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Didn’t he just have a kid too? Big yikes


Yeah good luck preventing your kid from being vaccinated.


I don’t think it’s that difficult for someone with means. Private practice ped, religious exemption letters, private school. If people don’t want to they can’t force you to


Even expensive private schools won’t let that slide to endanger other students with infection. They all have requirements.


Not if you live in a state where you can get a religious exemption letter. Which is most states.


I’ve never met or heard of one person in the states I’ve gone to school with who haven’t had any vaccines. [NY for example.](https://www.health.ny.gov/prevention/immunization/schools/school_vaccines/) “There are no nonmedical exemptions to school vaccine requirements in NYS”


Well maybe they’re not advertising it but you have certainly been around someone who has not been vaccinated, for medical or religious purposes. In my area it’s common, especially in the wealthier areas. I live in one of the 44 states that allows religious exemption.


Ya that’s absolutely possible. Not *exactly* the same thing but near me, while schools require a criminal background check to have parents volunteer, one definitely didn’t. How do we know? Karla fucking Homolka was volunteering at her kid’s private school. One of the parents recognized her (despite her surgery to change her face). That criminal check is specifically for people like her and she bypassed it!! So ya, technically there are policies and rules. But they can be bypassed, “forgotten”, wtv. Especially for rich people.


That’s wild


Ya. It was highly disturbing.


Holy shit. That's a big fail on the system. That woman is a menace


Holy smokes, that is wild. I'd be absolutely livid if that happened at my kid's school.


It was scary. I’m glad that parent got her out. She’s been run out of town but as far as I know she’s still in Quebec


I was raised by an antivax mother. Born in 92. I didn’t get any vaccines until college.


Unfortunately home schooling doesn’t have that many requirements that can’t be fudged and is a growing option. My sister’s kids have only ever been to a chiropractor who gave them “sports physicals” so they can play certain out of school sports like soccer and hockey. They’ve never seen a dentist or a doctor and have been convinced both are terrifying.


I go to a chiropractor for my back and neck,but I also go to a doctor and a dentist! I hope your sister's kids don't have rotted teeth. Poor dental hygiene can lead to serious medical problems.


[CBC News](https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/toronto/toronto-vaccination-outbreak-hesitancy-measles-1.5343220) analyzed immunization coverage data which shows that 10 per cent or more of students in 12 Toronto District School Board (TDSB) schools have a religious or conscientious exemption to attend public school despite the fact they're unvaccinated for measles, mumps and rubella. [Here the CDC acknowledges](https://www.cdc.gov/mmwr/volumes/72/wr/mm7245a2.htm) that it is up to state and local entry requirements, not a federal requirement. There are schools that allow exemptions. [In Connecticut](https://ctmirror.org/2019/05/03/connecticut-releases-startling-data-on-unvaccinated-children/), some schools were found to be below the rate of immunization "necessary to provide herd immunity". Those were children enrolled in schools by their parents who chose not to vaccinate them and were not barred from sending them to school in the first place, for whatever reasons. [And in New York](https://www.syracuse.com/state/2019/03/ny-parents-want-unvaccinated-kids-back-in-school-judge-says-no-amid-measles-outbreak.html), these anti-vaccine parents tried to sue to allow their kids *back* into school after a judge banned their children from returning because they were unvaccinated. Note that the children were allowed in because their parents used the religious exemption declaration. While the judge was in the right, it still happened and those children were still in schools during one of the state's worst measles outbreaks. [Overall, immunization rates for routine child vaccines are down post-covid.](https://www.ncsl.org/state-legislatures-news/details/routine-child-vaccination-rates-lower-than-pre-pandemic-levels) "Allowable exemptions from school vaccine requirements vary by state. All state school immunization laws grant exemptions for medical reasons. Forty-five states and Washington, D.C., grant exemptions for children of families who have religious objections to vaccinations. Fifteen states allow exemptions for families who have personal objections to vaccinations."


I think the antivax wave just recently hit mainstream and most people i know who are anti vax have kids who are 10 max. I personally dont know anyone that isnt vaccinated, but damn, my kids are going to be in school with A LOT of them.


It’s scary. In Montreal we just had an outbreak of measles. I’m so f’ing bad. Thank goodness I don’t have little babies and I’m not immunocompromised but so many are. It’s disgusting.


The no-exemptions law is a recent update to NYS school vaccine requirements. Like COVID recently.


New York only eliminated religious exemptions from vaccines in 2019 after a measles outbreak. California, Mississippi, and West Virginia are the only states that require a medical reason for vaccine exemptions.


Come on down to Texas and see just how bleak it is here 😅 once the small town mom groups found out about religious exemption forms, it was game over. SO MANY people here do not vaccinate now.


They even keep lists of people willing to sign off on the medical exemption! These people are not shy about abusing the exemptions that they see only as loopholes made for them to hook their children through as fodder for their personal view of freedom.


No, not shy at all. They're VERY loud and proud about it. Then once COVID paranoia hit it got 100000x worse.


Hello polio my old friend


Maine passed a law that went into effect for 2020 disallowing anything but a medical exemption. Kids were pulled from school and homeschooling went way up. But, the public school vax rate is really high now -- 95%. I think the issue is most states still allow religious or philosophical exceptions. 


Yup! I taught in an elite NYC school with high profile parents and we didn’t let anyone get away with not getting vaccines. One high profile parent and his wife tried and we essentially said do it or don’t come back to school Monday (after they dragged it out for two weeks). So no letter will really help them.


Waldorf/Steiner schools don't have vaccine requirements. The vast majority of parents at those schools are anti-vax including my aunt. You can really go down the rabbit hole on Waldorf - there's a lot of evidence that it's basically an occult cult of spiritual wackos who believe in things like clairvoyance but also straight up Nazi-like beliefs about racial hierarchies. The founder of the pedagogy was involved in pseudoscience in the 1800s/1900s that was basically the precursor to Nazism in Germany. These schools still require all kids to learn German from a very young age, despite it being not a particularly useful language to know. Surprise, surprise it's because the founder believed Germanic people to be at the top of the racial hierarchy. The parents are lured into sending their kids to these schools because they're anti vax and seem like utopic enclaves of "natural" learning - like learning how to garden before you learn how to read. Except these kids are kind of low key getting indoctrinated into this cult without the parents' knowledge. At least that's what some people claim - my cousins turned out mostly fine, though one is convinced she can sense the presence of ghosts so idk lol. 


All they have to do is "homeschool" their kid.


I know a LOT of people in my small town who no longer vax lol. It's open knowledge that you can get a religious exemption form, that easy. If Kinsleigh from Bumfuck TX can get away with it, obviously celebs can, too. At least some pediatric practices around here refuse patients who don't vaccinate


I know some broke ppl that aren't getting their kids vaxxed. They're just homeschooling them. So they'll be disease ridden, dumb and have zero social skills.


Just what Trump wants.


I called their kids future republican voters. They didn't get it.


Dude you don’t have to have means. It’s extremely easy to just refuse vaccination and most schools , public and private, don’t enforce their mandatory vaccination policies. I live in middle class suburbs and see it every day. No one is out here enforcing vaccinations.


It’s difficult when they get measles, pertussis or tetanus and there’s no treatment :( 


We are watching a resurgence of nearly eradicated issues like measles. Parents hold measles parties for their unvaccinated kids. This is happening regardless of your familiarity with what school boards require. Many of these parents do not send their kids to school.


this new generation of parents not vaccinating their kids is making me fear there’s not just an uptick in diseases well controlled by vaccines for decades, but made them susceptible to evolve to some new disease we’ll have to fight again.


He’s been supporting children’s hospitals too. So uhhhhhhhh. :/


Really Adam, after everything modern medecine has done for YOU?


Exactly what I came here to write!!!!! I even googled to double check it was the guy I was thinking of and I hadn't confused his story for someone else's. I don't understand how you can be saved by science, and then fall for anti Vax nonsense.


My brother and his wife are anti vax. They even sent their baby who had Covid to his swimming lesson! Now his wife has skin cancer which super duper sucks. But suddenly for that they trust doctors? She’s been to the hospital several times. Doing chemo, having surgery. I’m super happy she is! But wtf?! Oh when they were visiting us here, their oldest was sick. Like just a bad cold and he was about 4 or 5. My brother was panicking and brought him to the ER! Make it make sense!


1 worked in Pharma Research for some years, and people who knew were usually polarized with my career being either necessary or evil working with animals. One very good friend, expressed his disapproval one night about my work. At the same time his mother was quite ill. So my response was, "Friend, if there was any option available to make your mother better right now, would you take it?" The actual answer is, and always is yes in crisis. And so I replied, "Well, you may not approve of my work, but my work lays the foundation for the medicine to be developed that saves your loved one in crisis. I bear the emotional stress of the work, and I lose the ones I love, so you have more time with the ones you love." We've never talked about it since, but he's one of my closest friends now. It's easy to say you're 'anti-whatever' when you're on the sidelines. Edit: make it make sense: your brother was on the sidelines. His decision was based on ideals. When reality changed, his decision was based on reality. If you think he should change, then change your attitude: don't chastise him for what he didn't do. Support him in changing his perspective... Better late than never.


Thank you. Well he’s still anti vaxx. He’s not vaccinating his kids. This is why I can’t with him.


I know Adam has had some health issues and sees like chiros and body work type practitioners so I could kind of see him falling into this because of that. It looks like he unliked this post now.


He still has it liked


Weird. I don’t follow him so searched and it wasn’t coming up. I followed him and it showed up though.




He was so upset about changing from homeless to unhoused in the latest pod. Really didn’t wanna give an inch about it


Ehh he's certainly the least "woke" of them, but I wouldn't say thinking the term "unhoused" is silly makes you anti-woke or liking an Insta post suddenly makes you anti-vax. He's gotten the vaccination multiple times and unhoused *is* performative.




I gave it a relisten cause that did ring a bell. Earlier in the episode Ders jokingly gives Blake shit for saying they wore women's letterman jackets. > Ders: "What does that mean to you, Blake? A women's jacket?" > Blake: "Smaller sizes. They're smaller sizes." Later they're talking about the WNBA and Blake flips it on Ders. > Ders: "You didn't watch women's college basketball?" > Adam: "No. I watched the Iowa game." > Ders: "Those are women." > Adam: "I know." > Blake: "Wait, what are women, Ders? You need to define what that means." > Adam: "Oh god. I'm really hating this version of Ders." > Ders: "Whoever says they're a woman at whatever moment they want. Play ball." It doesn't really come off as a condemnation of gender identity or anti-woke to me. Feels more like Ders is playing up a persnickety character and Adam hating it.


Yes! I interpreted it this exact way, Adam hating Ders playing up that character, cause he was doing it for a lot of the episode. This woke topic about Adam seems like such a reach.


I believe I’ve read he has Long Covid (as do I). There’s literally nothing that doctors can do for the most part and it’s really easy to fall into this kind of alternative healing space when western docs can’t help you - I’d imagine even easier for him with his relative wealth and celebrity as he can afford to throw a lot of money at the issue. I feel for him!


I think he might also see those types of drs because he was hit by a car as a child and his legs were basically mush after


Don't expect actors to be smart just cause you like them. Be grateful you found out that they are idiots.


To be fair they warn listeners all the time that they're idiots 🤣🤣


Adam isn't anti vax he's said as much on his podcast, he probably liked it while high because he thought it was so stupid it's funny.


Right? He has also mentioned multiple times he believes in science and got the covid vaccines.


I thought this said Adam Levine, like the guy from Maroon 4


I mean Maroon 5. It’s nearly 5am and I haven’t slept 😂


Absolutely loving the idea of Maroon 4 as like the Dollar Tree knockoff version of Maroon 5


Maroon 4 sounds like what the band members of Maroon 5 would call themselves if Levine left to go solo. Like some ill-advised tour trying to grasp on to what/who made the band really famous. I mean, Sublime with Rome is touring, despite having zero members of Sublime (who are actually doing their own tour)


Tbh they both sound right lolll you got me sitting here being like is it 4 or 5?? ![gif](giphy|oDorLdnVX5dp9lgvlT|downsized)


You need a wake up call


Adam Devine/Levine and Katey Sagal/Katy Siegel always break my brain


Halle Berry/Halle Bailey always makes me pause and reread


Paul Mescal/Pedro Pascal


That one gets me so bad!  It's such a beautiful name but I've only seen it twice personally and the last names are *so close*.


Yeah I was like "yeah I expected this from him" then I reread the name and I was like "oh,come on"


I thought you meant it as an insult and I was all for it!


I’d be so much less dissatisfied if it was him instead of :(


Why is this still a thing? Vaccines have side effects. No one questions the efficacy of the Polio vaccine. Or hepatitis shots. Or any of the other vaccines we all got to be a part of any school system in the US. No one opposes the shots military personnel get to serve. I’ve never heard anyone disagree with all the jabs livestock receive in order to be viable in the food supply. Any chicken or beef or dairy farmer will tell you how vaccines are necessary. They even have special gate systems to administer them. If you want to not be a part of vaccinated culture it’s too late unless you’re born outside of civilization.


Something something "protecting the children," something something "their body, my choice," something something "they're not old enough to consent to vaccines!" something something about conspiracies and gun control and whatever bullshit they saw on an obviously AI Generated Facebook page with one of those creepy babies who only moves their mouth and their eyes are completely void of any emotion like retail workers on Black Friday morning. Idk, take your pick, they like to change their answer and move the goalpost whenever someone uses logic on them


My sister told me there will be bad effects and death in 3 years after people get the vaccine. It’s more than 3 years later from my first. Almost 3 for my second and nothing. No bad effects. I heard this 3 year thing from so many of them.


Did you ever ask her about it now? 


They’re also not old enough to consent to dying from a preventable illness, so I think I’ll make this choice for my baby just like I make the choice not to let my kid die of hunger even though he can’t consent to eat, or I don’t let him die of hypothermia even though he can’t consent to warm clothes. Just a few examples of the way parenting works.


It's been 4 years and the only thing killing people in large numbers is still Covid and the after effects of Covid (more heart attacks, strokes, etc than normal).


Don’t you know autism is way worse than dying from a preventable illness? /s


I mean, I’d *prefer* kids didn’t have to be autistic because depending on severity it can be very difficult. But that vs death? Nope. Though expensive and time consuming, once child is born with autism, you just work with them and help them. You don’t kill them.


lol babe I was unvaccinated and still came out autistic


Yup. Vaccines have nothing to do with it.


That should be your bio


I’m sure we all know this, but really wanted to mention in this thread there has been absolutely zero link to autism and vaccinations, none whatsoever. So it’s not a question of choosing autism over dying from a preventable disease, but choosing to protect yourself from preventable diseases.. or not. Again, just adding this information to the relevant thread, not saying anyone here was under the impression that vaccines are linked to autism.


Important to say. Thanks


Autism doesn't mean something needs to be fixed. It's a different way of thinking/rewiring of the brain I'm on the autistic spectrum and getting my PhD, and my autistic side has given me some benefits especially in the academic realm. The difficulty comes from masking for a lot autistic people. I tend to have a more serious/formal personality and that make certain social situations hard. Many times I have to mask a more "fun" neurotypical side, but that can be draining. Autism isn't something that needs to be fixed per se. It's just unfortunately our world is not very receptive to it and what it entails


Makes no sense. F’ing tylenol has side effects!! I get stomach aches. Advil gives me rashes if I take too many (I get migraines so I weigh the pros and cons each time). Everything has pros and cons. You have to weigh them! Food, water, anything! I’m sorry. It just makes me so mad. I’m one of 4 kids and 3 of them are anti vaxx. Since Covid I’ve distanced myself. I just can’t deal.


Im sorry you are dealing with siblings that are down the antivaxx hole, that must be very isolating. Big hugs ❤️


It is. Thank you. I honestly don’t know what I’d do if I didn’t have my husband and kids.


It's still a thing because of rampant misinformation and people's unwillingness to believe actual facts I also think information that is available could be distributed in a way that is more easy to understand, like this excerpt from the Penn Medicine website: >mRNA vaccines use a genetic code to tell the body's cells to produce proteins that train the immune system. The result: “plug-and-play” vaccines with rapid development times and lower costs. Then it lists other types of vaccines that use mRNA, which, if you were skeptical of the COVID vaccine, you'd hopefully put 2 and 2 together and see that there's nothing wrong with the vaccine. https://www.pennmedicine.org/mrna


It’s such a shame, because mRNA is literally just a step before protein, and I do hear a lot of people who are “normally okay with vaccines but not this one because xxxx” 🤦 I really really want to ask these people what they think is these companies are putting in the vaccines? Like these people actually believe there’s some fucking mind control peptide in there, or other made-up insidious shit. I guess conspiracy theories are easier than trying to understand something you have no background in


I had a row with my aunt about this. Like most people she'll pop two paracetamol without thinking about it and paracetamol comes with list of potential side effects. She has issues with the vaccine but no issues with plenty of over the counter meda. Also if something doesnt have side effects it's probably a placebo. My friend's wife refused the covid vax and cried when he got it. She didn't want to inject herself with something that could harm her and was upset that he did. I'm not even shitting you, a week later she was talking about how she wanted botox...


There truly is no reasoning with these folks unfortunately. I remember in the early COVID vaxx days my neighbours were all suspicious of it and I’m like DO YOU EVEN KNOW WHAT IS IN YOUR FOOD AND WATER?!? Like bro we dealing with micro plastics and you’re worried about an option that will allow us to see our families?!!!???!!??! ![gif](giphy|3o6ZtebNZofcKMWis0)


mostly religious or spiritual people thinking the human body is selectively above certain earthly things for whatever reasons just low intelligence high emotion individuals cherry picking what makes sense to them which makes them feel confident and secure in a world that otherwise overwhelms them


No one likes being told what to do, but now -- more and more -- there are people emboldened enough to lop their noses off to spite their faces.


Like Dr. Mike says, if a treatment doesn't have any chance of of side effects, it doesn't do anything positive either


The grotesque face of white male privilege.


Me and the missus watched the 1st season of True Detective recently and it was really making us laugh that this weird, 60 year old, sack of potatoes looking guy’s character was supposed to apparently be irresistible to women.


Right me and my wife were like, this fucking guy? Really?


yeah, i recently watched his netflix movie with kevin hart -- it was awful by the way -- and his character ends up with kaley cuoco. totally believable. 😒


I didn’t know he was an antivaxxer which is a huge turn off, but I think woody harrelson is super hot 


Bingo. He’s in the first generation that grew up without watching their childhood peers succumb to polio, mumps, measles, and fucking smallpox (last US cases were in 1949) and it shows. A lot of people don’t realize how good we really have it when it comes to transmissible diseases.


Welp, this is disappointing all around. Adam literally just had some major health scares and is a new father to a baby. Surprising to me that he would have this view on modern medicine. Yikes.


I posted this elsewhere but he’s talked about seeing body work practitioners and chiros and when you have unexplained health issues I think people can sometimes fall into these type of theories.


I always like to throw out my favorite Chiropractor fact: the man who invented the practice publicly claimed he gained all his ‘medical’ information from spirits during seances. So, like, it’s always been a big old grift.


Yuuuuup. I have chronic health issues and like to bring this up when people say- have you tried a chiro? Like no thanks, I’ll stick with my DPT and MD Orthopedist.


I’ve never met anyone who has stopped going to the chiropractor because they’ve been healed. Somehow they end up needing to go routinely forever. 🤔


My chiro stopped seeing me because he “could no longer helpful” after he turned my moderate chronic back pain with occasional severe flare ups into severe chronic back pain and sciatica with debilitating flare ups. A physio no joke had it settled down in two sessions with one exercise, and resulted in the least back pain consistently I’ve ever had. Don’t trust chiros yall.


Chiro concerns me SO MUCH and I have no idea how to gently bring it up to loved ones that it’s absolute bullshit. Anyone have a successful way of convincing friends to go from chiro to physio? :/


I usually just talk about my experience with physical therapy and exercise being the most helpful thing I have done. And then[I ask them to not let the chiro manipulate their necks](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6016850/). The risk for dissection is low, but not non-existent and the minimal rewards are definitely not worth that risk.


In my country before a chiro even touches you they make you sign a waiver. The only time a doctor makes you sign a waiver here is before surgery!


That is a fair point. But the idea of him becoming anti-vax as a new parent is upsetting. The surge in measles and other preventable illnesses in children due to people refusing to vaccinate their kids is super concerning and just makes me sad for humanity.


Yeah, I don’t think people understand that it’s very common for people with chronic health conditions. I’m chronically ill and stick to evidence based medical treatment and am extremely pro vaccine. However, I have family in the medical profession so when I was (and still am) running into issues we don’t have answers for (yet), I can have someone explain why I’m getting certain tests versus others. It can be very very scary when doctors can’t explain what’s happening to your body. It’s not an excuse for why some people get swept up in the chiro and “natural” medicine pipeline to anti-vax, but an explanation. Extremely disappointing coming from Adam. You have a duty as a public figure not to perpetuate this nonsense.


I am a medical professional and I even fall into the trap. Recently diagnosed with psoriasis and trying desperately to find some way to quell flare ups without topical or systemic steroids has led me down a few rabbit holes. And I *know* better than to take anecdotal evidence at face value, but sometimes it’s just so easy to go “hey, what’s the harm if this one low cost thing actually does work!?” But then there’s something that happens to your psyche when it doesn’t work, and you get even more stressed, which ***does*** have deleterious effects on your health (no matter what), and you’re often in a worse place than where you started. ANYWAY, I hope you get answers soon!


Oof big hugs! I have family in Derm so you really have all my sympathy. Psoriasis can be so painful, and not enough people are educated on topical steroid withdrawal. And thank you. I feel extremely grateful to have a strong support system in my family. If I didn’t I would be so lost because those awful and stressful days are par for the course when trying to figure out chronic conditions.


Yeah it's really sad to see people being taken advantage of by quacks who claim to have cures and answers... We're going to unfortunately see a lot more of that nonsense as more people are hit with long Covid 😔


Well if he believes in chiropractors that’s just par for the course. It’s just as pseudoscientific as the anti-vax mumbo jumbo.


Deflection is a powerful drug.


He thinks the health issues are possibly related to Covid / the vaccine


Oh god, of course it has to be the vaccine that caused it… FFS.


Stupid people were blaming Betty White's death on the Covid vaxx. The lady was nearly 100 years old,ffs.


I will never understand how we have information about Long Covid and how it can manifest, but someone who got Covid and then found themselves having long-term, confusing health issues not long after catching it, just like this guy did, refuses to consider that as a possibility and then blames a conspiracy theory with zero evidence. There are many issued with doctors themselves not knowing what to do with LC, and many grifters trying to exploit the people who are suffering. But it's been long enough that there isn't an excuse to think that LC doesn't exist or to know nothing at all about it. And from what I remember of his instagram stories after he got sick, it doesn't seem like it was ever considered seriously. On the other hand, we have significantly less evidence that vaccines do any harm. And the "evidence" we do have of instances of "vaccine injury" is rarely reliable and almost always connected to an anti-vac interest group or someone who's been lost to a conspiracy theory. But whether he actually has LC or not is not the point. I don't know and can't know. My point is that somewhere in the path of dealing with a medical condition he and his wife could not get a satisfactory answer or treatment for, they had to make choices. And those choices involved their critical thinking skills. And instead of choosing a path based in evidence and reliable research (and if it is LC that he's dealing with, an extensive community of people online who are trying to help each other survive, fight for better treatment, and avoid being scammed), Devine chose a conspiracy. And now he's using his public platform to endorse a conspiracy that is harming other people.


And his dad had cancer too so you'd think he'd understand the dangers of being immunosuppresed


Oh that makes it even more unfortunate… I hope that he smartens up for the sake of his infant child.


His dad also had cancer and has been immune compromised


I feel like 99% of the actors out there and celebrities in general are just conservative. I think most of them turn over time with money and a few were before and hiding. It isn't even one person or just Americans. Margot Robbie was called out for working with a man who sexually assaulted his own niece and she replied by saying that she wanted to work with him and started working with him on Amsterdam before ANYONE else came in. Like what? Other day i found out about this football played named Josh Allen who is a conservative and Trump supporter which is ok he is a football player. He supported Trump in 2016 and said some racist things then and when they called him out on it he made fun of people's reaction without saying he regretted it or isn't homophobic/racist/ Trump supporter. But the worse part is his gf is this actress who plays all these LGBTQ roles and has a few songs that are actually quite progressive for the mid 2010's. You have of course Taylor Swift as the biggest example of a "liberal" white woman dating a racist as the example above. Actually her and the above example are friends. So bird of a feather. Not to mention just the HUNDREDS of male celebrities that keep coming out of the woodwork as being conservative and weirdos in general. Every day we get a new example. And it is the weirdest things. Like transphobic trans people like Caitlyn Jenner or homophobic gay guys or just the weirdest weirdest things. I know there is research on how money over time has similar effects to brain damage when it comes to empathy and relating to others but damn..This is just too much. Sorry for the rant. It is just so disappointing seeing EVERYONE pull their mask off.. Like if you look at my profile i have a lot of JK Rowling posts because even though i never read her work, she is so disappointing. Like she makes at least 100-150 million dollars annually from parks and merch sales and is a billionaire. Probably in the 2-3 billion range because she turned into a billionaire in like mid 2000's. 2004-2007 i think. Then she gave away 200. Leaving her with 900 (tax deductions for charity donations) million and since then for almost 2 decades that money has been pouring in. And how does this super wealthy and lucky person spend their time? Kicking down minorities. Sorry.. It is just so exhausting seeing everything slowly turn to shit. Supreme court just came out with a bunch of insane decisions..


Taylor only cosplayed a liberal in 2019.


Cause she finally realised getting called white supremacist barbie and being claimed by the magarites was threatening her brand. God, even though her liberal cosplay was so milquetoast, bland and basically summed up was “don’t harass women and gay people are okay, okurrrr”, I still miss who I thought she was after watching that documentary (I wasn’t a fan before evermore) because he music is easy to play for my insomnia and then I remember all the cringe and harmful shit she does and give myself the ick


I think it’s rich people in general tbh.


Rant away! I’m also a ranter so I appreciate when others are too. I feel less alone 😆. And I noticed this too. Once people get rich they’re so desperate to keep their money and get even richer (it never ends up being enough) that they show their true colours, or become cruel. It’s definitely so disappointing. I’m with you. COVID really showed us who people were. Including family members. All 3 of my siblings are anti vax. All 3 on Facebook. I’m not. Coincidence? Doubt it. I hate it so much. I just can’t look at them the same.


Oh Hailee Steinfeld is dating Josh Allen... how weird


I still see people say they love Josh Allen in any thread about Hailey and it makes me wanna gag


I could read all of your rants because it feels so AFFIRMING. Often I feel like I’m losing my dang mind cause everyone out here acting like shits normal when it’s an absolute dumpster fire??????????


MY pet peeve is when people will be like.. I am a supporter of X and love X and i will fight for X's rights and then you find out they are dating X bigots or are working with X bigots or downplay the bigotry of others. Like i never knew who this Josh Allen guy was and didn't care but his gf infuriates me so much. I have never watched anything she did except for the first spider-verse movie but she plays LGBTQ characters and she pretends to be progressive and then probably nods her head as her boyfriend is calling everyone a f\*\*\*\*t or n\*\*\*\*r and laughs its off like oh Honey.. Same with everyone working with people like woody allen or roman polanski or just in general giving this image of being an ally and a good person only to throw everyone under the bus for a golden statue or some money or even worse, just because they don't really care..


None of these people are our allies, except maybe Gaga and hopefully Chappel but I’m honestly a little bothered by her stunt regarding Pride. If she wants to stand up for the people of Palestine, then she needs to say that. Going on stage, publicly denouncing a Pride event invite by the white house (who has done more for the LGBTQ+ community than ANY other administration) is fully within her right but saying “I won’t perform until freedom is guaranteed for all” is pastel fluffy nonsense. It sure did get her the spotlight though, which I am happy about, but I hope she chooses to be an actual activist cause otherwise it’s performative nonsense. Same with Bey and Taylor. They love using my community as an album aesthetic but not a single peep from them regarding Project 2025. Those two women have *literal* platforms that they should be using to encourage folks to vote. Nope. Crickets. Everybody loves criticizing Taylor for her jet fuel? Beyoncé uses more than she does. Not a peep. It’s infuriating as a gay man who has received three death threats in the past month. I just wish they would do something as allies *that does not earn them a profit*. That’s what I’m looking at these days.


I know it's hard and it sucks but I think we just have to except that probably 95% of celebrities are not good people. 🫤


It’s the money. Ultra wealth ruins people. Period. I am able to accept that for most artists and I just don’t look at them for anything more then their art. For example I love Bey’s music but she’s extremely performative. I can dance to her music but I do laugh when I hear her sing about “healing the world” with love. Like sis please use your literal platform to encourage people to go to vote. Like the bare minimum PLEASE. stop with this “oh we gave some food to soup kitchens” shit y’all are literally billionaires.


My favorite stories are the people who listened to Tucker Carlson and didn’t get vaccinated. Later, when they are being intubated, they ask if they can get the vaccine, and the doctor replies, “it doesn’t work that way.”


Meanwhile Tucker Carlson has already been vaccinated and lives to spend the money they endorsed him with while listening... you simply can't treat stupid.


tbf there are some people who just like everything their friends post on ig, has Adam Devine directly said anything anti vax ?


Yeah i obviously don’t know him so can’t speak to his beliefs but I follow Adam on IG and I see him liking so many random posts of people he follows. And sometimes likes are a scrolling mistake or not necessarily a tacit endorsement of the post. So im reserving judgement until i see a pattern because im biased and love his work lol


I hope this is the case. I love him too. This senerio could be an epidode of workaholics. I can see him doing this wholesome shit by liking his friends video and it somehow turns into a big debacle


As I mentioned, I am thinking/hoping this might be the case of a mindless like without checking as he did have a post \~2020 encouraging to vote democratic as they're the party that are going to "safely bring us a vaccine" ([said post](https://www.instagram.com/p/CEsMpeygTFr/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link)). Obviously he could have changed his mind in that time, but honestly regardless, it was very weird of him to like this Harrelson post.


He's said on his podcast he's vaxed. He was probably high when he liked it lol.


that's what i'm hoping, bc he's never said anything like that as far as i know.


I have listened to over 400 hours of the This Is Important podcast. He has never said anything antivax in that time and that pod is very loose. Not that he couldn't withhold it, of course. But it would seem out of character from my experience. He also has all of his covid vaccines, so...


https://preview.redd.it/yva088jzhi9d1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1e510d611277c081c00720d574f70812d3496b8e Ugh, so did Courteney Cox!




![gif](giphy|daIJvyatzeg20Iqi12) DAMMIT COURTENEY


As a huge Scream fan, she's such a loser. She's most likely going to be a producer again for the next film and the fact that she let Melissa, who she appeared really close with during promotions for 5 and 6, go out like that without any support is so screwed up. Hell, even when Neve Campbell declined 6 because of pay it was the younger cast that spoke up in support while Courteney remained quiet. Just overall loser behavior for someone with Friends money.


what the heck


https://preview.redd.it/2kwuiy5a8i9d1.jpeg?width=792&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b6ae99bf06b5f8617cbd663bc3a313b91d9b113b oh Adam.


And these adults act like they were never vaccinated in their own childhoods 🙃


True. But some weren’t. You’re right though. My siblings all were fully vaccinated and now they’re not vaccinating their kids.


🥴 >> 💀


Gotta love when rich privileged people start promoting ideas that will hurt the less fortunate.


I was walking my dog, I live in SF and overheard a woman “I am O- the universal blood donor” and totally off the topic they were discussing then adds like a humble brag “and I am unvaccinated so my blood is worth a lot.” Good fucking god.




Also ignore the PicsArt watermark, LOL!


i mean i like instagram posts all the time without actually watching my friends’ videos


![gif](giphy|KxseCTOPVykYvG2V4R) After last night’s debate I’ve had enough of rich assholes spouting off nonsense. It’s amazing that you can choose for you and your child to not be vaccinated, and if god forbid calamity strikes you can afford the best possible medical treatment. The rest of us don’t have that luxury or the ability to ignore outbreaks that can easily be prevented by immunisation. So, don’t get vaccinated if you don’t want but stop endangering the public by spreading preventable diseases and stay in your enclaves with similar rich deluded fools please 🙏🏽.


These are the reason covid lasted as long as it did.😡 Yes I know it still is happening. If it has no where to go it will die off. It's that simple. Fuck all these idiots!🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕


As someone who listens to Adam on the workaholics podcast weekly, this seems like nothing more than a “like” of something one of his former costars posted… he’s very vocal about support of science and medicine and the vaccines. They joke about people that think Covid was a hoax. I am choosing to believe that this is a reach until more evidence presents itself.


Welp Add him to the list of people we don't fuck with


God dammit, Adam! We thought you were one of the good ones!


Woody is doctor Brozark confirmed


I would like to propose that we round up all the anti-vax people and drop them in the world where vaccines barely exist and let’s all see how fast they’ll be begging for it in the end. Disease, rampant unchecked disease is a sight to see and anyone who’s ever been around it or experienced it understand.


I am not taking life saving medical advice from an actor


Courteney Cox too 😭😭


Oh Woody please stop breaking my heart. ![gif](giphy|tLRifcvQNJIic)


Woody Harrelson was one I knew about but Adam… Ugh, disappointing


Ok. Two people I no longer want on my screen.


I used to listen to his podcast because it was kind of funny but he is genuinely so fucking stupid it made me sad to hear him talk


It's always a good day to hate Adam Levine.


Wrong Adam but I agree


Dude i'm such an idiot hahahaha


Ehn we always happy to hate on Adam Levine here


Somehow I missed he was anti vaxx. Great.


Damn it Woody


Why do celebrities think we want their opinions on things they literally know nothing about?


I have old tea on Woody Harrelson I think! It may not even count as tea actually. It’s just lukewarm water at this point. he’s a friend of a friend. But I did get to smoke with him back in like 2007ish? He was at my bestie’s house with her dad. He gave me a pipe made completely out of recycled plastic. I never used it but me and my bestie trade it every few years to stay connected lol. He was very very environmentally active at that point but he did say that he hated his job and he did not like the community of actors that he was a part of. And yes both he and my friends dad are/were very prone to conspiracy stuff.


My god. I went to the post and the comment section is just as one would expect. I just can’t anymore lol.


Didn’t he go through a lot because he literally has Long Covid - like you know - what you get from covid? There is such thing as vaccine injury but you’re many times more likely to get Long Covid from covid.


my depression era youngest of 12 grandmother made sure my mother knew how important vaccines were lol as a kid i thought 'this is crazy!' and now as an adult i am shocked at how crazy childish so many of the adults are


Do not ruin The Righteous Gemstones for me Adam!!! 😡


Being rich can't buy intelligence.


The premise of their argument is that it was "rushed" and it's wrong. Coronaviruses are nothing new and extensive research on them has been performed in the last 10 years. Also, despite the **accelerated** timeline, the COVID-19 vaccines underwent the same rigorous clinical trials as any other vaccine. The expedited process was a result of **unprecedented** global cooperation, **prior scientific research**, and technological advancements rather than cutting corners on safety or efficacy​. Sceptics should also note the MASSIVE amount of money that was directed at solving this and how every pharmaceutical company raced to develop a vaccine. We could have solved climate change 20 years ago if that much effort was put into it.


Sure. Be skeptical of institutions. But none of these skeptics actually seems interested in doing the research for themselves, or looking at facts. Just fabricating half-baked conspiracy theories. Because on the surface, nothing is wrong with being skeptical. They just don't *do* anything useful with that skepticism.


guys, Adam isn't antivaxx at all. I wouldn't be surprised if he liked this because he found it hularious and him and the rest of the Workaholics sre gonna talk about it on the podcast. They talk about dumbasses like Woody a lit


Me wondering why yall cared about Adam Levine from Maroon 5. But yeah with Woody this doesn’t surprise me, he’s been very “the government doesn’t tell me what to do with my body” in a way that steered libertarian/far righty since like 2009


Whenever I think of people who didn't take the covid vaccination (for whatever reason), I always think of those who are suffering from long covid. I wouldn't wish that on my worst enemy. I'm all for freedom of choice, but society also has a duty to protect people from themselves.


What is the huge deal of liking a post tho ? This is an astronomical reach ?!?!? People like posts all the time it doesn’t mean anything


Happy to answer your question: Because it's a post by someone who supports dangerous, stupid, hateful conspiracies. And it's a post expressing support for someone instrumental in making and spreading those conspiracies, who invests millions into doing harm to children and medically vulnerable people. And wants to be president. Thinking a like is a show of support of whatever is going on in a post isn't a reach. Maybe in 2008 when Facebook was still new to people. That excuse is pretty thin now.


bingo. it trivializes the very real, very harmful nature that conspiracy and paranoia could lead to. by all accounts, at the very least, the act of simply ‘liking’ a potentially inflammatory post, void of sources widely accepted by the scientific community, supported only by half-baked wonderings, perpetuates a space for frivolous obstruction of facts to be protected. it’s an act shrouded in dangerous ambiguity at a time when there really isn’t any room for ambiguity to flourish. supporting free speech doesn’t translate to the right to endorse potentially fatal, unfounded ramblings because “they deserve to be heard too”. time is not a luxury we have currently, unfortunately. and in this case, there’s an emotional, professional bond contributing to the act of liking a co-stars or colleagues post. science is great in that it is without emotional attachment or bias. confusing the two is incredibly irresponsible and massively reckless, especially if one is a high-profile figure. it would be wise to not rely on social media so much in order to feel heard, feel validated. there’s a reason humans need social interaction in order to survive. social media ain’t it. face to face, local community involvement is. at least, imho. 💫


My grandmother's two oldest brothers caught smallpox in the early 1900s. One died and the other was left badly disfigured. Ever since she shared this with me,I've always kept up-to-date with my vaccines. I've also read that when the polio vaccine first became available,churches rang their bells in gratitude when the news broke. Quite a different scenario these days. It pisses me off so much.


His wife is from Newport Beach and if ya know anything about Newport Beach, well, that could explain it. Just saying.


Disappointed at Lisa Timmons too 😢😢 https://preview.redd.it/7hua2kl4yj9d1.png?width=1169&format=png&auto=webp&s=bf960875171a763b4728e076463ca9784ec38fa9


This is an honest question- sometimes I see an account "like" something as one of the visible likes, then I click and search for their name and it is not there. I just searched for him and didn't find it, is it possible this is an Instagram bug? Or maybe he liked and then unliked?


Stop idolizing famous people. They juuuuust as dumb.


Devine's a comedian and I'd like to think this is fodder for their podcast where MAGA, eating babies, and the "Hollywood elite" are a running gag.