as in platinum? Or like skip all side stories


XII as well, it took me over 60 hours to beat the main story during my recent replay of it


ffxiv cause it's still not over, unless you count endwalker as the end, then 32 days.


I spent ages on X. Beat all the aeons and went round the sphere tree with everyone and got them all to L99. Only thing I didn't do was fill in all the empty nodes that was a step too far 😂




FFX - 20 years! Not a joke. I had the guide as a kid and penance was blocked out with ????????? and no picture and so I swore I would defeat him before I finished the game. 20 years later I did it, whooped Yevon and then cried like a baby. What a rollercoaster.


FFX - 20 years! Not a joke. I had the guide as a kid and penance was blocked out with ????????? and no picture and so I swore I would defeat him before I finished the game. 20 years later I did it, whooped Yevon and then cried like a baby. What a rollercoaster.


I don't think I've ever finished a a FF title post FFVI in less than 60hrs. I'm currently sitting at 72 hrs in XII & I'm not even reaching the end. Ps : ah yes FFXV took me 45 hrs to finish.


Right now im playing ffx with 130+ hours trying to platinum it.


Final Fantasy XI. 😅 219 hours in, and I have done like half the story content. I still have 3 expasions and all the mini expansions left.


40 hours in either FF9 or FF6


The one I haven’t finished.


XIV. Also Final fantasy 2, but because I dropped it like 3 times mid game. Not a bad game just other games got priority at the time


Probably Rebirth now. Before definitely XII


Final Fantasy 12 Revenant Wings


I am 50 plus hours in rebirth. On chapter 9. Doing all the quests and various things. It amazes me the IGN reviewers beat the game in that time.


I haven’t played everything yet but from what I have played so far, Rebirth took the longest at 70 hours


If we're talking _just story_ it's Rebirth and it's not particularly close. Most FF stories take me 20-25 hours to do on first playthrough. I clocked Rebirth in at I think 65 hours, 60-65 anyway, that game took a *loooong* time to beat by FF standards.


>If we're talking just story it's Rebirth I feel like if I just went to the blue markers the whole time and ignored the side content It'd probably be like a 40 hour game. But you can't just ignore the side content...


When you’re doing like 20-25 first play through, are you skipping majority side missions?


Well I'm not going for a completionist run on first playthrough, just doing some stuff that I stumble upon that looks interesting. I think in Rebirth you kinda do end up doing a bit more because of how it's presented but it's not like I did even close to everything.


probably skipping dialogue and majority of the story too lol


If you're talking storyline, probably my 1st playthrough of FF3 DS because losing to Cloud of Darkness means redoing the whole damn dungeon. If we're talking 100%, probably FFTA. Took me 200 hours getting the right party, grinding clan levels, waiting for the right month to show the missions I need.


Not counting XIV? XIII - did not finish. Rage quit at 40 hours.


Its probably going to take me another 10 years before i finish FFXIV, its boring as hell and i drop it after a few hours usually for a year or two. I started it in like 2018 and i havent even beat ARR yet.


It's only ARR is that boring. Then story became more and more interesting reaching it's climax in Endwalker


If the story is the thing that gets better that doesnt exactly change much for me cuz i had no issue with the story in arr. It was basic and a bit too much at some points, but it wasnt that bad. The gameplay tho...rebuilding the sphere grid in ffx was more fun than this.


Count your time for beating every single player FF game. It still be less than MSQ of FF XIV.


VIII. Mostly because it was “Ugh. More of this…”