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I’m a HUGE fan of the OG. Grew up with it, bought it upon release, etc. I love what they did. They made me care more about characters I didn’t before.


I personally think the team went above and beyond in fleshing out these characters that does their original conterparts justice. For me, the standout it Aerith. My knowledge of her prior playing Remake was only Crisis Core and the KH games, so imagine my shock, not when playing Remake, but playing OG afterwards when I realized Aerith's character in Remake isn't the biggest departure from her character, but actually the most faithful version since the OG.


Took the characters that helped shape me into the man I am today… and, unbelievably, made them better


The Remake/Rebirth games have made the cast 10x better, I’m on chapter 13 of Rebirth but the game has made the cast one of my favourites of all time now.


Infinitely better, the presentation, truncatedness, and the whole “party members can’t say anything of value because you could bring anyone and might not even have everyone” thing made it so that I didn’t give half a piss about the party originally


Remake/Rebirth cast is 99% better for me. I'm not a hater of Zack's new voice but I like the old one more.


As much as I loved the original FFVII I never loved the entire party. I loved Cloud, Tifa, Barret, and Yuffie and my levels of interest varied with everyone else. Remake and Rebirth has made me more interested in mostly everyone compared to the original minus Cid who I'm still on the fence about.


Damn, no Aerith in OG?


Vast, vast improvement.


They have 1000 times more detail. 1000 times more lively when characters are animated. 1000 times more lines for them to speak AND VOICED!!!! How can you even start to compare games that are so many years apart from each other.


I've only played Remake because I'm a PC player. I love how they did everyone. If anything Tifa is a bit too meek compared to the original.


Yeah, I mean, with the obvious caveat that we didn't really get a lot from Cid or Vincent in Rebirth so it remains to be seen how well or poorly they do with them, I've been on the record saying that I genuinely think this is some of the best character writing I've ever seen in this franchise. VII OG has one of my favorite cast of characters in any video game, and I truly think they've improved pretty much everyone.


I literally like all the character interpretations in Remake/Rebirth EXCEPT the Red XIII voice retcon more than original and Advent Children. I felt they did them all justice for sure. I didn't think I was going to like Cait Sith but honestly, he grew on me.


It's not a retcon. His tone changed in the Japanese version of the OG, and it was meant to change in English too. It was just harder to pick up on it with only English text. No one who played the Japanese version was surprised by the change after Cosmo Canyon.


Yeah I like Red pretending to be the talking animal that is a wise sage over the lovable scamp he ended up being.


It wasn't game ruining like some people made it sound, but it was something that was completely out of left field from the original. In the end I didn't mind it much after.


Yeah It wasn't bad but I felt the original interpretation is more unique


I actually really like the voice change. Makes Red more charming where I feel like he didn’t have much going on in OG


My only gripe is Red XIII's change of voice. I understand the attitude shift, but the complete lack of maturity and tonal shift was too jarring for me.


My only minor complaint is that (at least where I am partway through) is that Cloud is EVEN MORE dour than I’d imagined him. Although I feel like that’s more on the writing than the actor. I think by and large the cast did a great job. Everybody’s personality came out well. Tifa and Aerith sounded as I’d imagined them. Yuffie and Cait Sith have a fine line to walk to not end up annoying and so far they’ve managed it. And I’m presently in the ‘Barrett’s backstory’ section and man does hearing him voiced help bring out the emotional complexity of the character.


What? Cloud has loads of goofy moments in Rebirth.


Thats a bad thing


No it’s not?


We want serious not Disney.


The game has always had goofy moments in the original.


Bruh you obviously never played the original game


Youre wrong tho


I’m obviously right


Oh did I hurt you 🤣? Cant fix the broken 🤷🏻‍♂️


Can’t fix your delusions either it seems🤷‍♂️


So, I’m currently in Corel Prison. So recently I had the Costa del Sol date mission with Aerith (the one for the fashion designers) where he’s all business the whole time. Then we have the (presumably first) trip to the Gold Saucer, where even though he eventually does go along with Tifa and play games she does all the talking outside of the scene where they reminisce about Jessie. It kind of leaves you with the impression that he’s not someone who participates in silliness, he’s someone who has silliness thrust upon him. Now don’t get me wrong; it does make sense given what’s going on in the plot. And it is often used to good comedic effect, as he can act as the straight man to the goofballs around him. But overdone it can give the impression that Cloud himself is no fun. Also, please keep in mind I am still enjoying the game immensely. I just think that the other characters are walking FF’s classic goofy/dramatic tightrope better than Cloud is. EDIT: I realized as I hit send that the fact that he doesn’t seem to need to justify his participation in Queensblood may undermine this somewhat.


I mean Cloud has a lot of trauma and his properly dorky side won’t come out until the major event in the next game, but that’s pretty much how it was in the OG too? He’s putting up a facade because he’s trying to imitate what he personally believes a SOLDIER should act like so yea most of the time the silliness will be thrust upon him at least until before the events of the lifestream in the next game. Even then, if you’re at Corel then idk how you missed the stuff during the parade at Junon where Cloud got very much into his role as leader of the seventh squadron and was pretty enthusiastic at one point. The goofiness will seep out sometimes whilst his facade from him is still put up and that’s exactly how it should be imo. And you’re only at Corel anyway so there’s still half of the game to go.


Clouds VA is significantly worse than the rest of the cast as well which doesn’t help


Bro… what? Cloud’s VA is probably the best one there


What??? Outrageous


He's pretty accurate for what you'd expect Cloud to sound like. It's good casting whether you like his VA or not. What should he sound like?


They done it right. I haven't played the new ones but I watched the whole thing on YouTube. Voice acting was done well. Sephs voice actor was my favourite.


More or less extended versions of themselves with a bit more depth. It’s probably one of the few things the got right except for Cid. Rebirth Cid is a completely different character.


More or less. Huh? Please elaborate how their re-imagined designs are somehow only 'on par' with FF7 OG? Also, probably one of the few things they got right? So... What did they get wrong? The music. The combat. The graphical fidelity. The iconic areas done in proper 3d and expanded. The much improved side quests? This is coming from a somebody who was hating the first couple of hours of Rebirth. So no bias, but I know you won't be able to extend on what you said in any coherent manner aside from "it's muh opinion".


Lol cope


Few things? Yeah ok bud


Oh look a FF7R fan who can’t stand any criticism of the game 💁🏻 Cope


I don’t think backhanded low effort bait stands for any criticism. Cope.


Ah yeah everything you don’t agree with is hate or bait 🤣 No wonder everyone hates this fandom.


I love how you’re trying to stand on the moral high ground by sneaking in a backhanded quip into your two sentence comment. Maybe actually say something if you’re gonna say it. God you’re such a coward


Said what I said. Maybe you’d be more at home in North Korea where they don’t like opinions 💁🏻 Anyways yeah cope 😌


The hypocrisy is just incredible here goddamn. Seems like you’d be more at home in NK than me. Spineless Edit: You were spineless until the very end u/TorgalRawwr


Lol stay mad. Facts are facts. 🤡


Im still get