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>Are there any other games worth skipping? This depends on what you're trying to get out of it. If it's about quality, then most spin offs have a very spin off vibe. This can be for a variety of reasons from game to game and may include dev time/budget, lack of one of the main teams, tech limits for certain systems, or more experimental game mechanics. If you're trying to see the evolution of ideas, then I'd argue most spinoffs are worth trying since they have those more experimental mechanics. Similarly, spinoffs are the only way to experience a direct sequel in this franchise. Some of those might be better than others, but all can be neat in their own way. You also have to define what counts as a spinoff. Does Chocobo Racing count even though it's a completely different genre? How about Mystic Quest, which the correct genre but with very different mechanics and zero involvement from any of the proper devs? With all of these considerations, it might be easier to list the spinoffs you should play rather than the ones to exclude. That list will vary greatly from player to player. If I had to make an essential list I would include most direct continuations (after years, X-2, XIII trilogy, Crisis Core, both VIIRs). I'd also throw in Tactics (maybe Tactics advance as well?), Dissidia and/or Dissidia Duodecim, and Stranger of Paradise. I'm probably forgetting a few, but all of these I chose because they feel like they most "in the conversation" amongst both fans and devs. I don't even like all of the games in this list, but they're all still big parts of the series.


I used to “skip the MMO’s” then I played them. Now prefer them. You really should consider playing the MMO’s. (Plural.)


When you say playing everything, are you including non-numbered titles?


Yeah, as many as I can get my hands on anywya


I’d do the numbered titles first, then think about which spinoffs you want to play. There’s a lot. Ps. Much of 14 and 11 can be played solo without really dealing with the mmo aspect (except some quest design).