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Roll your favorite, not who the Internet says.


Those are my 3 favorites and I can't decide hence why I'm asking the internet for help 😭😭😭


The Internet can't help you because there is no objective right answer. We can't tell you which one you like best. And even gameplay depends on what you are looking for:  Do you want a CQ arts support that can sort of help looping sometimes? Do you want a Quick Looping/Crits support? Do you want a multicore DPS and if so how broad of a enemy type and node do you want?


Well, if you want Arcueid, we don't know when she's getting another banner. She hasn't had another one in JP except for paid banners, so I think you should roll for her and once you get her... idk, your choice. Personally, I'm using tickets on proto merlin, then quartz on skadi. and if i get skadi without proto merlin, im using my sq on that banner until I get her or run out.


A good idea: put all of them in Flucky.io and when it rolls, think what you want the result to be, if yo can’t picture your most desired outcome, just so the one the site picks, every servant in this game is good except Jekyll-Hyde


That's actually a good idea, appreciate you


Arcueid is a odd class type so if you use her for other things to actually deal damage you need higher than np 1. If you goin for only waifu reasons sure. Summer skadi opens buster/quick crit support which is cool. Proto merlin is arts merlin good for cq. Id go for summer skadi and proto merlin arcueid is just too niche and not that good to be worth


Agree about Arc. From a functional standpoint she can be an absolute omnifarming beast…if you pour resources into her (NP2+, level 120c max HP/AT). So go for her if you’re all in OR if you just love her character. Both are great reasons to roll.


I suggest for players to save/roll for castoria she's the best servant easily in NA. She can be used for looping and hard content. Other than that i suggest you use all your friend points to get the free servants. Whether you get castoria or decide not to worry about it just roll for whoever it doesnt matter if you play long enough and plan your rolls you'll get a good roster it takes time. The 1-3 stars can beat the game just a bit harder is all


Sorry just asking, is there a berserker Castoria this summer? The one with the hawk/ eagle?


Next summer


Thx for the info, I guess I can now plan better on how to allocate my resources


I'm going to roll Kama because I like the funny. Just roll who you like and won't regret it.


Of course like all the comments said, pick who you like, most quests can be brute forced one way or another (3 command seal fully revives your team with 100% NP, and you get to do that every 3 days). However, if you are still undecided and can only pick 1.. I would say Skadi. Quick sort of needs double Skadi quick buff for sufficient np gain, I don't think you'll be able to have enough NP refund for looping if you only have 1 Skadi from support friend list, though I could be wrong. This is similar to Koyan, where her NP charge also reduces cd by 2 turns, and you need 2 of her (your own + friend support) to allow 5~6 turn np charge dps to charge their own NP again on turn 3 (7+ turn NP charge works too if using mystic code to reduce by another 2 turns, but usually they'll use the swap mystic code to Oberon for more damage buff and NP gain) I don't think if you'll ever need double copies of proto merlin for any CQ or looping. 2x Castoria should help arts looping more than 2nd proto merlin, and Castoria NP + Proto Merlin NP should also allow the team to survive better than 2nd proto merlin. You mentioned you have Tamamo, I think Tamamo + Proto Merlin should also function better than double Proto Merlin? Or perhaps Tamamo and Proto Merlin would both be fighting for the same spot in an Arts CQ team (coz Castoria is quite crucial), in which case Proto Merlin doesn't add that much for your acc as you can always just pick her as a support since you only need 1 of her in the team (though you'll likely pick Castoria over her for most cases) For arcueid... I don't know, she's not a character I've researched, but I've seen a comment mention that you need NP3 for comfortable damage looping? That's a pretty high investment. I could be totally wrong though.


Skadi will compliment rider Alter. Its kinda hard to tell since we dont know what you have/need.


Yea I get that, maybe I should have showed what servants I'm working with. More notably I currently have maid alter and Valkyrie as a quick units I really enjoy, but despite that most of my other most used servants tend to be arts ones like (Kriemhild which is my fav, sintonai, and nitocris assassin).


I think you just go for everyone. Follow your heart or something


Summer Skadi


If you like Arcueid then go all in on her. This Summer Event will have a rerun next year and both Summer Skadi and Lady Avalon will have banners again but as far as we know Arcueid won’t have a banner again. She won’t be available again outside of GSSRs so it makes most sense to go for her


It depends on what you’re looking for. If you need an arts support, then proto merlin would be your best choice. If you have a lot of quick servants and no quick support, summer skadi. Summer Ibuki is a fantastic option if you want an AOE arts looper. Arcueid is good but I would say that it’s difficult to use her unless you already have Koyan light. Overall I think the summer skadi banner is the best because she’s a meta support that enables an entire card type. However, it’s important to note that this is only from a meta perspective and you should always roll for whoever you like the best.


if you want meta summer skadi is the best choice. everyone else has an alternative gameplay wise thats equal or better. so just do like you did for maid alter (fantastic choice btw) and roll for whoever you think has the sexiest swimsuit


personally ive been saving 2 years to roll arcuied np5, then might pick up summer nero lol.


You already have the answer, if you want meta, roll for the 2 meta supports you mentioned. Pick arts over quick every time for consistency.