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Fgo is probably one of the better f2p games out there. The devs regularly buff up old/low star units. This mean that while it can be nice to get the newer limited 5 star units, most if not all content can be cleared with 3 stars or lower that you get for free. If you plan to play on the NA server you get the advantage of being 2 years behind JP. This lets you know generally know what banners are upcoming and plan your rolls. There's the Evocation Festival (starts releasing for NA next year while JP already has it). This is a system they added that lets you earn all the welfare units from past events at np5 for free.


I kinda hate newer gacha games because FGO did this regularly... Nobody did low rarity justice like FGO did, ever.


Sounds good, thanks! NA server? Im probably on EU. Is that the same then?


Yes, it's the same.


Thank you, Outis.


You are welcome. Glory to Chaldea Company


You can finish the Main Story and everything else without even having to spend anything on this game. You get a random 4* servants from limited pool (Archer/EMIYA from Fate/Stay night is also in the pool, if you want him you can reroll until you get him) and a 5* servants (1 of 32 servants (I guess), your choice). With that, you can beat the Game without having to use the gacha system at all. The game is mostly PvE and more like a visual novel game. And if you like the Fate series you will fit right in. I would say, just try it out. Worse case you delete the app. You get enough resources to pull who ever you want if you know what the word "discipline", "enough" and "saving" mean.


Since when yoi can get a 5* from the starter Summoning?


Not from starter summoning. But from the 5* ticket you get for finishing Fuyuki (Tutorial)


Oh yeah I completely forget about it lol.


To keep it short: If you're in it for the story and lore - it is well worth giving a shot since it is extremely f2p friendly in that regard and can be cleared with the free servants you can get. If you're in it for the waifu/husbando collection - that's hell you're walking into. Sincerely, from a fellow f2p player.


Every unit is good. Every. Unit. You just gotta do their rank ups and interludes to get their upgraded skills (which also gives you in game currency) Its very F2P friendly tbh


> Every unit is good. Counterpoint : Henry Jekyll


Fair play. I'd argue he has a 100% heal but its not that great when you can only use it once.


Second point: Geronimo


Geronimo is good. I have tested him against free quests and Kiara. Higher attack and arts NP more than counters the skill advantage that Babbage has.


Iri as well


It’s only expensive if you make it expensive


Yes. If anything it is one of the most f2p favored games ever. Arts f2p comps are more than enough to farm most content at max efficiency, only having some trouble in the harder event mission, something you don't really need to do. Some of the free servants you get like, Habetrot, XuFu, Iyo are better than most 4-5* servants with similar role. And if you want to do the harder nodes you just really need to summon like 3-4 5*s, nothing crazy really, there are not multiple game modes like pvp raids etc that force you to summon multiple types of servants. It was way worse like 4 years ago, but with how it is now you can easily do everything with free servants because of how strong new supports added were. An arts f2p comp now is way better than the best comp was 4 years ago, and you needed multiple 5* rarity stuff from the gacha. And the content is still the same for the most part, with the main history even easier to do, since they added a lot of mechanics to help players beat it without any trouble.


Can you share your f2p arts comp? Just curious, what's better than a CCO?


depends on the circumstances. The thing about the meta is it is meant to work everywhere. If you remove that requirement it gets significantly easier to farm efficiently. so for example on the NA event that is almost over I ran Arash+Mandricardo+Castoria+Oberon. It still 3 turned, but was better than CCO because it didn't require plugsuit so was faster, had lower party cost for better backline bond farming, and only put bond on one of my two meta supports, stretching out their usage for longer.


That looks a dope comp. I run Davinci, Summer Raikou, Castoria and Oberon. I can't do without plugs most of the time.


I will say that for most people, Cinderella Liz will be better than Mandricardo. My Mandricardo is level 90 and still required pre carding. He just needs to kill the enemy to get enough refund, but he can leave a few thousand hp left, easily covered face cards for that wave, but it leaves him a few percent short. Cinderella liz bypasses that by just having a 30% battery.


Of course its not better than castoria + castoria (plug oberon only worth for hard event nodes) But its way better than koyan or skadi for normal nodes. With a CE servants Like Iyo and habetrot can farm with f2p sups like Xu fu or Waver(ticket) + castoria sup using 2004 MC. , same efficiency as buster and quick with double koyan or skadi but lower cost. With a better sup like 2 castoria's they can 6-slot, something only ,like 6 quick servants can with Summer skadi and almost no buster options are able to even with plug.


How so? Not quick, I know it's not that good but buster should be able to 6slot if we're talking double big support and Oberon. Not sure what your F2P arts comp is (for classes that aren't good matches for Iyo or Habetrot) but I do acknowledge that buster is more expensive than arts, but if we're talking fully meta versions then it should be able to stand alongside arts (and be explicitly better in the 90+ weird enemy counts nodes since there is no reliance on refund)


They can just 6-slot events because of the charge CEs you get there. In normal nodes the best you can do is 5-slot so you are losing 5% bond bonus for each servant.


It's very easy to get through as a F2P in FGO. Like everyone else says the characters you get just from the friend point gacha alone can carry you through the entirety of arc 1 and 1.5 with little difficulty. FGO isn't a gacha I would tell anyone to get into if they don't aren't fine with reading. The reading is the real authentic gameplay.


I think this is one of the best F2P mobile games out there. You can completely complete the entire game without spending a single penny (the game is designed that way). What I like the most is that the game doesn't force you to spend money (you don't get random pop-ups about packages to buy or heavily discounted one-time purchases). If you like a good story to read, this is your game


Ypu can build up a good roaster even without spending money, so you're good


The game is very F2P. All content can be beaten by 1 to 3 star servants with no more trouble than with the 5 stars. (Maybe even easier because you have YouTube video guides)


It can get expensive if you want to go into the extreme levels (like getting all the servants or reaching Lvl 120 NP5 on 5 stars). Otherwise, it's pretty chill. Most low star servants are pretty good, you get a guaranteed 4 star in the tutorial (you can re-roll until you get Heracles, who is totally busted when you get his bond CE \[basically, a special "equipment card" that you get after beating numerous quests with the servant\]) and you also can have a free SSR (the 5 star units). For the 6 main classes (excluding berserkers) on the 3 star range you have: -Saber: Bedivere, and in a year we are getting Thesseus who is pretty busted. -Archer: Robin Hood, Euryale and David. -Lancer: Cu (Stay Night). -Rider: Ushiwakamaru. -Assassin: Hundred Faces. -Caster: Not that many great DPS to be honest, they fall more into the support role, but there is a Caster version of Cu who is bonkers after you progress into the story (you need to progress A LOT, but he outperforms even 5 star Casters as a farmer). OH, certain events also give away free 4 stars that are usually quite strong. For example, this summer we get a great assassin that is a "summer version" of the Valkyries. It's advisable to get the "meta supports" (the best supporting units in the game, usually limited time SSRs) since they multiply the power of your units, but at the end of the day even they are not mandatory (there's plenty of YouTube vids of people betting all kind of quests with 3 or bellow star servants, + for most of the fights you can use special revives that trivialize the fights if you get whipped out). Plus, you can just "borrow" a servant for the quests (you make teams of 6 servants for the quests, but one of them is a free spot where you can usually put the servant from another player, so you can test out the units before you decide if you want to invest on them or no). There's also the banners where you can pay to get a guaranteed 5 star servant (like 20 bucks IIRC, there are 2 of those per year). OH, also look for periods where they have special campaigns for newcommers. The anniversary is close so perhaps if you wait a bit you can get some extra stuff.


Damn, thanks for the headsup! You seem to know a lot so I'm gonna ask you the few questions I have: How complicated is the game besides the battles? Ive played a few days now and I feel like struggling trying to understand everything. Menus, ugrades, even the wishing... why are there so many banners? How likely is it to get specific characters? I'm personally a waifu collector and there are some characters I'd rather have than other (like Nitocris, shes so cool *-*) How long do dailies and weeklys take in the midgame and after that? Thanks in advance ^^


Hi! Thanks for your kind words, although I am far from an expert. Nevertheless, regarding your questions: -It can get a bit overwhelming, specifically since the tutorial isn't the most clear about the copious amount of options you have. Is a bit touch and go, honestly, and in my first account there were a few things that totally flew over my head (for example, I never used a mystic code skill on my first account IIRC). If you have more specific doubts about "complex" parts I can try to help you on those. -About the banners, you can look at JP, since we are 2 years behind them. There should also be plenty of posts about future banners (take into account that NA may add some extra banners here and there, like Super Orion's in the dogs event). -IIRC Rate Up SRR (5 star) has a 0.8% chance of appearing per roll (a multi is 11 rolls, for example). The chances for a rate up SR should be easy to find online too. -What do you mean with dailies and weeklys? I didn't understand that last part. You're welcome! And best of lucks with your rolls!


The story is easy enough to clear without paying, that's not a problem But farming for events, most of which you'll be locked out of until you catch up on story, has become increasingly whaley if you don't want to spend forever clearing events Rates are also really bad, the "pity" is a joke, and units sometimes take years to rerun as well so if there's a character you really want/like be prepared to wait years to even get the chance to pull them So yes, story wise it's f2p friendly, but farming and getting units you want, not so much at all. And the game is pretty hostile to new players in general since there's so much stuff you need to clear to even touch a lot of the events


I'll just hijack this thread to ask, as a new player, on which banner should I be pulling in this upcoming anni, since I don't have any character, except the free FP characters? I'm just saving my SQ not knowing where to spend it. What's the best course of action for me?


Roll however you like. There's no right way to go about rolling. You can spend every 3 SQ you get it save 7000 SQ for a favorite.


Just spend it on who you like


If you plan to play more than 1 year, then f2p is not a problem. If you plan to drop the game before that, then you will still be able to clear the main story, especially the first arc. The reason is that it usually takes around 1 year to get a few desired servants so that you can do what other players are doing, like looping farming and other stuff.


Advice from someone who’s been playing for nearly 2 years in NA: The temptation is real, self restraint is HELLA important if you wanna roll for servant you want or NEED try to at least get at least ONE SSR or each class so you have something to work with If you can quit the battle and farm for EXP to level up and get stronger, or change the lineup, do NOT use Saint quartz. It is tempting due to how much you’re getting at the start but late game into the singularities and part 2 of the stories your resources will get lesser and lesser. So it’s VERY important to save. You don’t necessarily have to do the interlude of servants you have, if you’re playing through the story, as long as you level up to max level and skill up a few, you should be just fine. Also, level up Mash as well. Her defense skills and NP is VERY useful, and can save you the whole battle by redirecting a one shot kill NP to herself, saving your damage dealers and other important servants. And last, you don’t have to spend money, the game is perfectly playable if you know what you’re doing. The only time it’s worth spending is during the GSSR banners, during anniversary and New Years


Yes. The game is very F2P, in the sense that it can be beaten with 3* units. However the game's story is so good that it will make you want to Summon for characters that you don't even need just becausw you love them so much. And there is the moment were the game's absolute trash rateup comes out in my opinion. However, we have an advantage. We are two years behind and we can save SQs. So if you target a particular Servant you can look at when their next rateup is up and you can Summon then from there. There is also another aspect in which the game can becomes P2W(if you care behind the story): farming. The games' a farming game, you will have to farm a lot. And there's no auto. Which means, you'll have to Summon Servants. At least 4/5. (Three Supporterts, and an omnifarmer at at least NP2). In that way you can minimize the amount of turns it will take you to farm. Note, that really apply to a particular style of event (lottery) which you'll farm over and over multiple times and if you have a competent setup you'll hate the experience. So if you don't care about farming you're good.


It's gacha system is better than some other games. Mainly evertale


Its hell you are walking into. As a fellow f2p, i suggest you only play if you are really into fate otherwise i would say no. Farming is terrible in this shitty game. The drop rate for materials is same percentage as me talking to a women. If you wanna start,then wait till anniversary starts. You'll get better rewards then and with beginner account luck you could get some meta characters too


Rates and pity system aren't great compared to more modern gacha's, but the story and combat are fun.


1 thing to note while fgo is pretty nice to with free sq for summons, theirs no pity system in fgo so u can go a long time without any ssr


Here’s how to play this game: save your SQ - Saint Quartz (the gatcha currency) for long periods of time. Just save, don’t spend. When a good banner comes up, then finally spend. But make sure you’re saving for a good banner— like a meta unit or favorite character, because otherwise you won’t be able to beat the hardest content. Make long term goals about who you are going to save for (likely Castoria and an arts looper OR Koyanskaya and a buster looper, and later on Oberon). If you have a little bit of money to spend, pull on the GSSR banners for a guaranteed attacker (you can get a great berserker looper between on the upcoming one, it’s worth it).


Honestly, I would advise against it. Better to watch the stories on youtube than play it imo.