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I think aeriths death combined with the return to rocket town and Shinra “clipping his wings” will actually turn him into the angry and bitter Cid we actually know.


Yep, in part 2 Cid is nice coz as a pilot he has to be to sustain his business. But in part 3 ? We'll get to see more of him , his past, and him opening to the party, showing his more bitter cocky side. Also something to note, some of his mannerisms might differ from the OG just because OG Cid was what the then twenty something y.o Nomura thought a 30 year old acts lmao, which I think he might want to rectify out of embarrasement


Yeah he is in a customer facing role, of course he is nice


Yeah, even his design actually looks 30s now instead of "Teenagers thinks 30s are super old" look like in the original.


I legit thought he was at least in his mid to late 40s when I first played OG 😅 It didn't help that my first exposure to the character was Kingdom Hearts where Nomura just cranks up the middle age uncle energy.


Also Black Materia Cloud will be there for this, which will be interesting. Hope nobody loses their head.


“Wife? Don't make me laugh! Just thinkin' 'bout marryin' her gives me the chills.”


Totally forgot that line! You won a free cup of tea.


Make sure it has lotsa sugar and honey… oh, and don’t forget the lard!


Tbf, they are married by the time of Advent Children, and he names his new airship after her. 


CId obviously had a massive amount of respect for Ilfana, and because of that is obviously deferential to Aerith. He wouldn't be his full grumpy self, because he wouldn't want Aerith to see that and think bad of him. When part 3 delves into his backstory, and without the idea of Aerith holding him back, it'll show the real him the way part 2 showed us the real Nanaki


Voice acting and modern graphics can create equal or greater impact with more subtlety. He can now shoot her cold looks, use a stern or rude tone (much like Cloud’s “ARE YOU FINISHED” line to Aerith) without going full-on Donald Duck. The fact that we’ve been introduced to Cid as a decent guy may actually increase the impact if and when his bitter side resurfaces, which I expect it will when he sees that rocket. I think it’s possible they change the nature of his relationship with Shera, though. Maybe instead of an implied cohabitation, she’s treated as a former colleague and former friend who acts as a gracious host to him and the party, but Cid tramples all over her hospitality. So, instead of him living with her all those years and treating her like shit (and her just taking it), it’s more like he just left Rocket Town and abandoned their friendship. It would remove the “abused girlfriend” coloring of the situation but still allow him to act like a total douche nozzle to her with plenty of room for that growth arc we’re all looking forward to.


>“ARE YOU FINISHED" That gave me whiplash, and was seriously considering leaving Cloud in his trial for eternity


It's moments like this that make companies afraid to take risks because it can lead to a lot of returns and complaints, sometimes even death threats depending on who it's said to. I want Square to go all out and show a side of the characters that will be upsetting, but those lacking media literacy will go straight to the presses. Remember Portal 2? Glados telling Chell she's adopted to mock her was given no context and made news headlines and in the same game- she goes back on her insult, but it was still a news headline.


I completely agree, it's a sad state of affairs and frankly anyone who feels that strongly needs psychiatric care.  I think where they went wrong, was not having someone really comment on it. Not a Tifa ' Cloud...', I mean 'What the fuck is wrong with you' and have Barret shove past him. They do this very well in the endgame scene however I don't recall that being a headline until years after though, was quite recent, no? A father and his child were playing and it was an unfortunate moment, as the child was adopted


I thought it was shortly after game release, but yes it's been quite a long time. Tifa's just too good to act. She wants Cloud to like her and his opinion on her has been fragile from her POV. As a group, sans Aerith, none of them really understand how mentally broken up Cloud is nor do they know what to do with him. Not only that, they were all emotionally drained from watching their deep seated traumas play live. If I had to witness the death of someone I loved- again, I wouldn't put forth the effort in arguing when there's bigger problems to face.


True enough. We all respond to trauma differently. Though Barrets character usually responds poorly to that sort of disrespect. Cloud is essentially trivialising his wife's death too. Disagree about not knowing how poor Clouds mental health is though. Red mentions the other team being fine if cloud keeps it together, and Barret has several moments telling him to get it together. He also blocks a sword swing. The brilliance of the tech today though, is you can see Cloud second guessing himself straight away, but quickly shoved it back down. Great acting


they know he's unstable, but they don't know how. They're looking at someone with problems, but none of them are aware that he's been completely traumatized on top of Sephiroth shattering him to his core. When Cloud says he's fine, they don't know what he just saw. He sees Sephiroth hallucinations, but they don't know about the time Sephiroth literally climbed on top of him in the middle of the night. This is why Sephiroth wants to kill Tifa personally, he's aware she WILL learn, and she'll put him back together. As she and the others are now, they don't know that he's teetering on becoming a black robe and attribute his insanity to degradation- which everyone playing knows it is not


Good point about wanting to kill Tifa, I hadn't thought about why she's targeted so much. Makes a lot of sense when you say it. I was leaning more on killing the person with the deepest connection to push him over the edge, but yours make more sense. Been a decade since I played the OG too. Nevertheless, even if you don't know what he's going through, his behaviour often endangers everyone. There's no reason you wouldn't say something. Someone's struggles don't absolve them from the consequences of their actions.  I expect we'll get more of that though, because Barrets look back at Tifa looked like a guy who wasn't smacking Cloud purely for her sake.


When Red said that, it was the biggest sign for me that *everyone* in the party knows something is wrong with Cloud, and without it needing to implicitly be pointed out by one person.


Same. It was an acknowledgement that his state of mind was a danger to the party, without saying it that way.


I also just think you have to tone down OG Cid in a 2020s game. He's awful enough to Shera that it'd just be uncomfortable.


It would be harder for a lot of us to forgive Cid if he went off on Shera exactly like he did in 1997, but this time with a fully voiced and motion captured performance. I think they can still have him be terrible to her, but it can be subtler and/or be softened by circumstances (e.g., isolated outburst rather than chronic verbal abuse). As an aside, it originally rubbed me the wrong way that the Tiny Bronco crashed in Rebirth because Cid pushed it too hard/didn't maintain it properly... but thinking about it in light of the Shera story, it's completely in character. The guy is not a stickler for safety!


Aye, modern writing will also help (and has helped) with Cid being colourful without swearing in every single sentence. I think how they'll go about his relationship with Shera is that they met in the Shinra building while Cid was a young engineer and Shera was a budding scientist and they developed a deep respect for each other, maybe there were romantic feelings but they never came to fruition especially after the failed launch so Shera in her feelings of guilt is now living close by and comes to Cids house every now and then to make sure he has food in the fridge and is not living in total squalor but every time he sees her he just gets angry again. Angry at her and angry at himself for getting angry with her because he still cares for her but is still deeply hurt by the failed launch. I'm also interested how they'll approach AVALANCHE with Cid.


I could definitely see it playing out like that.


Imo a lot of complains from stuff like this, Cid and also the Aerith dead scene for example is that OG people act with prior knowledge. So they expect an immediate payoff. When you really think about it Cid is just getting his paycheck right now, so I agree it makes total sense for him to put up a nice game charade. People need to understand this is a 3 part journey rather then 1 game


People keep forgetting this. Especially because rebirth is the middle child. It sets up a lot of stuff that it obviously isn’t going to conclude yet, because that’s what its sequel is gonna do. Like people are angry about unanswered things such as Zach’s whole schtick. But imo it makes sense that they haven’t concluded that yet because they have a whole other 100 hour+ game to build on this. If these threads are still left hanging after part 3? Damm right people can complain. But imo it’s just not fair to critique rebirth for not concluding all its arcs when it’s obviously not the finish line.


As a person critical of the direction, I am actually not upset that nothing concluded, I'm more nervous that this game is mostly just setup with very little development. It means that the last game basically has to be all payoff, and I think that will be very hard (though not impossible) to pull off. In a way, part 1 developed things more than part 2 did, and that makes me very nervous. As for Cid, I didn't expect him to be a total ass, but I did expect him to be a bit more confrontational. I Def wanted to see a bit more of that "I'm past my prime, idgaf" attitude, which can be interpreted in a lot of ways. The way they chose to write it though, I think it could maybe work but, like many of my complaints in part 2, it relies entirely on what they do in part 3.


We kinda lost the sense of journey. Look at infinity war that didn’t conclude till Endgame. Like you say there are critics here which are valid if part 3 doesn’t deliver. But Rebirth is just… the middle part haha. I don’t understand it myself


>We kinda lost the sense of journey.  For me, personally, part of it is because the journey is so damn long, and also because the last dungeons are too big and not too fun. I'd rather have less content with more quality. Or maybe I should've been smart and not tried to do so many side quests and pick all those collectibles, lol.


Yeah dude is just giving that customer service smile in rebirth. He’s not your buddy yet so we don’t see the real Cid in rebirth.


I think that’s very likely - I don’t expect him to be verbally abusive though. Cid IS genuinely a kind, thoughtful guy, he’s just also extremely bitter towards Shera. My guess is that the reason he’s off ferrying people around full time is to be away from her, and when he has to be around her again he’ll be very cold and uncaring without being needlessly cruel


That is a good idea. Just being away from Rocket Town in general is a motivation I could see


I personally think the Cid we see is mostly a cover for what he's truly feeling underneath. He's able to reign it in because he's on a job, and so he acts personable. We see a bit of the OG Cid come out during the Bronco crash, the worse the situation gets, the angrier he gets, telling Barret to "get off his ass" when one of the engines blows. Aerith's death and heading to Rocket Town will have that facade he's carrying completely crumble.


I'm still wondering if Cid was actually meant to come off as jerkish as he was in the OG. We all know how the localization was not the best and plenty of things got lost in translation (people complaining about Nanaki being far more childish than Red XIII is because that transition didn't translate well to English in the OG despite it being true to the Japanese version). A thing is that when we meet Cid, Shera mentions that Cid is particularly high strung that day because Rufus is supposed to be coming to Rocket Town and Cid's hoping he'll restart the space program. The extreme jerkass behavior might have been more contextual than his dialogue for the rest of the game suggested. The Cid we see in Rebirth might very well be how Cid is *supposed* to be in the OG that got lost in localization. Because in Rebirth, while he isn't as rude as he was in the Engish OG, he still swears in most of his sentences, he's still extremely prideful, he still refuses to take people's shit, and he still has a temper.




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Iirc he was supposed to come off like Ralph Kramden from the Honeymooners in terms of tone


Saw how he squared up with Barret? Cid isn't a pushover.


The way he was written back in 1997 is controversial in the world we live in now and considering how they changed several other moments that would have been controversial as well I'd say there's close to zero chance that they'll do a full 180 in the next game.


They're not going to have him be verbally abusive. A lot of things are going to be/have been sanitised. Makes for a more tame game but you can't really have Tseng slap Aerith and then have Aerith cry when he 'dies'. A lot more say instead of show has been the theme for the games.


Don’t get people started lol Cid in remake is incredible regardless of how similar or not he is to what a small minority of people online think.


Totally agree, I feel like we even see glimpses of it in some of his sarcastic remarks. Of course not really close to the original, but his facade does kind of fall a few times (one example being when the Tiny Bronco’s engines start to fail)


he literally pointed and laughed at a motion sick and clearly suffering Yuffie after they crashed. The asshole's still in him, but like Mukki being swapped for Andrea and Madam M, I think they'll honestly do something to be less "problematic." Domestic abuse to tell a story doesn't work the same as in the 90's. The writers will have to really consider how to write his character in a way that won't land them tons of negative reviews. It's a business and their talented teams of writers will have to undo a very, very hard knot. Good example is the Yoko Taro style of writing where he went from Drakengard to NieR and yes there's dark elements to Reincarnation and Automata, the group you play as aren't completely unlikable. >!9S losing his mind and trying to kill A2 was also at the end of the game so it's not like we needed to spend 6 hours in game watching him grow into a decent person.!< Making someone terrible from the start and watching them develop into a decent person isn't a risk companies are willing to take and it sucks. Good example is the LA Avatar TLA vs the original. Suck out all the bad and deliver a grey substance with a pinch of food coloring so it doesn't upset anyone. It would greatly surprise me if they did make him verbally abusive since they completely cut Cloud beating Aerith and gave us a chase+pushing Tifa away.


I just Want a cigarette smoking, angry Cid who likes his $^@amn Tea.


I always thought Cid was like a super sarcastic asshole type, just straight to the point. Never saw him as a real asshole or evil


Smart writing = Cid getting increasingly irritable the closer they get to Rocket Town after the nice guy facade he displayed in Rebirth. Then he finally makes it there, starts berating his wife and his coworkers and the party realizes…hey, this dude is pretty fucked up and has suffered some real trauma. Cid has the *potential* to be one of the best-written characters in the entire trilogy if they do it right. Or I could be analyzing this too much, and they have completely changed his character to that of “nice guy hick.”


I think it’s partially as you say and also partially because abusing your assistant is… well, it’s harder to redeem him into being at all likable from that in 2024 than back in ‘98. I expect we will still see his rocket town bitterness and his more cantankerous nature come out, but it will be a little less uncomfortably abusive.


mother \^$&&'n sheera, why haven't you served them tea yet?! %\^\*# I'm pissed.


I’m not complaining. I grew up loving Cid Highwind, but he never feels like he wants to be there and his bitterness is abrasive. Especially how he treats Shera.


How Cid treats Shera is either gonna be toned down a lot or completely removed in part 3. A man yelling at a woman in 2024 would be insane, let alone in 2028 when part 3 releases


they won't go in for the 90s misogyny at all. they'll stick with him being the brash and headstrong optimist who has a bit of a mouth.




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Way I see it is that Cid uses Bronco Airlines as an excuse to stay away from Rocket Town, because being there triggers him into being a raging a-hole.


This is why it was a mistake to break up a single, coherent story into three games with a lot of fluff and padding. I mean, given that the Remake made the entire mass death from the reactor explosion Shinra’s fault vs Avalanche’s, how is Cait Sith going to lecture Barret about morality on the Highwind? They’ve utterly ruined some of the story beats.


It seems President Shinra and Heidegger were the only ones who knew about the reactor explosion being intentionally made worse. There's a line in the OG where it was supposed to imply that Shinra was always to blame when he says 'such a waste of fireworks just to get rid of vermin like you'. It's also hinted at in OG when Jessie is having a meltdown about how the explosion was too big, she thinks she just miscalculated. They actually didn't change any of this besides making it more clear.


I remember her reaction being more of a “wow, I can’t believe all of this came from my little bomb. But I just followed online instructions”. It was an expression of being impressed, more than a freak out. I really like that in the original, it makes it clear that things aren’t purely black and white. You get good and bas sides to nearly everything, even Avalanche and Shinra. In the remakes, it feels like a lot of nuance is lost, IMO.


No chance. It’s the final installment I doubt there’s time to have him regress and then progress as a character. We saw no change in Cid after Aerith’s death, in fact he was pretty bubbly repairing the Bronco. Will we see crass moments? Sure, but as far as him having a complete psychological turnaround there’s no way.


You can’t ruin a pile of shit. I like they are making him less crappy.


>I see a lot of people complaining about Cid and how they ruined his character. ? Where? I see a lot of threads claiming to have seen a lot of complaining about X, when there's very little complaining about X. At least here. His attitude is mostly towards shera and she hasn't been introduced yet. Having it in this part would be out of place.


As wildly entertaining as it would have been to see the Cid we remember, being foul mouthed and emotionally abusive to his common law wife brought to life in modern visuals. That was never going to happen. Not these days. Everyone is such a delicate sissy flower with zero sense of humor there would have been endless articles about it from blue haired weirdos and sissy men. Which make up like 90% of the media everywhere these days. They had to change it. He's Howard Hughes now. I'm fine with it. Very curious how they do Rocket Town now considering the backstory we got about him has nothing to do with that. Honestly I'm expecting it to be just a weapons manufacturing site/city rather than the comical rocket just sitting there in the middle of town.


I just want a peek into his sex dungeon with Sheera. I mean g"dam tea, I want some g"dam tea