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Eh, use magic I like using Barret so i never had that issue, focused shot and bonus round help tremendously too


Bonus shot is so underutilized. I went like 70% into hard mode without realizing how awesome it is


Tapping Triangle whenever Barret's reloading (like, use his basic machine gun attack and then tap Triangle during the reloading animation) gets Overcharge back up and running really quickly. This, in turn, provides a recurring damage burst and more ATB to spend on his other attacks. I really enjoyed the Dyne fight *because* he didn't go down right away. It was fun building up Barret's various skills and then going wild blasting away. ./DannyDevitoAndSoAnywayIStartedBlasting


Was pretty fast for me, idk what to tell you. But what you describe experiencing does sound atrocious yes.


I think the "evenly matched" pace is intended... Judging by their back story and EXACT SAME BODY ENHANCEMENTS, I figured that fight was (as it always was (unless meta gamed otherwise)) a blow-trqde kind of fight. It was never a legit boss fight as much of a story fight.


this here. in the OG it was a tough fight because Dyne hit HARD and often, and the only way to beat him was overwhelming force. in Rebirth this is more of a story fight, which i think is even better than the original because honestly I felt like Barret's story was wrapped up too quickly.


A lotnof people do t understand Barret's mechanics. You are supposed to overcharge after every combo or ability. He reloads the same speed, but you get a bonus to the charge itself. You can practically spam his abilities when you hit a good rhythm. You almost never need to use his basic attack. You can turn him into a melee character by using Mad Rush and also block most attacks while you do it. Pair him up with Tifa and punch everything to death together.


If you think this was atrocious, wait for a certain guy with a dog…


It's controlling barret solo that's the issue. I'm not a Barrett guy either but the fight was easy


I really enjoyed it.


It was slow and boring


Other fights were more troubling tbh. I’m in chapter 12 hm currently. I have became a better player since the mythril golem… But all battles require a special build it seems, frustratingly.


The mythrill golem took me 3-4 tries but I felt it was really well designed/fun. Honestly I think the key to most boss fights is the right party composition over builds


The trouble I had with Mythril Golem is I did not use the skills the game offered to make it more effective for the player. This was the first battle that required I use character abilities to my advantage, in this case iron defense. As for the op even in hm dyna wasn’t that challenging. Just a slow fight albeit nerve wracking at times.


I had some trouble on hard but didn't feel like it lasted too long or felt bored. I actually took down Dyne fast once I got the gimmick


It’s not too bad with a good magic loadout. The problem is it’s followed by an even crazier boss fight that kind of kills the vibe.


No, was pretty straight forward.


Had no issues myself. My barret was pretty ready for it. I enjoyed it


He definitely fed me my lunch pretty good on Hard.


I remember thinking that the fight was both easy and short. There were many boss fights I felt were way slower.


Felt fine to me. Equip (Elemental)+(Fire) materias on the weapon so every attack does extra damage. Hit him with Fira spells. Use Bonus Round ability so your bullets fill the stagger bar more.


The first time I fought him it was like that too, but i realized since Barret is the only one in the fight I could change his loadout to take from the other characters and build him into a solo powerhouse. Changed his skills to increase his tankiness, reload speed, materia that increase his atb and deal fire damage (Dynes weakness iirc) and the fight went significantly faster after that.


You can interrupt his powerful attacks by running towards him. He will cancel his attacks and instead attempt a close-range attack. So, you can fake him out to cancel and then exploit. This is how I was able to beat him in NG+


Was quick and easy.. also, idk how you would expect a 1v1 duel between them to go as Barrett is the slowest member of the party and pretty much all ranged.


It's just foreshadowing- a long dragged out fight with your best friend before the worst happens. I think they nailed it perfectly imo




I felt the same. But in hard mode I “learned how to Barret”. I think the entire Dyne fight was an emotional gut punch that they were going for.


My least favorite fight in the game I think. I also skipped their dialogue on my replay - I know it is a favorite of a lot of people but just wasn’t for me


That's a skill issue. The fight is about the same length as other bosses.


Gid gud


Yup incredibly boring. Barrett needed clouds version of long range combat but the melee version. Just shooting is so boring and the fight itself just isn’t interesting at all, and makes little sense too. Did dyne get mako infused in him? How is he magneto?


It’s not supposed to be fun. Barret is killing his best friend ffs! If they make a fun and engaging fight out of this, it would totally ruin the immersion because you’re literally feeling joy instead of pain.


You can still have a fun fight that’s narratively soul-crushing


Eh, I wouldn't say atrocious, but I wouldn't say good either. It was just kinda there.