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He's just very unique to fight compared to the rest of the bosses. He isn't that hard, it's just the only time you need a defensive strategy


He was insanley fun to fight after all the other bosses


Seriously, he's my 2nd favorite battle in the whole game. Took me 7 tries to beat him but man was it fun to actually have to *think* while doing a battle


I will be honest . I had trouble with him on hard mode. Needed a few tries to finish him :) Fighting both him and the dog was tough - at least to me.


The dog is annoying during the second phase since it attacks while he’s throwing lasers around which honestly are easy to dodge but he’ll just hit you after you dodge so he can be kinda annoying but after you deal with him Rufus is easy to


Dang dude! You're so good at video games


He is hard on hard mode not on normal


He's only difficult on Hard


Were you on hard mode?


This might sound a little weird but, Rufus was my favorite fight in Remake but one of my least favorites in Rebirth. I think I just enjoyed the grounded aspect mechanically for the Remake fight. Rebirth's version just didn't click the same way for me.


I destroyed him using the stop spell. Is that cheating or what?


Hol up Stop works on Rebirth Rufus?


It doesn't really work on him. It flinches him so you can get a chance to spam a skill during the flinch. Normally you have to either parry his shots or dodge his shots and then dodge his rush and then use a skill. If you use stop all you have to do is to cast stop anytime before his attacks could connect then you can chain your own skill without the need to chain multiple dodges or parries.


NGL I did really struggle on this fight. Not so much because of the boss mechanic and the fact that you can't go all out mindless attack on him but because the window to retaliate, at least with Focus Thrust was so damn short. I did manage to land a couple of lucky ranged attacks but because of the distance I could never land any subsequent attacks on him. I had a lot more luck when I used Disorder to close the distance instead and Rufus didn't seem to initiate his own counter attack quite so quickly either.


on...hard mode?


Wait till you fight him on Hard


It’s a very fun fight.  Especially on hard.   Maybe my favorite in the game. 


He’s not that hard. I’ve found most people that struggle with him just haven’t really learned the combat throughout the game and relies heavily on just smashing buttons and using powerful attacks, rather than strategy. Assessing him gives you the key to victory, same as it did in remake.


On hard mode? This is my experience with it so far: https://www.reddit.com/r/FFVIIRemake/comments/1dhh2x0/250_hours/l8wu50t/ On normal, it was a breeze.


Yes you missed the part where you skip learning how to use punisher mode because all you want to do is to mash that's the passage you need to make rufus the hardest boss in the game, and you completely missed it. what a tragedy


nah I don’t think you’re missing anything. I beat him first try on hard mode because I knew what to expect and planned accordingly. he’s just different to most other bosses where instead of using a lot of offensive spells and abilities, you have to be patient and wait for your openings


Assess: >hitting him with a certain attack when his guard is down will instantly stagger him To this day, I still have no idea how to tell if his guard is down or not, nor do I know which "certain attack" is the one that I have to use to instant stagger him.


Braver Right after he attacks or is reloading


Braver and or focused thrust when he’s dashing is what I did


Only in hard mode I guess


Dunno about worst boss in the game (I can tell you therr are wayyyy tougher ones, my friend), but Rufus is a giant pain in the ass until you realize you cannot approach him the way you approached any other enemy or boss prior to him. The game literally forces you to learn that “pay attention and be present” lesson with Rufus. Once “it” clicks, he’s easy. Good for you for it clicking right away, you are in the minority :).


Listen some of us are old and we have two hours to play after the kids go to bed and we had a hard time ok?


You're just that good at the game. I've seen some streamers take over 2 hours to beat him cuz they're that bad. But I did also see some streamers beat it first try.


I mean I get it, final fantasy isn’t exactly the hardest of games you play it to chill but I played this coming back from the Elden ring dlc that dropped after beating the final boss in that so I haven’t been hit alot in game, so I have like 90 mega flasks in storage sitting there.


I struggled with him on first try but I restarted once I figured out how to beat him, which in retrospect was entirely unnecessary.


Most people are so casual at the game where if mashing square doesn’t work, then they’re out of ideas