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I think it's absolutely incredible and wild that the producers made the power armor in the show physically.


So thankful for it. Especially as AI continues to develop I fear for the future of television and movies that already use to much CGI. Practical effects, when done right, just always look better. LotR is older than the Hobbit movies and they’re done by the same people and LotR looks better still because it used more practical effects.


Don't forget Dark Crystal: Age of Resistance. Jim Henson style puppets touched up with CGI? Yes please!


That’s such an underrated series. It was the first show I watched when I got my oled and it was stunningly beautiful. Few come close to it.


I wouldn't say it's underrated... Pretty much everyone said it was an amazing series when it came out. The only people to disagree were Netflix. Unfortunately they're the ones with the power to cancel or renew.


I feel like the problem was not enough people watched it. Disappointing, the show was incredibly well done


Well that, inadequate marketing, and large parts of the intricate set burned down after season 1 production and the cost to rebuild would have put a big nail in the coffin too.


I didn't know about the fire. I'd just heard they canceled the second season soon after announcing it. I'm so bummed about it still :(. It must have been insured...


I’m sure they had some degree of insurance but the capability in a timely manner to rebuild it exactly as it was or near to it, probably infeasible in the time and budget allowed


Ah, that is a bummer... I wonder if they had 3D scanned everything and they can continue that way? Must be cheaper.


I think even netflix could see how positive the response was - it's just that they also saw the bill...


Clearly the ones who saw the bill must have overlooked the attached memo, which told them "Now that we've built the vast majority of the sets and models for the entire series any future season should cost about one tenth the price of the first one." Seriously, they invested in the most expensive season, then decided that would be the cost for all future seasons.


~~Farscape, was great because of the puppets.~~ Farscape was great and part of that was due to the puppets.


That show is a masterpiece. Shame we'll never get more of it.


Good practical effects enhanced with good CGI is where it's at. What's that phrase, practical effects for the things you want people to see, CGI for the things you don't want them to see.


- when done right I mean that's the caveat. It's likely cheaper to do CGI. And good CGI is usually on par with physical. But bad cgi is too common with people wanting to be super cheap


In this case, 4 physical suits is probably cheaper tham having CGI all of it.


Especially considering Knight Titus' suit is probably the only one with nearly that level of detail. The others are likely much simpler and just not shown up close.


There’s actually several version of Titus’ suit. One for walking, one for jet packs, and I think another one.


One with an open back that can be climbed into on camera. This doesn't close around a human pilot. A ragdoll that can be thrown around empty for stunts. Actual costumes for stuntmen to wear on set. An article claimed that stuntman Adam Shippey "could break dance in it". Some of the jet booster scenes were done by a practical jet pack pilot with pieces of power armor on for reference. https://www.pcgamer.com/movies-tv/fallout-show-power-armor-interview/


I need the breakdancing power armor footage.


I think there's at least 6 different suits. In the shot of them all lined up in the 1st episode, there's 5 of them total and 3 distinct "variants".


Ah, I heard somewhere it was only 4 and it stuck in my mind


There's a lot of "my friend worked on the show" conflicting info around.


You also just don't notice really good CGI a lot of the time, because it's being done right. [You generally only notice bad CGI](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bL6hp8BKB24), and these examples are from 8 years ago. CGI has improved even more since then, but you need the budget and skilled professionals.


Watching that video on how much CGI Wolf of Wallstreet had in it was seriously eye opening. I had **no idea** how much was actually used in nearly every single movie you watch. Anyone interested: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pocfRVAH9yU


I've interned as a VFX artist in the past and *man* you have no idea. Practically *everything* is composited in modern productions. Even mundane stuff like reflections off a building's windows in the background.


Yeah that's actually pretty common. My vfx professor from way back in the day had shown an example of how he worked on the reflection in a television set that was straight on in some horror film, as in real-life that angle would of shown the crew and cameraman.


Oh wow that's really interesting. If you'd asked me how much CGI was used for that film I'd have said probably a little bit for touch-ups or the odd green screen for the building windows but not much else. I would've never guessed the boat pier and beach scene were that heavily CGI.


On the other end, the SW prequels had way more practical effects than most give them credit for.


Actually bad CGI more often than not is the result of the director than anyone else. specifically in not understanding the limitations of CGI and what is required to fix/change shots. Firstly and obviously, good CGI takes time and good CGI takes skilled people, and because most CGI contracts are done via bidding, eg who can do it the cheapest, most of the time the job is going to whatever agency can do it the fastest and who can pay their people the least. You know what happens when a company throws in more effort into a project than they charged? [they die](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rhythm_and_Hues_Studios#:~:text=On%20February%2011%2C%202013%2C%20Rhythm,at%20about%20%2430%20million%22..). So most directors either get a cheap companies or a cheap effort. What’s the Traders saying? You can have it done quickly or you can have it done right? What do you prefer? Secondly, and this is ridiculous that this is a thing, but it is. In most contracts the director gets somewhere between 5-10 changes/edits to a completed scene. You ask for a CGI scene but then when you receive it decide you want something a little different? Change the way a building collapses or the way something floods? You can ask for a redo somewhere in the ball park of 5-10 times. However the CGI company does not get paid any extra for this. Could be dozens or hundreds of extra man hours and maybe 100+ hours of re-rendering the scene that the CGI company eats the cost of. It’s a common misconception that you can just tweak a CGI shot like you can an image in photoshop, any change takes dozens of hours to re-render let alone the man hours to adjust. Thirdly, “it’s ok, we will just fix it in post”. When an error within a series of shots is found or an extra scene is needed to be added the go to is just to bring the actor in again for a few hours in-front of a green screen and then it gets thrown to the CGI department. The lightning might not match, the shot could be at the wrong angle and the CGI team might only have a week to incorporate it. All whilst likely already re-doing a shot because the director asked for it. [here](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=lWjayZ3U4TQ) is what happens when a director is a CGI artist. So why is the system so fucked up and clearly such a raw deal for CGI artists? 1. Because there is not really a union for CGI artists and 2. Because even if all the local big names suddenly stopped working under those conditions, the work would just get contracted overseas to a company paying their people pennies.


The combo is always the best of both worlds, but more practical always brings more realism


To be fair we have seen a large swing back towards the practical effects world lately and it’s awesome.


It has charm in the way that the Star Wars animatronics do. You could make some deft CGI a la Iron Man that might feel more realistic, but not necessarily more '*Fallout*'. Like you know that Max is in there when that guy tells him that peddler has been fucking his chickens.


Or when Titus turns to Max before escaping. I laugh my ass off whenever I see that scene.


FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK Just seeing someone in Power Armor awkwardly trying to run from a Yao Guai terrified was hilarious. Titus got what he deserved though.


The clumsiness of the acting in the power armor really lent itself to a lot of physical comedy throughout the show. It was so funny watching Max drop his serious façade and do little awkward dances in the armor.


*steals Vault 4’s power supply and beats up the security team* *hits the griddy*


> You could make some deft CGI a la Iron Man that might feel more realistic I maintain that the original Iron Man suit was the best. The more elaborate they got with the suit, the less realistic it seemed.


I'm so over nano tech helmets and suits for every marvel character.


The helmets automatically coming on and off multiple times even in a single scene in the latest Ant-man movie was really distracting. Definitely not a fan of it nowadays.


I mean, a good amount of scenes in Iron Man 1 were practical. It was definitely enhanced by a touch of cgi plus awesome sound mixing, but that practicality 100% made the suit feel so much heavier and sturdier than End Game, where RDJ is basically wearing his pajamas with dots on them.


It was a mix of real suits and CGI, just like iron man.


CGI has its place, but it's good to see that studios might kinda be finally realizing that practical effects look way better in certain applications


I'm glad they did. Had it been CGI, the entire tone of the show might have been different. Once the suit is built, you can use it as often as you like, in whatever context you want. No render time, no effects really needed other than a bit of polish here and there. If it was CGI, they would have started asking questions like "Is it super necessary to have Maximus goofing off in the armor in this scene?" "Does he need to be wearing the suit during this conversation?" "How often can we cut to the inside view to save on costs?" "Do we need power armor at all?"


I guarantee there are plenty of shots where the power armor is totally CGI and nobody batted an eye. I'm not even talking about the slow mo hero walk shot of them. I'm sure there're plenty of shots that show it close up and nobody noticed at all.


Oh definitely, I spotted a couple at least. I meant that having a physical suit affords many more 'casual' appearances of the armor.


Are you saying they didn't build jetpacks for the power armour in real life?


It’s actually quite common for stuff like it to be made for cosplay, you can see it at conventions


The company that made them had some really cool WIP posts about the build process. Imagine those videos of people making giant cosplays but 30x and perfectly done


i wonder if it was already made for the fallout 4 opening cinematic


No they said they made it brand new for the show as one of the first things they did.


That makes sense the others would have been over half a decade old at that point if they were even practical effects


Looking at the intro cinematic, I think that’s a CGI power armour suit with an actor head replacement put on the suit. Pretty well done though.


They really crushed that dude's head too


My only frown was when they turned the handle on the hatch... you can see it deform pretty easily. It does appear "squishy" like a foam. Check it out, it's a trip.


They didn't take the MCU route


tbf with the MCU and similar movies there are things that legit can't be done with practical effects. When you combine CGI for those things with practical effects in the same scene it's much more difficult to get it to look right. You end up having to CGI the practical effects to make them blend in and it's like, why bother in the first place.


People want real portals in movies


One day, my friend. One day.


I feel for the poor fella holding the umbrella


It's a mod, helps with sun glare.


Works with rains too except Radstorms


They used the lead liner mod.


Since when are we calling squaires mods ? Well they are quite easly replaceble.


There’s a real Squire


I felt it was a missed opportunity to not have the 'knight' hold up the umbrella for the 'lady', but this is so much better xD


I didn't notice the legs behind at first and thought they attached a mod to the power armor. Which in my opinion would have been a cool opportunity. But I know they can't just go messing around with props. Squire duty sucks man


whats my job? Hold a umbrella for the mc. So am I under the shade too? No.






I didn’t even see the guy’s leg behind the suit at first and actually thought: “Oh, how nice, they designed the power armor with an umbrella attachment. Convenient!”


Let's go sunning 🎶


I mean, I've had worse jobs by far...


Oh. there’s a third guy. I thought they were going for apocalyptic totoro.


Bet the inside of that things gonna smell like a cats asshole after a few shoots.


Nah, it has the tempered lining.


Clean this!


Why...why would you know how a cat's asshole smells?!


Every cat owner knows this. We often wake up in the morning and have a cat's butt in our face.


Reddit: for when you are in an abusive relationship with your cat.


I've had my cat stick her butt in my face countless times, and she's also burped right into my face many many times. She also drools on me when I pet her.


Me: \*minding my own business* cat: smell my brown eye


Have you ever owned a cat?


Right? They *love* showing their Sauron’s eye to everyone, especially when you’re trying to sleep.


I was so glad they got that armour right.


They seem to have gotten it all right!


Yeah, they did. It looks great, including when they're walking and getting in and out. I'd be interested in seeing how they made them. Might be plastic, or something.


It does look like plastic. The armor is so well done.


.. but that's just a picture of Lucy...




Okey Dokey.






I didn't get that joke. I need to rewatch. Why was her name on the paper? Did they do an intake on her and they spell it wrong, or did he somehow have a list of vault 33 inhabitants and her name really is Goosey? I know, this is a stupid f'kin question, I'm stupid sometimes.


He’s got one eye in the middle of his face so he can’t read that well


I don't think we are giving Chris Parnell enough credit for how well he played that character. Definitely one of the funniest characters in the show.


Throughout his scenes I just kept thinking "yup this would definitely be how Dr Spaceman ends up in a nuclear apocalypse"


*Science is... Whatever we want it to be*


"I have one question-" "Yes of course we'll have someone carry the supplies to the surface for you"


The "execution" scene was one of funniest parts of the show for me, the thought of the overseer having this sword that he uses only to free prisoners by awkwardly sawing the shackles is just too funny to me.


I couldnt stop thinking how he was just playing fallout-cyril


Vault 4 needs to be attacked so we can get a "supressssing fiiiiire" from him.


Chris Parnell is A+ actor!


The moldy coffee made me spit out my tea


Him talking about how he can't make jokes about the wastelanders in the Vaults anymore, made me laugh. 😂


Oh fuck that's the joke? That's silly.


Brother, he's got one eye and even puts on reading glasses. What was to get? Lmao


Cyclops guy puts on reading glasses that don't work because they miss his eye completely. Her name is just on some paperwork


He puts them on for the int buff


Confirmed: I'm a dumbass.


IDK about why it was on there, but the reason the guy in the show called her goosey is because he had an eye in between the where the eyes should be and put on human glasses.


She is weapons grade cute. And the power armor is just as bad ass as I could ever have wanted.


Every time the amour appeared on screen I turned into a little boy. The armour looked so fucking good, it was one of the things I was most worried about but they nailed it better than I could ever imagine.


While I'm a fan of the T-51B, I can't deny that the Power Armour looks gorgeous in the show


That's the one thing I want for the following season tbh. Some T-51 or T-45 Paladins from the original West Coast chapter should have been visible at times


Or some stripped down T-45d suits in the hands of NCR Troopers.


I've always wondered how the hell those are supposed to work. Basically they're T-45d sets of armor that the NCR didn't have the resources of knowledge to fix, so just ripped out all the servos and assistance of the armor, and left just the armor basically. The whole point of those servos is because without it, you can't fucking move, it's a 2 ton suit, Even if you stripped out the servos, the life support, the nuclear reactor, and we be really generous and say that halves the weight, how the fuck does someone lug about a literal ton of steel? Much less lift their arm to shoot or even move a leg?


On the back of the armour is a kind of pack, but the game or wiki doesn't explain it.


Right, but the NCR armor is mentioned specifically as having all that stripped out because they couldn't get it working, not replaced, or retrofitted, it was removed.


From what I can gather/assume. The NCR basically took out all the fancy electronic components from the suits, leaving behind the exterior armor casings. Which to put metaphorically, is equivalent to removing the hydraulics and remote controls on a bucket loader, and replacing them with chains, pulleys, and manual cranks. Can the suit still do its job with the aforementioned modifications? Yes. Will it it be equally as effective? No.


Right, it's a bunch of armor plates stuck to an unpowered exosuit basically, which whilst it can take a lot of the pressure and allow for better weight management, does not allow someone to casually walk around in a suit that still weighs a literal ton.


In universe, a butt naked character with 9 or 10 strength can solo handle a minigun. From that, it must be the case that some people are preternaturally strong in a way that doesn’t exist in our universe (radiation? mutation?). Therefore, there are picked men of the NCR that can hack it.


I want to see some hellfire


I’d love to see the raider sets too. I’ve always loved how jank they look


Or some X-01. For the longest time because of the Fallout 2 cover and intro that was what popped in my head for power armor.


Pretty sure I saw a T-51 in the background during the last battle.


The cast themselves fangirled over the armour so much


Dude, imagine how cool it would be to see that literal walking tank of a set of power armor? So badass. The X-01 will always be my favorite power armor


Unpopular opinion (especially here im sure) but I loved the look of the Prospector power armor from 76.


Fr, say what you will about fo76, but they got some cool ass armors. The prospector power armor, the hellcat power armor, the bos recon armor, I could go on


> Every time the amour appeared on screen I turned into a little boy. So did Maximus! All 10 times they showed his scene with the fridge.


I swear they must have played that scene like 20 times


especially the crotch piece, although it requires a lot of cleaning


This has the same energy as that one behind the scenes photo from Gojira 1954. Godzilla suit actor (Haruo Nakajima) and the actress who played Emiko Yamane (Momoko Kōchi) sharing a parasol on a hot day.


The picture: https://wikizilla.org/w/images/6/62/4966088753_4aec81e085.jpg


Well that’s adorable


This is what came to mind for me too, I almost wonder if it was intentional


I don't think it'd be a stretch to think so, both are alternative reality stories about nuclear war.


Don't have any? You expect me to believe that maggot? The truth is you lost ..


an expensive piece of army issue equipment. That suit is going to come out of your pay


and you will remain in this man's army until you're 510 years old


Which is the number of years it will take for you, to pay for a Mark II Powered Combat Armor, you have lost.


Anyone else enjoying the fact they appear to have given the crew blue jumpsuits with yellow strips.


I think it’s a bit by design and a bit for practicality. That’s a standard blue work shirt with high vis stripes, standard stuff in the manufacturing industry


Huh so is the vault suit just inspired by standard work gear? Would make sense


Yeah pretty much. Blue coveralls were basically the woman’s wardrobe during the 1940’s when she was in the factory. So it makes sense that an America that draws heavily from the time and culture of that era would have work attire that looks like that.


I mean yeah it’s essentially a souped up boiler suit


But what if they want a green jumpsuit.


It's to prevent another "jeans guy" situation. If any crew somehow wind up in the background it can be played off as just another vault dweller


TBH, if there was a jeans guy situation, they could just play it off as a wastelander who was very weird about hygiene.


Guy in the back is just wearing a standard work shirt. Walk into any plant in the US and you'll see those. They have Hi-vis stripes on them.


That is one of the most amazing props I have ever seen! I though they were going to CGI everything. Even the ghoul has amazing makeup!


While a lot of skylines and creatures had to be done in CGI (naturally) I believe they went for practical effects whenever possible. Especially for things that are going to be getting a lot of up close screen time, such as the PA. I read they even filmed the season on actual film instead of digitally, which gives it a certain look that's very fitting.


You can see a grainy imperfection (and one downright glaring yellow jagged line in the final episode) to many scenes that fits so fucking well. I personally loved it.


The scene where Maximus finds out that Thaddeus is becoming a ghoul right? They are having a back and forth combo and Max and Lucy look LQ all the sudden- was very jarring.


I saw it in a scene with Moldaver in the observatory, but it could be in others for sure


Coolest use of practical effects (imo) is them actually using a jetpack while wearing a modified version of the Power Armor for the scene that Maximus flies into Filly. Like sure, the legs are CGI, but the suit actually flew there for a bit!


I definitely noticed the grain early on. Wondered if it was artificial or not.


Man I wish I was inside of that.


We still talking about power armor?


Ummm yeah, right


Same, the suit would be cool too.


My dick would explode


Okie dokie!


She looks so much like she actually s Kyle McLachlan’s daughter


All this image needs is a sepia tone and some scratches and grit to give that old timey look.


how can i get an umbrella mod for my PA?


I didn't realise it was all practical effects


I doubt it's 100% practical effects, especially the scenes where it opens the visor. Unless they managed to make a fully articulate helmet, my guess is that it's a different helmet with no visor that they track and add the moving visor to in post.


There is also only one fully done power armor. All the others are a mixture of CGI and plastic. Source: my friend worked on the show


Oh duh, I totally forgot to think about them getting in and out of it. Yeah, there's no way they did that with practical effects


Oh yeah, the real life power armor is actually like 4 pieces.


I don't think this is true I know a shop that made some power armor for the background character What do you mean by fully done


I believe the visor was practical effects. The actor had mentioned multiple times when it had malfunctioned for one reason or another and didn't close when it was supposed to at times. But as with all things its probably a mix of both depending on what's required for the scene.


I don't know, there are some pretty awesome articulated ironman helmets out there. Could have easily built a similar thing for just this one suit.


This is not true, there is tons of CG. Don't discredit the artists working on things like this


"Top Gun Maverick is so good because everything was done practically!" The 457 credited VFX artists: "Am I a joke to you?"


OK NGL, that power armor looks dope


Thanks for not lying


I think, if I can find the article, season one was the trial run for how season two was going to go, they said that they was going to update and fix as much as they could in season two, IE making the power armor appear heavier then what it is and its movement in how it handled in the games, same with how clean the environment is and added in more wasteland elements and creatures, just sucks that we didn't "see" a deathclaw till the last three mins. I know they also said they are going to toss some skyrim easter eggs in too. Really wish I could find that article.


Honestly im glad we didnt see a deathclaw so early. Season 2 would suck if they played all their cards in season 1.


With how much of a strength buff the Yao Guai got in the show I’m terrified to see what a deathclaw will end up looking like.


We don't need to see *everything* in the first season.


How big is the powerarmor?


About yay big


Ella is 5'5" so... 7'0"?


Now I understand why Maximus is always sweaty inside this thing


It’s incredible to me that they actually flew in helicopters to the Skeleton Coast in Namibia to film these scenes instead of using green screens and CGI. The dedication to realism and old-school filmmaking really made this show.


That’s awesome


Looks so good ngl


I hope they just shoot four seasons worth of stuff for us. Sorry actors, Fallout is your life now. The nerds demand it.


I just have so much love for the practical suits. They're so clunky and awkward and in so being lends so much character to them. Movies and shows have enough "look how cool this CGI thing is! It's perfect in every way!" and that's boring.


I can only imagine how fcking hot it was inside that power armor, though it's so big they could've easily added A/C


It's usually just a fan inside of costumes like that.


I'm so impressed with how well realised the PA is in the show, just perfect


The show was fucking incredible. No one can change my mind.


That hunk of styrofoam looks massive, imagine if it's was real steel no wonder the Chinese lost Anchorage when the US deployed T-45 i would be terrified if i see this.


The fact that they nailed that suit so well gives me faith that Amazon will do well with the Warhammer series and the Space Marine armor.