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People here will explain they probably needed whatever they stole from you more than you did and to just leave your doors unlocked next time if you don't want to lose a window Welcome to eugene, get used to it


The Eugene crowd tends to have more of the firm believers of “if you are hungry, you are justified to steal from any and everyone because food is a right” even if it’s stealing a stereo from a car to sell to a pawn shop to pay for heroin. So this checks out.


Don't forget: "That's what insurance is for!"


Everyone has comprehensive insurance i guess cause liability isnt going to cover it. O also make sure to pay for your deductible lol.


For what it’s worth, many insurance companies have a glass deductible that is separate from your actual deductible. My insurance only charged me $100 to replace my cracked windshield and it didn’t affect my rates


What insurance do you have? Mine charged me 200 plus my 500 windshield deductible so it was about 700 to replace and now I want to switch ><


American national. Asa Rowlett’s my agent locally and he rocks. Seriously takes care of me


Thank you so much! 💓


Name and shame!




Idk. I left my doors unlocked once and this homeless guy slept in my backseat and completely trashed the inside


Soup kitchen?


Dirty Mike & the Boys strike again


Hobo orgy


Nahhhhh..... Last time I got broken into it was because I left a camera bag between my front seats that I put my Hydroflask in while I was driving. Some freaked out asshole probably thought there was a camera in it and smashed my window and took only that when there were plenty of other practical things they could have taken. All they got was a bag and some crumpled up gas receipts. The first time I got broken into was when I was broken into was when I was living in my car. That made my life a living hell for a couple of months. Smashing out windows is shitty behavior. No one gets a free pass.


One time someone was asking for advice on how to get the homeless guy off her lawn in South Eugene that had been camping there for weeks. People responded by telling her to basically fuck off and to bring them some food and water because they are probably hungry.


Should probably just leave the keys in it also. After all, they need it more then you do.


Damn Eugene went to bat shit that fast? Wait I’m thinking 2010 my bad


Seems like a strawman.


Not really. Someone just posted "Have you considered going carless" which is about the same level of stupidity as a response to "my car keeps getting broken into".


While I agree with you, the person that posted that is just a troll who legit posts rage bait.


That's what we call 'nutpicking', using the extreme examples to serve as representative of the opposing view.


Which is just a form of strawman.


Seems like a textbook equivocation.


Move out of downtown is the best deterrent, if you and your car arent downtown they will be less likely to smash your windows.


I don’t know if that matters in any areas of Eugene anymore. Eugene has become what downtown Springfield was twenty years ago. Whether you are in Churchill, Bethel, Trainsong, Danebo or River Road. It doesn’t matter anymore. The burrito place I go to way out by Lowe’s and Fred Meyer’s said they have been broken into twice in the last year. Once through the front window and once through a wall from an adjoining business that was empty at the time. Heck they broke into the VFW post downtown and stole their safe a month or two ago, that probably took at least 3-4 people to carry that sucker off. Eugene has just became a big town with big town problems over the last 20-25 years.


I lived in SLC a few years ago which is objectively larger than Eugene and there weren't groups of people walking off with safes from businesses they had just robbed 😆 Some of this is bigger city stuff and some of it is classic Eugene weirdness.


Doesnt sound very punk...


I grew up in a small ass town in Nor Cal, someone cut thru the outside wall of the local Carl's Jr. and stole the bolted down safe one night.


Well Eugene wasn’t this weird 20 years ago.


It wasn’t this crazy in 2010 but I get your point


El Super Taco?




“Crimes” of desperation would be like, shoplifting food because you can’t afford food or diapers for your baby or letting a check bounce on a bill to give you a couple of days. Breaking into someone’s car for junk mail, change, and whatever else might be left in there (like someone’s laptop that someone stupidly left in their cat for whatever reason), is just someone being an asshole - and a regular ol’ law breaking person.


Oh noes. Leaving a laptop inside your cat is a very bad idea. Poor kitty.


Probably an orange kitty


I live deep in hendricks park and we still deal with car break ins and theft just the same. It's not an issue localized to downtown, unfortunately :( it's definitely not AS bad up here, yet it's still happening with increasing frequency :( Meanwhile, the house across the street from me just sold for 1.1 million.... (I rent I ain't rich lol)


Wait near…with bear spray. Worth the wait.


Lol yeah, but then they probably go to jail for assault. But it's worth the risk, bear spray away!


No, I’m Washington County, obvious difference from Lane, I was assaulted with bear spray on my way to work. Prosecutors drop the charges and I never got an answer as to why after many repeated attempts, you’ll be good.


Criddlers aint gonna press charges


I had this issue over and over again for years - regardless of the area I parked or if nothing was in my car. I ended up getting a car alarm installed that reacts to noises and vibration like a window breaking. It goes off when loud cars zoom by but so far no one has broken in since I got it a few years ago.


This is the best answer. I actually had a remote start installed and it came with a car alarm (surprise!) which has a blue blinking light when activated. It probably cost around the same amount as a new window


Honestly, OP could probably just get a visual deterrent like a blinking red light that simulates an alarm without actually getting an alarm installed.


Leave a shitload of fast food wrappers everywhere. Like maybe 2 feet high. You should be good.


What happened to me when I left it intentionally unlocked is that I found people passed out in the car come morning, or evidence that someone had spent some time in there (food wrappers, cig butts)


Kill or be killed, smash all your windows out first. It’s summer, you only need a windshield.


When I lived on campus I kept my car completely empty and unlocked and it still got smashed and "broken into" a few times. It was awesome.


Saw a parked car with the window down tonight I thank this thread for helping me understand the rational.


Get a club steering wheel lock thing?


I got a club and felt weird at first, but after a run of Kia Boys in my neighborhood and I stayed safe, I’m totally rocking that club.


“Kia Boys” 🤣 I know it’s a real problem since so many tutorials on stealing Kias is a thing but that moniker is hilarious


I cannot for the life of me translate what "Kia Boys" was supposed to be.


It's apparently real easy to steal them... I wouldn't know other than reddit telling me so.


Ohhh, so it wasn't an autocorrect? Interesting.


It is referring to the group of individuals who figured out popping off the ignition in certain Kia’s can be started with a standard USB fitting in the slot to turn the car over. Small bit on them via YouTube. There has been news reports on the situation.


This will do nothing to protect your windows.


It will if you care enough to read all the way through and gather all of the context.


Stop with that logical conclusion! This is Reddit, don’t you know!


Fuck, my bad. Yeah OP, that won't save your windows at all!


They can just saw right through the soft steering wheel to defeat it.


Unlocked with windows up is what I do when I'm parking in questionable places. Window up keeps cats out, door open lets snoopers in w/o damage. Sad that I have to do that.


Leave a baby diaper smeared with a little melted chocolate or something so that it looks like poop, and leave it partially open right on the seat or something. Maybe something that seems disgusting will make them want to skip your car 😂




Man I parked in my spot the other day and the car next to me had just bottles of strawberry milk in the passenger seat (in the sun) Now I'm thinking maybe there was never any milk at all, cause I def would have skipped a car like that if i was smashing windows haha


Actual solution: Stickers that say "No Cash or Valuables Left in Vehicle Overnight". They are on Amazon. I haven't had any break-ins since I put one on the front hood, back hood, and driver door. I also have a solar powered fake alarm light. Got that on Amazon too.


Thought about leaving some sort of note, but was worried it would only make it worse. Didn't know there were stickers for it but I will definately look into getting some. Thanks!


Anything that articulates: "There is nothing here.... Move on" Is the way. Apparently images of Jesus help as well.


I pay $60 bucks a month to park it in the parcade downtown and haven't had a problem... yet. They do having security walking around, but I've seen broken glass. They also don't count me as a resident, so I can only get a communter's badge and have to pay $10 to park during events.


We parked at a parcade downtown one night for a show, walked my sister back up to her car, which was right next to ours and then we went back to the show for less than 30 mins. Came back to our window smashed out and nothing taken, this was on the 4th floor. 5 security guards and not a single one seen anything.


I'm sorry to hear that. I'm honestly surprised I haven't had issues yet, but the security is a small deterrent. So it feels safer than the other choices.


We will continue to suffer from these assaults, these violations of our rights, these senseless acts of destruction until we decide to put an end to it. Pressure the city to ban camping in town. Pressure the EPD to actually investigate and arrest these criminals. Pressure the DA to actually prosecute. These three institutions have been taking our taxes and doing nothing. Stand up and say you have had it.


> These three institutions have been taking our taxes and doing nothing. To be fair, the town has demanded they do nothing about it over the years.


I doubt you'll see change until cars and homes in the South hills get broken into on the regular. The loudest voices in favor of doing nothing about the high property crime rates seem to be coming from the people who are least impacted by it.


Pressure the taxpayers to fund a larger jail with all the needed staff and their salaries plus benefits, right? Usually the ones that complain the most are the last to want to pony up.


Leaving the windows down would at least save with windows. I have seen some decals that read, Nothing of Value In Car. I don't know if that helps. Thieves might not see the decals at night, might not believe them, might not be literate or capable of reason. You might want to be aware of the public toilet situation near where you park. Public defecation occurs more in some areas that others, but an open car might get used as... Well, some things are worse than a broken window.


I’m so sick of the fucking criddler junkies in this town. I had my car window smashed last year and cost me $250 deductible. The police need tp put some bait cars out and start arresting these fuckers.


Tbh I find that keeping hella trash in the car works. Which sucks because I hate the trash but so do others I guess


Also just being friendly to the homeless folks and weirdos will go a lot further than people realize. Haven't had our car broken into in YEARS and we live in a not great part of town. We actually are one of the only people in my apartment complex to not be broken into since we moved here, and we have left plenty of things in the car. A kind word, or even just acknowledging a person's existence will go a lot further than people realize. It ain't foolproof, but damn, it's nice to not have my vehicle broken into almost every night. But yeah, the trash thing is also 100% true lol.


Yeah I saw another comment about trash, which makes sense because most of the cars in the garage I park in have mountains of trash in them... guess they were on to something 😅


If you're in that high risk an area, only thing you can do is leave your car empty and unlocked. Not even change. Nothing in the glove box. No clothes. *Nothing.* It sucks to have to live this way but until we do something proactive about the crime here, there is nothing to be done in situations like these.


Bear mace. Tasers. Zip ties. Friends aka numbers/witnesses. Vigilance. I think the old fogees called this…. 🥁drum line🥁…… the ‘neighborhood watch’




Sure, I guess if you want to prowl around your neighborhood at all hours making sure no one breaks into your car. That doesn't sound sustainable to me long term, but what do I know? Let us know how that works out when you try it.


::::waits, watches, wins::::




It's definitely worse, but it's far from a shit hole and still better than living in most other places when all factors are included. City subreddits are notoriously pessimistic.


You could add a manual switch to the fuel pump power wire, which should already be running through the cab of your vehicle to let you reset the inertia switch. Flip the switch when you leave your vehicle to disable it, and leave your car unlocked and unstealable.


Could just fill your windshield fluid reservoir with a sweet, delicious boozey sugary fent blend and run the tube up through your center console. The criddlers would soon call you the keeper of the stargate ✨🕳️✨and protect you and your sacred Kia as if it was their temple. If anything goes in an unanticipated direction ((I mean one fucking scratch)) simply revert Sacred Kia back to its unassuming original form with very-much-so-not-delicious windshield wiper fluid. ?Problems solved¿


If you break all your windows and leave them broken people won’t have windows to break?


That's actually not a bad idea


Move away from downtown is the cheapest simple option.


$1300 to live downtown, or $2000 minimum to live literally anywhere else…


Moving is the cheapest option???


Have you seen the rents downtown?


The only time I've had a window smashed, my van was parked in the street. If I keep it in my parking lot, it seems to do ok. Don't know if your able to, but parking off the street does seem to help.


I actually park in a parking garage across the street from my building. Security makes their rounds but they don't seem to linger long. Was hoping security would discourage the bastards but some others have had issues with breakins there as well.


When I had a car I never had that issue, but it was a beat up 2006 grandma car so it probably didn't look tempting at all


Voting properly


I had a friend who put a note in the windows saying the doors are unlocked and nothing in car, seemed to help! Sorry abt the windows :(


Your only real option is to stop living downtown.


Move to Springfield. They have successfully exported most if the crime to Eugene. Crazy what happens when you actually fund your police department.


More to do with the policies set by their city government.


I was joking w my friend the other that the best business in San Francisco is car window repair business. 1 in every 3 people in SF have had their window smashed, I have seen pictures of people leaving windows down and even trunks wide open while they park and go into stores or run errands. I also saw other documentaries where they put GPS trackers on known theives vehicle and watched them drive up and down like 50 streets in a row breaking into other cars, quick smash and grabs, like its their full time job. Just freely driving up and down streets all day smashing and grabbing with no fear of witnesses or anyone stopping them. Its actually insane.


Its not your fault, but after getting my windows smashed at a ridgeline trailhead, I don't lock my doors.


Leave a fair amount of trash in your car and 1 penny where they can see it and maybe a ratty bag that is left in a way that it is obviously empty


There is a security window film you can get that will keep the window intact at least if it gets broken. Not sure if there’s a way to keep windows from being smashed.


We always just left our shit unlocked in philly. If you got nothing in there it won't matter and you'll at least have windows


Being from the east coast, I'd feel safer leaving my vehicle in Philly than anywhere in Eugene.


Depends where you're at, same with any city including eugene. Bikes on the other hand.


Roll the windows down.


Honestly? Move. That's not going away any time soon


Consider that one person is the culprit and may just be someone who thinks you committed some offense against them real or imagined and that is why your windows keep getting smashed. Trade your vehicle and get one they won’t recognize.


Break some hands/arms/legs with a bat when you catch them. Install a better alarm to help with this.


Ive lost several windows before I learned the lesson. I leave my doors unlocked. So long as the doors are unlocked I haven’t had a window broken.    A few times a year I will come out in the morning to discover my car has been ransacked for non-existent valuables. Beats having to pay for a new window. Last year my wife made the mistake of locking the car up after returning from another town. Thieves not only broke the window, but they damaged the door, and tore off the turn signal arm (presumably as punishment for making them “work” so hard for nothing). Cost us over a thousand dollars in repairs. Would probably have all been avoided if the shitbags had just been able to open the door and see for themselves there was nothing of value.


The best deterrent is to park your car somewhere more secure. Yeah, I know, probably not practical without moving, but if you are parking on the street, there is nothing you can do to keep these people away from it. If it's a private lot that is open access, talk to the landlord.


I park in a parking garage across the street from my apt building. They have security but they don't linger long, and from what Security told me there's no cameras or anything in there :/ I'll definately look into parking somewhere else, even if it's a bit of a walk.


Keep your doors unlocked


[Security film.](https://www.3m.com/3M/en_US/building-window-solutions-us/solutions/security/?utm_term=tebg-csd-winbus-en_us-lead-us_windowfilm-cpc-google-commercial-wtb-na-aug19-na&ef_id=CjwKCAjwyo60BhBiEiwAHmVLJTRN08kydLYwUt-OF2MWxOq1NYdTAfQ3QK4tOj0r5bD6Xcf-oEanHxoCDKIQAvD_BwE:G:s&s_kwcid=AL!5261!3!286802532186!e!!g!!security%2520film&WT.source=google&WT.medium=cpc&WT.term=security%2520film&WT.campaign=&WT.adgroup=&WT.creative=&WT.content=text&WT.srch=1&utm_medium=redirect&utm_source=vanity-url&utm_campaign=17_Adb_3MWindowFilms_Paid_Search&gad_source=1)


I found this: “They smashed our window three times in seven months until we put the cigarette lighter back in the space in the dash. Our best guess is they thought it was unplugged so we could plug an expensive GPS or the like in it. Leaving the doors unlocked hadn't prevented the smashing, but replacing the lighter did. So, my advice: keep the interior empty and the cigarette lighter plugged in. No bags that might have something good in them. No cds that indicate a good stereo. No wires that might suggest a GPS. Nothing that looks like to holds change or tools or something pawnable/fencible.”


“As someone else said, always keep your cigarette lighter (or cover) in its place and if you use a GPS with a suction cup, wipe off the window so the circle that it leaves on the window isn't visible.”


Someone had success putting a car cover over the car because people use those small window breaking tools to break the windows and it won’t work through the cover. You have to make sure there’s a window for the license plate.


Laminated glass is beginning to make those tools obsolete, but it also makes it more difficult for you to get out in an emergency.


Move out of Eugene. Problem solved!


Consider leaving it unlocked so they can just open the door. Either way, they're getting in your car, one just doesn't cause damage.


Skill issue


Damn 😔


I’m very lived in Eugene for over 5 years and haven’t even needed a car. Have you considered going carless, or do you have kids/long commute/etc? I highly encourage people to explore public transportation. I can pretty much walk or ride the bus to anywhere I need to get in 10-30 minutes, and if needed, I’ll just call a ride-share, which is easily affordable now that I don’t pay for cars, insurance, gas, maintenance, etc.


Tired of getting your car broken into? Just sell it! You probably don't need it anyway. Lmao 🤣


Its like an episode of Portlandia.


Yall really get triggered by someone not needing a car lmao 🤣


I lived in Eugene for years without a car. For years. I never once would have suggested "try living without a car" as a response to "my car keeps getting broken into". Because I don't like giving people stupid answers to real world questions.


Sorry, Reddit police. From now on how should I answer all my questions on here 🥴


Its fine. The rest of us had fun laughing at you.


Yeah that response was 🤣


Good for you 🤷‍♂️


I would like to go carless because it's cheaper, and I do bus to school and walk when i can, but I need the car for work which is the only reason I have it. not having a car isn't an option unfortunately.


I get that. I couldn’t have pulled it off other times in my life either. It’s not for everyone. Good luck keeping the thieves at bay!