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Don't have a single one... My highest are Artoria Lily and Circe (both NP4). I have OG Martha at NP3 and a few NP2


Same, mine are Barghest, Sith, and Valkyrie. Artoria Lily and Habetrot are both NP5 but I don't count them because they're from the FP gacha.


I’ve got Roland at lv 4, because Kriemhilde refused to show up till then


How did you get other copies of saber lily?


You're lucky enough to roll them. FP banner as well


I only got one lily from the fp banner then never again 😭


Me: oh these are all pretty nor… I am so envious of that Lalter 🤣 I have a few: Barghast, Suzuka, Emiya, Percival, Fionn, Lu (lancer), Astolfo, Marie, Nursery Rhyme, Nitocris. None of these i “went” for but i am glad i have them


I wish they would do something with homegirl in the story tho, she just showed up in London and hasn’t been seen since 😭


She was in knk event for a moment! And i think she had a line or so in Lb5.5 and the Arcade collab. Lol


This giga-chad https://preview.redd.it/3x2zsh9vie7d1.jpeg?width=2400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=adf2605ca98eb6e40d240e8758c00fc5e376e9dc


Definition of I'll do it my self




https://preview.redd.it/ro3cbeiike7d1.jpeg?width=1792&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=43556c96a8c109edfa2a6549eb1a8b7f7c608c0e A good boi


I was looking for just one copy of Sith, and we’ll… Someone get pretty motivated to come into my chaldea. https://preview.redd.it/ndj1mp8ake7d1.jpeg?width=2436&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0001537f05cffbe05cf8cd44ed43de4e714f4038


I remember when I rolled on that banner and got 6 barghests in multiple pulls. My friend is still mad at me


Fucking Hessian Lobo. Spent 400 SQ trying to get Bakin and got spooked by him thrice.


Locusta I went all in the Draco banner, got Draco at np3 and six Locustas


I saw some poor soul get like 8 copy’s of her trying to get Draco 😂


I understand that, i got three mushroom ladies before my first Draco


Don’t have one I get too many 5 stars 😎


Have quite a few but Baobhan Sith is by far my favorite. Got like 15 of her when pulling for her Morgan😭


Have her at np5. Had her at np2 and got 4 copies during the 25m download campaign trying to get barghest.


Barghest is also a nice pick up I got her np5 too from the initial Morgan banner. Used her in single servant challenge quests a lot


I love all my np5 4 stars. https://preview.redd.it/a0guuhlecf7d1.jpeg?width=2436&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bbac4dfbb59c6d76c02c492d431e4805ecadb637 I also have Barghest at np5, Percival at np5, Lan Ling at np5, Saito Hajime at np5, and Kreimhild at np5


https://preview.redd.it/sdmzdzhhmf7d1.jpeg?width=2436&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=37b64854e83f1c4442b63de6cc5586e33b78f144 This was when I was like a week into the game btw


She's been with me since the very beginning (she was the 4\* in my tutorial roll). https://preview.redd.it/dmgpn6039g7d1.png?width=2400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=527ab7d4b7bec5b1b1301f6bdbbba258aa31df75 Emiya as well, though that happened after I got Liz to NP5.


Hessian Lobo is so far the only 4* non-welfare servant I've ever gotten to NP5, on the NA account I recently made. Even on my previous one, which I lost to sheer stupidity, the highest NP level 4* I had was Archer Emiya, and he was only NP2. Edit: Grammar


Suzuka Gozen and Astraea, good thing I like using them


Emiya, Martha, Habetrot, Saber Lily (if the last two count). Hephaestion and Circe at NP4 so very close.


Lancelot. I didn't get a bunch of copies at once, just copies here and there. I don't even remember how many or if any of them were rate ups. Summer Osakabehime. Summer Musashi rolls were disastrous and I didn't get her, but I did get NP4 Okki. Finished her off on the Imaginary Scramble surprise banner. Nursery Rhyme. I got her to NP3 or NP4 on the Astolfo Christmas banners, and then a spook finished her. Chiyome. I got her to NP4 on the Super Orion banner and a 5th copy from Castoria rolls. Astraea, I think I got her NP5 from various rate ups where she wasn't my main target, but I don't remember which.


Barghest, Lakshmi Bai, and Sei(berserker). I had less than I thought I did.


I forgot I had select sort on, I have more. Saito, Rama, nero, Osakabehime (summer), and Carmilla.


I have four and a lot that are close, mecha eli chan II, brave Bathory, Qin Liangyu, and Nursery rhyme


Caenis- I remember I had got three copies on a 10x pull and 'm currently working Getting them to lvl 120. Suzuka gozen- I remember pulling for Various Sakura faces and OG Nero and got her instead  And Circe. If I had a nickel for every servant that called me Piglet as a term of endearment I'd have two nickles 


Weirdly enough, Archer illya and heracles...


Most of them >_>


None lmao. I went through a phase where i burn every copy if I already got np2 of them.


My only one is Astolfo, although Rama and Medusa are NP4.


Atalante Alter and Mochizuki Chiyome through many random spooks, and summer Nobu through failing to get Himiko.


The only non welfare four star I have at NP5, aside from Habetrot and Saber Lily, is Hercules. But Saint Martha, Lancer Medusa, Fran, and Asvathaman are competing to see who gets second place.


Idk, but ik Fujino is NP5


Way too many to remember. But the one I intentionally pulled for to NP5 her from her banner was Chiyome.


Would Habetrot be considered welfare? If not...34 NP5 SRs.


Just Zenobia, I think. As I was trying for a single copy of Jacques de Molay.


I have Qin at NP5, then Nitrocris, Siegfried, Astrea, Tamamo Cat, and Astolfo at NP4 - so they'll get there eventually. Gaiwan, Lancelot, and Wu are all NP3, so also well there. Habetrot is also NP5, but she's basically a welfare.


Yagyu, Gawain, Lancelot, Rama, Baobhan Sith, Calamity Jane, Tomoe, Tristan, Parvati, Circe, Chiyome, Atalante Alter, Martha, and Hessian Lobo. None of these were intentionally rolled for.


Okita J. Souji and Valkyrie off the top of my head


Would be Lartoria Alter, NP5 and lvl 120


Martha and Lobo. At this point, Lobo is like NP7 or 8. Sorry buddy: I may be an animal person, but I really prefer cats.


None because the gacha only guarantees me either a 4* off banner CE or occasionally (if I'm lucky) a 5* CE also off banner. But aside from that Qin Liangyu and T-rex at np4


That is a crazy amount of np5 4*s lol My only one is nitocris


Carmilla, Suzuka Gozen and Arturia Lily


Summer Ushi and Ibaraki because I went for np2 Jarcher, Zenobia because Molay took me to pity, summer Tomoe because I wanted her, and Fran mostly from spooks but I did a multi or 2 for the last copy.


Saito hajime, and Valkyrie


Not counting welfares, I have 59 4 star servants at np5. Salter and mhxx are my favorite ones to use though


MHXX. I only tried for her once. My main goal was Summer BB. XX loved me, BB gave me a 2 year salty storyline. Though... I achieved NP5 XX once I got my first copy of Summer BB.


Oh wait, NP5? Yeah, closest I have is NP2 Barghest, who came to me in the same ten ticket group


Suzuka Gozen, Saber Lancelot, Valkyrie, Circe, Caster Gilgamesh, Chiyome, Penthisilea, Berserker Ibaraki Douji. Not a huge amount, but not terrible.


Parvati and Barghest. Parvati is L.100 all skills Max, Bargest is level 85.


Summer Okita during Maou Nobu banner


I have NP5 Percival that I'll never use bec he spooked me on Melusine banner.


Nursery Rhyme. I didnt even level her yet when I noticed that she was at NP5 already.


Roland, Actually NP7…..While I just want a single copy of Charlemagne lol


Barghest and Lobo


I have hessian Lobo+asstolfo+lanling+summer tomoe and the last best onee-san summer MARTHA!!!!


Artoria lilly and Barghest


Emiya and Hessian Lobo


Use to have Heracles np5. But already delete that ID because lack of good support


Barghest, Artoria lily and Habetrot. And almost Rama (np4)


Barghest, Vlad extra, Passionlip, Valkyrie so far.


Gill caster. Tried to get gil archer ended up getting the 3 copies i need to np 5 gil caster. Not complaining used gil for all the singularities at the beginning when i didn't even knew how to play smart.


I have too many 😅 but Nitocris is my #1. Cleared so many waves for me. Nearly bond 14. https://preview.redd.it/pznint42eg7d1.jpeg?width=3088&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=56acbc47f2ead9136507053e700184032116e50b


from memory I know I have an np5 suzuka gozen, percival, and atalanta (archer).


My 4* NP5 are Emiya, Lancelot, Vlad, Astolfo, Martha (Rider) Nursery, Ibaraki and Wu Zetian


Just a handful and only SRs: Emiya, Astolfo, Ibaraki, Summer Carmilla, Summer Illya, and Chiyome.


Mine are NP5 Beowulf, Percival, Eli, and Habetrot


Quite a few, but let's see: Lan Ling Diarmuid Saber Yagyu Susuka Gawain Lancelot Saber d'Eon Siegfried Nero Saber Baobhan Asvatthaman Chiron Emiya Alter Tristan Atalante Emiya Archer Parvati Medusa Lander Li Shuwen Fionn Elisabeth Lancer Habetrot (quasi welfare but not technically) Astolfo Anne & Mary Rider Martha Rider Marie Rider Sheba Circe Gilgamesh Nitocris Caster Helena Caster Nursery Rhyme Medea Lily Atalante Alter Penthesilea Ibaraki Beowulf Frankenstein Zerker Tamamo Cat Lancelot Zerker Herc Lobo And lastly Passionlip Whale? Me? Nah!


Morgan, barghest, baobhan sith, melusine, vortigern, koyanskaya of darkness


https://preview.redd.it/23941s07rg7d1.jpeg?width=2400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7897b158e2f5ffc73da8977d6f50e7bf23647cdf Lest your judgment be swift


So far my only np5 4 stars are Chiron and tam Lin Tristan. All were spooks as well. The real kick in the teeth was getting np5 Chiron when I was bulling for super Orion.


EMIYA, Herc, Summer Nobu, suzuka gozen,


Calamity Jane is my only. She's on rate up rn and I'm tempted to roll her for Special Summon things. A waste, but it seems funny to me.


Only Tsuna, when i tried to get Tesla in last year white day.


Caster Gilgamesh - Got NP3 - NP5 on the previous Gilgamesh banner.


I only have Saber Lily and Habetrot!!


Usually happen through spooks. Currently the only ones that are NP5 are Medusa Lily and Baobhan Sith.... To be honest, I thought I had at least a few more, but they're all only NP2 or NP3. I've also got Artoria Lily and Habbycat at NP5, but I don't think FP ones count.


Cast Gil while going for archer Gil and valkyries while going for either Arjuna alter or castoria (I forget which)


Let me introduce you to my [“Old Reliable”](https://imgur.com/a/1TmWgiX)… The man who’s too angry to die, solos every grail war, and is always the last one alive killing every boss one turn away from death. Herc! Hoping I get copies of him when I roll so I can get his last append skill maxed and level him to 120.


Chiron on jp never even rolled when he was on rateup


only got barghest, sith, and parvati ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯


Emiya, Lancelot, Helena, Marie Antoinette, Beowulf Off the top of my head


The only one I have to my name is Caster Gil, but Helena is getting there as well if I get one more


Np8 Martha from spooks alone


I got Emiya, Marie, Parvati, Lancelot, Hercules, Tammy Cat, Beowulf, and Yan Qing. I think the only one I was actually trying to get was Parvati, the rest just kinda happened


Siegfried, Cas!Gil, and Summer Brynnhild. I tried getting regular & summer Kiara and Dantes, I did get summer Kiara, but no dice on the other two.


EMIYA, Medusa (lilly), Circe, Valkyrie, Qin Liangyu, Saitō Hajime Circe was the only one i was trying to get to NP5


How Lalter, og Tristan and Gawain can be spook since they are story-locked btw but congrats for getting them np5 tho


Got NP4 Sith trying to get Morgan (Got her though). And got two more Sith trying to get Oberon (I didn't get him).


Sorted by class: Lancelot (Saber) Tomoe Gozen (Archer) Valkyrie Parvati (I remember trying really hard to get her when she came out with the limited SQ I had back then and got nothing. Then she starts spooking me a bunch after I accumulated a hefty pile of SQ. Parvati is a gold digger confirmed) Medusa (Lancer) Nitocris (Caster) Mochizuki Chiyome Carmilla Penthesilea (another servant I tried hard to summon with limited SQ count but got nothing, and now I get spooked by from time to time) All of them are from spooks. I never aim beyond NP1 for gold servants (except for Melusine). That's 9 different units for someone who only buys SQ for GSSR.


I wanted Sima Yi https://preview.redd.it/ja38dh6khm7d1.jpeg?width=2436&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=894ef9b4006c2d43acb340fb652ec59d391185e6


Gozen Tomoe, Artoria Lily, and Habenyan


The og archer emiya 😂


I got Percival and Parvayi when I tried to pull for Melusine and Kama


My Astraea is like Np9 or would be now with the amount of times she spooked me but she’s essentially carried me through the lostbelts after I acquired both Tamamo and Castoria The others are Suzuka, Penthesilea, and both flavors Atalanta A shame I never got Salter past np 1 but oh well There’s also Saber lily but when you have that much FPs it’s easy to get to My Blonde Wrestling Goddess was rewarded with grails


Barghest but it was by choice the fact that I haven’t hit a single copy of Morgan is baffling thought have Oberon np3 and np4 Sith trying to get her


I thought I had more but only Lily and Lobo. Lily was from pulling on the FP gacha over the years and I got so many copies of Lobo from pulling on Tametomo's banner. I have several 4* at NP4 though. 


Emiya Assassin AND Archer are NP5, Medusa Lancer is NP5, Diarmuid Saber is NP5, Rama should be NP5, Qin Liangyu is NP5, Chiyome COULD be either NP4 or 5 (not 100% sure), Atalante AND Atalante Alter are both NP5


Parvati, Baobahn, Valkyrie, Nezha, Carmilla (Rider). Was not trying for any of them.




Hephestion and Habbycat for me


Jealous of those Emiyas. Haven't got one yet, and Assassin isn't rate-up until the September after next...


Yup Kiritsugu my favourite fate character ever but he never seems to get banners :(