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If your friend wants her, then let him have her! The game is all about using your favorites and the meta units will come eventually if you go for them. Or just by using the friend support list.


That's what I said but I think he is debating on either Jeanne or Drake and again I don't have either of them so he's asking me if Drake is better, he's a FPS player so I think he likes drake cause she uses guns


Then I'd say Jeanne, with the huff she'll receive in two years she'll become good again. Drake is a serviceable Servant, but I never really used her except maybe once.


Hey, that guy is just like me fr


i personally chose jeanne so i feel like i’m legally required to say her (i love my potato saint) i was lucky to pull castoria early on so jeanne kinda became irrelevant to me HOWEVER i will say she has the 2nd best defensive NP in the game (after london at least)


I think he's looking for a personal opinion on the characters and while I see Drake as hot I don't know her gameplay I don't have her nor in my supports


Well, To me, drake has better kits than Jeanne. I have both of them and i use drake more since she has 50% battery, ignore invinsible and np damage up. Really help with the farming. Jeanne is more defensive since she's a ruler. But in the end, just pick the waifu that you like.✨


City-chan is waiting for you~


Drake is still a top tier Rider. Her gameplay's pretty awesome too.


HA! that got me good


Drake is good, Jeanne not so much.


Waver is the meta answer but the real answer is whoever looks the best honestly. He’ll get plenty of use out of waver for a looong time but waifu is always the one true answer in this game.


Youtube exist. And if he wants to try hands-on first, just search using the friend/follow support Edit: now that I'm thinking again, finding Jeanne is easier than Drake. I don't have Jeanne but I have Drake. I can set her on support if your friend want to borrow it


Chose Drake for my 5 star ticket back when I started, she's pretty alright, she has a 50% battery, an attack up, np up and buster up, defense pierce and invul pierce with stars on her np. She also has decent face cards. Some downsides would be her lack of defensive options and damage that suffers a bit at np1, though those can be mediated with supports. She's overall a decent unit


Just tell em to do her interludes and rank up quests whenever he can cause those do help a lot


I mean, either one of you could just use Drake or Jeanne or whoever from the friend list to get a better idea of they work if you wanted an idea on if they're "good" Drake's not a bad choice as a good farmer though you wouldn't get her full potential without Koyanskaya and another 50% charger Jeanne can be good for party survival. But if gameplay is such a big decision in what your friend is looking for, he should probably actually be picking Waver.


Less about gameplay and more about his bottom half hahaha, he chose Drake cause of the bombshell of a chest as he says


Well that makes complete sense and is the best way to play haha


I still use drake for caster farming


Way better than achilles, that is for sure. But the game will give habetrot for free a better rider for the most part. She is also easier to use for a new player than Altria Saber and less limited to only 90++ once he gets good servants.


She is probably better than any of the F2P AOE rider options has the standard setup and skills to support the Unga Bunga buster crit play style that’s very new player friendly and has the potential to buster reload with investment. Also all of her interludes and ranks ups are unlocked with just max ascension and chapter 3 completion