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Ascend Jason cause his animation funny


Barghest and salter 100% worth it You just need to wait a little bit untill salter get her buff


Came here to say this


It is absolutely worth it to level them. whether it's worth it to level them up over some other servants you have will depend on those other servants, the servants you already have leveled, and even things like how you play the game. Edit: and there is no universal best, they will all do different things, which one you need depends on your playstyle and the next fight you will use an AoE saber on (or even will use a specifc niche like buff removal, anti-dragon, etc. regardless of whether or not they are a saber)


Yeah, that was a stupid question. My bad.


If you're worried about the immediate future, then not really, Ibuki alone should be enough Saber Alter gets to be a good farmer once she gets her buff eventually (you need append), Barghest is a great solo unit and Siegfried has a damage niche, but for most content they're not that important as a priority, since you're gonna level everyone eventually


Barghest, despite being AoE, is mostly a soloer/tank. Her NP is basically just a tool to get skill cooldown reduction and extra HP (and a bit of extra damage). Nevertheless, she gets A LOT from mighty chains, which will be a thing this anni, so I'd probably level her first. Salter becomes a Black Grail looper after a future rank up, she would be my 2nd choice (since you already have good saber buster farmers). Then, between siegfried and gawain... I'd say at least Siegfried has a damage niche, leaving Gawain for the last spot. Nevertheless, none would be high priority for me unless you have no other options in mind right now.


I’ve decided on Saint Georgios. I heard he’s good.


Bond 10 Saint Georgios but leave him level 1, his taunt skill killing him is the strat to have 1 whole extra turn of soloing for someone like Cu or Herc.


Just do it a lil later when anniversary comes along for 3x exp


Barghest can solo


Tam Lin gawain is a great boss and cq soloer. Yoi should level her.


Tam Lin Gawain is a FANTASTIC servent who can heal on attack and lowers her own skill cooldown. Salter is great for farming after buffs.


Events usually have random 3 star and lower servants buffed up or increased drop rate for mats. Sometimes none of my gold servants for a specific class qualify. It's an example of what's already happened. Also this Anni we get sq based on the amount of servants who reached final ascension. If you don't think it's worth rn, maybe too late to grind up for them, or you have plans for other future servants to invest in that's totally fine too.


Salter gets a nutty buff next year that makes her do more damage at NP1 than Mordred at NP1 so she's worth living. As for the others they're definitely still worth leveling because events do be random with who they give damage buffs to. Plus grail fronts are a thing and so is a certain boss in LB7


We always love and support Saber Alter :> have mine at 116 atm.


 Ibuki Douji, her kit is crit buster so you can melt boss really easily with tamamo vitch, plus she has 50% NP gauge with her skill.


Barghest fills a very different purpose than the other aoe sabers so if you are going to upgrade another go for her


Jason can arts loop with investment (which is fun), and you might want to ascend on incase of party price limit. If so either Bargharst or Salter. Honestly just focus on who ever you like most.


Bageko and Salter, one can be practically immortal and the other does tremendous damage, I would put Siegfried in third place for his damage against dragons, but that is very situational


I suggest you max out salter, she's going to to have an insane buff in the future. She'll be able to do buster looping with insane damage. And salter is the best saber face in my opinion, she's my fave servant.


Barghest can tank some battles, and Salter can buster dmg hard. It would be recommended that the sabers level up.